Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mackenzie Phillips: FRAUD

By now I’m sure you all have seen or at least heard of former child/teenstar actress Mackenzie Phillips’ account of drug addiction and more importantly, her multi-year incestuous relationship with her father, one of the founders of the 60s music group Mamas & Papas. Among the many places she’s hawking her book, have been Larry King andof course, Oprah.

Phillips asserts that she was first raped by her father after a night of boozing and taking drugs with him, and after that continued an ongoin sexual relationship for years until, as a married woman, she had reason to believe she was pregnant by him, and aborted the baby. According to her, this effectively ended their incestuous affair.

Of course, the big problem about all this, is that her father is not able to refute or even speak to any of this, as he’s DEAD, and curiously enough, only her younger sister seems to support her; all the other family members don’t or are standoffish on the matter.

So-could astrology give us some clues as to whether Phillips’ claims are indeed legit? Afterall, given that Oprah seems to have problems getting guests who’s stories are straight, and given that Phillips herself has had a long record of drug addiction (read, NOT the most reliable source of information), it makes sense to check in with the horoscope to see if it tallies with the party line.

According to Astro Databank, Mackenize Phillips was born on Nov 10 1959 9.35PM EST Alexandria VA; Placidus 26 Can 54.

Our eye is drawn immediately to two major areas of Phillips’ chart-the Cancer Asc, and the 4 house. In both cases, it is an indication that familial themes loom large in Phillips life one way or another, and upon further inspection we see that Neptune in 4 does indeed speak to Phillips’ "strange family ways"-for example, she was exposed to drugs, by her father, at a very early age. This Neptune placement, also reflects the artistic nature of the family; moreover, study has consistently shown that Neptune angular or in some other way prominent in the horoscope almost always correlates with those who windup working on stage or in movies, in music or in some other way the arts.

But does any of this speak to "incest"? From what I’ve seen over the years, I don’t think so, and here’s why: I have found that womn and youn girls who were sexually assaulted almost always tend to have Mars and Pluto very active in the chart, usually in terms of hard aspect, and often connected to the following houses: 1-7, 5-11, or 4-10. In Phillips’ case, we note that Mars is indeed the ruler of the 10 house (father) and in the 4 in Scorpio-however, it doesn’t make any aspect to Pluto, who just happens to be in he 2 house (money???). Pluto however, does aspect Phillips’ Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius in the 5 house, squaring both.

As any first year astrology student knows well, Mercury-Jupiter aspects are usually known for its tendency to over-exaggerate things. And here, with this conjunction in the 5 house (sex), we can see the possibility of Phillips stretching the truth or even outright making stuff up outta wholecloth, to SELL BOOKS. Why do I say that?

Well, aside from the aforementioned 2 house Pluto squaring the 5 house Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, we also note that Phillips’ Moon is in Aries and in the 9 house-and at the Aries Point to boot. This is a promoter like nobody’s business, and Phillips has been doing just that of late. The 9 house of course, represents publishing of all kinds, hence the appearance of her book, just in time for the recent transit of Pluto squaring this all-important position.

BUT, with transit Saturn about to head into Libra, and opposing her Arian Moon, some hard questioning (3 house) is sure to come, and indeed we’re starting to hear murmers already as to the veracity of Phillips’ statements.

So, as Saturn dips its toe into Libra for the rest of this year, and the early part of next year, and then return for good in the early fall of next year as well, it will be very, very interesting to see how Phillips holds up under the mounting pressure with regard to her allegations of sexual abuse at the hands of her father. Saturn and Pluto acting in tandem on a central point in the horoscope is usally not a very pleasant thing. And it doesn’t augur well for making money either.
Talk about reaping what you’ve sown...whew...

Mackenzie Phillips: FRAUD

You heard it here.


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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Prediction On Violence In Chicago Fulfilled

Last April, I wrote an article taking up the matter of rising violence in the City of Chicago, which appeared on this blog and other astrological venues of interest. The basis of my piece was the incorporation date of the Windy City, sourced by Wikipedia, and in the absence of accurate clocktime data, I used the astrologically customary noontime mark. That yielded an Asc of 4 degrees in Cancer.

Seeking to test the veracity of this Asc Sign, I then sought out other key times in Chicago's history where crime waves were prevelant, and found that in each instance, the Cancer Asc came through quite forcefully. Satisfied that my researches were indeed valid and working, I then wrote the following:

"Prediction: Chicago’s Crime Wave Escalates Over Next Two Years
With an established astro-pattern of crime and violence for Chicago, the short term future for the city does not look bright. Beginning in the Fall of 2009 we can expect the crime rate to rise, yet again in the Windy City, as transit Mars enters Cancer yet again, conjuncting the Chicago noontime Asc, at the same time that transit Pluto has been moving in and out of orb range in opposition to that same all-important Asc Sign and degree. SA Mars=MC Dec 2009, while transit Mars in Leo, slowing down to prepare to go Rx, squares Chicago’s Saturn.

Then, beginning in Jan of 2010 and continuing throughout the first half of the year, we note that transit Saturn will square, and transit Pluto will oppose, the Chicago Asc, while transit Mars, now Rx in Leo, moves to square the city’s Saturn and oppose the city’s Moon, in Jan and again in May of that year. The key period may very well be Apr-Jun 2010, when SA Pluto=Saturn comes into focus. The city administration will be stretched to its limits in its efforts to stem the tide of murder and mayhem on the Windy City’s streets."

'Nuff said, indeed.

However, what I didn't say in my original article, was that the source of the current problems in Chi-Town are easily seen in its chart...

In our astrology, the Moon and Saturn represents the parents - mom and dad, respectively. In the Chicago chart, we note that the Moon is in Aquarius - the eptiome of the "singlemom" - and is in tight square to Saturn (and applying to boot!), which is itself Rx, in Scorpio. And, as if to yet again validate the noontime mark chosen for this chart, note how Saturn is placed in the 5 house (kids, youth), while the Moon occupies the 8 house (death).

We astrologers know and understand very well, that whenever we see either the Lights, or in this case, Luna and Saturn, in hard aspect to each other, that the native's chances of experiencing strained relations between his/her parents are quite high. Furthermore, we also know, that when Saturn is Rx in the horoscope, the chances of the native experiencing the painful absence of his/her father in some major way, is quite high indeed.

All manner of sociological study have shown what happens when there are no fathers in the home - the kids left behind are almost always are significantly highly risk for all manner of social pathologies, including running afoul of the law, teenage pregnancy and promiscuity, and involvement in crime. Simply put, as Larry Elder says so well, more Dads, less crime.


As local and national authorities attempt to grapple with Chicago's crippling crimewave, it remains to be seen whether any of them are willing to skewer the Sacred Cows of Political Correctness and say that we need to restore Patriarchy back to its proper place in Society. Matriarchal-based families, by and large, dont work - not only that, they are often deadly, as recent events in Chi-Town have shown. How many more young people - particularly young Black Males - will we need to loose before we see that the PC Emperors have no clothes?
