Sunday, August 28, 2005

On Conservatism & Liberalism in Astrology Today

On Conservatism & Liberalism in Astrology Today: A Look At America's Red State-Blue State Divide

6:09 AM 8/28/05 Sun

Ever since the 2000 Presidential Elections, the United States has increasingly become more and more sharply divided along partisan lines (as if it couldn't get any worse during the Clinton years!); the events surrounding the Sep 11 Terror Attacks, along with the 2002 Mid-Term and 2004 Presidential Elections has only heightened the rhetoric on both sides. Everyone by now has seen the infamous American map of "Red States" and "Blue States", demarcating by geographic locale, the political climate and resultant positions. Those reside in one area or another, trend toward the prevailing political view, in the main. And those political views, are widely divergent indeed.

Within the American Astrological Community - and by that I mean the professional and semi-professional associations, organizations and groups of all levels of interest, online discussion forums, literature and so on - this divide is not quite so clear to see. That's not because of a willingness on the part of astrologers on both sides of the political divide to work together - far from it. It's because of the hugely monochromatic nature of today's modern astrological environment. And not only is that environment decidedly Left-leaning in orientation, theory and practice, but it is increasingly hostile to any other point of view outside of it. If Astrology is at its essence the mirroring of human events on Earth, then what is occuring in astrology circles today is no more strange than which is occuring in real life for those of who live in the real world. This essay will attempt to explain why I think such a state of affairs exists, and what might happen in the near future regarding it.

An Interesting PremiseIn an recent discussion on the Pan Astrological Forum, an online listserv I founded some 4 years ago, several people were responding to a series of comments I made regarding this very same subject presented in a slightly different way; I coalecesed all of my position points into the experiences I had with a lady astrologer whom I gave the psuedonym "Betty"; it was my argument that she was the living emobodiment of today's American Western astrologer, and all the problems that came with it. Amid the usual rancor and tomato throwing that many of my missives get, an exchange occured between two colleagues of mine that teased out what I considered to be an interesting premise that I want to share with the reader. This is that premise, taken from said exchange between my two colleagues (Jane Axtell and Sam Reynolds), back in July of this year:

"SR: My point is that there really isn't a great level of political variety in the >current American astrological community, as I've stumbled on it.

JA: The helping professions, drawing more on Venus and Jupiter, trendto what is called liberal today. The enforcer professions, drawing moreon Mars and Saturn trend to what is called conservative today. Mostastrologers today are helping profession liberals.

SR: Yes, and that's the problem. Despite how I might sound here and my roiling arguments with Mu, I am unapologetically a Saturn/Mars personality. (They're in mutual reception for Pete's sake, with Saturn in the 1st house in Aries and I'm a Scoprio with a Mars in Capricorn in the 11th house. I can't get more Saturn/Mars!) So I often find Venus/Jupiter types too fuzzy, too Carebear/Strawberry Shortcakish. I'm against the Iraqi War, too. Largely, because I think it's a red herring. However, if the U.S. could really identify it's enemy as a country and this country, indeed, laid claim to targeting 9/11, I would have no problem with this country bombing them into the stone age. None. War is as much a part of the current conception of human nature as peace. (Note: I didn't say human nature by itself. I don't believe it inherently exists.)

SR: In fact, though I am not a Bush supporter myself, I wasn't surprised >that he won the last election. Many astrologers predicted, inaccurately, >that he would lose. This led me to believe that either their astrology >was fuzzy (probable) or that they failed to be in step with the key aspects >of how this nation is working (more probable).

JA: From the long distance, I knew that Bush would win this second termon astrological evidence. This prediction was made before WTC, beforethe Iraq war, and I never had any reason to discard it. However, I am guilty on the second count. I am out of step with key aspects of how this nation is working. I had expected Republicans to be rising up by nowto the end of tossing him out.

SR:Why? Why would you think they would toss the person out who's made them matter?
SR: In war, and again, I don't support this particular war, but Venus and Jupiter types don't get answers out of people, out of soldiers. And how did people think before the tortures became public that the U.S. was gathering intelligence about Al-Qaeda operations? Candy? Torture of civilians is wrong. However, of soldiers or militants caught red-handed, it may very well be a necessity.

JA: I agree that astrologers are class bound and generation bound in our awarenesses. So is nearly everyone else, but given the cosmic nature ofour topic, we expect more here.

SR:... I have a good measure of respect for what fundamentalism and conservatism >represent in American polity and culture. And I don't think this is found reflexively >in modern American astrological culture, unless you want to argue that this exists >in the growing trend of medieval astrology or Vedic.

JA: I am lost here. Astrologically, the 59 year long Jupiter and Saturn cycle mightbe bringing us to an era where emotionalized hearth values, mom and home andapple pie and the little white church with the steeple, will dominate. Is this what you are talking about?

SR: No, not exactly. You used the wrong tense. It isn't WILL dominate. It's here. Astrology flippantly ignores fundamentalism and conservatism, while not tracking its own internal political development. Is the push for medieval and vedic astrologies a push for a conservative set of principles in astrology? That's a genuine question. I'm not sure if it is.

SR: Like it or not, believe it or not, fundamentalism is hotter than ipods and >destined to get even hotter. Other than a trite, idiotic mention of Pluto in >Sagittarius, what are the measured responses and contemplative understandings >of the astrological community to this? JA: I don't believe the "astrological community" exists outside of your imaginationand that of the man called Mu. This too should change as alumni associations produced by the accredited institutions alter our future.

SR: My,aren't we optimistic? I think exactly the converse. As astrology seeks more collusion on the academic levels, it may become more and more distant from what ordinary folk think and feel. In fact, I'm assuming, and I could be wrong, that it's probably a statistical fact that a great number of the troops for "liberal" causes are culled from college campuses or accredited institutions. However, despite the great number of troops on these campuses, and remember this, always: Bush won this election without the support of liberal media or colleges and institutions. Conservatives have realized, aptly, that they have institutions which are more organized, flexible, and accessible than most colleges or liberal think tanks. The Liberal/Left has yet to create enough institutions to tackle this. So I don't think it's just going to happen that the astrological community, by virtue of more accredited institutions, is going to pop up and become more politically charged and sensitive. In fact, I see every indication of the opposite. Geoffrey Cornelius, whose book I'm reading, The Moment of Astrology, is right. The question for astrologers is not just discerning the Jupiter Saturn cycle, but for whom? If the astrology doesn't learn to do that on broader levels, then many of us can look forward to taking our grandchildren to an exciting exhibit at the Smithsonian in 2029 titled "Did She Know It Would Happen?: The death of Astrology in the 21st century"

Four Illuminating PointsA most powerful exchange, that again highlights the key themes that I submit we in the astrological community have to come to grips with. Here is what I take away from this exchange:

1. That, in the main, today's Modern Western astrologer aligns himself/herself much more with the symbolisms of Venus and Jupiter, while the Vedic or Horary astrologer aligns themselves more along the lines of the symbolisms of Mars and Saturn - and that these symbolisms aptly capture the "red state (Mars-Saturn), blue-state (Venus-Jupiter)" political climate of our time

2. That the Liberal/Venus-Jupiter culture and mindset is concentrated in areas and forums where Venus-Jupiter endeavors dominate - the college campus, the media and to a large extent, entertainment. Much of our astrological focus, aspiration and interest are caught up in these areas as well (for example, there has long been an interest and "push" to see astrology in the same regard as such white collar professions as medicine and law; many astrologers have bolstered their knowledge with additional training in psychology and so on; our almost obssessive interest in the "lives of the rich and famous" and so on). Additionally, we can also add that most of the leading voices in the astrological community at this time tend to, from their writings and such, lean more in line with the "blue state" mentality than that of the "red state" (Liz Greene, Jeff Green, Steve Forrest, are names that easily come to mind, just to name a few)

3. That those who favor a more "hardened" approach tend to be somewhat marginalized (Mars-Saturn types tending to be interested in areas of astrology such as Mundane, or Financial, or Horary, or Vedic; disciplines where "hard and fast" rules apply, where empirical evidence is needed and attention to detail is at a premium) in the discourse of ideas in the astrological community; please note the paltry attendance of Mundane, Horary and/or Financial astrology lectures at the big mainstream astrology conferences and so on; the books available on these subjects that pale in comparison to the more "Venus-Jupiter" variety of astrological literature (the almost exclusive market-interest and focus on Natal astrology, Synastry and their psychological implications)

4. That, in a broad sort of way, Venus-Jupiter combinations connote a certain Class, whereas Mars-Saturn pairings denote another; most Liberals tend to be at least marginally middle-class, which means that they have usually had at least some college training and education; whereas Conservatives can be found accross the social and class spectrum, from the least educated manual laborer, to the Ivy League professor (which is RARE to see) with conservative convictions. This would then explain what Sam suggested above, that so many astrologers today are fundamentally out of step with the polity and reality of those who reside in Red State America - a polity that is considerably larger, more influential (at least electorally at this point) and far more substantial than many Blue Staters - astrological and otherwise - might have originally thought. And much of their writing, thinking, speaking, reflects this truth.

An Analysis (And Critique) of The Astrological LeftBy now, it should come as no surprise where I reside on the divide - Mars and Saturn play a prominent role in my life, to say the least. It should also come as no surprise that "Betty" had Venus and Jupiter very prominent in her natus, which again speaks volumes to the theory being advanced within this essay (please see my essay "A (Utterly Ridiculous!) Conversation with "Betty, The Uranian Astrologer" for more on this point). In addition, I have spent cosiderable time, effort and intellectual capital in advancing the premise that so much of what we say, think and do today in the astrological community is at its best, severly limited in terms of its utility to the masses of folk, if not out and out elitist. So much of what we do is taken for granted, so much is assumed, so broad are our pretensions.

Consider, if you will, two of the most talked about areas of Astrology - Vocational and Synastry. Because most (if not ALL) of the leading thinkers in the astrological community today come of the "blue state" mentality, these discussions invariably take on these sensibilities, which may - and more often than not, may not - jibe with the realities of so many Americans. For example, the phrase "Synastry" can really refer to any number of relationship arrangements: traditional marriage, live-in relationship, gay or lesbian relationship. The literature available - and this includes that which is available online as well - would have one believe that all exist in equal measure, that "everyone's doing it". But the reality is that this couldn't be more from the truth. At the very least, the vast majority of Americans believe in the ideal of marriage between a man and a woman, even if they have fallen short of that ideal for themselves. Online venues like bears witness to such an interest and so on. Yet so many of our books and the like on the question of relationship within astrology centers on just that "relationship", a word that nowadays carries at best a mixed bag of meanings, if any at all (and note so many astrological books on this subject rarely if ever, use the word "marriage"). This is why I took issue with an article that Steven Forrest wrote on the subject sometime back, challenging his notions of relationship in these areas on the grounds that his views were pointed at a very limited number of people in the overall fabric of American life, and that indeed, they not only would be inapplicable to that vast majority, they would also be highly offensive.

What about Vocational astrology?-surely, another area that garners much attention and focus. And many of us offer up menus and formulas and how-to's on what astrologically makes one a "doctor, lawyer, Indian chief" - that is to say, that so much of our writing and presentation in this area, again reflects a sort of Venus-Jupiter feel; we spend lots of time dealing with folks who are already in the professions or on their way there. Yet, once again, the vast majority of American polity does NOT work within those professions, and perhaps never will; so many people are laborers, lower-level civil servants, blue-collar workers of various stripes - and it is the rare vocational astrological tract that discusses them beyond a passing mention, often treating such cases as a carnival sideshow oddity. Today's Vocational astrology has a near-obssessive infatuation with America's Creative Class, and it all but has eschewed its more salt-of-the-earth working majority that makes the existence of that vaunted "creative class" possbile in the first place and their often over-blown "trials and tribulations" seem silly and narcissistic by comparison. A Mars-Saturn astrologer would, or at least could, possbily see that. One is hard pressed, based on the evidence up to this point, to believe that a Venus-Jupiter astrologer could or would want to.

And then there's the what I like to call the "Don't Bring Me No Bad News!" divide between Venus-Jupiter and Mars-Saturn astrologers; and there are major, major differences with respect to how each approaches this issue of difficulty and the hard times an astrological client faces. A Venus-Jupiter astrologer's approach is likely to be more along the lines of what at least some psychologists do, in particular the "no value judgement" strategem that so many in our current community espouse; whereas the Mars-Saturn astrologer doesn't hestitate for a second to inform the client that what she's doing is incorrect, and what to do in practical, no nonsense terms to correct it. Please note that I used the word "she" in my example a second ago, and for good reason - it's because the vast majority of paying clients and even casual seekers of astrology overwhelmingly tend to be women. It has been thus for sometime here in the USA and I would suspect other areas of at least the Modern Western World. For these reasons, one could conclude on its face that there is something inherent in Astrology itself that inclines more women toward seeking its insights than men - I would like to argue, especially in the current environment in which Astrology finds itself, the reverse; that it is not the Astrology that isn't as friendly to the male side of the American polity that is at variance, but they WAY in which it is framed, discussed, approached, that has a hard time "going over" with men. Simply put, most men don't want to drone on about feelings and self-esteem and "empowerment" - they want practical, straight-forward advice and strategies to get things done. Period. And today's astrologer - coming out of the Venus-Jupiter School of Political Correctness - just ain't gonna get it. Moreover, far too much of the current astrological discourse and the like falls in line with the basic premise of the Left - that anything that is male and straight is inherently suspect.
Looking Back - And The Road AheadIn the last Century, Astrology in the West saw a huge rebirthing of itself, tearing itself away from its more Old World fatalistic moorings, and embracing a Brave New World of possibilities and potentials. It's rare, if not impossible, to see a modern Western astrology tome use the word "malefic" anymore, and so on. And while there has been some good and positive things to come out that movement started in earnest by Dane Rudhyar, there are also huge problems associated with it as well. Chief of which being, its decided lack of practicality and connection with the common folk, and its often-pie in the sky rhetoric that prevents any of the hardcore truths of Life to come shining through.

On the other hand, in the early 21st Century, a renewed interest has been seen in the astrological styles and disciplines of the Old World, perhaps chief among them being Vedic astrology of ancient (and to a large extent, modern) India; and I note with particular interest, that many of its adherents tend to be male. Many of the postulates and theories of Jyotish rub right up against those "pillars" of modern Western astrological thought that have been thus for at least a half century, if not more - and with Vedic astrology's interest growing substantially in the West (along with more traditional forms of Western astrology, such as Horary and Medieval) it will be most interesting to see how the American polity - clearly a Red State majority - will respond. In the meantime, within the American astrology community itself, the challenge is clear - will it allow for all points of view to be heard, debated, hashed out? Or will the soft censorship of the Left - seen astrologically so clearly in the symbolisms of Venus and Jupiter - prevail?

Time, as always, will Tell (and note that Time is ruled by Saturn - so there IS hope!)...


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Putting Dr. Phil On The Astrological Couch, err, Hotseat...

Putting Dr. Phil On The Astrological Couch, err, Hotseat...

10:50 PM 8/17/05 Wed

Recently, featured the horoscope of Dr. Phil McGraw, better known to the world as "Dr. Phil". The big guy with the Southern drawl tells it like it T-I-Z and is a favorite on TV for several years running. I thought to fill in my thoughts after ADB's brief rundown of his life - and by all means, feel free to chime in with some thoughts of your own!

Dr. Phil McGraw Sep 01, 19507:15 PM CST Vinita, OK Source: RoddenPlacidus Houses 20 Pis 44 ADB: BiographyAmerican psychologist and TV personality known as Dr. Phil. With a practice in Wichita Falls, he and a friend co-founded Courtroom Sciences, Inc. in 1989, a jury-consulting business that worked with lawyers to develop trial strategies. He met Oprah Winfrey in Texas in the late 1990s after she had been sued for libel by a cattle breeders' association. While under the stress of the trial, she consulted McGraw who helped her successfully fight the attack. Impressed by his strategic approach and non-nonsense manner, she introduced him on her show, and his audience appeal led to regular appearances beginning in April 1998. His direct, blunt, practical advice was wildly popular. Author of several books, he began hosting his own nationally syndicated TV help show in the fall of 2002.

MU: Note the strong 7th House emphasis here, with chart ruling Neptune (psychology, Pisces Asc), Mercury (ruling the 3rd - communications, writing, teaching, sales) and Saturn (ruling the 11th - "juries", business in general), suggesting getting ahead through alliances, partnership of some kind. In Apr 1998, Dr. Phil had in his chart SA Pluto=Venus (exact March 1998) and SA MC=Moon (exact April 1998); transit Jupiter, ruling the 9th (courts) and 10th (career highs and lows) in his chart, was crossing the Asc, exact a month later; transit Uranus was exactly square his Moon (excitability with the public, mass appeal). Note the arcs involving the Female Planets, Moon and Venus, this of course relating to Oprah. For the start of his own show, Fall 2002, SA Saturn=Moon (ambition brought forward) and SA Asc=Moon (popularity with the public, especially women).

ADB: McGraw was one of four children and the only son of a salesman ad his wife. The family moved often in McGraw's youth, following his father's sales jobs, and there were lean times of unemployment. His father became a commercial pilot and later, at age 40, became a psychologist. Young Phil went to college on a football college. There he decided to follow in his father's footsteps and earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees in psychology, ultimately obtaining his doctorate, from North Texas State University.

MU: Using the 10th as the father, we see that Sag is there, and the ruler Jupiter, is in Pisces in the 12th and Rx. This all fits - Sag certainly is the "traveling salesman" and "commercial air pilot"; Jupiter Rx suggests that the father ideally is "off the track" somehow, that his true path lie in the deep recesses of the Mind (psychology, the 12th House, Pisces). Note the Uranus in the 4th House, denoting the frequent changes of residence. Dr. Phil got into college on a football scholarship - Jupiter's purview for sure - and note that Jupiter rules again the 9th House of higher education. It's "unblemished" condition suggests that Dr. Phil would do well in this realm, and, we can also surmise that at around the age of 20-21, Dr. Phil made his decision to follow his dad into psychology (SA Jupiter=Asc, from the 12th House).

ADB: Dr. Phil's work now combines "entertainment with enlightenment" in his syndicated show that reaches millions of viewers. In his show, McGraw hammers home advice to "get real"; that is, grow up, take responsibility and make smart choices. In addition to his focus on the relationship and family problems of his guests and viewers, McGraw has tackled pervasive societal issues like obesity, drugs and abuse. He is a consummate businessman and charismatic media star, and his self-help empire has expanded to include weight-loss programs and dietary supplements, books, advice columns including one in Oprah's magazine, tapes and transcripts of his shows, even T-shirts and mugs!

MU: The "get real" approach no doubt comes from his Moon in Taurus, the Sun in Virgo, and an angular Saturn also in Virgo; the strong Earth focus suggests lots of practicality and a down-to-earth tone. Neptune is one of the Outer Planets, and as such, it has to do with societal issues, like that of relationships (since Dr. Phil's Neptune is both in the 7th House and in Libra) drugs (Neptune again) and abuse) the 7th House tensions - afterall, Neptune AND Saturn are there, as well as the strong Venus-Pluto conjunction both squared by Mars in Scorpio (this guy has a sex drive that won't quit!). The obesity part of it can be seen by the Moon in Taurus, and again the Venus-Pluto conjunction in the 6th House of diet and eating habits. As for the business success and the like: Venus-Pluto conjunction, Uranus-Pluto parallel, both of these being "super success aspects" as per the Magi System of Astrology.

ADB: In 2004 a biography of Phillip McGraw was published, written by Sophia Dembling and Lisa Gutierrez. The authors do not always paint a flattering portrait of the self-help guru, implying that he can be an egotistic bully who never mentions his failed first marriage and who overstates his early accomplishments and athletic prowess on the football field. Nevertheless, he is a successful man with a long-time marriage of over 25 years to his second wife Robin. He and Robin have two sons, one of whom at least seems to be following in his father's very large footsteps.

MU: Transit Pluto inching up on his MC, having already squared his Saturn and Asc; transit Saturn squared his chart ruling Neptune in the 7th (the general public); SA Neptune=Sun (diminishing the Ego in some way, an "expose'"-the biography), SA Saturn=Mars (putting the breaks on his career perhaps; frustration) and SA Asc=Mars (rising to the challenge, perceiving an attack on the Self). The maritial troubles can easily be seen in the 7th House tensions, with two Outer Planets, Neptune and Saturn there. An old astrological rule states that the more planets there are in the 7th, the more likely the native will have two or more spouses. Bingo. However, Saturn in the 7th CAN lead to a longstanding marriage, which Dr. Phil has enjoyed the 2nd time around. As for his son following the family tradition of psychology - Cancer is in the 5th in Dr. Phil's chart (Cancer=counselling, nuturing others) with the ruler Moon exalted in Taurus in the 2nd/rotated 10th of the 5th (looks like we'll be hearing from another McGraw soon).

ADB: What Do You Think?Dr. Phil, a clinical psychologist and businessman, has become a self-help guru and media star. His show is one of the most popular on American TV today, a different form of "reality show" where guests come and pour out their problems in return for some of Dr. Phil's "telling it like it is" and "get real" advice. Let's look at his chart for some clues to his meteoric rise to fame and the man behind the TV image.

ADB: Primarily as a result of his association with Oprah Winfrey and his appearances on her popular TV show, Dr. Phil has skyrocketed to fame and fortune. What in his chart indicates his sudden rise to celebrity status after having been a psychologist and businessman for many years?
MU: Among other things (mentioned above) we can see the transit of Uranus in square to his Moon and transit Jupiter crossing his Asc in 1998 and the subsequent transit of Pluto in square to his Asc and going on to conjunct his MC in the past few years says it all.

ADB: Winfrey and McGraw have helped each other be successful. For a comparison between their charts, look at Oprah's chart here: What are the astrological factors that indicate their mutual respect and support?

MU: Oh, that's easy to see: Oprah's Asc conjuncts Dr. Phil's MC; her MC conjunct his Neptune (keep in mind, it's his Asc ruler); her Pluto conjunct his Venus (reinforces his natal Venus-Pluto conjunction already); her Jupiter squares his Asc and trines his Neptune (Jupiter, her Asc ruler, Neptune, his Asc ruler); and finally, her Moon in the same sign as his MC. All of these are highly supportive contacts, especially in terms of business and partnership along those lines.

Oprah Winfrey Jan 29 1954 4.30am CST Kosciusko, MS Placidus 29 Sag 41; Source: Rodden

ADB: A proponent of "tough love," Dr. Phil diagnoses a patient's pattern quickly, orders them to change, and then tells them how. Where in the chart do you see the "get real" attitude, frank talk and directive advice that sometimes seem to border on bullying?

MU: Again, a slamdunk: Moon in Taurus, overall Earth emphasis, strong Saturn; as for the "bullying": Mars in Scorpio, definitely, especially as its opposed the Moon and square Pluto anyway.

ADB: People's vocational choices are always interesting. First he became a psychologist; then a businessman using his background in clinical psychology in court cases, now a celebrity. What are the astrological factors that might indicate this man's career path?

MU: Okay, let's do this by the numbers:

1. Psychologist - Pisces rising, Neptune angular in Libra (Venus ruled, counselling); dispositor Venus conjunct Pluto in the 6th (self-improvement; Pluto=psychology). Neptune dispositor of Jupiter in the 12/Pisces, again interest in psychology.

2. Businessman - Neptune's dispositorship of Jupiter, ruler of the MC; Sag on the MC, Jupiter ruling also the 9th - courts. Saturn, planet of business in general, angular. Neptune the chart ruler in the 7th - working in partnership with others.

3. Celeb Status - AP=Moon/Venus (strong charisma brought forward), Moon (the public) exalted in Taurus, Neptune in the 7th (chart ruler, being a public person); Venus-Pluto, Uranus-Pluto, super success aspects, the latter specifically having to do with the media.

This chart is a slamdunk, took me less than an hour to work on it, from start to finish.

PERSONAL NOTE: I have to say that I cannot be completely objective when it comes to anything having to do with Oprah. From almost Day One, she's always rubbed me the wrong way, and I think it has to do with how she almost always manages to make men look bad in some way. Just about all of her "gurus" invariably follow her script to whup on on guys, and hey I know the deal, she has to pander to women since they watch her shows, and reads her mags. Dr. Phil talks a mean game, but he does exactly the same thing, and I seriously doubt that we would have ever heard of him at all if he didn't find someway to browbeat men on his segments on her show and even on his own show. I've watched (or at least tried to watch) several of his shows, and when he goes into "attack mode" on the guys, that's when I have to turn the channel. No one wants to say it in these Politically Correct times (and boy, can Oprah and anything she touches get Politically Correct!), but the only "safe target" these days are straight men. Think about it - Dr. Phil, Oprah or anyone else couldn't possibly getaway with saying those same things about men to women, or gays/lesbians and so on (witness all the daytime talkshows geared toward "straightening men out", the "Queer Eye for The Straight Guy" etc.).

ON TOP OF THAT I have a hard time swallowing hook, line and sinker that whole New Age, Self-Help stuff; the cynic in me (Capricorn Asc) just won't let me drink the Kool-Aid. Real life problems take much more than what KN Rao once called the "one hour guillotine" to even get a handle on, much less solve. In another era they would call such people snakeoil salesmen; these days, they call them counsultants and they make money hands over fist, because there are lots of dumbfounded folks out there waiting for someone to tell them what to do with their own lives while hard-earned currency burns potholes in their pockets.

That's my two cents.

"Y'all come back now, ya hear?"


Monday, August 15, 2005

On Pluto In Capricorn...

On Pluto In Capricorn...

6:04 PM 8/15/05 Mon

As transiting Pluto finishes its victory lap in the sign of Sagittarius, many of us astrology wonks are looking ahead to what Pluto in Capricorn will bring. Some have already given their views, but since the topic has come up of late, I'd like to toss my hat into the ring...

OK, first off, we have to be clear on exactly what Pluto represents - and for me, it encapsulates, more than any other Outer (Uranus, Neptune, Saturn), an Era. Take Pluto in Cancer, which occured during the time of the Depression - that symbolism certainly captured the period, didn't it? Or Pluto in Leo, the "Me" generation, the Baby Boomers. And, who could forget the swingin' Pluto in Libra period, where free love, free drugs, and No-Fault Divorce was in the air. Pluto tends to the take the themes of whatever sign it transits and puts it all into perspective for us, especially in hindsight.

So, with Pluto having given us a new perspective on exactly how we see our world, each other, even ourselves with its transit of Sagittarius (the death - figuratively and literally - of the "big three" TV networks, the birth of Talk Radio, Al-Jazeera and so on; the Internet, just to name a paltry few things), what could be some of the things we can count on with Pluto's entrance into Capricorn?

Well, on the governmental level here at home (USA), I think the GOP is here to stay in terms of its dominance of the three branches of gov't - at least 2 outta 3. With the exception of Taurus, it doesn't get much more conservative than Cap, and with Pluto there, you can be sure that the populace will want tried and true methods and the like to work - hard work, personal responsibility and other such mantras will have Bose-like boom. If indeed Hillary Clinton ends us running for the Presidency, I'm almost certain she won't make it, and if per chance she does win, she'll have to face what her hubbie Bill did back in the 90s a GOP dominated House and Senate. But more on her at another time...

We will have been looking back on more than a generation of a sort of overall philosophy politically that we, as a group, will have agreed did not work (in particular the "Great Society" headed up by LBJ in the 1960s - Pluto in Virgo/Libra); in particular, those who bore the brunt of the "No-Fault" Era - the Pluto in Virgo, Libra and Scorpio generations - will want more traditional forms and ways of doing things brought back to centerstage. In particular the Pluto in Libras, because they really caught it; and with transit Pluto passing through their collective 4th House (taking Pluto in Libra and treating it like it was the Asc, it would then represent the entire generation and we can see exactly in what way this upcoming Pluto in Cap transit will impact them) they will want to focus lots more on family cohesion and the like. "Neocons"? Y'all ain't seen nuttin' yet.

For the Pluto in Virgo folks (that includes moi) transiting Pluto will go thru our 5th House - children and teaching. This is the generation that will, like Pluto in Libra, will put lots more focus on family and having babies and rearing them. Both of these generations have seen LOTS of familial dysfunction, and have had enough. It's very interesting to checkout the polls and note the numbers of younger folks who favor making divorces much harder to get and so on. Hmm.

If Gay Marriage doesn't happen by the time Pluto is finished transiting Sagittarius, forget about it. Won't happen with Pluto in Capricorn. It's hard to say who would be Prez at that time some 3 years away, but my guess and gut tells me that it's someone who has sensitive degree areas that Pluto just might touch upon during his time in Office. We'll see.

Continuing on with the social issues - we have to consider the fact that Capricorn is one of the most male signs of the entire Zodiac; he forms one arm of the most important axis in Astrology, the Parental Axis, Mother (Cancer) and Father (again, Capricorn). Keep in mind, that back in the early part of the 20th Century, Pluto in Cancer didn't just reside over the "Greatest Generation" but also ushered in what we would call today the Women's Movement. Since then, as we all know, women in American society, in Western society overall, have made tremendous gains.

But at a cost; many families have fallen apart at the same time these rights and the like were taking place. In particular, the role of fathers and breadwinners have greatly diminished since the idyllic era of the 1950s. With Pluto in Capricorn, all that will change - you'll see more women than ever before opting out of Corporate America to raise kids at home; you'll see more of a demand for fathers to be involved with the raising of the kids and so on. As Capricorn not only represents big business but also the common worker, there will be a renewed interest in seeing to it that the average working man has the means and wages to take care of his kids. Men's Movements will take centerstage, as groups like NOW and the like go on the wane, and this will have effects on the way things are done in the courts with respect to divorce proceedings, custody rights and paternity. Marriages will go up, particularly among those who are a bit older than one would expect for marrying. It's, as one writer put it "Return of the Guy" - and he's kickin' ass and taking names.

Since Capricorn also represents the aged, we will see and unpreceedented focus on the elderly, especially since the Boomers will be well into their retirement age by the time Pluto hits the Grim Reaper. We know from demographic surveys and the like that Boomers have more per capita income AND influence, and will expect their retirements to be the utmost in quality, care and service. Entire industries have cropped around just this segment of the population alone (which is the largest segment of any American group) - luxurious retirement communities, financial services, cruise lines/travel, vacation homes, and of course, medical care. With Pluto's presence in Capricorn, we can expect the Boomers to have to contend with more than their share of skin cancers (from being out in the sun so much - keep in mind, Pluto in Leo, with Pluto passing their collective 6th House - health, retirement, etc), as well as bone marrow cancer and even dental issues. On the flipside, these areas are ones where we can expect major breakthroughs of one sort or another, before Pluto leaves this sign.

Because Capricorn also represents the "late bloomer" we can expect to see more first time or long time dads AFTER the age of 45 than ever before, thanks in large part to "male enhancement" drugs and treatments like Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and so on. Lots of men will be surprised by becoming dads rather late in life, and others will have planned for it, but in any event, get ready, cause Daddy's Home. Of course, the downside of all this is that the rate of HIV infections and other STDs will rise dramatically, as more and more aged men gain access to erectile dysfunction treatments; STDs will no longer be a young person's concern.

Some astrologers speculate that this will be a period when there will be massive worldwide debate and interest in the notion of one world gov't; let me put that idea to rest by saying, "ain't gonna happen". If anything, there will be even more fierce control over each individual nation state's indentity, and the UN will never prove to be weaker in the years to come. Of course, the hotspots around the world are the usual suspects - Iran, Israel, UK, Spain, the USA and and other country that has sensitive placements in the Cardinal degrees where Pluto will, sooner or later, make contact in its transit through Capricorn. But we can't totally rule out a "new world order" sort of deal - Pluto in Aquarius may just see this idea being played on the worldstage. it just isn't going down for the foreseeable future. Far too much conflict and the like going around.

A closing thought that I think ties everything up neatly into a pretty little bow - when Pluto enters Capricorn in 2008-09, it will immediately square Saturn in Libra - just in time for the elections for US President. Will the debates then be about social policy or what? Then, consider that, in just a few years, Pluto in Capricorn will be in Mutual Reception - AND in sextile aspect - to Saturn in Scorpio. And then finally, in the year 2020 or so, there will be a Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. In other words, this will be no ordinary Pluto transit, because it will be in one way or another in contact with its dispositor for much of its transit. This will be very powerful y'all.

Stay Tuned...

Salaam, Mu