Saturday, November 25, 2006

Midterm 06: Astrological Post-Mortem

Midterm 06: Astrological Post-Mortem

7:57 AM 11/11/2006 Sat

The People have spoken; we must respect their decision; our Democracy has proven itself to work, warts and all, yet again; and the Rule of Law must prevail.

On Tue, Nov 7 2006, the American Electorate registered their dissatisfaction strongly at the polls, sweeping the GOP out of BOTH Houses of Congress, and handing to the Democratic Party a victory not seen since 1994.

The past week has brought with it some interesting results; while the People were unhappy with the GOP, particularly with regard to the War in Iraq, they also voiced strong agreement with general Conservative Principles thru the various Ballot Initiatives around the country. For example, in just about every State where the question of Gay Marriage was put on the ballot, the People responded "NO!", the only exception being Arizona - where there were questions of tampering with that State's Constitution that caused the referendum to be the only stand out to date on the Gay Marriage Debate (and, it must be said, that even in NJ, where Gay Marriage/Civil Unions has been given the green light by that State's Supreme Court, ony 41% of the people polled there supprt CUs, and an even higher percentage say nay on Gay Marriage; will the Garden State GOP push for the People to be able to speak on this issue? Hmm...).

In Michigan, Proposition Number 2, which essentially outlaws ALL forms of Affirmative Action/Quotas based on Gender or Race, was affirmed emphatically by the People. Court challenges have been threatened, but legal pundits suggest that, since this issue has been put directly to the People, there is little that can be done about the result.

In South Dakota, the proposed Abortion Ban was rejected by the People - however, as in the case in Arizona, one needs to take a look at the fine print - because the issue was meant to be a legal challenge to Roe v. Wade; Planned Parenthood was able to force the issue onto the ballot, and the reason why it failed there, according to many legal eagles, is because it didn't allow for life or death scenarios involving the mother.

It's interesting to note that, this week, the US Supreme Court has taken up the issue of Partial Birth Abortion.

In Missouri, where the Stem Cell Research Debate was raging, Claire McCaskill was elected to the US Senate - but the issue itself, which was such a strong part of her platform, was rejected by referendum.

The People have spoken out on the issue of Imminent Domain, following on the heels of the US Supreme Court decision made last year in this regard; the People have overwhelmingly rejected the Court's reasoning.

Put this together with the fact that so many Conservative Democrats have been voted into Office, like Bob Casey Jr and Jon Tester, and one can only conclude that this week's elections have been a strong rebuke of the GOP/Conservatives - but not a repudiation. The Democrats do NOT have a Mandate to implement their ideas, rather, they have the green light from the Public to get some things done, most notably, to get outta Dodge in Iraq.

Last Tue has proven yet again, that what Karl Rove said was correct - that America is essentially a Center-Right country, and ANY political platform from ANY political party that embraces those values will succeed.

Still, for my part, I must concede that my astrological projections for the Midterm 2006 Elections did not go as predicted, not at all. Here's the wrap-up:

Final Pre-Midterm Election Summary
Mu's Picks:

1. GOP narrowly holds on to BOTH Houses of Congress
WRONG: BOTH Houses of Congress taken from the GOP, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi now becomes Madame Speaker of the House, current Speaker Dennis Hastert has announced that he will step down from BOTH his Speaker and Minority Leader roles

2. Weldon wins
WRONG: Sestak handily wins over Weldon, the final nail in the coffin for Weldon being the FBI investigation into his probable contract steering to his daughter

3. Casey wins
CORRECT: Casey easily wins over Santorum, however, it must be noted that Casey and Santorum share the same views with respect to Social Issues

4. Kean Jr wins
WRONG: Despite the spectre of more scruntiny on account of potential ethics violations, Menendez wins over Kean Jr, must notably because of the issue of Iraq

5. McCaskill wins
CORRECT: McCaskill's win can only be interpreted as the People wanting to punish the GOP, as Talent was new to the Senate and was considered by most in Missouri to be a good politician; not only that, but she must now find a way to finesse the Stem Cell issue, as the People of the Show Me State have rejected her platform via dircet referendum

6. Burns wins
WRONG: Tester narrowly wins over Burns. Iraq and Abramoff did him in. 'Nuff said.

7. Allen wins
WRONG: Webb wins over Allen, and for all the faux-pas statements Allen has made throughout his campaign, his eloquence and grace in defeat sort of redeems him in a way; if only he had done that DURING the campaign, there might have been a different result

8. Corker wins
CORRECT: There can be no doubt that the Playboy Bunny Ad did Ford Jr in; even media pundits reported that right after the ad aired Ford Jr's support began slipping in the polls, never to recover. That is a very sad signal and says that even in our supposedly elightened times, Race still Matters.

9. Steele wins
WRONG: Steele loses to Cardin by ten percentage points, and if you break it down by Race, he loses to Cardin by a slimmer margin. HOWEVER, Steele's campaign, as a Black GOP candidate, is perhaps the most successful to date, and his future is bright in this regard. Already, he's being touted as the next head of the RNC, a most fitting statement, since the GOP is the Party of Lincoln, and it's only right that the Son of Slaves should now lead the Party in a new direction for the 21st Century.

ALSO: I said this back in Sep of this year:
"A final note - at the time of Lieberman's defeat at the hands of his own Party, he had SA Pluto=Saturn, exact Jun 06. Coming up in the Nov elections, Lamont will have transit Saturn, in EXACT CONJUNCTION to his Pluto! Already, his poll numbers look bad, with something like only 38% of the voting public up there in support of him. Look for a Lieberman win in Connecticut, a close one, but a win nonetheless."

CORRECT: Not only did Lieberman beat Lamont, he beat him silly. Keep in mind, that Lieberman was a Man without a Party after the Hardcore Left moved to oust him from the Party over the Iraq War. His reelection proves yet again, that the Dems DO NOT HAVE A MANDATE for their ideas, but rather, the green light from the People to get things moving.

So, to tally up, I got 4 out of 10 right - abyssmal. I'll have to go back to the drawing board to find out where I went wrong in my predictions, and work harder to correct them for next time.

And make no mistake, there WILL be a next time - for the concilliatory tone in DC will only last for a fortnight, so to speak; 08 looms large, and both Parties want in.

But for now, we Conservatives must reflect on the results of the Elections, respect the People's wishes, concede defeat gracefully, clean house, re-affirm our principles, and re-dedicate ourselves to the great work at hand.

We have only just begun to fight.


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Midterm 06: Battle Of The Base! (Part One)

Midterm 06: Battle Of The Base! (Part One)

10:12 AM 11/05/2006 Sun

So - it all comes down to this - 15 House seats and 6 Senate seats up for grabs. The GOP clearly on the defensive. The Dems feeling their oats. The races around the country closer to call, in most if not all cases, a statistical dead heat. And it all comes down to whic Party gets out their BASE! On this, the final weekend before the all-important elections, your humble Astrological Correspondent attempts to put all of this into perspective and calls the races before the votes are cast and counted.

But before we go there, let's recap my previous predictions for Midterm 2006:

1. Overall, I took the GOP over the Dems, keeping both Houses of Congress, albeit narrowly

2. I chose Curt Weldon over Joe Sestak for the 7th Congressional District

3. I chose Bob Casey Jr over Rick Santorum for Junior PA Senator

4. And, I chose Tom Kean Jr over Bob Menendez for Junior NJ Senator

Since then, Weldon has come under considerable fire for possible ethic violations involving potential steering of contracts to his daughter; Santorum, as predicted, has continued to slip in the polls; and Kean Jr is still wthin striking distance over Menendez, trailing by only a few points.

Who Wins The House???
With so many House races taking place around the country, it's pretty tough for me to follow them all - but the thought occured to me - what if we took a look at the Solarscopes of the US House leaders - Dennis Hastert and Nancy Pelosi? Could they give us a clearer clue, as to which side will ultimately win the House?

Dennis Hastert Jan 2 1942 Aurora IL; Nancy Pelosi Mar 26 1940 Baltimore MD

Source for both sets of data: Wikipedia

As we all know, Hastert has been in the midst of a firestorm surrounding his potential role in the disgraced Congressman Mark Foley Scandal; there have been murmors on the GOP House side of replacing him, even if they do retain the House. That said, it must also be pointed out that Hastert, a former teacher and wrestling coach by trade, is a lowkey, behind the scenes mover and shaker, who's shyness of the political spotlight belies his considerable political skills and experience. All of this explains why Hastert has been the longest serving GOP House Speaker in US Congressional history. Can he hang on?

For her part, IF Nancy Pelosi's Dems can re-take the House, she will become the first Female Speaker ever in US Congressional history. No newcomer to the political game herself, she is the daughter of a well-known Baltimore mayor and a formidable political player in her own right. Despite her staunch support of Liberal ideals (she represents San Francisco CA - whew!), she has made it clear in recent weeks that there will be NO TALK OF IMPEACHMENT should the Dems come back to power, and to focus on the "Six For 06" plan of reducing costs for college tuition, withdrawl of troops from Iraq, expanded Medicare benefits and so on. There is no doubt about the prospect of pestering House investigations of the Bush Administration concerning Iraq - but Pelosi will NOT push too hard - her goal is to remain in power for 08 and beyond.

Scanning both Solarscopes, Hastert has a tough row to hoe here - transit Saturn squares his natal Saturn, although transit Jupiter opposes both his Saturn and Uranus. SA Jupiter=Venus exact in Dec, so it'll be applying in Nov...hmm.

For Pelosi, the transit of Saturn in square to her Taurus cluster of Venus, Mars and Uranus isn't a pretty sight, nor is the transit square of Pluto to her Neptune. However, coming up next month is SA Uranus=Jupiter/Pluto, "overturning the tables" for sure. Plus she has transit Jupiter opposed her Venus and Mars, not bad.

In light of the reality obtaining for Hastert, and the current situation obatining for the Dems, the astrology favors Pelosi - Uranus=Jupiter/Pluto, even if applying, is tough to beat.

HOWEVER, we still have to consider the natal astrology here; Hastert has Jupiter AND Pluto Peregrine (Tyl)!-along with a possible Moon=Jupiter/Pluto and AP=Uranus/Pluto. Declinationally, he has the Sun, Jupiter AND Pluto in aspect! He's born on a Cancer Full Moon (Sun in Capricorn), too. Impressive.

For Pelosi, we see a Sun in Aries and Moon in Scorpio, a tough cookie combo for sure; she also has Jupiter Peregrine (in Aries; Tyl) with the Sun trine Pluto; Sun=Jupiter/Neptune. Hmm.

It's a really, really tough call. Hastert's been going through it over the Foley piece. But he's still the Speaker; Pelosi has an uphill battle in front of her.

Mu's Prediction: Hastert hangs on as Speaker - the House remains GOP

As said so many times, the Dems need 6 Senate seats to overthrow the GOP there; noting this, the GOP Machine has mobilized, creating a "firewall" around certain key states: Missouri, Tenneesee, Montana and Virginia. IF the GOP can hold on to these key states, they'll hold to the Senate; if not, the Dems go two-for-two.

Talent v. McCaskill
With the recent TV spot featuring actor and Parkinson's Disease sufferer Michael J. Fox, the Senate race between these two candidates really heats up. Jim Talent is a freshman Senator, seeking to go back to Washington; Claire McCaskill is a longtime Missouri political fixture, looking to unseat Talent. The state, while "red" has considerable "blue" pockets, particularly the Twin Cities areas, and the Stem Cell Research issue - along with the Iraq War - has made what was at first considered a shoo-in for Talent, the political fight of his life.

Jim Talent Oct 18 1956 Des Peres MO; Claire McCaskill Jul 24 1953 Rolla MO

Source for both data: Wikipedia

Talent's Sun-Neptune conjunction can cut both ways; in Libra, it goes a long way toward his being able to charm voters and colleagues; but it can also put him under a cloud of suspicion, as it has recently with regard to the Iraq War. The Sun, Mars and Neptune in aspect declinationally confirms. The Saturn-Pluto square offsets some of this liability as well as reflecting Talent's Conservative views. But Talent does have a powerful astrological marker on his side - Pluto=Jupiter/Uranus "Tremendous drive to success; publicity; gains".

For McCaskill's part, her Sun in Leo and Moon most likely in Capricorn accounts in large part for her considerable ambition as well as appeal to the public; Venus conjunct Jupiter in Gemini; Uranus=Jupiter/Pluto=Venus/Pluto! On top of all that, she also has Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto in aspect in the declinations. No wonder the race has been so close. BUT McCaskill has her share of astro-flaws as well: Saturn conjunct Neptune in Libra with both square to Uranus (potential for radical Liberal ideas and platforms), and the Stem Cell issue has brought the spectre of Washington Liberal ideas to the minds of Missouri voters.

At present Talent has no transits obtaining, no Solar Arcs either. Not good. But McCaskill has transit Saturn just past her Pluto, and the only Solar Arc in play was Mars=Mercury in Sep, "raising the volume" in the debate, especially around Stem Cell Research.

So, neither candidate has the astrological wind to their backs, and both have their share of celestial flaws. Talent is the incumbant in a highly red state - but McCaskill has the stronger natal astrology. I think McCaskill can pull this one out.

Mu's Prediction: McCaskill wins

Corker v. Ford Jr.
"Harold, call me". By now we've all either seen and/or heard the scandalous attack ad against Harold Ford Jr., a member of a long line of Memphis politicians, where a Blond haired White woman cooes into the camera for Ford to call her. This ad immediately brought up images of Racism in the most provocative of ways - Sex. The Deep South has a long history of violence against Black men in particular in this regard, and many states - Tenneesee among them - have worked long and hard to come out from under such a horrid past. Up until now, the Senate race between former Chattanooga mayor and businessman Bob Corker, and Harold Ford Jr. has been above board, with Race being a nonfactor. Can this one attack ad turn the tide in Ford Jr.'s favor, given that he's had to basically ape the Conservative line in order to stay competitive?

Bob Corker Aug 24 1952 Chattanooga TN; Harold Ford Jr. May 11 1970 Memphis TN;

Source: Wikipedia

Corker is a smooth operator politically and businesswide, with his Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Libra, yet can be quite energetic with his Sun square Mars in Scorpio. Additionally, his success in both realms is easily reflected in his Jupiter-Pluto square, a success aspect if there ever was one. Corker's Uranus and Pluto are in aspect in the declinations, too, along with Jupiter sextile Uranus.

Ford has the Sun in Taurus conjunct Saturn, a Conservative streak for sure, while his Sun also trine Pluto and Uranus Peregrine (in Libra; Tyl); AP=Uranus/Pluto. This, along with his bloodties and stand-alone experience in the Congress (one of the youngest members ever in the House when first elected) makes Ford Jr. a competitive candidate. But he also has Sun=Saturn/Neptune, a dampening effect on his personality (putting his light under a bushel, so to speak), and, we have to point out that Ford Jr. has a Venus-Mars conjunction in Gemini - suggesting that he might have a roving eye. That attack ad mentioned earlier, afterall, didn't just come out of thin air - it was in response to the fact that Ford Jr. attended a Superbowl Party sponsored by Playboy Magazine - 'nuff said.

Ford Jr. has SA Sun=Mars/Uranus exact last month, with transit Pluto exactly square his natal Pluto. Corker has SA Pluto=Sun/Mars exact this month.

No matter what happens, Ford Jr. has a very bright future in US Politics, having proven himself a real talent on the national stage; not since Reconstruction, has there been so many serious African American candidates for national office, and Ford Jr. can take much pride in contributing to that fact. His campaign was above board, and he put his family's political lineage to good use. But Corker's got too much hometown experience, realworld experience, and red state connects. Technically, this is an open Senate seat, but in truth, it was always an uphill fight for Ford Jr., a Democrat in a red state. The attack ad can cut either way, depending on one's point of view, both to my mind valid. But I don't think it will be enough to sway voters who by now have surely made up their minds.

Mu's Prediction: Corker wins

Shootout in Montana
After being left for political dead, Montana's longest serving US Senator, Conrad Burns, is on the comeback trail, now having him in a dead heat with Montana State Senate President Jon Tester. This is one of two major Senate races that have been fueled and funded by the Democratic Party's Hardcore, Daily Kos/ Crowd (the other being the race between Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman up in Connecticut), and the outcome here can foreshadow the future of the Dems. On the other hand, should Burns come out politically alive after this electoral test, it will have confirmed yet again that the GOP's GOTV Machine is alive and well, and that the Dems still have much to learn.

Burns has been hurt badly by his association with disgraced GOP Lobbyist Jack Abramoff; but you don't hang around that long in office by being just a Party hack. You have to prove that you can get things done, especially for your constituents, and Burns has consistently done that. Tester's hometown ways and none-too-shabby record in the State House goes a ways to assist him, but it remains to be seen if it, along with the scandals, Iraq War and so on will be enough.

Conrad Burns Jan 25 1935 Gallatin MO; Jon Tester Aug 21 1956 Havre MT

Source: Wikipedia

Burns is a sociable guy in a backslapping sort of way, known for his often offcolor remarks with the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon most likely in Libra and Mercury's close trine to Mars. His political success can be seen in the trine between his Jupiter and Pluto, the square between Uranus and Pluto, the square between Venus and Jupiter, and the midpoints Mercury+Venus+Jupiter=Neptune/Pluto(!!!). We can also throw in his Sun=Mars/Jupiter as well.

Tester has a personality that is likely to bowl one over as well, with his Sun in Leo, Moon in Aqaurius gregarious ways all over the place, the Sun's tight conjunction with Pluto (and probable Moon-Pluto opposition as well - POWER); Saturn squares the Sun and Pluto, so there's enough downhome Conservatism to keep Montanans comfortable with going a shade blue. His Node=Jupiter/Pluto accounts for the help he's gotten from outfits such as Daily Kos and the national Democratic Party. But his AP=Saturn/Uranus and Sun=Mars/Uranus, along with his natal Uranus being Peregrine (in Leo; Tyl) might be just a bit too much of a shakeup for folks out in God's Country. In any event, Burns has a considerable array of astrological markers for political success that Tester has to overcome if he's to unseat him for US Senator.

At present, Burns has transit Jupiter returning to its natal position and square his natal Saturn (strengthening his position, making his case to the Montana public); no Solar Arcs in play for the election period. For Tester, transit Jupiter conjunct his Saturn (also making his case) while tranist Pluto backs away from range to square his Mars; SA Jupiter=Neptune exact next month (applying now), suggesting feeling special about things, being in the right place at the right time.

If the GOP has any hope of hanging on to Congressional, and especially, Senatorial power, it'll have to come thru Montana. Burns has been in the crosshairs of the Left all year, thanks to his ties to Abramoff. Tester has been a virtual unknown before this year, and since has proven himself a real contender, thanks to Daily Kos (all of this featured on the PBS show "Now"). And Tester has real astrological stuff to back him up. But Burns' is stronger, plus he's still the incumbant, plus Montana is at heart, a red state, through and through.

Mu's Prediction: Burns wins

Part Two coming up...


Midterm 06: Battle Of The Base! (Part Two)

Midterm 06: Battle Of The Base! (Part Two)

12:37 PM 11/05/2006 Sun

Shootout in Montana
After being left for political dead, Montana's longest serving US Senator, Conrad Burns, is on the comeback trail, now having him in a dead heat with Montana State Senate President Jon Tester. This is one of two major Senate races that have been fueled and funded by the Democratic Party's Hardcore, Daily Kos/ Crowd (the other being the race between Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman up in Connecticut), and the outcome here can foreshadow the future of the Dems. On the other hand, should Burns come out politically alive after this electoral test, it will have confirmed yet again that the GOP's GOTV Machine is alive and well, and that the Dems still have much to learn.

Burns has been hurt badly by his association with disgraced GOP Lobbyist Jack Abramoff; but you don't hang around that long in office by being just a Party hack. You have to prove that you can get things done, especially for your constituents, and Burns has consistently done that. Tester's hometown ways and none-too-shabby record in the State House goes a ways to assist him, but it remains to be seen if it, along with the scandals, Iraq War and so on will be enough.

Conrad Burns Jan 25 1935 Gallatin MO; Jon Tester Aug 21 1956 Havre MT

Source: Wikipedia

Burns is a sociable guy in a backslapping sort of way, known for his often offcolor remarks with the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon most likely in Libra and Mercury's close trine to Mars. His political success can be seen in the trine between his Jupiter and Pluto, the square between Uranus and Pluto, the square between Venus and Jupiter, and the midpoints Mercury+Venus+Jupiter=Neptune/Pluto(!!!). We can also throw in his Sun=Mars/Jupiter as well.

Tester has a personality that is likely to bowl one over as well, with his Sun in Leo, Moon in Aqaurius gregarious ways all over the place, the Sun's tight conjunction with Pluto (and probable Moon-Pluto opposition as well - POWER); Saturn squares the Sun and Pluto, so there's enough downhome Conservatism to keep Montanans comfortable with going a shade blue. His Node=Jupiter/Pluto accounts for the help he's gotten from outfits such as Daily Kos and the national Democratic Party. But his AP=Saturn/Uranus and Sun=Mars/Uranus, along with his natal Uranus being Peregrine (in Leo; Tyl) might be just a bit too much of a shakeup for folks out in God's Country. In any event, Burns has a considerable array of astrological markers for political success that Tester has to overcome if he's to unseat him for US Senator.

At present, Burns has transit Jupiter returning to its natal position and square his natal Saturn (strengthening his position, making his case to the Montana public); no Solar Arcs in play for the election period. For Tester, transit Jupiter conjunct his Saturn (also making his case) while tranist Pluto backs away from range to square his Mars; SA Jupiter=Neptune exact next month (applying now), suggesting feeling special about things, being in the right place at the right time.

If the GOP has any hope of hanging on to Congressional, and especially, Senatorial power, it'll have to come thru Montana. Burns has been in the crosshairs of the Left all year, thanks to his ties to Abramoff. Tester has been a virtual unknown before this year, and since has proven himself a real contender, thanks to Daily Kos (all of this featured on the PBS show "Now"). And Tester has real astrological stuff to back him up. But Burns' is stronger, plus he's still the incumbant, plus Montana is at heart, a red state, through and through.

Mu's Prediction: Burns wins

Macaca In The Land Of Dixie...
If such as thing as a Worst Campaign of the Year Award were real, Virginia Senator and one time potential 2008 Presidential Candidate George Allen would most certainly get it. His campaign has been one gaffe after another, seemingly going from bad to worse, from the "Macaca" reference to his recently brought to light Jewish roots. Still, Allen is in the running, keeping the race between himself and onetime Republican Jim Webb so close that it's too close to call. This is one of the reddest states in the Union, and the Dems really have a fight on their hands if they are to take it from the GOP in the Senate. That Webb's own missteps, concerning his writings as Secretary of the US Navy regarding female recruits and so on, certainly haven't helped the Dems in their efforts to appeal to Virginian Women Voters. What was first seen as a breeze for Allen, now is a fight to the finish.

George Allen MAr 8 1952 Whittier CA; Jim Webb Feb 9 1946 St. Joseph MO

Source: Wikipedia

Allen's the proven political talent here, not only having gotten himself into the US Senate but also haven been Virginia's Governor as well. His Jupiter's close trine to Pluto, declinational aspect between Uranus and Pluto, Venus opposed Pluto and Sun=Jupiter/Pluto all attest to these facts. But, as mentioned so many times throughout this Election Season, Allen's mouth can really get him into hot water (Mercury Peregrine - in ARIES!!!), sort of just letting fly comments before carefully thinking them through.

Webb on the other hand has the Sun conjunct Venus in Aquarius with the Moon probably in Taurus and also possibly square Venus, which would account for his popularity at present. Additionally, he has Jupiter in Libra Peregrine (Tyl) and the Sun=Jupiter/Uranus. But the downside is his double-whammy effect of AP=Saturn/Uranus while Saturn is in aspect to Uranus in the declinations; Pluto=Uranus/Neptune. Although Webb has been successful either mounting attack ads on Allen and/or standing back and let Allen commit the political versiona of Hari-Kari, he has yet to define himself to the Virginian electorate. This along with writings as head of the Navy have really hurt him.

Webb has just come out from under a Saturn transit in opposition to both his Sun and Venus and at present, Saturn could be in square to his Moon. If so, this dampens his appeal to the voters. On the other hand, transit Jupiter's potential opposition to his Moon could pull him through - a tall order when you're the challenger and with no help whatsoever from Solar Arc measurements.

Allen has really taken a beating astrologically - back in Sep he had SA Pluto=Saturn (OUCH!), but things have turned around for him since then, with SA Venus=Jupiter/Uranus exact last month. Coming up this month, he has SA Neptune=Venus/Uranus, and next month, he has SA Uranus=Sun/Pluto, a breakout time for sure for him. The question becomes - can the Oct arc, and the Dec arc, overwhelm the Nov one? Or will the Nov one be the one that counts?

Thanks to Allen's missteps and the overall mood concerning Iraq, Webb has kept the race close. But Allen still has the high ground; it's his race to loose. With Allen's proven political track record, stronger natal astrology, and Webb's own fair share of gaffes, along with his lack of astrological "wind", I'm giving this one to Allen - barely. But a win's a win.

Mu's Prediction: Allen wins

BONUS ROUND - Steele: Year Of The Black Republican?
If 1992 was "The Year Of The Woman", 2006 has to be the Year Of The Black Republican, with so many Black GOP candidates running for major offices around the country. In particular, Ohio's Ken Blackwell, Pennsylvania's Lynn Swann, and most notably, Maryland's Michael Steele. In the two former cases, neither man has a chance of winning - but in the latter case, Steele has, by all accounts, run a credible campaign and has put himself in position to be attractive to Prince George's County voters - the single largest affluent AND Black sector in the entire country! There is great dissatisfaction among African Americans down there with the Democratic Party, taking them and their vote for granted; the GOP has been trying for sometime to get a share of that vote, and it seems, their hard work is starting to finally pay off. Maryland is a blue state; it's longtime Senator, Sarbanes, is retiring; and it's Democratic nominee is at best lackluster. Can Steele steal one away from the Dems?

Michael Steele Oct 19 1958 Andrews AFB MD; Ben Cardin Oct 5 1943 Baltimore MD

Source: Wikipedia

With Mars square Pluto, the Moon in Capricorn and AP=Sun/Pluto, Steele has proven himself to be no joke; quite the contrary, this combination bears witness to his Conservative roots, his no-nonsense stance and his hands-on approach to solving problems. His Sun-Venus conjunction in Libra gives him appeal to both Black and White Maryland voters. Jupiter's conjunction with Neptune and sextile to Pluto also gives Steele a boost.

But Cardin's no pushover, and his long, long political history in Maryland proves it. He has the Sun trine Uranus and sextile Pluto; Venus=Neptune/Pluto. BUT, he has Neptune Peregrine (in Libra, Tyl), contributing to his "blah" reception by the Maryland public. Cardin is seen, even by the Party Faithful, as something as a place marker, a warm body to keep Maryland's Senate seat from falling into GOP hands.

Cardin was born with the Moon possibly in late Sag, probably in opposition to Saturn, itself in the last degrees of Gemini. If so, then Pluto's transit to this area doesn't look good for Cardin. Still, SA Mars=Venus/Pluto exact last month can do the trick. On the other hand, Steele has SA Node=Sun, also exact last month; this is a picture suggesting Steele making key inroads into Democratic voting blocs - the Black Vote.

Maryland is one of the bluest states in the country; Cardin is little more than an empty suit; there are rumblings in the African American Community that they are being sick and tired of being taken for granted by the Dems; and Steele has transformed the term "Black Republican" from a crude joke to credible electoral choice for voters, Black and White alike. I'm gonna pull the trigger here, and go fro Steele.

Mu's Prediction: Steele wins

Final Pre-Midterm Election Summary
Mu's Picks:

1. GOP narrowly holds on to BOTH Houses of Congress

2. Weldon wins

3. Casey wins

4. Kean Jr wins

5. McCaskill wins

6. Burns wins

7. Allen wins

8. Corker wins

9. Steele wins

See ya after the Elections!
