Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mu'Min Debates A "Feminist" Astrologer

Mu’Min Debates A "Feminist" Astrologer

Readers of my humble missives know well that unlike far too many astrologers in our time, I like to deal with that which is actually relevant in our times, taking up themes and issues that are ripped right from the headlines, and are part of the cultural zeitgeist. One of them, has been the ever-increasing Feminization of our Craft, Astrology. I have written extensively on these matters, and have more to say in the coming weeks ahead; but for now, the following realtime dialogue, will serve as yet another prima facia example of that which I mean.

On Sun Aug 23 2009, at 12.53PM, I decided to write and send blog comments to one "Lucy", a self-styled feminist astrologer out of New York City, and who writes a blog, Lucy Watch The Sky, hosted by Wordpress. Her post, which I present in full on the recent George Sodini tragedy, prompted me to write a piece of my own on the affair. The following exchange between us clearly shows the serious lapses in thinking most feminist possess, and is becoming an increasingly large area of concern for astrology, since it harbors so many who adhere to its views.

I’ll post up the astrological representation of the "debate" in due course; for now though, as you read the exchange, ask yourself why you’re hardpressed to ever see any feminist of any reknown, ever going head to head with a William H. Buckley type (who was a man after my own hear - a Sag)? Well, now you know the answer.

Lucy’s post about Sodini himself will appear in my Sodini thread.

Comment and reply, as always, invited!



Thanks for visiting and for your comments. I definitely appreciate your perspective, and your analysis on Sodini’s chart, especially the consideration of the outer planets. It’s true that expectations for what each gender desires in a partner have radically changed, in that working women don’t necessarily require a traditional “provider” anymore, which is probably very different from what Sodini’s generation grew up with. Indeed, since the family model is often a subconscious guide to what we want in a partner, it’s probably additionally confusing for people of his generation still seeking relationships. Not only is the traditional patriarchal model not really the norm anymore, but the current economy just does not support it.

What I take issue with is 1) the assumption that feminism is not concerned with the male perspective, and further, your seeming perplexity as to why most female astrologers would be understandably rattled by such a cold-blooded and specific tragedy and 2) the fact that you, like many men blogging on the subject, seem to view this as a further sign of how WOMEN AT LARGE need to modify their behavior to better accommodate men.

I’m shocked that you buy into this whole “nice guy/bad boy” fallacy. I want to point you to two brilliant articles on this exact subject as it relates to Sodini. Basically, he was not really a “nice guy.” He was someone who was seriously disturbed, and who was perfect bait for these R. Don Steele types who pitch the snake oil that men are entitled to anything and anyone they want, and if they’re not getting it, it’s the fault of women as a whole. Furthermore, twelve women who had nothing to do with Sodini suffered as a result of his sense of entitlement. No one knows if those women preferred “bad boys” or “playas.” It doesn’t matter. Some of them are dead now.

I am terrified that you really believe there will be more “rage killings” like this one. (Personally, I don’t think the term “hate crime” is that far off the mark.) And if they continue to happen such as this one did (that is, innocent women being gunned down in a public place by a lunatic), that will say even less about how Women As A Whole (you know, because we all regularly convene and plot how we’re going to continue to mess with men’s heads) need to modify their choices. What it really ought to address is this exact kind of entitlement shown pretty exclusively by men, and how one man’s personal rejection does not justify globalized venom towards all women, just as much as one woman’s violent experience of men (such as the one I had) does not necessarily justify globalized hatred towards all men.

From what I read on your blog, particularly your analysis of “alpha,” “beta,” and “omega” men, I would imagine that you buy into evolutionary psychology, which I personally think is fundamentally flawed because, in addition to being based on extremely ethnocentric and sexist assumptions, it implies in not so many words that people will never really change. I find those kind of absolute statements about gender to be limiting as far as psychological growth goes. It also makes me wonder- to really, intellectually excuse someone like Sodini and mean it, which one do you believe you are?

by lucywatchthesky August 23, 2009 at 5:28 pm

MU’MIN BEY: Hi Lucy,
Yes, I’m quite familiar w/both the Salon piece and the Alas, A Blog post, which also dealt w/an alternative perspective from another blog that I read from time to time, and to which I might refer you: Roissy in DC has taken up the Sodini issue and offers a compelling analysis that, no surprise, raised a rather violent reaction from corners familiar to you. You might want to checkout what he and other commenters have to say about Sodini. Its worth a read.

As for evo-psych, for my money it makes far and away more sense than the grave misnomer known as “evolutionary astrology” which you might be familiar with and may even be cool with. If so, what a case of the pot calling the kettle black that would be.

Finally, let’s be clear. I did not excuse Sodini’s actions, indeed I went out of my way to speak to this. And as for what I said about what Women Really Want, only a grossly naive or perniciously disengenuous individual would attempt to explain away what we all can easily see w/our own eyes. History is replete with the simple fact that rakes, cads and badboys get far and away more Women than meek, mild guys like Sodini, presumed mental illnesses or not. To even have to entertain such a discussion among obstensible adults, is kind of laughable on its face, really.

Lastly-in no way do I wish Women to have to change anything about themselves. I don’t want them to do anything they don’t want to do, etc. All I’m saying is that for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction, that even minute changes to the social-ecosystem can radically alter the way human beings do business, and that we all, Men and Women alike, would do well to think about this moving forward.

I think it’s very unfair of you to give Steele short shrift. Though I’m not particularly familiar with him, I applaud him and other Men who in their own way, have attempted to help Men like Sodini-who are legion, make no mistake about it-in a make or break area of their lives. For all the talk of compassion in other things, even animals, some of whom can be dangerous to human beings, just a bit of compassion for the plight of Men like Sodini from us astrologers would be a nice thing to see.

August 24, 2009 at 8:21 am

MU: Oh, and I meant to speak bout your assertion that I do not think feminism isn’t concerned w/Men, etc. Well-for the most part, they aren’t, lol. Nor am I saying that they should be. I’m only pointing out a fact-that astrology has within its ranks, a heck of a lot more folk like you, than of me, and its up to folk like me to raise up. And so, in my own small way, I do.

August 24, 2009 at 8:37 am

MU: Lucy,
I thought you might find this interesting. Sueng-Hui Cho, who killed more than 30 people and wounded upwards of 50 before commiting suicide, was born on Jan 18 1984 in Seoul, South Korea. No birthtime, but we see some similarities btw his chart and Sodini’s:

First, note that both Men had Mars in Water Signs. Second, both have their Mars in aspect to both Neptune and Pluto, the latter being very important, because of the fact that it forms a formidable Sexual Aspect-and because Pluto disposes of key planets in Scorpio. In Sodini’s case, Venus and Neptune are in Scorpio; in Cho’s, Mars, Saturn and Pluto are in Scorpio.

We see in Sodini’s case that the Sun is square a Mars-Saturn axis, a clear indication for the potential for violence. In Cho’s case, we note that while not technically in conjunction, we can see that Saturn being in the same Sign as his Mars and Pluto play a powerful role in explaining his frustration sexually.

As we both know, Scorpio is among the most powerful sexually-inclined Signs. Had both these Men had help-and Sodini was closer to that help than Cho-things might have turned out differently. A lil Nookie goes a long way toward soothing the savage beast.

Think on it.

August 24, 2009 at 8:47 am

L: You know, I have to say- I was listening with full attention until this: “Had both these Men had help-and Sodini was closer to that help than Cho-things might have turned out differently. A lil Nookie goes a long way toward soothing the savage beast.”

What a nauseating thing to say. Really. You write that you don’t think women need to modify their behavior, but a statement like this implies that Sodini and Cho (and all men, really) are ENTITLED to sex, and if only some women had put out, this could have been avoided. No individual is entitled to sex, regardless of gender, nor is it women’s responsibility to be sexually available, for any reason, but especially not to be vessels for seriously mentally disturbed men’s aggression. I’m not at all surprised that you read Roissy in D.C., which I have no desire to revisit. He and R. Don Steele and countless others only think they are helping men, but in fact they are worsening the problem. They are driving men and women further apart by convincing vulnerable men that women are less than their inferiors, that they’re pure commodity.

I do have compassion for Sodini; clearly he was mentally ill. But I’m also not going to excuse that his killing spree was deliberately planned to target women, and the fact that he did, in the truest sense of the word, hate women. Because I have met men like him before, and when something like this happens, it reminds you that you really can never know how deep someone’s hatred goes, and what kind of things they might do if in their megalomaniacal minds they believe they have had enough. As a woman, it worries me. And just like Kate Harding wrote in her Salon piece, I will not concede that he was “really a nice guy,” because he WAS NOT. There WAS something wrong with him. Same with Cho. Same with more guys than I even have room to list that I’ve personally dealt with. And that’s exactly the problem- no one is telling these guys that there is something wrong with them, which would solve far more of their difficulties than trying to make them into Pick-Up Artists.

by lucywatchthesky August 24, 2009 at 10:24 am

MU: Lucy,
Just got finished reading Kanazawa’s piece, and while you made it clear you disagreed with him, you didn’t layout specifically WHY. I would like for you to do so, we can have a more informed discussion on the matter, as I’ve found Kanazawa’s work to be an interesting read.

As for Sodini, again, I am not excusing what he, or Cho, did. But let’s be frank. Please name me a Sodini or Cho-like figure, say, 40 years ago? And no, Charlie Manson wouldn’t cut it, because he had far and away more access, sexually and otherwise, than either of these men did.

The truth of the matter is that there have ALWAYS been guys running around w/a screw or two loose, Lucy. What is different in our time, are guys like Cho and Sodini who decide to take their pain out on those whom they believe are their tormentors-women. I don’t agree w/them, but that doesn’t change the fact that, as I’ve said before, times have changed, and with it, both the good and bad.

And finally, if I may-if you have such a long list of men in your life that you can instantly recall off the top of your head that are in your view psychotic, perhaps they aren’t the only ones who need to be told about themselves.

Please don’t hate on the PUAs or Game; they’re doing a serious Public Service.

August 24, 2009 at 1:03 pm

L: Thanks very much- you’re banned.

Your sexism is disgusting, and personally attacking me is uncalled for.

Get out of my blog.

*Back To Mu*

As we can see, such tactics are commonly employed by feminists, with the ultimate trump ca(na)rd being banning - and censoring (which is preceeded by all manner of shaming tactics, namecalling and goalpost shifting-again, common amongst the feminist ilk). Lucy, greate advocate of Free Speech that she is, has since "erased" our exchange. But, being the all wise, all knowing guy that I am, I had the foresight to save the record, knowing what to expect from such types.

My friends, make no mistake - Uranus in Pisces has been a horrible time for our Astrology - and its Feminization has brought it to an all time low. When we can see folk like Lucy out there, saying the kinds of stuff you see here and on her blog, it makes one wonder how astrology ever dug itself out of the Dark Ages to begin with.

Come on, Uranus in Aries!


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A Few Thoughts On George Sodini

A Few Thoughts On George Sodini

Sunday Aug 23 2009

Earlier this month, George Sodini, a suburban Pittsburgh PA native, walked into a local gym and proceeded to shootup the place, kiling three outright and wounding nearly a dozen others, before turning the guns on himself. His grisly acts of violence immediately hit the news.

I’ve been a bit busy of late tending to other business, but closely followed the blogosphere in the days and weeks to follow, and no surprise, the usual suspects were quick to condemn and vilify.

But this time said usual suspects were met w/a clear, present and growing voice coming from the Male side of the Internet, who makes a very convincing case that Sodini’s travails, and ultimate demise, requires just a bit more examination than he’s currently getting.However, sad to say I might add, the astrolosphere, if I may call it such, is still woefully behind-packed to the gills w/practitioners who are female and thus have little understanding or real interest in life from a male point of view, much of their offerings on the affair are little more than mere astrological sprinkles on warmed over feminist boilerplate; one astrologer even includes the word “misogyny” in her subject title on Sodini.

Sigh. What else is new.

Readers here at Sasstology (I'll have more to say about *them* very soon) and elsewhere know and understand well that my key interest is in assisting Today’s Man on the astrological path and, when the spirit moves, to astrologically opine on the state of our times from an unabashedly male point of view. So, on this lazy afternoon-after respects to the deceased have been paid and laid to rest, and after all the sound and fury from the usual suspects, astrological and otherwise, have had their say and have died down-I thought now would be a good time to offer some thoughts on the very sad life of George Sodini.

According to various sources online, Sodini was born on Sep 30 1960, no birthime as yet known, and presumably in or around Pittsburgh PA. Several astrologers have noted his Lights being in Air Signs (Sun in Libra, Moon in Aquarius), his Venus-Neptune conjunction in Scorpio, and the t-square involving his Sun, Mars and Saturn (among other things), and have rightly noted the inherent challenges indicated therein with regard to these astrological configurations.But what I noted w/keen interest, was the utter lack of commentary on the role the Outer Planets played, not only on Sodini’s life, but for us all. We astrologers know well that the Outer Planets-Uranus, Neptune and Pluto-have tremendous importance, because they represent not only the Modern Era for Humanity, but also the ways in which our world will continue to change. One of the biggest ways it has changed, has been respect to Dating and Mating.

Of particular note here is Neptune, on Sodini’s birthdate, at about 8 Scorpio; as mentioned above, its conjunct Venus and, at 6AM (the time I use for setting Solarscopes), is also square the Moon. Astrologers have noted the “personal” implications for these aspects, and they are largely accurate-often it can speak to unrealistic or even irrational ideas or notions concerning Women-but it can also represent being deeply disappointed, “letdown” by Women as well.

Clearly, this too was the case wrt Sodini, per his very lucidly written blog, since taken down, but can still be seen in excerpts thanks to the efforts of various bloggers online to save them. They are easily Googled.Neptune represents the “dream” or ideals that a society aspires toward, which can often incorporate spiritual/religious themes as well. In a modern, democratic society, it represents the idea or belief, that said system can work for anyone, if they apply themselves.

However, in Sodini’s case, we see that Neptune’s aspects to the two foremost “female” planets we have in astrology-the Moon and Venus-that he felt betrayed, or letdown in love.And because an Outer Planet is involved here, and is seen making a prominent appearance at the moment of the shootings themselves, rising in the Aquarian Asc and square the MC, it gives us astrologers cause to consider in what way Neptune, and quite possibly the remaining Outers, have played a big role here.The simple truth is, that the dating and mating landscape has greatly changed. A Man like Sodini-law-abiding (up until the shootings), successful (net worth of 250K at the time of his death), and very well gainfully employed as in a law firm-simply doesn’t have the kind of cache’ he once did even a quarter of a century ago. The idea that being on the straight and narrow, “nice” and so on, is becoming more and more, something that is not only no longer relevant, but something that is actively eschewed by Women enmasse, because Women in our time no longer need to temper their mating choices due to financial considerations, since they are fully self-supporting, and since social censure is at an all-time minimum. In short, this means that Women can choose mates on criteria that they really want-and the evidence is in-often those “wants” are NOT what Sodini, and so many Men, were taught all their lives.

If we consider Sodini’s birthdate from the point of view that it represents a “bigger” chart than merely his natal, and instead gives commentary on the state of Women in our time, this makes sense, both on the macro level, and as well on Sodini’s “micro” level. Again, we’ve noted how Neptune is conjunct Venus, both in Scorpio. Keen astrology students know well, that Venus isn’t at its best in Scorpio; techinically, its what is known as being in its Detriment. It suggests that Venus is kinda “brought low” in some way or another-in this case, that it will tend to be attracted to the rakes, badboys and ne’er do wells that Sodini, and millions of other American Men were drilled not to be like. The Neptune part of this then, represents the “rude awakening” Sodini got, and again he explains very clearly on his blog, with regard to Women and what they really want.Also, consider that Sodini’s Moon is in Aquarius-which is very, very interesting when we note that this same Moon Sign shows itself again on the night he went on his shooting spree, and, matching the same Moon Sign as that found in the chart for the United States(!)-a very powerful commentary, astrologically speaking, about the very changed world in which we live along these lines, especially for Women.

Since we’re on the national level in this discussion, it is also interesting to note that, in the American horoscope, we see that its Moon, at 27 Aquarius, is getting “primed” by transiting Neptune’s imminent conjunction, to come very soon. In the 3rd house, we can expect to hear more and more about American Women being “letdown” in someway with regard to their lovelives-and of course, blaming Men for it. Not ever considering the role they themselves might have played in the way things are, right now.

This is the lesson of Neptune, both collectively and individually-to have an ideal, live up to it, but not to deify it, and when human beings fall short, not to grow embittered, blame others or in some other way, rationalize their failures on someone else. For all his pain and real insights shared on his blog, in the end, Sodini’s actions are his own, and he must be held accountable-not his mother, not his brother or father, not even the Women who spurned him, real or imagined.That said, American Women must now understand, that in all things, there not only must be tradeoffs, but there also must be accountability-the badboy, the cad, and the playa may indeed be “hotter” and just not “boring” than the Sodini types (again-good looking, gainfully employed for years, and considerable net assets), but these kinds of Men come at a price.

Postmodern, postfeminist America has afforded you the chance to choose who you really want-but all choices carry with them, consequences. Some good, others, not so good. One of them, will be the occasional “flipping out” of the Sodinis, Chos, and others of the world, who after being shown the truth for themselves, can’t or won’t handle it, and decide to go make right via violent means. With transiting Uranus and Pluto due to square each other very soon, I suspect we’ll see quite a few more “rage killings” centered on the very themes of this post. It will be the “tax” Women in our time will have to pay, because clearly, they don’t want to “go back”, nor do I think they should. Instead of merely condemning the Damned, they instead might want to consider what their New Grrl Order will really look like.

Comment and reply, invited.

Holla back


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Ryan Jenkins: The Flipside Of George Sodini

Ryan Jenkins: The Flipside Of George Sodini

Tue Aug 25 2009 8.40AM EDT

With the ink barely dry on Sunday’s missive with regard to George Sodini, new details have emerged in what now appears to be a murder-suicide case of former “reality tv” contestants Jasmine Fiore and her hubbie, Ryan Jenkins. Their case is a powerful study into astrology and the vastly changed nature of our times, themes already raised in my previous Sodini piece.
But, before we get to the astrology, please allow me to share with you some razor sharp insights from one of my personal favorite minds-blogger Ferdinand Bardamu, of In Mala Fide, writes the following about the Fiore-Jenkins affair; notice the clear linkages to my thoughts on Sodini:

“Jasmine Fiore and the feminist blood tithe

Posted on August 25, 2009 by Ferdinand Bardamu

I was going to post on this yesterday (hat tip: Lawrence Auster ), but I got sidetracked with outside concerns. We have another Scott Peterson on our hands :

Authorities were able to identify a slain swimsuit model’s body through her breast implants, after her former reality-star ex-hubby allegedly chopped off her fingers and knocked out her teeth to slow down investigators, it was reported yesterday.

Once cops were able to identify Jasmine Fiore’s body after finding it stuffed in a trash bin in a Los Angeles suburb, they immediately focused on her wealthy ex-husband, Ryan Jenkins, who had reported her missing and then disappeared.

Jenkins and Fiore, 28, were briefly married in a quickie Las Vegas wedding this year — months after he appeared on the low-rent VH1 reality program “Megan Wants a Millionaire,” about a woman seeking a wealthy bachelor.

Also via View from the Right , it was reported that Ryan Jenkins killed himself yesterday :
In what seems to be the final macabre twist to the bizarre and brutal murder case of Los Angeles model Jasmine Fiore, her fugitive husband, Ryan Jenkins, has been found hanged. Jenkins’ body was discovered in a Hope, British Columbia motel room, according to Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The L.A. Times reports that U.S. authorities had traced the former reality TV show contestant’s escape into Canada via a speedboat.

Here’s a picture of the couple in happier times:

We know all about the sexual dystopia’s effects on beta males, but what about the other side of the coin? To quote Whiskey :

For women, and particularly younger women, something has been lost. Good judgment about men, including the natural trade-off between intelligence and testosterone. It’s true, that there is a correlation between higher IQ and lower levels of testosterone and aggression. Making smarter men who are less aggressive less sexually and romantically desireable for women. But women far too often, in our politically correct society, overestimate their ability to exert control over men with high levels of testosterone and aggression. Writer “Theodore Dalrymple” (his pen name) in “Life at the Bottom” recounts a conversation with one of his patients, in the hospital in London where he worked. A girl of 17, who had her arm broken by her boyfriend. He questioned her, and she admitted she knew the boyfriend was violent and prone to abuse when she started dating him. That was the attraction, the danger, and the excitement. Dalrymple’s question was what if that aggression was turned on herself? Her response was that she could look after herself. Dalrymple’s reply that men are stronger than women (as her broken arm indicated) produced the retort that such words were “sexist.”

This pattern persisted even with Dalrymple’s educated, professional nurses. Who chose men who abused them, even at work. They confessed to Dalrymple that they knew the men were violent, they could see it at a glance from the scars from fighting, the tattoos proclaiming a love of violence, and their behavior, dress, and friends. Still they chose them, because ordinary, decent men were in their words, “boring.”

With economic emanicipation, women are free to chase men who make their p*ss*es wet. The problem is that a disproportionate number of these men are inclined to violent and sociopathic behavior. For men like Ryan Jenkins, killing a woman and stuffing her mutilated corpse into a garbage bin is as second-nature as inhaling and exhaling. Because their thought processes are dominated by their crotches, women wander into relationships with these men without consideration of the consequences. The exact same qualities that make these men attractive to women is what makes them capable of abusing and murdering them. An additional part of women’s attraction to these brutes is the delusional belief that they can change them, that their vaginas have the magic power to turn a sociopath into a normal human being. When you tangle with a rattlesnake, you risk getting bit. Jasmine Fiore wandered into the rattlesnake’s lair, and it cost her her life.

Some of you are probably thinking, “how DARE you blame the victim? No woman deserves to be murdered by her husband!” Please, take your thought-terminating cliches and shove them where the cheese is cut. It’s this “don’t blame the victim” bullsh*t that resulted in Fiore’s death.

Every other month, there’s a story in the news about a young woman getting killed, and the unmentionable thread connecting all of these stories is that every single one of these girls engaged in behavior that lead directly to their deaths. Natalee Holloway died because she climbed in the back of a car with three strange men. Imette St. Guillen died because she was wandering around New York City drunk at five in the morning. Jasmine Fiore died because she married a psycho because he got her hot and dripping. None of these women deserved to die, but none of them would have died had they exercised proper judgment instead of letting their genitalia lead them around. Shouting “DON’T BLAME THE VICTIM!” allows people to avoid any introspection about why these killings happen, and as far as I’m concerned, anyone who uses that phrase is an apologist for evil.

The media labels these murders “tragedies,” which is an insulting misuse of the word. The true tragedy is the dystopian configuration of society that makes these murders happen. Per Spengler’s Universal Law of Gender Parity , the counterpart of the angry, sexually frustrated beta male rage shooter is the ignorant, clit-led young lady killed at the hands of her abusive lover. Both George Sodini and Jasmine Fiore are products of the same sick system – the system that deprives beta males of romantic companionship also fails to educate young women as to why they shouldn’t follow their loins into the arms of dangerous men like Ryan Jenkins.

Much like there will be more Sodinis in the future, there will be more Fiores. Akin to how the Aztecs demanded daily human sacrifices to appease their cruel gods, women like Jasmine Fiore are sacrifices to the false idol of sexual egalitarianism. And when the next girl dies, the chattering classes will wring their hands about how horrible it is, not stopping to consider the social structures that result in these women being fed to the meat grinder. Men like myself are misogynists according to the feminists, yet they adhere to an ideology that has killed and will continue to kill countless women. Who are the true misogynists?

If Jenkins had lived long enough to be tried and convicted, I would have bet a wheelbarrow of Canadian loonies that within an hour of being jailed, he would’ve been besieged with dozens of calls from women begging him to marry them. Poor things. They know not what they do.”

Indeed, brother. Indeed.

OK-now for the astrology.

Ladies first…

Jasmine Fiore Feb 18 1981 Orange County CA, no time as yet known, Wikipedia.

Yes, she’s an Aquarian w/the Moon in what appears to beLeo, which definitely fits, given her chosen profession (drama, acting, modelling, “being on stage”, etc.), and in possible opposition to her Venus in Aquarius, again highlighting her chosen career interests. If indeed she was born with these “shiny” planets in aspect to each other, it then brings to bear the potential for self-indulgence and even narcissicism, and a desire to live the good life-she did meet and marry her husband as the result of a reality tv show that focused on “catching” a millionaire, afterall.

And now, its Jenkins’ turn:

Feb 8 1977 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, no time known, Wikipedia.

Yes, they’re both Water Bearers, and while some may think that couples born under the same Sign is cute, I’ve found that it isn’t a good idea if a couple hooks up that have too many planets in the same Signs. It becomes a case of what I call “planetary overload” a kind of “celestial inbreeding” that isn’t good for the Zodiacal gene pool, if you will. I’ve found the best combos tend to be opposites, because they then compliment each other. But I digress.

Going back to Ryan’s chart, several key features leap right out at us. First, note that his Moon, as of 6AM on his birthdate, is about 16 Libra, a mere two degrees away from exact conjunction with Pluto. This is a strong signal that Ryan may have deepseated power struggle stuff going on with the female figures in his life-and indeed, we’ve already learned, that not only did he have such struggles, literally, with Fiore, but that he had them in the past up in Canada as well.

The second standout feature in Ryan’s chart is again, his Venus placement-like Sodini’s, notice that its in Detriment, this time in Aries. This again suggests that Venus is “brought low” somehow, either directly via the native himself, and/or via the women he chooses to surround himself with. I think in Ryan’s case, we can safely say that it was a bit of both-he clearly was attracted to “hot babes” who had all the outer pomp and flash, but not a heck of a lot else going for them. Moreover, as Venus is the dispositor of his all-but certain Moon-Pluto conjunction in Libra, we can say that Ryan himself used this very same Venus to present himself as silver-tongued devil, a, as one of the reality shows called him, “Smooth Operator”. Which brings us to the third most important feature of his Solarscope…

Neptune. Notice how its in aspect to BOTH his Lights-sextile both the Sun and Moon. Whenever an Outer planet comes into contact with both Lights, the native often is kind of a living embodiment of said planet, for better or worse-even Jenkins’ “final act” was Neptunian-he commited suicide. In this case, Neptune played itself out as the classic “other than what it seems” vibe. With Neptune plugged into the heart and soul of Ryan’s chart, along w/a runaway Venus and a Libran Moon, he was Smoothness Personified…until the inner demons were unleashed, as they invariably are, when the prospect of an LTR rears its head.

Before I go back to Jasmine’s chart in light of my “guest’s” comments, I’d like to briefly compare and contrast Ryan’s chart to that of Sodini’s, whom I wrote about the other day. When I first looked at Ryan’s chart, the first thing that came to mind was Bizarro, Superman’s mirror-image and one of his toughest enemies. In many ways, Ryan is the “Bizarro” mirror-image of Sodini.

Let’s count the ways:

Both have Venus in Detriment-Sodini in Scorpio, Jenkins in Aries

Both have Neptune in aspect to the Moon-Sodini, Neptune square the Moon, Jenkins Neptune sextile the Moon

Both have a highlighted Mars-Sodini’s Mars is in Fall (Cancer), while Jenkins’ Mars is Exalted (Capricorn)

And finally, if you haven’t noticed already, their Sun-Moon placements are the opposite from each other-Sodini’s a Libran Sun w/the Moon in Aquarius; Jenkins is an Aquarian Sun w/the Moon in Libra.

Clearly, we can see where Jenkins excelled over Sodini-the Venus and Mars placements in his chart versus Sodini’s says it all. Jenkins exuded a kind of masculine charm that Sodini desperately tried to acquire via self-help Game-style seminars and books. Jenkins had naturally what Sodini did not. Venus in Aries/Mars in Capricorn, meet Venus in Scorpio/Mars in Cancer. Among other things.

And yet, both men ended up killing women. We’ve already examined the “why” in Sodini’s case-now let’s consider the “why” in Jenkins’.

As our guest blogger Ferdinand Bardamu suggests above, the vastly changed social environment is such that young women in our time no longer have to consider other qualities in a man, for the simple reason that they are now fully self-supporting; in addition, the Pill, Abortion on Demand, and muscular legal protections, from the workplace to the bedroom, have all worked to free up a woman’s sexual choices to the maximum-the sky’s the limit. Under this rubric then, only one real factor remains: what some have referred to as “Gina Tingle”.

If we go back to Jasmine’s Solarscope, we note that Mars is in Pisces, a usually benign Sign, and for Mars a “diffusing” of its more wayward energies. However, the keen astrological eye notices something-Mars makes no standard aspect to any other planet. When such an occurance is noted, the planet is said to be “Peregrine”, per astrologer Noel Tyl’s research; said planet is akin to a bucking bronco in a corral, a live wire, the lone guy shouting to the top of his voice on the other side of the room from all the other folks in attendance. Such a planet will greatly “color” the life of the native in nearly everyway-for example, we already know that Fiore was planning to open a gym, and her body was discovered mutilated. Two very Martian “themes”.

And, as Mars represents men, literally, in a female chart, its condition must be carefully considered. In Fiore’s case, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if she went for guys who had a certan charm but their “beastly” ways were lurking just beneath the surface. It makes for steamy romance novel reading, but living w/a “beast” day to day can get a bit old to say the least-if not out and out life threatening. Without any restraints to keep things in check, such guys can really be dangerous-as Bardamu points out above, and as, unfortunately, Fiore found out, first hand. Finally, note how her Mars in Pisces comports so well to Jenkins’ Neptunian persona. Deep.

A final word on someting I raised in my piece on Sodini, and that’s the role that the Outer Planets-Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, play with regard to our ever-changing world. Each was discovered at a crucial time of development, particularly in the Western world, and represents concepts and ideas that weren’t around, or if they were, weren’t fully developed prior to said planet’s discovery. For example, democratic ideas did exist prior to Uranus’ discovery, but it took full shape after it was sighted. Currency exchanges and economic models existed before the discovery of Pluto, but these systems really got a “boost” after 1930.

In the case we’re examining, the greatly changed dating/mating sphere, badboys never went lacking for female company-but in the modern era, as Bardamu rightly notes above, they are now swimming in “vaj”. Why?

The answer to that question lies in a celestial event that occurs every few centuries or so, the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto. Its last “hookup” was back in 1966 or so, in the Sign of Virgo, the Virgin. And what immediately happened after this conjunction?

Yup, that’s right, you guessed it, The Pill was born. Scientifically proven, medically safe, and highly reliable birth control was now available for women everywhere-and the best part? It didn’t have to rely on men to use it.

This “seed” conjunction then followed through the mundane transits of Uranus, then Pluto, into Libra in the late 60s and early 70s, when the landmark Roe v Wade decision came down. Now women countrywide, had access to an abortion whenever she wanted it, and again, without the consent or even knowledge, of her lover-even if it was her husband. The “right to choose” was hers, and hers alone.

Then, in 1993, “The Year of The Woman” happened-more women were elected to key positions in the US govt at all levels, than ever before in American history, and with it, corresponding advances in the social, work and legal spheres. This occured as Uranus and Neptune were in conjunction in Capricorn, the “patriarchy” itself, and while Mars, planet of men and males, was at its lowest ebb in Cancer, AND Retrograde. This was a dramatic and heady time for women, particularly the young, while for men and boys, the results were devasting (the “slacker”, Grunge Rock like Nirvana/Kurt Cobain and Pearljam/Eddie Vedder were born, among a great many things). In so many ways, Women’s Lib was embodied in America’s first Metrosexual President, Bill Clinton (who himself, had a long history of being the very cad and rake feminists professed to rail against; more on him and another famous cad feminists just can’t get enough of, in due course; stay tuned…), who pandered to women to such an extent that they swooned whenever he walked into a room.

The keen astrological reader will note that in the aforementioned epic conjunctions cited, Earth Signs were prominent. And with the involvement of Uranus each time, a “disruption” was in play. Earth represents structures, the ideas and concepts that undergirds a society, its traditions and mores. Here, we can clearly see the breaking down of said traditions, mores, values, with regard to contemporary American life, and its direct impact on dating and mating.Which brings us to the present, where women like Jasmine Fiore, are free to reject George Sodini and instead pick Ryan Jenkins. Sure, wag your finger if you must, be keep in mind one thing-in Nature, the male displays, and the female chooses.

And choices, always have consequences.

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