Sunday, October 28, 2007

Astrological Considerations Of Roe V. Wade - For Men

Astrological Considerations Of Roe V. Wade - For Men

6:26 AM 10/28/2007 Sun

You knew it had to happen.

On Mar 9 2006, Matthew Dubay, a 25 year old computer programmer of Saginaw MI, filed a lawsuit against the State of Michigan with the help of the National Center for Men, a men's rights advocacy organization. Dubay and NCM contend that he should not have to be liable for paying child support for his daughter, on the grounds that he did not want any kids, and that his 20 year old ex-girlfriend had assured him that she was medically unable to get pregnant. The case drew wide media and internet attention, and created a firestorm of controversey surrounding the landmark case Roe v Wade.

In a nutshell, this is Dubay's and NCM's argument, taken from the latter's website:

"The practical intent and effect of Roe v Wade was to permit a woman to engage in intimate sexual activity while, at the same time, choosing not to be a parent, even in the event of a contraceptive failure...that is the fundamental right created by Roe. The Supreme Court specifically rejected the argument put forth by Wade, that a woman could make a procreative choice by abstaining from sex. Clearly, the Court intended for a woman to have a private, intimate life, without sacrificing the right to procreative choice. By its very nature, this is a fundamental right that must apply regardless of biology. It cannot survive both as a fundamental right and as a limited right, limited only to people with internal reproductive systems."

In essence, Dubay and the NCM are arguing that Roe as it now stands, violates the 14th Amendment of Equal Protection and hence, un-Constitutional; it defends the reproductive choices and rights of women, and denies the same when it comes to men.

Both Dubay and the NCM fully expected their argument to be rejected by the courts - it was - but in their view, they had hoped that the very act of bringing suit would force out into the open a much-needed debate regarding Roe and the issues surrounding it, chiefly, its open discrimination against men based on what Dubay and NCM view as outmoded norms and oblibations. And man oh man, what a debate it's been.

NCM proposes the following solution: grant a man the right to decide, whether he will "man up" and be a father, and this timeframe would be the same window women have to get abortions; should they decide "no, thanks", they can sign papers to that effect, and would be legally free from prosecution stemming from financial and parental responsibilities. This "Opt Out" clause gives men the same choices it gives women to be free from the consequences of their sexual activity, so the NCM says.

Ladies and Gentlemen, choose your weapons!

Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows, Indeed
As it currently stands, and as has been the case for the past three decades, there have been three distinct views regarding Abortion/Reproductive Rights in the USA. The Pro-Life side of the debate, which is in the main comprised of Rightwing groups, regard Abortion as morally wrong under any circumstance; the Pro-Choice side, made up largely of Left of Center groups and organizations, view a woman's right to choose to abort (or not) to be a bedrock principle of American Democracy, rooted in individual Liberty, or, as those on the Left put it, "personal autonomy" - and under that rubric, cannot be impeded whatsoever.

Then there's the wide middle of America, who sees Abortion as necessary, but should have some limits, best characterized by former President Bill Clinton, when he said that Abortion should be "safe, legal, and rare". In the minds of many Americans, he struck the perfect-pitch note of the debate, something everyone, obstensibly at least, could get behind. In the years since he made that quote however, it seems that the debate surrounding Roe has become even more shrill, with moves in recent years to more openly challenge Roe on the state and federal levels - the US Supreme Court's overturning of Partial Birth Abortion, and the state of South Dakota's challenge to Roe being two glaring examples.

So, with all that said, one would think that the "Roe For Men" (aka "Choice For Men", or R4M/C4M, respectively) argument would fall along clearly defined lines - those on the Pro-Life side would flatly reject it, on the same grounds it argued against the original Roe ruling - if you didn't want kids, you should not have had sex. Moreover, since the Pro-Lifers tend to be quite religious, they would further contend that a man has a moral duty both to his child and to God to support him or her, and to do so within the confines of Marriage. Love or hate Conservatives, at least they're consistent.

The problem however, comes in when we examine the Pro-Choice side of the fence, where things get (predictably?) murkier; what one thought might be a slamdunk suddenly becomes a weak lay-up. Feminist groups, one would think, would be the first ones in line to side with Dubay and the NCM, on the grounds that women are independent, and don't need any man to help them fend for the kids, right?

Think again.

Throughout the Internet, one is bombarded by blogs and sites and chatrooms where Feminists congregate and the word "patriarchy" is a fixture, are livid at the Roe For Men challenge; there are several reasons for this outrage, of course, part of it being viewed as an assault on the very essence of Roe itself. But the real ire is saved for the argument that should Roe For Men come down the pike, it would let men off the financial hook for siring kids, rending Society asunder in the process - in fact, the Feminists make the same argument that their nemesis, the Pro-Lifers make - if he didn't want kids, he should have kept it zipped up! Or at the very least, used a condom.

The Feminist Conundrum
Then there are those on the Feminist Left who argue that since men and women are fundamentally different biologically, only women can and should have the final say as to whether a child is born (and that this fact should be protected by force of law), and if so, that a man must be compelled to support it (and this fact that should be enforced, by the power of the state). They maintain that a man's "choice" is when he makes the decision to have sex or not, and if he does, whether to use protection or not. Moreover, the most avowed Feminists say that the issue isn't the reproductive rights or choices of the man, but what is in the best interests of the child.

This line of reasoning, of course, takes us right into the heart of Conservatism, which makes the case that men and women are inherently different, that our actions public and private should be dictated by moral imperatives, that this is especially true in when it comes to areas surrounding sexual activity, and that our Society would be a better place if only individuals within it took more personal responsibility for their actions and life choices. Interesting, ain't it?
Kim Gandy, President of the National Organization for Women, summed up the Feminist position this way:

"None of these are easy questions. But most courts say it's not about what he did or didn't do, or what she did or didn't do. It's about the rights of the child."

That was from CBS News. Here's another quote, this time taken from Gandy's bi-weekly column, "Below The Belt", Mar 22 2006:

"Nice, huh? Either way, he'd (Dubay) have zero consequences and zero responsibility. Now some men have been saying that since time immemorial, but this time Dubay and his lawyers at the National Center for Men want the courts to back them up."

"This lawsuit, which has been splashed accross the media recently, is supported by men who want to control women's bodies. The other side of Matt Dubay's coin is the men who want to force a woman to *have* a baby for him (i.e., block her from having an abortion) because that too, should be his "choice".

"The bottomline is that it's her body, so it has to be her decision. Once there's a baby, that child is entitled to support from both parents, plain and simple".

Uh, not really.

Roe For Men advocates can and will easily say that RVW effectively removed the "what about the kids" argument off the table by saying that women had the right to abort if they so chose, regardless of what anyone, including a married man, said. They would say that RVW granted women both the right and the freedom to have sex without any consequences whatsoever. They would also argue that there are thousands of single women nowadays, who both adopt and give birth to kids - single *by choice*, mind you - and that of those who make use of fertility clinics and sperm banks, the courts have upheld the right of donors not to be held responsible for the outcome of their donations. Moreover, RFM supporters would say that, since Roe come down in 73, women have vastly expanded educational and economic opportunities, making it easier than ever to afford to raise a child (or a number of children) completely on their own - all that is needed is the aforementioned few drops of DNA, administered by way of the turkey baster or done the good ole-fashioned way. They would say that the age-old saw about the need for economic support from the dad is old hat, gone the way of the typewriter and the hand-cranked telephone, since women now often earn as much and in increasing numbers, outearning men.

And in any event, it doesn't take Socrates to see that the Pro-Choicers are trying to have the argument both ways, even if you support Gandy's position. All of the rhetorical jiujitsu just says to a lot of men that the Double Standard, rightly or not, is alive and well.

The oft-repeated argument, put forth both by the courts, Pro-Choicers and Pro-Lifers alike, is that it is the interests of the child that is paramount; this is why Child Support is so important. But is it really? Can anyone take a look around at the United States today - or at any point in its over 200-year long history - and honestly say with a straight face that we are concerned first and foremost, with the welfare of kids? Now don't get me wrong here. We're certainly not the Soviet Union, or India, or China. We do care about children. It's just that, well, we care about our own individual freedoms, too. A lot.

One gets the sense that while the rhetoric about "it's about the child" sounds good, in truth it's about the money - for the State, they don't want to get stuck with the bill if a kid is left high and dry by daddy; for the women, and especially, it oddly seems, Feminist Women, it's about holding those no-good incorrigably patriarchal men financially accountable (despite so many of them saying that the little bit that guys like Dubay pay out monthly couldn't possibly make up for the nine months of agony, lost wages and life chances that women go through to give birth to a child). In fact, when reading any of these comments throughout the Web, one can't help but get the sense of vengence on the part of these ladies - a "sock it to him!" tone that's very apparent in the posts, blogs and articles. For guys, the "it's about the child" piece rings hollow, especially in light of the aforementioned facts noted earlier with regard to the strides women have made economically. It's about the money.

And it's about something mentioned only in relation to men - Responsibility.

So - with all that said (whew!) - what does Astrology have to say about this Gordian knot? Can this age-old science/art sort out the issues, clarify things, and give us some clues as to how things will ultimately turn out? If you've made it this far in my humble missive, surely you're as interested as am I in this issue. Read on, interested reader - read on!

Astrological Specifics - A Quick Overview Of The USA
We begin with a quick astrological overview of the horoscope of the United States of America, founded on Jul 4 1776 at 5.10PM LMT at Philadelphia PA, per British astrologer Ebeneezer Sibly. This clocktime yields a 12 Sag 19 Asc, and is found in Nick Campion's Book of World Horoscopes. Although it must be said that the USA has quite a few charts based on important foundation and development times, the aforementioned option is the one which I have found works the best out of over a decade of the most intense study and observation of our country. It is here that we consider our approach to the question of children.

Astrologically, the Moon represents infants and young children, and of course, women in general, maternity, childbirth and all that is associated with it. The 5 house also represents children, as well as the sexual act that (usually) brings them about. Planets connected to these factors gives the astrologer strong clues as to how an individual, or in this case, a polity, approaches these matters.

In the case of the USA, the Moon in Aquarius, placed in the national 3 house, and participating in an Air Grand Trine, suggests that our approach to children is bit detached and intellectual, despite the four planets placed in the Moon's Sign, Cancer (Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury); we see our kids more as "friends" and equals, rather than in a more traditional role, where children were seen and not heard. Indeed, recent studies show that more and more, children and young teens are having more of a vocal say in the home, especially when it comes to expenditures and so on. On the positive side this gives our kids more freedom to express themselves and to be heard, but on the downside, it can force them to grow up too fast, and in this case especially, it can suggest a familial breakdown due to extreme emphasis placed on individual drives, interests, aspirations and needs. This is especially true when it comes to the parents, since they are the ones most in a position to act - and here is where Roe v Wade comes in.

Because the Moon represents women, as noted earlier, and Roe granted personal autonomy to women - individual freedom - as to whether a woman will or will not become a mother. The Moon is in Aquarius, which means that it is ruled by the planet Uranus, which in this map is placed in the 6 house of health and illness, yet conjunct the 7 house cusp or Dsc. Note how Roe has been defined as "reproductive health" and so on - and how this choice is in play regardless of the marital status of a woman.

Uranus is Peregrine, per Noel Tyl's desgination. By this he suggests, that a planet is not connected by way of Ptolemaic aspect, and as such, is a "live wire" acting out all over the place in the chart; all of the attention is placed on said planet, and ends up being the tail that wags the dog, so to speak. Despite our fight as Americans to live up to the ideals of Familiy, the Uranian urge to take a walk on the wide side is strong indeed.

Aries is on the USA 5 house, ruled by Mars in Gemini - again, here we see the national view of children not as underlings of a sort, but more like junior adults. We encourage our kids to be independent thinkers, to have wide and varied interests, to speak up and out in their own voice. But with Mars square Neptune in the 9 house, we also have clouded or confused views regarding childrearing; the aforementioned values and ideas conflict with our religious and moral underpinnings that are very strong in American life. Nowhere are these underpinnings stronger than in the areas of children and sex.

And here we see the crux of the current Roe For Men debate, as both Aries and Mars are Male - Paternity - and comes into conflict with Neptune in the 9 house of both the Courts, and with our country's Morals. Remember, the word "responsibility" comes up only when the question of Men and their role in society is put on the table with regard to children; "choice" and "rights" are words that seem to be reserved for American Women. The Mars to Neptune square, involving the 5 and 9 houses then, clearly shows the confusing and convoluted nature of the Roe debate.

The National Organization For Women
NOW, as it is commonly known, was born on Jun 30 1966 at Washington DC according to its website. No time is known so 12 noon is used, giving an Asc of 22 Vir 57. Although NOW claims to have varied interests in the pursuit of protections for women, its centerpiece has been Roe v Wade. The astrology of NOW gives vivid witness to this fact.

Note the Virgo Asc, with the epic Uranus-Pluto conjunction in the same Sign sitting right on the Asc from the 12 house side. As we'll see below, Virgo classically is not considered a particularly fertile Sign, and in any event this Sign is that of the workplace, another huge area of interest for NOW. The aforementioned conjunction is in tight square to the Moon which is both in Sagittarius and placed in the 3 house of media communication, getting your message out, national debates, etc. NOW has been a powerful voice for women's interests on the academic, political and legal fronts now for more than four decades. The hard aspects of Uranus and Pluto to the Moon, even while the latter is nearing its Full phase, doesn't augur well for fecundity and childbirth; indeed, it suggests the opposite, of birth control and abortion.

Capricorn is on the NOW 5 house, which as we noted earlier, represents issues surrounding children, reproduction and sex. Capricorn is yet another Sign that is classically designated as "barren" - and note that its ruler Saturn, is placed at the last degree in the Sign of Pisces in the 7 house (Marriage) and widely square Mars in Gemini, who itself is at the top of the chart and conjunct the MC (fighting for a cause, through Geminian means, i.e., the media, internet, academia, ideas, etc.). Mars rules the NOW 8 house - death, in this case, of unborn children.
I have found in my years of study, that in the charts of females, the coming together of the planets Mars and Saturn by way of hard aspect, usually tends to suggest that the woman involved has "men issues" beyond the norm. In fact, over the years when women have approached me to have their charts done, that those women who seem to have the most trouble with men almost always have Mars and Saturn in very prominent hard aspect in their charts. Please note the Mars-Saturn relationship in the chart of NOW. It, along with the events that have led to its creation, speaks for itself. It has long been argued by Men's Rights Advocates, that NOW doesn't really want equality, but rather to turn the tables on men, and that the current Roe debate is just another, if not glaring example of just that.

Furthermore, I have found that in the charts of prominent Feminists and Feminist organizations, events etc, that the planets Moon and Venus tend to be prominent in some way, usually by way of aspect. Although the Moon and Venus are a bit too wide to form an opposition to each other in terms of orb, it is nonetheless telling to see this signature playing itself out yet again in the chart of the country's premiere women's advocacy organization. Although this combination can indicate a person or entity that is very pleasing and easy to get along with, the downside of such a pairing can be self-indulgence and selfishness. For years charges have been made that NOW seems to be interested in issues of "fairness" only when it is women who are aggrieved. Whether that is indeed the case for NOW, the perception persists nonetheless, and with the Moon in the 3 and Venus in the 9, the perception axis if you will, it certainly makes lots of sense.

Going Further - The Astrology Of Roe V Wade, 1973
The Roe v Wade decision came down on Jan 22 1973 at Washington DC; in the absence of an accurate time I've set the chart for the standard and accepted Mundane astrological practice of 12 noon, yielding a 16 Tau 24 Asc. This chart clearly and emphatically reflects the decision itself: note the Moon in Virgo in the 5 house, and square the Mars-Saturn opposition running from the 8 to 2 houses, respectively. The Sign Virgo has long been associated with reduced or no fertility, Mars in the 8 is a classic signal of death, and Saturn in harsh aspect to the Moon doesn't help the unborn much either.

Then there's the square between Jupiter in Capricorn in the 9 and Uranus in Libra in the 6 ("reproductive health/freedom" again) - the interplay between expanding the principle of the 4th Amendment, where the "right to privacy" comes from, as well as the 1st Amendment, where appeals to religion could not be used to bar or otherwise impede on a woman's "right to choose". "Personal autonomy" is seen here, in the Uranus in Libra placement, giving wide freedoms to women accross the board, if not in fact at least on paper. This mundane transit occured during the height of the Sexual Revolution of the late 60s and most of the 70s, when Uranus was passing through Libra, late 1968-1975. The Jupiter-Uranus combination, often brings with it unbounded freedom. But with Jupiter's placement in Capricorn, and Uranus' inherent "unintended consequences" vibe, women's "choice" came at a price - and not in the way they might have expected.

Most astrologers would agree that the Sun, Mars and Saturn are Male Planets, and here in the original Roe map, we can see that all three are significantly weakened. The Sun is in Detriment in Aquarius, Mars is classically Peregrine and in the 8 house, and Saturn is also classically Peregrine and Rx. Although both the Moon and Venus are also classically without Dignity, Venus is helped considerably by the fact that she both is the Queen of the Chart and is placed in the beneficial 9 house. The Moon is helped by the fact that it occupies the 5. All of these factors helps the cause of American Women getting the right to determine what happens to their bodies.

It is the weakness of the aforementioned planets that gave birth to Roe For Men, and give testimony to astrologers.

Roe V Wade For Men
Matt Dubay took his case to US District Court at Detroit on Thu Mar 9 2006; again, in the absence of accurately timed data, I've set the chart for 12 noon. This gives an Asc of 2 Can 13, and quickly explains why this issue would strike such a deep nerve on all sides - the event chart is defined in the main by a Water Grand Trine between the Moon in Cancer, the Sun-Uranus conjunction in Pisces, and Jupiter in Scorpio. To add fuel to the fire, Mars in Gemini is placed in the 12 house, and squares Uranus - Mars rules the 11 house of "community" and Uranus, the 9 house of the courts and morals - the debate sparked by the RFM case has had a great deal to do with with the effects of unbridled male sexual activity on Society, and the moral imperatives men have to care for the children they had a hand in creating.

The moral argument, expressed mostly in "in the interests of the child" and "his responsibility" terms, is also seen in the square between Jupiter and Neptune, with the former in Scorpio and Rx in the 5 house (a retreat from duty, if you will), Neptune in the 9 house - note that this square is exact! The Pisces cluster of the Sun, Uranus and Mercury Rx, all placed in the 10 house of the Father, speaks in vivid fashion to the issue at hand, whether a man has a right to decline any responsibility for a child he didn't want. Note the prominence of Uranus here, and recall its role in the previously mentioned charts - the USA, NOW and Roe 1973. Democracy is alive and well in the USA.

Note also the mundane signature of Saturn Rx in Leo - Saturn Rx has long been associated with "daddy issues" most often abandonment, lax involvement, irresponsibility and vagueness.
And note that Venus, ruler of the 5 house in this chart, is placed in Aquarius - sound familiar anyone? - and placed in the 8 house of debt. It opposes Saturn, placed in the 2 house, and ruling (and holding Venus) the 8. Despite the flowery rhetoric, the State doesn't want to get stuck with the tab. It's also interesting to note that Dubay's child is a girl; Venus again, rules the Libran 5 house.

This chart doubles both as a Mundane Event map and as well, as a Horary map, specifically, one having to do with litigation issues. In such charts, the Asc represents the Plaintiff, and the Defendent is signified by the 7 house. The 9 house is the Courts in general, the 10 house is the Presiding Judge, and the 11 house is the Jury, if there is one. Moreover, the old Horary Rule is in effect here: the chart must describe the situation in order to be valid. So, Dubay/NCM is represented by the Dignified Moon in the 2 house (monetary concerns), the State of Michigan is represented by Saturn in Leo Rx (also placed in the 2 - money again), and the judge is represented by the 10 house, where the Pisces stellium is.

That the judge ruled against Dubay is hardly surprising, given the condition of Saturn; it is placed in a financial house, rules another, is classically weakened by Sign AND is Rx. Saturn is disposed by the Sun in Pisces in the 10 - the judge - and that is that.
Or ir it? The aforementioned weaknesses of Saturn, plus the prominence of Uranus on the MC in the chart, suggests the high likelihood that the judge's ruling could be overturned on appeal; afterall, Dubay has a strong argument, shown by the dignity of the Moon. Note too Mercury's Rx status in the 10, again highlighting the strong potential for poor judicial reasoning, and the case being revisited.

Enter The Supremes
As of this writing, the Dubay/Roe For Men case is working its way through the Appeals process, with oral arguments being made in the Sixth Circuit Court at Cincinatti OH on Sep 15 2007. Dubay and the NCM intend to fight this all the way to the US Supreme Court, and win or lose, they say, they intend to continue to raise questions about a man's right to reproductive choice, rights and freedom, the same as women enjoy. They will continue to argue on the grounds that the 14th Amendment must be applied equally, or not at all, and will ask the highest Court in the land to give a final judgment either way. So, what will the Supremes do?

According to the superb research work of Mundane astrological specialist JohnTWB, the US Supreme Court was founded on Feb 2 1790 at 1PM LMT at New York City NY. Using Placidus Houses this gives an Asc degree of 20 Gem 28. Comparing the RFM chart to that of the Supreme Court, what immediately leaps out at me is the exact square between the RFM Jupiter and the SC Pluto - a combination that usually denotes grand success. It should also be noted, however, that the RFM's Neptune sits exactly upon the same SC Pluto - in the 9 house - suggesting a deeply divided court. What else is new?

Mu's Prediction: Roe Radically Altered
Considering the short-term astrological outlook for the Supreme Court, we note the following: transit Uranus sqaure the SC Asc in the Spring and Fall of 2008, suggesting a change of heart with regard to Roe (and several Conservative voices on the Court have openly expressed the desire to overturn Roe); SA Neptune=Jupiter Jun 08; and SA Saturn=Pluto, Jul 08. In that anything can happen, given the rather unusual nature of the case in question, we have to note that if history is any indication, Roe as we know it will indeed be significantly changed, either found unconstitutional, which kills the RFM argument, or, upheld while also granting men the right to "opt out". Back in 1973, the SC had SA Uranus=Asc, with transit Jupiter square Neptune, clear echoes between now and then. Either way, as I've stated in previous writings, it is very, very difficult to see Roe continue in the way it has come the end of this decade.

That the Roe For Men case, and the debate it spawned (pardon the pun) comes as a surprise to many on the Feminist Left reveals just to what degree they have failed to fully think through their most cherished prize, Roe 1973. It was only a matter of time before someone, somewhere, would challenge the idea that, no matter how it was worded, women and only women get to decide not only if they get to be parent, but also whether men get to be parents. Moreover, the common arguments that were used against Roe, cannot be applied to the Dubay case - not with a straight face, I mean. If men have to use birth control or abstain from sex in the first place, then so should women. If it's immoral to leave a kid high and dry, its at least as immoral to do away with an inconvenient pregnancy. If women and men are indeed fundamentally different based on biological realities, those realities should be clarified and upheld by force of law throughout the whole of Society, and not cherrypicked when it suits one side or the other.

Maybe the fierce opposition to RFM by Feminists, highlights the biological point brilliantly - no matter where anyone falls on this issue, it's generally accepted that while a woman's right to choose may or may not effect everyone else, what men choose to do with their nether regions can have grave consequences for all concerned. But since the Feminists have successfully tossed such an argument aside in the name of "progress", such an argument cannot be used here either. Here we see the flipside of the Outer Planets - the very ideas and new concepts Uranus, Neptune and Pluto bring, have within them the means to destroy a Society. In this case, Uranus - the Planet of Democracy, Individuality, and Identity Politics - is inherently at odds with notions of Family, Marriage and most of all, Childrearing. Left to its own devices, Uranus can tear down not only those structures that have outlived its usefulness, but destroy the structures a Society needs to survive.

The very argument used to advance Roe - that, should it be removed as an option, women would resort to back alley abortions - can be used with just as much vim and vigor by MRAs - that men are voting with their feet and wallets NOT TO BE DADS already, even in the face of awesome public censure, threat of garnishment of wages, and certainty of imprisonment. At present, some $100 BILLION is owed in back Child Support - a sum comparable to the amount of money spent in fighting the War on Drugs, and we know how that turned out, right? We used to think that these men were "deadbeat dads". Maybe it's because they don't want to pay for kids they don't want. It hurts to say that, it hurts to type it. But I think it's the nasty, ugly truth. Dubay's case only lifted the rock up for everyone to see. If we can't force women to have kids they don't want, how can we force men to support kids they don't want?

After more than a week of near round-the-clock intense study of this issue, I have to side with Dubay. But before the chorus of "Aha!!!-I KNEW Mu was a hate-filled Misogynist!" starts, please let me say that I don't do this with any sense of glee or "gotcha" at all. Matthew Dubay is no heroic Lone Ranger or Wyatt Earp for Men's Rights - in fact, in truth, at best he could be compared to the iconic yet anti-heroic character lionized by Clint Eastwood in those Sergio Leone "Spaghetti Westerns" of the 60s - a man who acts by purely selfish interests, who just happens to do the right thing along the way.

Here I'm reminded of the quote by Harvard scholar Harvey Mansfield, who said in his piece "Why A Good Man Is Hard to Find" the following:

"Of course feminism did not create male irresponsibility, and it is not the only cause that Dad is so often no longer around. But it gave him a license to take off. Women's liberation is liberation for men too, and not of the best in men. The feminists should have known that a tendency to promiscuity is in the nature of a male. You can call that tendency a "stereotype" and suppose that it need not be. But what if you are wrong? You are taking a big risk with the happiness of women who do not want to be deserted."



P.S. For Astrologers: What does the chart of a man who would make a good father look like? Any ideas, observations, comments, suggestions? Any charts of good dads you'd like to share? How would you deal with the issues in this piece? Please let me know!

Suggested Further Reading:

The Astrology of Roe v. Wade: Three Decades Later Jan 2005

Who's Your Daddy? - The Primacy Of Saturn Retrograde Jan 2005

The USA Supreme Court: A Changing of The Guard... Sep 2005

US Supreme Court Upholds "Partial Birth Abortion" Ban Apr 2007

- all found at

Mu'Min M. Bey is a Western and Vedic astrologer with 15 years training and experience, including 5 years teaching Western astrology at Temple University's PASCEP program. Mr. Bey lives in Philadelphia and is founder of the University of Astrology discussion forum found on MySpace: Contact him at:, or at his MySpace page:

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Venus In Virgo, Mars In Cancer & Domestic Violence

Venus In Virgo, Mars In Cancer & Domestic Violence

6:17 AM 10/13/2007 Sat

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and this year it could not have come at a better time, as several major astrological events takes place that speaks directly to love, romance, sex and unfortunately so often these days, domestic violence and spousal abuse. This year is unusual in that both Venus and Mars go retrograde, and in their Fallen Signs, highlighting these issues surrounding domestic violence. As Mars and Venus spend extended time in their Fallen Signs, both sexes, men for Mars and women for Venus, will be called to closely examine themselves and others of their gender. Although admittedly I'm a "big tickets" kind of guy - I tend to focus more on Outer Planet movements and the like - I have to admit that so much activity among the Inner Planets is a sight to behold. The Inner Planets are called such because they represent those things that are close and dear to all of us; the term "intimate" clearly comes to mind when discussing the issue of domestic violence.

Astrological Overview
On July 15 2007, Venus entered Virgo, with Mars in Taurus; then, on July 28 2007, Venus went retrograde in the same Sign. On September 29 2007 Mars entered Cancer, and will go retrograde on Nov 15 of this year, to last until early next year. Venus, which had been transiting Leo by this time, had returned to Virgo on Oct 9.

To add more flavor to the mix, Mercury then went retrograde on Oct 11 2007, where it will remain until early November, just days before Mars itself goes retrograde. All of these patterns points to a period of time where heightened focus will be put on the issue of sex, domestic violence, and the like.

But not entirely in the way we all may have thought. Remember, all planets are subject to the condition of their dispositors, the planet that rules the Sign another planet is placed in. Said condition of a dispositor ultimately calls the shots as to how well or badly, a planet will perform. This is true no matter what style of astrology one chooses to use - Natal, Medical, Mundane, etc.

So, the recent retrograde transit of Mercury in Scorpio, puts added emphasis on Venus, due to it being in Virgo, the Sign ruled by Mercury. In Scorpio, Mercury tends to be darker in its thinking patterns, perhaps secretive, and can be quite controlling. Being retrograde, the thinking goes in before coming out - a lot of cards are kept close to the vest, so to speak.

But we can go even further in this analysis, as we note that Venus and Mercury participate in a Mutual Reception, as Venus finds its Detriment in Scorpio; romantic and love interests can either be deeply passionate, or darkly manipulative. The image of a "crime of passion" emerges easily. Put this together with a "flying off the handle" Mars in Cancer, and the mix is an explosive one for sure.

This gives us pause to consider one chilling fact - that while domestic violence is widespread, its not as clearcut as many would make it appear. True, there are many women who are abused. But so are men. So, why is so little of this documented fact known to the wider public?

Astrology Of The VAWA
Although domestic violence had existed in one form or another for as long as there have been human beings, in the year 1994 something special happened. President Bill Clinton signed into law the Violence Against Women Act, which gave special protections to women being physically abused by their mates. Clinton, long viewed as arguably the most woman-friendly President ever, was praised by the National Organization of Women, who called the new law "the greatest breakthrough in civil rights for women in nearly two decades". Among other things, VAWA provided some $1.6 billion in federal funds to ehance investigation and prosecution of violent crime against women, increased pre-trial detention of the accused, and imposed mandatory arrests of the accused.

The astrology of VAWA, which President Clinton signed into law on Sep 13 1994 at Washington DC, is striking to the eye - set for a noontime mark, Scorpio rises with Pluto in Scorpio in the 1st House and tightly conjunct the Asc point! Right off the bat we can see the imagery of power, control and manipulation, with deep sexual overtones; remember, it was during the Pluto in Scorpio period, that Domestic Violence became a household name.

We also note that Venus is in Scorpio(!) and Mars is in Cancer(!!), emphasizing the current astrological situation. The Mars in Cancer placement in the VAWA chart shows men in the worst possible light, as uncontrollable beasts out to destroy their wives and girlfriends. Mercury in Libra squares this Mars placement, a clear signal of bickering and arguments that lead up to violence in the home. But note that Mars, the classical ruler of Scorpio, disposes of Venus, who is tucked away in the 12th House - she is not without blame here. And note that this Venus is sextile the Moon in Capricorn - the women of the country are not only seeking government redress, but becoming more and more, part of the government aparatus and political process. However, despite Mars' rulership of Venus, the Moon has the upperhand, as it disposes of Mars - and with Mars tucked away into the 8th House, there was little men could do about the VAWA being passed.

The Moon-Venus aspect I have found to be very prominent in the charts of women's groups and in the charts of individual women's advocates and feminists. In a general sense, such an aspect denotes a very pleasing manner, but the downside is there can be a selfish indulgence about things as well. One of the chief criticisms feminist groups and the like have endured over the years is that they seem interested in advocating for *only* their causes, and not for the cause of human beings, read, men. In other words, they are interested in Spousal Abuse only if the victim happens to be a woman.

Dazed & ConfusedThis came along at the same time as the "Year of the Woman" theme in 1992, when more women were elected to both Houses of Congress than ever before in American history at that time, and when life became quite confusing for the American Male. This paradigm-shifting event occured as the Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn was taking place in 1993, and as we can see here in this map, the conjunction is still well within orb. Note how they both oppose Mars in Cancer, and recall one of the catch phrases of the period, "The Angry White Male". Two years ago, when Mars was retrograde in Taurus, I wrote an extensive piece about it and the wider topic of men that relates to the aforementioned aspect configuaration:

"If you haven't already, I urge you to get a book called "Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man", by Susan Faludi (born Apr 18, 1959, New York City). Best known for her reporting work and her book "Backlash" this feminist writer spent the better part of the 90s taking a hard look at men at the end of the 20th century. While I don't agree with all of her premises, and definitely am shaky about her final conclusions, nevertheless, Stiffed is an important read at this time, and forms much of the backdrop of this essay.

Let's go back to the future, if you will - the roaring 90s. Bill Clinton was President, the Internet Bubble (and Economy) was just beginning to bloom...and men were in big trouble. The film "Falling Down" starring Michael Douglas showed a man who dedicated his life to his job and family, and was betrayed by both, finally driven over the edge, literally, by the end of the film, chillingly brought to life the much written about "Angry White Male". Other movies depicted the state of affairs men were in: "Boyz in the Hood", "Menace to Society" and "Colors" showed boys - in this case, in the main, African American young men - trying to forge for themselves the meaning of manhood in the midst of the rapidly shifting socioeconomic landscape of late 20th century urban America.

Astrologically, we can see this shift occurring with respect to men, in two "waves" if you will - the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1965, and the Uranus-Neptune conjunction of 1993. As we all know, these conjunctions had massive social, legal and economic implications for all concerned. One of the most sweeping - and far reaching - was with regard to Women. The Women's Movement gained monumental steam during the 60s, and by the time the early 90s rolled around, more women were in every sphere of public life than ever before in American history. On the micro level, more women had choice in nearly every aspect of their lives than ever before, ranging from career choice to reproductive options. While we astrologers were caught up in assessing these conjunctions themselves, I posit that we might have overlooked their impact on the "inner planets", in this case, Mars; at the time of the Uranus-Pluto partile, Mars was conjunct Venus and trine the Moon (both female planets); and, perhaps even more ominous, at the time of the Uranus-Neptune conjunction, Mars was sitting opposed it in Cancer and RETROGRADE. Classically its sign of Fall, Mars in Cancer shows a much-weakened male population, made all the moreso by its retrogradation. The Uranus-Neptune conjunction, portended a protracted period of confusion, befuddlement, literally being in a fog, about what it means to "be a man" (and please note, that Faludi's book centers on this period!), as all of the "male" institutions - schools, colleges, corporations, industries, even the military (think VMI and The Citadel) - underwent massive and rapid change. Today, most men don't know whether to hold the door open for a woman or not; many men are chided for having "base" desires, such as the liking for buxom women; and we all have either heard about and/or read about the dangers of "patriarchy". Men have truly lost their "male compass" and it's my view that this Mars in Taurus Rx transit is pointing us in the proper direction to go - if we but would listen."

- Mars Retrograde And The Incredible Disappearing Man, Oct 3 2005

Critics of VAWA assert that it is a flagrant violation of the 14th Amendment, which guarantees that every American will get equal protection under the law; since men can be and often are abused just as much as women, many men's rights groups assert, the law should either be rescinded or changed to reflect that fact, in addition to other changes, such as due process and presumption of innocence violations. The American Civil Liberties Union derided VAWA as "repugnant" to the US Constitution; even the US Supreme Court ruled that parts of VAWA were unconstitutional. The group RADAR (Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting) has released reports which find that male DV victims are treated as criminals, restraining orders are issued with no claim or proof of physical violence and men often falsely accused.

In fact, the World Health Organization's study on the matter found that among the estimated 31% of couples worldwide who engage in physical violence, 68.6% of the time both parties are involved, and of that 21.4% of the time the violence was initiated by the female, versus only 9.9% of the times when the male initiated.

That's more than twice as many times. No wonder so many men are dazed, confused and often, very angry.

And still, depsite the mountain of evidence in this regard, VAWA still gets strong support at all levels of government, as well as funding, to say nothing of the general view held in the Public Mind, that in domestic violence situations, the woman is always the victim, and the man is always the attacker. And on those occasions where the woman did indeed use violence, it had to be as a last-ditch effort to get away from the man, or as retribution for a marital life in misery.

Often, women who blatantly abuse such laws and statutes, face little to no jailtime, censure or rebuke; indeed, the reverse can be true, where they are held up as examples of brave women taking matters into their own hands and striking a blow for aggrieved and put-upon women everywhere.

The Outrageous Case Of Mary Winkler
This was the case when Mary Carol Winkler, a mother of three in Selmer TN, murdered her husband, the Reverend Matthew Brian Winkler, as he lay asleep in the family home on Mar 22 2006. His death was by a close-range 12 gauge shotgun blast to the back, and his body was found by fellow church members who were worried when he didn't show up for Wed night Bible Study. By then Mary had taken the family's three daughters and fled to Orange Beach AL.

Though by all accounts from friends and church members, the Winklers seemed to be the perfect family, Mary herself and members of her family assert that Matthew was abusive. No hard evidence has been found to support this view, however, and as per usual, the woman's word must be taken as law.

Mary Winkler was eventually brought to trial, found guilty of voluntary manslaughter (after being released on bail!) and served a grand total of seven months locked away - four months in the country jail and two months in a mental hospital. She is now free and has vistation with her daughters. It must also be noted that when women murder their husbands, voluntary manslaughter is the usual verdict.

To add insult to injury, Mary then appeared on Oprah, to tell her story. Holding up a pair of white platform high-heeled shoes, Mary asserted that part of the "abuse" she endured was her husband's insistence that she wear them when they had sex.

Mary Carol Winkler was born on Dec 10 1972, presumably in or near Knoxville TN, according to Wikipedia. No time is known, but the birthdate is clear as day: she was born on a Full Moon in Gemini(!!!), with a Mercury-Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius in the Solar 12th! Astrologers know well that such combinations don't usually augur well for a sound mental state, or being completely upfront with the facts. Moreover, Mary has Mars in Aries, opposed Uranus, only six minutes from partile...and, get this...neither planet is Rx. This is highly unusual, and suggests that Mary could be prone to explosive outbursts of anger and violence. Her husband Matthew was born on Nov 21 1974 at Henderson TN, Wikipedia: the Jupiter-Neptune square in Pisces-Sag accounts for his interest and life's work in the Clergy, while a Mercury-Mars conjunction in Scorpio sits in the Solar 12th, along with Uranus in Scorpio. Matthew was born a Scorpion, so the part about the white high heel shoes makes sense - but enough to warrant him being blown away in his sleep? Both he and Mary shared Venus-Pluto aspects in their respective charts, and in Mary's case she had a Venus-Uranus Mutual Reception to boot; at the time of his death, Matthew had SA Venus=Jupiter/Uranus (Mar 2006), so I'm highly doubtful that sexual abuse was at the heart of why he is now dead. But money?-that could be the ticket, and there is documented evidence of wives knocking off their hubbies in order to collect on life insurance policies, wills, and so on.

By the way, in case you're wondering, if the date of Matthew's murder at the hands of his wife looks and sounds familiar, it might be because this grisly event occured only a week after the infamous Duke Lacrosse Rape Scandal went down in Durham NC. A Black stripper named Crystal Gail Mangum accused three White and well to do male students of viciously gang-raping her, even when there was absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support her claims, and even when the prosecutor in the case, Mike Nifong, deliberately witheld key information that would have exonerated the three men in question, and stoking the racial tensions apparent in Durham in a bid to get re-elected. One of the men had to leave Duke, the lacrosse program was shutdown for a year and the coach left, millions of dollars were spent in the male students' defense - all for the eventual result of Nifong serving one day in jail, and no criminal charges being brought against Mangum at all - she's crazy, dont you know. On the night of the bizarre event, Mercury was Rx in Pisces, opposed the Full Moon in Virgo.

What Can Men Do? Organize - And See An Astrologer!
From these two cases, only to name a scant few, the keen astrologer easily sees a clear pattern - that the Mental Planets, the Moon and Mercury, are badly afflicted, and have to be carefully inspected when it comes to synastry and the like. This becomes very important for men, who at present little if any legal or for that matter, social protections when it comes to matters like DV and rape alleagations. Here is what I said to a good friend of mine, when he approached me with the chart of a young lady he was interested in dating:

"Years ago, my best friend and fellow astrologer Zam asked me to look into the Vedic chart of a young lady he had met online; they were due to hookup downtown on a date and see where things go from there. As soon as her chart came up on the screen, I could see she had what is known as "Matibrahamana Yoga" - a combination where the Mental Planets, the Moon and Mercury, are BOTH impacted by Malefics. On the basis of this, I told Zam, "girlfriend's a headcase, drop her". Well, it was too late - they already had the date planned.

A few days later, Zam let me know that they met downtown alright - and about 15 minutes into the date, girlfriend just snapped out on Zam, going ballistic. Now, such a thing might not make that much difference to me, with all my Fire and a kickass Mars, but for a guy like Zam, who has a million planets in Virgo and Libra, it's a HUGE turnoff."

- Astrological Eye For The Regular Guy 8:59 AM 06/18/2006 Sun

In my time as an astrologer, I've helped lots of men avoid women who might prove to be problematic in the longrun. Its a wise investment when put against that which could befall you - being locked up on trumped up charges, having your reputation ruined, or worse, a fate like Rev. Matthew. When next you meet a lady, ask for her birthdate - the birthtime would be even better - but a birthdate will do. Most women happen to like astrology very much, so this shouldn't be hard to do, and there are many female astrologers who assist their female clients in being on the lookout for men who might exhibit over-agressive tendencies. If, per chance, she doesn't want to give you her birth information, you're still in luck - carefully note down the time, place and date you *asked* her to give you her birthdate. Take this to an astrologer. They will be able to tell from it if the woman you're about to go out with is playing with a full deck, so to speak. The astrologer will also be able to help you focus in on exactly what you want from a woman, how to go about it, and when the best times are as to when to proceed for the best chances of success.

One final thing here. Men need to learn how to organize, to speak up and out for their interests, and to work together to make that happen. Vote in all of your local and state and of course, federal elections. Know who your elected officials are. Ask them about the VAWA and about the blatant abuses of civil liberties therein. Ask them what are their stance regarding it all, and if they support seeing to it that the abuses are stopped? Also, get with Men's Rights groups and organizations. There are many on the Web, and one I would highly endorse is Sacks is a syndicated columnist, writer, blogger and host of the popular radio show "His Side". His website has many resources for men and how to protect themselves from the current abuses in the VAWA system. The Mars in Cancer transit will go over the USA Sun twice between now and Spring 2008, signalling a time when men can be energized about these issues, as the USA Sun and transiting Mars will fall in its 7th House. Know your rights, get organized, and get involved, gentlemen!

Mu's Prediction: VAWA Overturned
Based on my study of the astrology of when VAWA was signed into law by President Clinton, there is every reason to believe that VAWA could be overturned in the coming year, if not by the end of 2009. Reasons for this are the following: transit Uranus opposed the VAWA Sun, Apr 2008-Feb 2009; transit Saturn conjunct the VAWA Sun, Nov 2009-Jan 2009, with a final pass in late Summer 2009; transit Neptune square VAWA Asc and Pluto, Mar 2008-Dec 2009. Key: SA Uranus=Sun, Feb 2008!

It should go without saying, that violence is wrong no matter who does it. It has no place within a marriage, relationship, or domestic partnership. Yet the myth persists that only men abuse, and only women are victims. This has to stop. In our time of heightened awareness of fears that our civil liberties as Americans are threatened by laws such as the Patriot Act, one would think that we all would be outraged by the day in, day out abuses of VAWA, but there continues to be relative silence, and makes this astrologer wonder if that is due to a political bias on those who play the role of the Squeaky Wheel. And while I'm sure there'll be lady colleagues who will take issue with me for this piece, I would remind them that they are hardpressed to find a man who sided with Scott Peterson when he killed his pregnant wife, or Stephen Poaches when he killed his pregnant girlfriend. Yet we all know of instances where men were killed in the manner Matthew Winkler was offed, and it was met with cheers by the Sisterhood, if not quiet approval. They need to understand that until both sexes are truly Equal under the Law, neither men nor women will ever truly be Free.


Suggested Further Reading:
Of Mars And Men - The Other Side of Domestic Abuse...

Welcome To Oprah University! (Boys Need Not Apply)

- both found at

Mu'Min M. Bey is a Western and Vedic astrologer with 15 years training and experience, including 5 years teaching Western astrology at Temple University's PASCEP program. Mr. Bey lives in Philadelphia and is founder of the University of Astrology discussion forum found on MySpace. Contact him at:, or at his MySpace page.

Astrological Considerations Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran

The following is by me, taken from the University of Astrology Forum, found at MySpace:

Posted: 22 Sep 2007, 12:28 AM

OK y'all, just wanted to toss in a bit of astrology as only Mu can:Islamic Republic of Iran Feb 1 1979 9.50AM IRT Tehran Placidus 11 Ari 30 Campion

United States of America Jul 4 1776 5.10PM LMT Philadelphia PA Placidus 12 Sag 19 Sibly Option, Campion

Please note that this month's Partial Solar Eclipse has fallen right on Iran's 9 house Neptune, highlighting its oil and energy woes, as well as its covert operations abroad, most notably wrt Iraq and Lebanon in conjunction w/Syria. Also, please note that Iran's first Saturn Return has begun, bringing full circle the ideas that the Ayatollah Khomeni brought into existence. Saturn is Peregrine (Tyl) in Virgo in the Iranian map, suggesting that the administration is one that is arch-conservative and pendantic (you also might want to note that China also has such a Saturn position-its undergoing its second Saturn Return). Saturn rules the 10, the Party in Power.

Transit Pluto had been sitting close to Iran's Venus in the 9, suggesting an opening in terms of international efforts at peaceful negotiation. However, now that Pluto has gone direct, chances for a peaceful end to the nuclear weapons program Iran has been building is getting dim. There seems to be a last chance coming up this year in SA Venus=Sun/Moon next month, and President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad is on his way for the United Nations General Assembly soon.

Perhaps that might be the opening both sides need. Please note the Uranus position in the Iranian chart, in Scorpio, in the 8 and Peregrine (Tyl); Uranus rules the 12; and Pluto, Uranus' dispositor, is exactly sextile Neptune in Sagittarius in 9, ruling 8. The nuclear weapons program is there alright. Iran has been under increasing pressure from the international community wrt to its nuclear weapons program; we can see this most recently in SA Saturn=Asc exact in Aug of this year. If peace talks don't work in the coming weeks, we can expect Iran to attempt to stall for more time in some way w/SA Uranus=Neptune and SA Mercury=Uranus/Neptune both in Nov; Iran will try to keep the USA and its allies divided on the atomic energy issue by diverting to othr issues, such as Iraq, Lebanon, etc.

The horoscope of Iran shows it to be a very shrewd, albeit boisterous nation, w/its Moon in Aries in the 12, and a triple conjunction of the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Aquarius. The Islamic State gets its entire identity from Revolution and its "Death to America" stance. With Mars as Asc ruler and conjunct the Sun, Iran is a much stronger military power than was Iraq under Saddam Hussein, even at th height of his power and prior to USA-endorsed and UN-imposed sanctions. However, Iran has been having a host of problems in recent years, not least of which have been severe economic woes, increasing poverty and unemployment rates, further international isolation which hampers its import/export prospects, and continual freezes on its monetary assets overseas. Note that Venus rules the Iranian 2 house of national finances, Peregrine (Tyl), and having just been conjuncted by Pluto. Pluto sits in the 7 house-powerful nations and entities w/which the Islamic must contend with-and note that Pluto rules the 8-other nation's money and monetary services, as well as the national debt, which according to published reports, has ballooned during Ahmedinejad's tenure.

Additionally, there has been something of a shakeup wrt Iran's internal political workings. One of Ahmedinejad's rivals was recently appointed to the religious authority's high council seats, and is seen as both a moderate and potential rival for Ahmedinejad's position. If we consider last year's Solar Arc hits, we see that SA Moon=Uranus/Pluto exact Jul 2006. If memory serves, this was around the time that Ahmedinejad suffered a major defeat in parlimentary elections, as his party was roundly defeated at the polls, and allowed an opening for his rival Rasthanjani, to come back to the forefront. The Moon rules the opposition party 4 house.

Look ahead to 08, we see that SA Neptune=Pluto in Mar; given the relationship of these planets natally, and given the facts on the ground at Tehran, this can't be a good signal. By then, the rhetoric regarding Iran's nuclear weapons program will have reached fever pitch, w/the familiar actors unable and/or unwilling to take stronger action against the Islamic Republic. Iran is likely to keep stalling and/or being defiant in refusing to give up its programs outright. Transit Uranus will square Iran's Neptune FROM THE 12 HOUSE at that time. Neptune is co-ruler of the 12.

For the USA's part, of course military operations elsewhere in the region make it unlikely that a full scale ground assault is likely. But that doesn't take some kind of military option off the table, and in Nov of this year, we can expect to hear more talk of this w/possible action being taken, as SA Mars=Sun/Uranus comes into view. If not then, then definitely by Aug 08, as SA Mars=Satun/Uranus comes into focus. The plan is simple: bleed the Iranian government of resources through sanctions, international criticism etc, and then order targeted airstrikes on the suspected nuclear weapons sites. Cruise missle strikes from naval vessels in the Persian Gulf are also possible, probably in conjunction w/the aforementioned airstrikes. If it comes to that, and the astrological evidence suggests that it might, its definitely a better option than if Israel did it, who just recently had a border skirmish w/Syria, and where murmors were afoot that Syrians were attempting to test WMD. The link between Syria and Iran, is well established and documented.

Simply put, Iran cannot be allowed to have a nuclear weapons program-it would spark off an Arab arms race, truly destabilize the region, and provoke Israel into taking unilateral action in the name of asserting its right to exist in the face of persistent threats from hostile enemies all around. Overthrow of the current regime in Iran doesn't seem likely, the people aren't there yet and there aren't any signs of such a thing.

The USA will step in.

