Monday, November 21, 2005

Mars Is For Sex: Thoughts On Sexual Astrology

Mars Is For Sex: Thoughts On Sexual Astrology, "From Destiny Times Six"

9:56 AM 11/21/05 Mon

About 5 years into my astrology study, I ran into what I considered to be a very good, yet little mentioned book: "Destiny Times Six". The author was named Katherine de Jersey, a Chicago-based Western astrologer, and her book spoke of the day to day activities, concerns, challenges and techniques of a working astrologer. Books like these don't come along often, and when they do, they're worth picking up.

Katherine de Jersey Jun 25 1913 1.07AM CST Chicago IL; Placidus 6 Tau 59, Rodden. Sun in Cancer conjunct Pluto in the 3rd, Moon in Pisces in the 11th, with a Taurean Asc. Venus is the final dispositor of the chart, and trine Jupiter in Cap in the 9th. Jupiter rules the 8th and 9th and quindecile Pluto in Gemini in the 3rd; Pluto rules the counselling 7th. Pluto is also at the AP (powerful writing coming forward to the public, very successful writing and publishing, etc.). Mercury conjunct Neptune in the 4th, Mercury ruling the 3rd; Mercury=Jupiter/Uranus.

The book came out in 1970; at the time, de Jersey had transit Saturn square Uranus in the 10th and conjunct the Asc (major career move - Saturn rules the 10th), transit Jupiter square Uranus and opposed the Asc (keep in mind, Jupiter in and ruling the 9th natally), and transit Pluto square her natal Pluto at the end of 1970 (Pluto ruling the 7th, the general public).

On page 239, Chapter Five, "Mars is for Sex" begins, and since Mars is still Rx, and since I've been saying for awhile now that I wanted to write a little something for the ladies regarding male sexual nature and how to see this and make friends with this astrologically, I thought this part of de Jersey's book would provide a really good background.

I say that because this chapter really deals very well with the question of how men and women react to Venus and Mars in the chart, Sexual Aspects overall, and how happy marriages can indeed be ripped apart by infidelity. Checkout the charts:

First, the Wife - Eve Cowles May 29 1933 4PM CST Athens, AL; Placidus 3 Sco 17

Next, the Hubbie - Allen Cowles Feb 5 1928 12.30PM EST Charleston, WV; Placidus 5 Gem 17

And finally, "The Other Woman" - Debbie Lawrence May 13 1947 2.50AM PST Los Angeles, CA; Placidus 6 Ari 51

Allen's chart appears on the first page of Chapter Five, and right off the bat, I could see trouble - the man has Venus conjunct Mars in Capricorn (exalted!!!) in the 8th, with Mars opposed Pluto to boot! All three Sexual Planets are in play here, so is the 8th House (sexual attractiveness to others, ability to acheive many orgasms, etc.); Venus is in declinational aspect to Pluto; Mars=Venus/Pluto - AND - Mercury, the Asc ruler, is also the 5th ruler and in opposition to Neptune, ruler of the 11th (love needed). All of the heavy sexual emphasis here, along with Neptune's involvement, suggests very strongly, that unless he hooks up with the right kind of woman, he's all but certain to go creepin'.

The wife's chart, when I finally had the chance to actually cast it, doesn't stand a chance - Venus is in Gemini and Mars is in Virgo, two Sign placements that aren't particularly sexual - and they're too wide to form a square. On top of that, Eve's Venus is in the 8th and trines Saturn in the 4th, and Neptune, ruling the 5th, conjunct Mars (muffling the sex desire drive); Neptune itself is in Virgo, again a de-emphasizing of sexual impulse. Eve has Scorpio on the Asc, as well as a Venus-Pluto declinational aspect - and they did have several kids together - but neither the Venus/Pluto nor the Venus/Mars midpoints (important for women when it comes to Sexual Astrology) are tenated. Moreover, Eve has Saturn=Mars/Pluto, more indications of a debilitated sexual impulse.

Note that Mercury squares Neptune - and these planets rule the 8th and 5th Houses respectively. Not good.

Allen's Venus-Mars and Pluto aspect Eve's Mars, but there's no interaction with her Venus involved. Finally, Allen has Saturn in the 7th, a clue that "coldness" of one kind or another could play a role in the marital life.

Debbie's chart shows both an Aries Asc and a tight Venus-Mars conjunction in Aries - hot to trot! And checkout her Sexual Houses, the 5th and 8th; the Moon rules the 5th, and Pluto rules the 8th, and they're quindecile each other (obsession over sex, this issue potentially erupting her life somehow). Pluto is in the 5th (whoa!) and the Moon is in the 11th (there's that strong 11th House emphasis again). Saturn rules the 11th and is in the 5th...

...Saturn doesn't always "tone down" the sexual impulse; it can also speak to the potential for using sex strategically in some way, especially in the chart of a woman. I've seen many charts of women with Saturn in or in some way involved with the 5th where this was the case. It seems that this was the case here, at least to some extent.

Finally, note the Venus-Mars conjunction quindecile Neptune in the 7th - clandestine involvement with someone else, possibly a married man. Hmm.

You might notice that Allen and Debbie have little in the way of classical synastric ties, yet due to the fact that they both have driving Sexual Aspects, they came together. "Aspect sameness" is just as important as is having cross aspects happening between the charts, and this is how synastry is handled Vedically.

Well, as it turns out, Eve ends up leaving Allen, they divorce, Allen and Debbie stop seeing each other due to Debbie marrying someone else, and Allen takes up with yet another woman, this one a bit older than himself.

Ladies - if you have or are dealing with a man who has pronounced Sexual Aspects in his chart - and you don't - you need to really, really get real with yourself and ask yourself whether you're up to the job of being able to handle this man and meet his needs over the long haul. Keep in mind, that not only does Mars represented Sex, but it also represents the phallus, the male sexual organ; therefore, Mars means a bit more to men than it does to women. And when it's "hyped up" by Venus, Pluto or Uranus in a male chart, without any "checks and balances" in the form of Saturn or Neptune, lookout.
Because both Mars and Pluto, which is said by the older astrologers to be "the higher octave of Mars" represent male sexuality, when they come together in some way in the chart of a man, his sexual drive is through the roof. For example, I have the charts of many of the male sexual performers in the Adult Sex Business, and almost to a man, they all have Mars-Pluto aspects very prominent in some way in their charts. One of these days, I'll have to post my collection with a breakdown of each man in this way.

But in the meantime, ladies, understand and know this - that even if you took a woman with no Sexual Aspects, and a man without any Sexual Aspects, that man is likely to be more interested in sex than the woman. Why? Simple. Again, Mars and Pluto are inherenly male planets, and hence are connected to male sexuality. Without the involvement of Venus, these planets simply do not play such a role for women.

So if you are in such a situation, but think you can make a go of it, I would advise that you marry (if you haven't already) on a day when Sexual Aspects are not only prominent in the sky but also have close ties to your own chart. Aside from that, the only thing that can work is LOTS of open, honest communication, a willingness to compromise, and the will to stick it out over the long haul. Be prepared to do some things you might not want to do, when you want to do it, and keep in mind, that it's better if you do than someone else. Don't fool yourself ladies - no man with strong Sexual Aspects can hold on without release for too long - and he will find an outlet elsewhere if you aren't willing.

Afterall, we all know about the Clintons - right? What if it were Hillary, instead of Monica, dealing with Bill? Things just might have been different.



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