Monday, December 19, 2005

George W. Bush: War Footing, Or Slippery Slope?

George W. Bush: War Footing, Or Slippery Slope?

6:51 AM 12/19/05 Mon

Despite tremendous success in Iraq, where the people turned out to the tune of 70%-plus to participate in nationwide elections - *includling the Sunni minority* - President Bush continues to be under enormous pressure here at home, in the form of his adversaries, the Democrats. Right after the historic elections took place in Iraq, the New York Times released a story detailing the President's authorization of the National Security Agency listening in on specific international calls going out of the USA; such actions have, according to Bush, thwarted numerous terrorist plots in the years since Sep 11.

Thus the President went on the air to deliver a brief, but pointed address to the nation from the Oval Office last night, at 9PM EST; the chart reflects just how much pressure is on Bush.

As in the case of his natal chart (Placidus Houses, Western system) Leo rises, with the Moon conjunct Saturn in the 12th House of secret activities, and opposes Neptune in the 6th, representing intelligence agencies; Neptune in turn opposes the Asc and square the MC, reflecting Bush & Co. being "outed" by the press.

As it so often happens so many times in the astrological activities of the President, Mars, at the time of the start of his address to the nation, was conspicuous in its presence, in this case, conjunct the MC at 8 Taurus. In past event charts, Mars was similarly situated. For example, for the Iraq War Resolution horoscope, Mars was at 0 Libra and conjunct the MC; for Bush's 1st Inauguration, Mars was in Scorpio in the 7th, opposed the Asc and square Mercury-Uranus in the 10th; for his 2nd Inaugural, Mars was widely conjunct Pluto in the 8th; and the Mars-Saturn Conjunction of 2002 showed the two planets appearing in the 4th House at partile in Washington, DC, opposed Pluto in and ruling the 10th (interestingly enough, this conjunction, at 13 Gemini, also tightly opposed the USA's Asc, at 12 Sagittarius!).

In the Oval Office Address chart, Mars also tightly square Bush's Asc (along with Mercury and Pluto), with Uranus on its way to yet again oppose Bush's Mars, ruler of his 10th House.

Still, the Fixed Sign Grand Cross in the sky, which everyone has felt to one degree or another, seems to have taken its toll on Bush, with his approval ratings continuing to sag under the weight these & other revelations. In particular, the transit of Saturn in exact conjunction with Bush's Pluto, augurs a difficult, difficult time indeed, involving his management and deployment of the military, the costs of doing this economically and politically, etc. (Saturn ruling the 6th House of Bush's chart, the 6th being that of the Armed Forces). In that this transit "hit" will take place once more in the coming year, it looks very likely that Bush will have to weather several more storms before it's all said and done.

A final point. As noted earlier, Mars is strongly implicated throughout Bush's natal and related astrology, clearly reflecting the War in Iraq and elsewhere; in the coming year, this trend will continue, with the 2006 Mars-Saturn Conjunction taking place right on his Asc, and his own natal Mars being activated by heavy transits and Solar Arc movements. Will the free elections that just took place in Iraq bring about the peace that Bush & Co. have fought for? Or, will there continue to be bloodshed in the Middle East's newest Constitutional Democracy? Is it possible that a new front in the War On Terror will have presented itself, concomitant with the Mars symbolism? Or will President Bush continue to struggle, both with the loyal opposition Democrats and his own Party?

Could the President himself, be in danger?




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