Sunday, May 14, 2006

Zarqawi - A Study In Rectification

Zarqawi - A Study In Rectification

3:33 AM 05/07/2006 Sun

Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi is one of the most wanted men in the entire world, second only to Osama Bin Laden in importance to USA & Coalition Forces. He is one of the highest ranking members of Bin Laden's Al-Qaeda terror network, and heads up the Iraq wing of the organization (known in the West as "Al-Qaeda in Iraq"), masterminding dozens of bombings that have killed hundreds of people, not only US/Coalition soldiers, but most often innocent Muslim citizens of Iraq. Not only has Zarqawi himself confessed to killing many people, but it is widely believed to be him that beheaded American Nick Berg which was seen around the world via streaming video on the internet. At present he is wanted by both the US and Jordanian governments; Jordan has placed two death sentences on his head, as well as an additional 15 year prison term sentence for his conviction of various crimes, most notably the horrendous bombing of a wedding party at the Radisson Hotel in Amman, Jordan last year; and the USA has placed a $25 Million dollar reward for information leading to the killing or capture of Zarqawi. He has both released his own videotape message to the media, and the US military has obtained, by way of several raids of Zarawi's safehouses, outtakes of said video, which appears to show a chunky Zarqawi wearing American made sneakers and having trouble firing his weapon. This was done in order to discredit him in the eyes of the Islamic World, he does his recruiting. At least as many rumors persist about him as does Bin Laden himself; and while all of this makes the rectification of such a man's horoscope daunting, it still is not as hard as it seems, if you know what you're looking for.

It has taken me less than an hour to rectify what I think Zarqawi's chart might look like, and I mention this not to brag, but to give hope to those of you out there who are a bit scared of rectification. As I said, it's not as hard as it seems, once you know what you're looking for. So, in this essay, I'll share a few of my tricks of the trade, in rectification.

First off, what you want to do is get as much detailed, yet concise information as possible on the person in question. I went to Wikipedia to get a bio on Zarqawi, which supplied me with all sorts of background info on him, as well as photos. According to it, Zarqawi was born on Oct 20 1966, in Zarqa (his name, which may well be an alias, literally means "man from Zarqa", much like the name Bill Scranton, or Grover Cleveland etc.), Jordan, and raised in abject poverty and squalor. At the age of 17, he dropped out of school, and at some point in the 80s, he was imprisoned.

Now, let's stop right here and go back and re-read what I just said. 17 is about the age when most kids transition from high school to college, a very, very important time of life in our time and culture; Zarqawi's NOT going on to higher education, has to shown in the chart in some way; the 9th House looms large as one of our clues, especially in light of the fact that he is a religious fanatic. So, we should be looking for a conspicuous 9th House, perhaps with considerable tensions on it in the form of hard aspects to the planets in the 9th and/or 9th House ruler.

Our next clue lies in the fact that Zarqawi grew up the hard way, amidst poverty; this too should be reflected in his astrology, perhaps by way of strong Saturnian overtones, since Saturn and its Sign Capricorn often denote austerity and times of want. Since we're looking for a potential Asc Sign and degree, perhaps these factors will be most evident here.

Now, we have 2 clues. Next, we take a look at Zarqawi's birthdate, in order to get a feel of what we're working with...

Zarqawi's Sun is in Libra conjunct Venus, also in Libra; the Moon is in Capricorn; Uranus conjuncts Pluto, with Pluto in Virgo in Mutual Reception with Mercury in Scorpio, itself conjunct Neptune; Saturn is in Pisces and Rx (weak family and especially, father structure) and opposes the Uranus-Pluto combo; Mars is Peregrine in Virgo; and finally, Jupiter is in Leo. The date tells us that this man has the capacity for being immensely popular in his circles, a capable organizer and leader, a charismatic speaker, writer and propogandist, a revolutionary for sure, and a penchant for unparalleled violence and brutality.

The Saturn-Uranus/Pluto opposition sticks out like a sore thumb, and should play a huge role in all of this here. It's the only hard aspect in the entire chart!-And when I think of the words "radical", "militant", "fanatic" I think of Uranus, for sure. Putting Uranus in the 9th would certainly make sense, all the moreso when we consider that Pluto will be there too; and this would mean that Saturn would be in the 3rd House - there's the narrow, fundamentalist view of Islam, alright - expressing itself in the mindset, the approach to the world.

OK, we've got that out of the way; placing the Uranus-Pluto combo in the 9th gives us either a Sag Asc or a Cap Asc. Either could work, but Sag rising makes more sense to me in light of what we know about Zarqawi - his religious zeal, his travels to many countries, and, his forays into newspaper reporting and publishing, which he did right after the war against the Soviets ended in Afghanistan in the 80s. Besides, the Cap Moon would most likely be rising in the Asc anyhow, and this Moon position also makes sense, as a 1st House Moon expresses itself as a "do your own thing" sort of Moon. Clearly, Zarqawi has had a very free hand to conduct operations in Iraq, to such an extent that some observers have suggested that he is a rival of Bin Laden's not a subordinate. Another reason why I would opt for the Sag Asc is because the Signs Sag and Virgo in particular, and Mutuable Signs in general, are very prominent in the charts of the Arab countries in the Middle East - Saudi Arabia's chart, for example, has Sag rising with a cluster of Virgo planets in the 9th House. This is vital in our discussion here, because Saudi Arabia is the stronghold of Islamic belief, where Mecca is located. In OBL's chart, note again the prevelance of Mutables, with his Sun in Pisces and his Moon most likely in Gemini (and the Al-Qaeda trademark of multiple bombings, synchronized to go off either at the same time, or one right after the other), and so on. Also, giving Zarqawi a Sag Asc would put the Asc ruling Jupiter in the 8th House, one of the most mysterious and secretive Houses known to Astrology. Like Bin Laden himself, he is a very hard man to capture or kill, having survived at least one attempt on his life, though not without injury.

Just that quick we've established a potential chart for Zarqawi. Now we refine it by way of adjusting the chart-clocktime...

Using the EET timezone, at about 10.45 in the morning, the Asc would be in late Sag; now, remember Zarqawi's dropping out of school at age 17? Well, this is where good ole Solar Arcs come into play. Uranus in Zarqawi's chart is 22 Virgo; that means it has to travel 8 more degrees to hit Libra. 8 from 17 leaves 9, so that means that we'll need about 9-10 degrees Libra on the MC in order for Uranus, by Solar Arc, to make contact with the MC. So, we roll back the potential birthtime to 10.25AM EET. By the way, Zarqa is right outside Amman, the capital of Jordan, so use that as the birthplace if you have trouble finding Zarqawi's home town.

Let's check in with the transits at around the time he dropped out of school - transit Pluto would have been sitting on his Sun (1983), while transit Neptune was going back and forth over his Asc. Keep in mind, that all three of these planets - Pluto, Uranus and Neptune, are very, very active in his natal chart to begin with, and now are re-activated by way of Solar Arc and transit. It's very hard for something NOT to happen when you see such a highly charged chart to begin with. SA Uranus coming to an Angle in the horoscope usually correlates to the person moving away, or in some way standing up for oneself and making a fresh start. With Pluto and Neptune in the mix by way of transit, this is the period that I fully expected Zarqawi to become radicalized Islamically.

Now, the rest of the picture should come into focus easily. He was arrested and spent 7 years in prison from 1992-1999; at the time of his arrest, the Uranus-Neptune conjunction would have been going over his 1st House Cap Moon. Neptune=prisons. And his crime was plotting to overthrow the monarchy and replace it with an Islamic Caliphate - there's the Uranian role again! Note how Zarqawi's natal placements in this regard keep coming back again in the transits and arcs. Additionally, transit Saturn was gearing up to square his natal Mercury-Neptune conjunction, another debilitating, weakening period. So again, it all makes sense.

Between Sep 11 2001 and the Summer of 2002, Zarqawi is said to have seriously wounded in Afghanistan at the hands of combined USA military and Afghan Northern Alliance forces in fierce combat; he is said to have gone to Iraq for medical treatment, where some say he lost a leg. There is little doubt that he would have been in trouble during this time - beginning in Oct 2001, he had transit Uranus square his Neptune, followed in Mar 2002 by SA Asc=Mars/Pluto, SA Mars=MC in May 2002, and SA Mars=Sun/Saturn in Jun 2002. Perhaps the big kicker in all this was TR Saturn square Pluto in the same month, Jun 2002! All of these measurements point to pain, strife, even death, which many have said Zarqawi was near, and the treatment he received in Iraq helped him to recover from the injuries. But could he have lost a leg in the battle? Saturn is one of the planets that most correlates to the legs, so it certainly is possible, probably likely.

Then, he was anointed by OBL himself in a audiotaped messgae aired by Al-Jazeera on Dec 27 2004: ""the prince of al Qaeda in Iraq" and asked "all our organization brethren to listen to him and obey him in his good deeds." After the grisly beheading of Nick Berg earlier in the year (May 2004) and the bombing of the UN Iraqi headquarters in Aug 2003, this was Zarqawi's defining moment, being heralded and recognized by Bin Laden as his righthand man in Iraq. In that month, Dec 2004, transit Saturn had squared Zarqawi's Sun (ambition), transit Pluto had squared his Uranus (major noteriety) and transit Jupiter squared the Moon. Before that, transit Jupiter conjunct Zarqawi's Pluto in Aug 2004, and in the weeks that followed, he would have SA Sun=Mars and transit Jupiter conjunct MC.

Will Zarqawi be captured or killed anytime soon? If my rectification of Zarqawi's chart is anywhere near accurate, Sep 2006 will be a key month to look for, when transit Pluto not only crosses his Asc, but also moves to square his Saturn from the 12th House. Saturn-Pluto anything normally registers as very, very difficult, and keep in mind the deep trouble he was in during his firefight in Afghanistan. I am hopeful that they do either capture or kill him, because he has brought so much misery, pain and death to so many others and must be stopped. We'll see how it goes.

At any rate, there's a rectificationcase done up for you. Again, once you understand the principles of Astrology, know how they work and so on, and once you have some facts about the person in question, it all then comes down to some detective work on your part. Don't be afraid to mess things up, that's how we all learn, including me, LOL.



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