JonBenet Ramsey: A Case Study In The True Meaning Of Kuja Dosha
JonBenet Ramsey: A Case Study In The True Meaning Of Kuja Dosha
9:12 PM 08/19/2006 Sat
With the news of the potential killer of JonBenet Ramsey coming forward to confess his crimes sweeping the nation, we astrologers are yet again confronted with the ugly truths of both our Society and our work within it - there are many, many women and in this case, young girls who are sexually assaulted, brutalized, even killed. Every year passes with at least one such noterized case, such as Natalie Holloway last Summer, and before that Laci Peterson. Here in my native Philly, the tragic end of Latoya Figueroa brought even the most hardened homie on the block to tears.
Nevertheless, there is some valuable things to be learned from the JonBenet case, by way of her Vedic horoscope; it's chock-full of clues and signs of why she became so famous even in her death, why she died at such an early age, and perhaps most importantly, exactly what in her chart points to being sexually assaulted at such an early age.
JonBenet Ramsey Aug 6 1990 1.36AM EDT Atlanta GA; Lahiri 6 Tau 49, Rodden
First, we look for the fame in her chart - JonBenet was born with several highly significant yogas: Gaja-Kesari, Hamsa and Ruchaka Yogas from the Moon, Mahabhagya for a female birth, and finally, a variant of Dharma Karma Adipati Yoga, in the form of Lagnesh Venus in exact mutual aspect to Saturn, itself lord of the 9th and 10th Houses, giving it Yogakaraka status to begin with.
All of these yogas are important when one considers the fact that JonBenet was born both at night AND on a Full Moon; in Jyotish, the Full Moon is highly valued, for it is an indication of a strong horoscope, especially if it belongs to a female - it has more "juice" if you will, and will lift the overall qualities of the chart for the native. I have seen over and over again in my studies and work with Vedic Astrology, that the strength or weakness of the Moon can literally make or break a horoscope, regardless of the yogas and other significations therein. Because so many yogas are based on both the Udaya Lagna and the Moon, it is important that to get the full results of Chandra Yogas, the native should be born at night and during a Waxing Moon. All of these factors contributed to JonBenet's early success, even though she died at such an early age.
However, her early death can also be easily seen, in noting the fact that for starters, Lagnesh Venus is placed in a Maraka, or Killer House, while Mars, the other lord of a Maraka, is placed in a Trik House and in its own Sign - in other words, it's very strong to bring difficulties, illness, sickness and even death to JonBenet. Note also the fact that 8th lord Jupiter is exalted, and recall my earlier comments about Jim Morrison - anytime you see a strong imbalance between the rulers of the Asc and 8th House, usually with the 8th lord being stronger, you can be certain that the native has a shorter than usual lifespan. I've seen this principle working over and over and over and over and over and over again over the years of my study of hundreds of charts of early deaths.
It should be pointed out here that both the Moon and Venus in JonBenet's chart are highly emphasized - Venus is Lagnesh and placed in the 2nd House, which represents the face, and the Moon is bright and Full, with JonBenet being born on a Monday night. The Moon also represents the face, and these two planets are key when assessing a woman's or in this case, a girl's beauty. These planets account for JonBenet being a child beauty queen.
But the kicker in JonBenet's chart is the very, very strong case of Kuja Dosha she has, and her chart gives me the chance to address one of the most misunderstood and misapplied principles in all of Jyotisha:
In just about every classical text on Vedic Astrology, there is a section or chapter devoted to what is known as "Stri Jataka" or simply put, "Women's Astrology". The Vedic Sages have long recognized that the Grahas seize everyone differently, and that includes along gender lines as well. Kuja Dosha, which is discussed in most such classical texts to varying degrees (the most detailed explanations, and exceptions and modifications regarding Kuja Dosha are to be found in the South Indian Jyotisha works, which are usually rendered in Tamil or Kerala languages) was originally intended for determining what combinations brought about the early widowhood of a woman. This was what was originally intended by the term "Kuja Dosha" which means "The Blemish of Mars" or put more simply, "Mars Affliction". Over the years, Kuja Dosha has been expanded to suggest not only early widowhood, but also the potential for an inharmonious domestic life and combative marital life. Some jyotishis even go so far as to take Kuja Dosha's meanings to include the charts of males, saying that it can bring as much marital strife and misery in a man's life and chart as it can in a woman's. While I concede that I have seen such male cases of Kuja Doshas play themselves out, I would like to suggest that we keep as close as possible to the original intent of Kuja Dosha, which was a way of actually protecting women from marital harm - and in this case, from the prospect of young women and even girls, from being sexually assaulted, raped, even killed. Mars is a first rate Malefic, and when it comes into contact with either the 7th or 8th Houses, brings way too much intense energy for those Houses to deal with safely, so to speak.
Therefore, Kuja Dosha cannot be applied in a blanket sort of way, on both male and female horoscopes; rather, they have to be applied according to the gender of the chart in question - for a female chart, when Mars occupies the 1st, 4th, 8th, or 12th Houses, while also not being modified by occupying certain mitigating Signs, then and only then, can we say that the chart has Kuja Dosha.
In the case of JonBenet Ramsey, Kuja Dosha exists in a big way, with Mars in the 12th in the Sign of Aries. Mars is the 7th lord, which in a sense heightens the KD, because Mars aspects this, its own House (since Scorpio resides here), and brings in themes of sexual acts done in secret, hidden from the view of others. Note also that Kuja Dosha recurs from the Chandra Lagna, by sitting in the 4th House, which represents the home of course, and this was where JonBenet was killed. Finally, we can go to the Navamsa chart, where Kuja Dosha recurs yet again, this time sitting in the 8th House and in conjunction with Ketu. In other words, Kuja Dosha's stamp is just all over JonBenet's chart - a stamp that proved fatal for the child beauty queen.
NOTHING IN JYOTISH WORKS IN ISOLATION, and the principles of Kuja Dosha are no different. Even in the case of such a powerful Kuja Dosha, as we can see here with JonBenet, the 7th House needs to be "damaged" significantly for Kuja Dosha to really take its toll, for it inflates & inflames the problems of one's 7th House and all it represents, rather than merely doing all of the dirty work on its own. Going back to JonBenet's chart, we can easily see that her 7th House is highly challenged:
1. Note that Mars and Ketu aspect the 7th House
2. Note that according to Brighu Nadi principles, Saturn is also aspecting the 7th House, due to it being in the 8th and being Rx
3. From the Moon, note that Mars aspects the 7th, while Sun, Jupiter and Ketu are all in the 7th, with the 7th lord Moon tightly conjunct Rahu
4. Again, from the Moon, note that Jupiter is, according to the Jaimini system, the Darakaraka for JonBenet; it is also the universal planet of the husband in a female chart. It's placement in the 7th gives rise to a variant of what is known as Karako Bhavo Nashto, "The Significator Destroys the House"
5. From the point of view of Jaimini Darakaraka Jupiter, note that the Moon and most importantly, Rahu, sits in the 7th from Jupiter
6. From Venus, the universal planet of relationships, sex, romance and marriage, Saturn sits in the 7th and is also Rx
7. And finally, note that in JonBenet's Navamsa, note that the 7th lord Mercury is placed in the 6th along with the Asc lord and both aspected by Rahu (suggesting an illicit contact, such as sexual molestation or worse)
With all these highly negative factors at play in JonBenet's chart, along with the fact that her Moon and Venus were so very active, there can be little doubt that, sooner or later, JonBenet would be confronted with a less than pleasant experience in the area of sexuality and relationships.
As we all know, JonBenet Ramsey met a grisly end around Christmas, 1996 in the basement of her Denver CO home; among other things, she was vaginally violated, strangled and had her skull bashed in. According to Vimshottari Dasa, she died during Moon-Saturn*, which began in Apr 1996 and would end Nov 1997. Now, note how the Moon activates Jupiter, the powerful 8th lord, and itself sits in Saturn's Sign, who is the 9th lord and sits in the 8th House. The Moon's tight conjunction with Rahu suggests that something illicit could have happened; with both the Moon and Rahu being in the 9th, a 9th House figure such as a father or TEACHER could have been involved; keep in mind, that Saturn is involved here, the 9th lord. Finally, note that transit Mars passed thru Virgo, aspecting the 8th; transit Saturn, passing thru Pisces, also aspected the 8th (and restimulating its natal position - Saturn running its sub-period); and transit Rahu, also passing thru Virgo, was aspecting the Moon and Rahu (another restimulation factor at work). These are all indications of at the least, a difficult time for the native, if not death.
Could the man who recently came forward actually be the killer of JonBenet? Pundits are already poking holes in his testimonial confession, raising doubt. But perhaps the Dasas in operation at the time of JonBenet's death can give us a few clues...
First, note that both the major and sub period rulers are connected to the 9th House, the House of the father and teaching figures; classically, the Moon is inimical to Venus, which is JonBenet's Asc lord. The Moon, being associated with young children, is also connected to teaching. And the role of Rahu cannot be overstated - this combination of the Moon and Rahu here in the 9th greatly distorts the 9th House for JonBenet, and suggests that the authority figures in her life will prove to be less than honorable in some way, perhaps even in a sexually inappropriate way toward her. So, even if this man who recently came forward isn't the killer, it's certain that whoever in fact killed JonBenet Ramsey was someone who was responsible for being a perceptor to her.
Finally, we can turn to Prasnashastra (Horary Astrology) for some clues as to whether the man under investigation is indeed the killer. I got the word by way of a breaking news radio announcement at 4.30PM EDT, on Wed Aug 16 2006. At that moment, Sagittarius rises on the Asc, with Jupiter being placed in Venus' Sign Libra; neither are under affliction in the least, and keep in mind, that both Sag and Jupiter are associated with teaching. I think the man could indeed be telling the truth. Finally, note that no less than 4 planets lie in the 8th House, the House of Scandal, Infamous Actions, & Deviant Sexual Behavior. Among the planets, Venus is there in the 8th at the time of the radio announcement of the coming forward of the man who claims to have killed JonBenet. Time will tell, as the man in question will soon arrive in the United States to be arrested and arraigned, where the investigation will truly begin.
In closing, it cannot be stated enough, that charts that are strongly "sexual" in nature have to be carefully watched, especially when their owners are in their childhood years; the chances of their being sexually assaulted is very, very high, sad to say. For a young girl, who has a powerful case of Kuja Dosha, the same can be said. Just take a look at JonBenet Ramsey - her chart, and unfortunately her death, says it all.
*While I use Vimshottari Dasa for the bulk of my predictive work with Jyotisha, it must be pointed out that I do so from the perspective of the Asc, NOT the Moon as per classical calculations; I've found that calculating Dasa from the Lagna point gives far more accurate results. I hope to discuss this in greater detail in a future article.
AUTHOR'S NOTE, SAT SEP 2 2006: As we all know by now, the man who had confessed to killing JonBenet Ramsey, John Mark Karr, was released on all charges, following DNA testing. Once again, it seems, that JonBenet's real killer, has evaded capture.
9:12 PM 08/19/2006 Sat
With the news of the potential killer of JonBenet Ramsey coming forward to confess his crimes sweeping the nation, we astrologers are yet again confronted with the ugly truths of both our Society and our work within it - there are many, many women and in this case, young girls who are sexually assaulted, brutalized, even killed. Every year passes with at least one such noterized case, such as Natalie Holloway last Summer, and before that Laci Peterson. Here in my native Philly, the tragic end of Latoya Figueroa brought even the most hardened homie on the block to tears.
Nevertheless, there is some valuable things to be learned from the JonBenet case, by way of her Vedic horoscope; it's chock-full of clues and signs of why she became so famous even in her death, why she died at such an early age, and perhaps most importantly, exactly what in her chart points to being sexually assaulted at such an early age.
JonBenet Ramsey Aug 6 1990 1.36AM EDT Atlanta GA; Lahiri 6 Tau 49, Rodden
First, we look for the fame in her chart - JonBenet was born with several highly significant yogas: Gaja-Kesari, Hamsa and Ruchaka Yogas from the Moon, Mahabhagya for a female birth, and finally, a variant of Dharma Karma Adipati Yoga, in the form of Lagnesh Venus in exact mutual aspect to Saturn, itself lord of the 9th and 10th Houses, giving it Yogakaraka status to begin with.
All of these yogas are important when one considers the fact that JonBenet was born both at night AND on a Full Moon; in Jyotish, the Full Moon is highly valued, for it is an indication of a strong horoscope, especially if it belongs to a female - it has more "juice" if you will, and will lift the overall qualities of the chart for the native. I have seen over and over again in my studies and work with Vedic Astrology, that the strength or weakness of the Moon can literally make or break a horoscope, regardless of the yogas and other significations therein. Because so many yogas are based on both the Udaya Lagna and the Moon, it is important that to get the full results of Chandra Yogas, the native should be born at night and during a Waxing Moon. All of these factors contributed to JonBenet's early success, even though she died at such an early age.
However, her early death can also be easily seen, in noting the fact that for starters, Lagnesh Venus is placed in a Maraka, or Killer House, while Mars, the other lord of a Maraka, is placed in a Trik House and in its own Sign - in other words, it's very strong to bring difficulties, illness, sickness and even death to JonBenet. Note also the fact that 8th lord Jupiter is exalted, and recall my earlier comments about Jim Morrison - anytime you see a strong imbalance between the rulers of the Asc and 8th House, usually with the 8th lord being stronger, you can be certain that the native has a shorter than usual lifespan. I've seen this principle working over and over and over and over and over and over again over the years of my study of hundreds of charts of early deaths.
It should be pointed out here that both the Moon and Venus in JonBenet's chart are highly emphasized - Venus is Lagnesh and placed in the 2nd House, which represents the face, and the Moon is bright and Full, with JonBenet being born on a Monday night. The Moon also represents the face, and these two planets are key when assessing a woman's or in this case, a girl's beauty. These planets account for JonBenet being a child beauty queen.
But the kicker in JonBenet's chart is the very, very strong case of Kuja Dosha she has, and her chart gives me the chance to address one of the most misunderstood and misapplied principles in all of Jyotisha:
In just about every classical text on Vedic Astrology, there is a section or chapter devoted to what is known as "Stri Jataka" or simply put, "Women's Astrology". The Vedic Sages have long recognized that the Grahas seize everyone differently, and that includes along gender lines as well. Kuja Dosha, which is discussed in most such classical texts to varying degrees (the most detailed explanations, and exceptions and modifications regarding Kuja Dosha are to be found in the South Indian Jyotisha works, which are usually rendered in Tamil or Kerala languages) was originally intended for determining what combinations brought about the early widowhood of a woman. This was what was originally intended by the term "Kuja Dosha" which means "The Blemish of Mars" or put more simply, "Mars Affliction". Over the years, Kuja Dosha has been expanded to suggest not only early widowhood, but also the potential for an inharmonious domestic life and combative marital life. Some jyotishis even go so far as to take Kuja Dosha's meanings to include the charts of males, saying that it can bring as much marital strife and misery in a man's life and chart as it can in a woman's. While I concede that I have seen such male cases of Kuja Doshas play themselves out, I would like to suggest that we keep as close as possible to the original intent of Kuja Dosha, which was a way of actually protecting women from marital harm - and in this case, from the prospect of young women and even girls, from being sexually assaulted, raped, even killed. Mars is a first rate Malefic, and when it comes into contact with either the 7th or 8th Houses, brings way too much intense energy for those Houses to deal with safely, so to speak.
Therefore, Kuja Dosha cannot be applied in a blanket sort of way, on both male and female horoscopes; rather, they have to be applied according to the gender of the chart in question - for a female chart, when Mars occupies the 1st, 4th, 8th, or 12th Houses, while also not being modified by occupying certain mitigating Signs, then and only then, can we say that the chart has Kuja Dosha.
In the case of JonBenet Ramsey, Kuja Dosha exists in a big way, with Mars in the 12th in the Sign of Aries. Mars is the 7th lord, which in a sense heightens the KD, because Mars aspects this, its own House (since Scorpio resides here), and brings in themes of sexual acts done in secret, hidden from the view of others. Note also that Kuja Dosha recurs from the Chandra Lagna, by sitting in the 4th House, which represents the home of course, and this was where JonBenet was killed. Finally, we can go to the Navamsa chart, where Kuja Dosha recurs yet again, this time sitting in the 8th House and in conjunction with Ketu. In other words, Kuja Dosha's stamp is just all over JonBenet's chart - a stamp that proved fatal for the child beauty queen.
NOTHING IN JYOTISH WORKS IN ISOLATION, and the principles of Kuja Dosha are no different. Even in the case of such a powerful Kuja Dosha, as we can see here with JonBenet, the 7th House needs to be "damaged" significantly for Kuja Dosha to really take its toll, for it inflates & inflames the problems of one's 7th House and all it represents, rather than merely doing all of the dirty work on its own. Going back to JonBenet's chart, we can easily see that her 7th House is highly challenged:
1. Note that Mars and Ketu aspect the 7th House
2. Note that according to Brighu Nadi principles, Saturn is also aspecting the 7th House, due to it being in the 8th and being Rx
3. From the Moon, note that Mars aspects the 7th, while Sun, Jupiter and Ketu are all in the 7th, with the 7th lord Moon tightly conjunct Rahu
4. Again, from the Moon, note that Jupiter is, according to the Jaimini system, the Darakaraka for JonBenet; it is also the universal planet of the husband in a female chart. It's placement in the 7th gives rise to a variant of what is known as Karako Bhavo Nashto, "The Significator Destroys the House"
5. From the point of view of Jaimini Darakaraka Jupiter, note that the Moon and most importantly, Rahu, sits in the 7th from Jupiter
6. From Venus, the universal planet of relationships, sex, romance and marriage, Saturn sits in the 7th and is also Rx
7. And finally, note that in JonBenet's Navamsa, note that the 7th lord Mercury is placed in the 6th along with the Asc lord and both aspected by Rahu (suggesting an illicit contact, such as sexual molestation or worse)
With all these highly negative factors at play in JonBenet's chart, along with the fact that her Moon and Venus were so very active, there can be little doubt that, sooner or later, JonBenet would be confronted with a less than pleasant experience in the area of sexuality and relationships.
As we all know, JonBenet Ramsey met a grisly end around Christmas, 1996 in the basement of her Denver CO home; among other things, she was vaginally violated, strangled and had her skull bashed in. According to Vimshottari Dasa, she died during Moon-Saturn*, which began in Apr 1996 and would end Nov 1997. Now, note how the Moon activates Jupiter, the powerful 8th lord, and itself sits in Saturn's Sign, who is the 9th lord and sits in the 8th House. The Moon's tight conjunction with Rahu suggests that something illicit could have happened; with both the Moon and Rahu being in the 9th, a 9th House figure such as a father or TEACHER could have been involved; keep in mind, that Saturn is involved here, the 9th lord. Finally, note that transit Mars passed thru Virgo, aspecting the 8th; transit Saturn, passing thru Pisces, also aspected the 8th (and restimulating its natal position - Saturn running its sub-period); and transit Rahu, also passing thru Virgo, was aspecting the Moon and Rahu (another restimulation factor at work). These are all indications of at the least, a difficult time for the native, if not death.
Could the man who recently came forward actually be the killer of JonBenet? Pundits are already poking holes in his testimonial confession, raising doubt. But perhaps the Dasas in operation at the time of JonBenet's death can give us a few clues...
First, note that both the major and sub period rulers are connected to the 9th House, the House of the father and teaching figures; classically, the Moon is inimical to Venus, which is JonBenet's Asc lord. The Moon, being associated with young children, is also connected to teaching. And the role of Rahu cannot be overstated - this combination of the Moon and Rahu here in the 9th greatly distorts the 9th House for JonBenet, and suggests that the authority figures in her life will prove to be less than honorable in some way, perhaps even in a sexually inappropriate way toward her. So, even if this man who recently came forward isn't the killer, it's certain that whoever in fact killed JonBenet Ramsey was someone who was responsible for being a perceptor to her.
Finally, we can turn to Prasnashastra (Horary Astrology) for some clues as to whether the man under investigation is indeed the killer. I got the word by way of a breaking news radio announcement at 4.30PM EDT, on Wed Aug 16 2006. At that moment, Sagittarius rises on the Asc, with Jupiter being placed in Venus' Sign Libra; neither are under affliction in the least, and keep in mind, that both Sag and Jupiter are associated with teaching. I think the man could indeed be telling the truth. Finally, note that no less than 4 planets lie in the 8th House, the House of Scandal, Infamous Actions, & Deviant Sexual Behavior. Among the planets, Venus is there in the 8th at the time of the radio announcement of the coming forward of the man who claims to have killed JonBenet. Time will tell, as the man in question will soon arrive in the United States to be arrested and arraigned, where the investigation will truly begin.
In closing, it cannot be stated enough, that charts that are strongly "sexual" in nature have to be carefully watched, especially when their owners are in their childhood years; the chances of their being sexually assaulted is very, very high, sad to say. For a young girl, who has a powerful case of Kuja Dosha, the same can be said. Just take a look at JonBenet Ramsey - her chart, and unfortunately her death, says it all.
*While I use Vimshottari Dasa for the bulk of my predictive work with Jyotisha, it must be pointed out that I do so from the perspective of the Asc, NOT the Moon as per classical calculations; I've found that calculating Dasa from the Lagna point gives far more accurate results. I hope to discuss this in greater detail in a future article.
AUTHOR'S NOTE, SAT SEP 2 2006: As we all know by now, the man who had confessed to killing JonBenet Ramsey, John Mark Karr, was released on all charges, following DNA testing. Once again, it seems, that JonBenet's real killer, has evaded capture.
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When your pap smear comes up as unusual, make sure you follow up together with your physician. You might have the HPV virus, which if not treated, may cause cervical cancer. There are a few distinct surgical operations a doctor can perform to scrape abnormal or cancerous cells off of your cervix. [url=]Isabel Marant[/url]
While many people realize that they put on weight easier since they age, this is often worse in people with diabetes. As you grow more aged, your system burns up fewer and much less calorie consumption adhering to exercising. If you are diabetes, it can be especially crucial that you decrease the volume of food that you just take in as you usually decrease your action degrees. This will extend your life whilst keeping you healthier. [url=]Hollister Gallerian[/url]
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Most coughs develop from some kind of allergic attack, however many people automatically try to take care of the issue with coughing suppressants. However, an hypersensitive coughing will be your respiratory system's means of breaking up, and eradicating aside mucus. Stifling that coughing causes it to be difficult for you to productively battle hypersensitive signs and symptoms. [url=]Pandora Charms[/url]
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