Sunday, November 04, 2007

Oprah's School Daze

Oprah's School Daze

6:49 AM 11/04/2007 Sun

Well, well, well, lookee here - seems that O's Academy's hit a snag. Word on the wires is that her school's come under some fire for a number of things, ranging from parents being concerned about the rules and procedures of the school, to allegations of sexual molestation and abuse on the part of at least one of the staff. That staff member has been removed from duty and turned over to the authorities I understand.

All of this goes down as transit Neptune sits on O's Mercury EXACT TO THE DEGREE, with Mercury ruling the 9 house of international affairs and places of higher learning.

Interested readers of my humble missives know well my discontent with Oprah, for reasons laidout in my pieces on her which can be found at In fact, here's what I said with regard to the timing factors taking place earlier this year, Jan 2007 to be more precise:

"Going to the astrology, as mentioned before, Oprah's having the milestone SA Pluto=MC, with transit Saturn sitting right on her 8th House Pluto, and transit Neptune sitting right on her 2nd House Mercury. The latter two measurements are those that can suggest a difficult time, particularly where communication, thinking, and one's point of view and perspectives are concerned. In Oprah's case, it certainly seems to tally with the measure of criticism she's received over the rapper controversey last year, the all-girls school and boy abduction this month, and so on. And, from what I can see here, the hits just keep comin' - this Spring she'll have SA Venus=Mars/Saturn with SA Saturn=Venus/Pluto (Apr), followed by SA Venus=Saturn/Pluto in Jul. These are NOT happy measurements, folks!-and in light of the fact that Venus rules O's MC, along with the aforementioned transits in play, it all adds up to O's reputation taking some more hits before the Summer's out. Look for yet more headlines with Oprah's name "above the fold" between early Spring and mid Summer."

- Oprah Udate, More Pluto On The MC, Jan 2007,

One has to ask, in light of O pumping that book called "The Secret", what could the current fiasco at her school mean for her? What lesson is it teaching? Could it have anything to do with my piece "Welcome To Oprah University!" Hmm?

And while we're at it, what is in the cards for O over the next year?

Well, transit Pluto is nearing the end of its run in Sagittarius, and about to shift into Capricorn early next year. But before it does, it'll have to get by Oprah's late 29 degree Sag Asc, which occurs between Feb 2007 and Nov 2008. That buy itself is enough to signal a seachange in one's life, and this I have long held will be the time that O will finally give up the TV gig and move into a more promotional business venture of some kind, most likely the "Self Help" biz, where she already has a nice sideline of inspirational lectures and workshops - all for women, no less. Gotta love reverse discrimination.

But going further, we note that while transit Saturn has just past square to her Moon just a few days ago, it will go on to oppose Oprah's Asc ruling Jupiter, already placed in the 6th House, in a Mutable Sign (Gemini) and is Rx, all highlighting O's health concerns, mainly around weight problems, and is likely to come back roaring into the picture, since it will be joining Uranus, who's been opposing this same position since Apr of this year. There have been reports that O's been very stressed out over the past year, no doubt bedeviled by the school troubles, and perhaps the persistent rumors of relationship upset with her longtime paramour, Stedman Graham.

Please note that Mercury in O's chart rules the 7; transit Neptune coming to the 7 or its ruler is a classic indication of creepin', either on the part of the native, his/her sweetie, or both.
All of this goes down at a time (2008) when O has the following Solar Arc hits:

SA Saturn=Saturn Jun 08
SA Sun=Saturn Jul 08
SA Venus=Saturn Sep 08
SA Saturn=Venus Dec 08

When put together with the aforementioned transits of Pluto to the Asc, transit Uranus AND Saturn opposed the Asc ruler in the 6-12 house axis, and the heavy Saturn arcs - keep in mind, that Saturn exactly squares the Sun in O's chart - it all adds up to the serious risk of health threat for her. Indeed, her expected retirement from the air may have at its root, these concerns, if she doesn't breakdown from the strain already before then.

Mu's Prediction: Oprah Calls It Quits On TV, Possible Health Threat
Expect to see headlines concerning all of this in the late Summer-early Fall period of 2008, as the aforementioned astrological measurements coalesce and focus on O's health centers - the Asc, Asc ruler, and the Sun. O's popularity may continue to take a hit behind the girl's school if she can't get a handle on things by then (Venus in the mix of the arcs, girls/females, ruling the MC and the 5 house, teaching, children). Watch for reports of potential lawsuits/settlements being made between now and Jan-Feb of next year behind the girl's school business. With O's Neptune in the 10 and sextile the Asc, she'll make a good show to try and downplay all of this, but the strain will be very apparent for all to see, and if she doesn't hint at stepping down herself, others in her circle and pundits on the outside may begin to openly speculate as to just how long she can keep up the pace while weathering the withering assaults in the midst of the school scandal. Meanwhile, the rumors of continued relationship upset between Stedman and Oprah, if they haven't been cooled out by early 2008, will be just another one of the thousand cuts O will endure in the Fall of 2008. Experience has shown that being under so many Outer planet arcs and transits to key areas of the chart are telltale signals of a grand time of Transition - the only factor is whether the native goes with the flow, or goes kicking and screaming. It'll be a time for Oprah to take some of the sage advice she's offered up to so many, for so long.

Keep an eye on this one...

Oprah Winfrey Jan 29 1954 4.30AM CST Kosciusko MS; Placidus 29 Sag 41, Rodden

Suggested Further Reading:

Oprah: A Case Study Of Neptune In The 10th Oct 2006

Welcome To Oprah University! (Boys Need Not Apply) Jan 2007

Oprah Update: More Pluto On The MC Jan 2007

All found at:



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