Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jana Mackey - Death Of A Feminist

Taken from the Evolutionary Astrology & University Of AStrology Forums on MySpace...

I began this thread to once again highlight the fact that the Feminists in our Midst have some splainin' to do on a whole host of levels, and this Y chromosome native has had enough of the BS as to why they're unwilling to man up.

I've said numerous times that alot of women get into trouble because of stuff THEY DO, such as they're liking for what I like to call Thug Wood.

Well, in what can only be called an amazing display of synchronicity and astrological presicion, only two days after my ouster from Feministe, this post appears on their website:

"Thank You Jana MackeyJul 9 2008Posted by: Jill in Crime, Domestic Violence, Feminism

We lost Jana Mackey last week, a young feminist activist who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend. Adolfo Garcia-Nunez killed her, and after he was arrested killed himself.

There’s a facebook group about Jana, where people are posting pictures and anecdotes about her. Her funeral will be held today. Her family is asking that if you wish to donate, you can send donations to:

Jana Mackey Support for Public Advocacy Fundc/o Dean of LawGreen Hall1535 W. 15th St.Lawrence, KS 66045

Thanks to Veronica for letting us all know about Jana. My thoughts are with Jana and her family."

Following the links provided, here's what went down; again, quoting directly from the websites denoted by their links:

"Family, friends and educators on Saturday remembered Jana Mackey as a passionate and motivated woman who was dedicated to community service.

Mackey, 25, of Hays, was found dead Thursday inside a home at 409 Mich.

She was a second-year law student at Kansas University.

“Everybody that knew her ... is really going to miss her,” said Beth Cateforis, a Kansas University clinical associate professor.

Mackey was a devoted advocate for women’s rights and worked in the Statehouse as a lobbyist, said Sylvie Rueff, who worked with her in the National Organization for Women, where Mackey was dedicated to reducing violence against women.

“It appears now she’s been the ultimate victim,” Rueff said. “I really could not believe she got killed because she was just such a remarkable woman.”

Sarah Jane Russell, executive director of the Ga Du Gi Safe Center, said Mackey worked as volunteer advocate for the nonprofit organization that provides support for survivors of sexual assault.

“Advocates are people who are on call 24/7 ... they do the front-line work with victims; they’re the ones who have heart. It takes a heart, and it takes being honey on steel, and she had that ... she had everything, and above all she had compassion for others,” Russell said.

Mackey was still on the list of advocates but was on hiatus during law school, Russell said.
“There are no answers. There are a thousand questions, and there always are when it involves domestic violence and sexual assault issues,” Russell said.

Mackey was enrolled this summer in the Paul E. Wilson Defender Project at KU, where she represented federal prisoners in appellate and post-conviction litigation in state and federal courts.

“I think we have pictures of her dog up in our workroom,” said Cateforis, supervising attorney for the Defender Project. “It’s going to be very weird to clean up after her. I really don’t know what I’m going to do.”

Cateforis said Mackey was vibrant and had a lovely sense of humor.

“She was a pleasure,” Cateforis said. “I always looked forward to walking into class and seeing her smile and hearing what she had to say or hearing her big laugh.”

Mackey also was a singer and actress, receiving honors as an undergraduate for her theater performances. She was also given several scholarships for her law school work.

— 6News director Cody Howard and staff writer Janet Reid contributed to this report."

Here's more info, this time on Mackey's ex:

"The suspect in the death of a 25-year-old Kansas University student has committed suicide while in police custody in New Jersey, according to Lawrence police.

Adolfo Garcia-Nunez, 46, was arrested Friday night in New Jersey, according to Lawrence Police Sgt. Paul Fellers. Fellers said in a news release Saturday afternoon that Garcia-Nunez committed suicide in custody.

Lawrence police traveled to Elizabeth, N.J., where Garcia-Nunez’s white Ford F-150 pickup was located unoccupied. Lawrence police received word Saturday morning that Garcia-Nunez took his own life.

“No further information will be available until our investigators return from New Jersey,” the release said.

Garcia-Nunez — a Lawrence artist who also went by the name Fito Garche — was suspected in the death of the student, Jana Lynne Mackey. Mackey was a second-year law student at KU from Hays.

Friday night, Lawrence police had issued an arrest warrant charging Garcia-Nunez with second-degree murder.

Mackey’s body was found late Thursday night in a home at 409 Mich., where Garcia-Nunez lived. Mackey and Garcia-Nunez had recently broken off a relationship.

After hearing of the arrest and apparent suicide, KU Chancellor Robert Hemenway and Law School Dean Gail Agrawal issued the following statements.

“The resolution of this tragedy leaves us all stunned. I hope that everyone will remain considerate of the needs of the family and friends of Jana Mackey during this terrible time," Hemenway said. "I thank the Lawrence Police Department as well as other authorities for their efforts in the investigation.”

Agrawal said the law school community continues to be grief-stricken by Mackey's death, and remains focused on getting through the tragedy together.

"While we are shocked at recent developments in the investigation, we remain focused on doing all we can to support her family and friends through this terrible time," Agrawal said. "We are making every effort to inform our students, faculty and staff of available counseling and emotional support. Jana was strongly committed to social justice, and in her memory, we hope to inspire others to share her cause."

According to police, about 4:30 p.m. Thursday one of Mackey’s friends reported her missing. About two hours later, Mackey’s vehicle was found in the parking lot of Lawrence Memorial Hospital. About 11:30 p.m. Thursday, her body was found inside Garcia-Nunez’s home, which is near the hospital.

Jana MackeyVictim had worked to reduce violence against women (07-05-08) "
Here's Mackey's obit:"ObituariesJana Lynne Mackey 1982 - 2008 Lawrence Jana Lynne MackeyA celebration of life for Jana Lynne Mackey, 25, Lawrence, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Liberty Hall in downtown Lawrence. Burial will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in Fairview Cemetery in Danville.Miss Mackey died Thursday, July 3, 2008, in Lawrence.She was born July 20, 1982, in Harper, the daughter of John M. and Christie J. Patterson Mackey. She graduated from Hays High School in 2000 and received an undergraduate degree in women’s studies in 2004 from Kansas University. She had completed her first year of law school at KU.Miss Mackey worked as a lobbyist for the National Organization for Women for three years. She was a volunteer advocate for the Ga Du Gi Safe Center. She was also a singer and actress.She was also involved with the Public Interest Law Society, Women in Law Society, Kansas Equality Coalition, Kansas National Organization for Women, KU Commission on the Status of Women, KU. Student Senate and Delta Force.Survivors include her mother and stepfather, Christie and Curt Brungardt, Hays; her father and stepmother, Mike and Anita Mackey, Anthony; four brothers, Todd Mackey and companion Sarah Bohm and Travis Mackey and companion Erica Washburn, both of Hays, Drake Brungardt, Baldwin City, and Bruce Adams, Camdenton, Mo.; and two sisters, Sara Brungardt, Hays, and Kimberly Minor and husband Ryan, Wichita. Friends may call from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesday at Rumsey-Yost Funeral Home. The casket will remain closed.The family suggests memorials to the Northwest Kansas Domestic & Sexual Violence Services in Hays or the Jana Mackey Support of Public Advocacy Fund at the Kansas University School of Law, sent in care of the funeral home.Online condolences may be sent at

E-mail this obituary"

OK, boys and girls, now we gotta start asking some hard questions: what was a second law student, an vowed feminist dedicating her life to DOMESTIC ABUSE issues, doing w/a much, much older, felon, who's past crimes included DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, specifically, his last girlfriend before Mackey came along?

Maybe Mackey's chart can give us the answer:

Jana Mackey Jul 20 1982 Harper KS, no time known, source obituary available via Google search online

Right off the bat we see the deal - the New Moon in Cancer squares a Mars-Pluto conjunction in Libra, and we can include in this Mercury's square to these plaents as well, explaining Mackey's life focus on women's issues, domestic violence and law. Venus opposes Neptune in the last degree of Gemini, which of course means, that transit Pluto was opposed this Venus at the time of her death last week. The Venus-Neptune axis here of course, relates to a "something is other than it seems" vibe with regard to relationships; I'm pretty certain those who *thought* they knew her best really didn't at all; keep in mind also, that Venus is in Gemini, literally being two-faced along relationship/sexual lines.

Mackey's Mars-Pluto conjunction in Libra is key here, and goes to what I've explained over and over in regard to Thug Wood. Women who have such aspects in their charts tend to attract "dangerous" guys; Mars-Pluto combos are thee most prominent in the case of rape/DV victims. In an of itself, it does not function in a sexual sense for women, UNLESS Venus, the only female Sexual planet, is involved. Here, we can clearly see that it is, both due to the conjunction's Sign placement in Libra, but also because of the fact that its dispositor, Venus, is also trine to this very same conjunction, only making the links here stronger. This would mean that Mackey has quite a strong Super Sexual Aspect at work in her chart, for all three Sexual planets are tied together. Note again that Venus is opposed Neptune - I'm telling you, her friends never knew she got down like that.

Casting a morning Solarscope for Mackey, we see that Capricorn is on the Solar 7 house. This means that Saturn would be its ruler, and on her birthdate we see that it is exalted and Peregrine (Tyl), dominating the chart. Here's the link to a much older man, and with all these overtly Male planets - Mars, Saturn and Pluto - all in Libra, the Sign of Artisans, we see Nunez fitting the description to a T.

Interestingly enough, according to his MySpace page, Nunez was a Libra Sun!!!

Also, very interesting that Mackey would die as the Mars-Saturn conjunction in Virgo was forming, a recurrence transit that I've been reading up on of late. I tip my hat to Best and Blaschke. Additionally, Mackey had several very difficult Solar Arcs this year, that suggested very strongly, the possibility of violence or physical threat in some way.

And of course, Mackey was headed for her Saturn Return in only a few short years.

Mackey's birthdate reveals that she is all Water and Air, Emotions and Ideology, with NO EARTH to counterbalance things. Therefore, she had a very strong disconnect between the ideal and the real. And it ultimately cost her life.

I've said that my main reason for opposing the excesses - and let's be clear there ARE excesses of Feminism - was to challenge those who would craft public policy in its name. Already in the wake of her death, renewed calls for even more draconian measures are being floated in an attempt to pass more and more DV laws that hurt as many as they help, obstensibly. For those steeped in emoting and ideology, this is all par for the course, but for the rest of us sane thinking people, it was clear to see that Mackey didn't need more laws, just some commonsense. Warning bells should have been deafening for this young woman, but her emotions and ideology, to say nothing of her "hots" took control, and we all see the result.

I don't think it's an accident that all of this, my foary into Feministe, their posting of the Mackey murder, and Mackey's own life story, would all fall in line so dramatically. They serve to once again prove my point, that unless or until women start taking personal responsibility seriously, all of the laws in the world won't help them.

Including Jana Mackey.

So sad.

OK, folks - holla back


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a close friend of Jana's I can assure you that WE all knew her quite well. Your assessment of rape/domestic violence laws and the zodiac clearly exhibit your own hatred towards strong and sexually confident women. Perhaps in the future, you should focus your analysis on those YOU personally know and yourself.

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jana had broken up with Fito THREE WEEKS before he killed her. We all knew her...and him. There was never any abuse within the relationship...Jana had more commonsense than most of us put together and would have NEVER stood for the abuse she fought so strongly against. As soon as he started turning angry and possessive, she left. He was charming and sweet until, just like with his last girlfriend, he was dumped.

She went over there that day, probably just to quickly tie up some loose ends or whatnot (we'll never know) as she left her laptop and keys in her car parked outside. She wasn't bogged down in an abusive relationship which she didn't have the commonsense to get out of, like you and the "stars" suggest. She wasn't an airhead who was fueled by all emotion and no reality. Who are you, anyway, to talk about someone not living in the real world? She wasn't on her computer all day blogging about people she didn't know about and judging people based on the obscurity of a Zodiac. She was actually out there, in the REAL world, fighting for justice and equality through both her professional actions and personal acceptance of all races, ages, genders, and preferences.

We expected to have 400-500 people at her funeral. 1100 came. Can you say that you've made a difference in the lives of 1100 people? Do you think that some airhead hippie with no touch of reality could have this kind of effect?

Just like any religion, the Zodiac, too, can be manipulated and turned to fit/explain any itinerary, opinion, cause, stereotype...the same goes for you, as you're using it to explain who you THINK she was. I don't judge you, Jana taught me, if we can be a little more accepting of those who are different, we can start to make more positive changes in this world. Perhaps that attitude is what cost her her life, but I believe it's also what touched 1100 others.

Keep looking to the stars, though, and make sure you're wearing your sunglasses. There's a new one on the block that's gonna knock your socks off...

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Jana was strong and VERY confident in her sexuality. She could rock a great pair of high leather boots (both at the dance club AND at the State capital, where she had worked for two years) and she knew exactly what she wanted from a man to please her...your stars were definitely right about that one!

You however, in assuming that her friends didn't know "her other side" or that she "swung that way," are wrong. Although she had a HUGE and very diverse group of friends, we were all so incredibly close-knit. We saw her EVERYDAY and had lovely, great dinners and beers out on her porch (the gathering place) at least three or four times a week. Jana didn't have "another side." She had every side you could think of: passionate, compassionate, energetic, tired from long days at law school, accepting, ready to make fun of mullets and state fairs, sweet and "girl next door," sultry and sexual. She didn't have to hide any aspect of her personality, and that's why she attracted SOOOOOO many different kinds of people! That's also why she was able to give a voice to SOOOOOO many different kinds of people!

Like the above post said, she had broken up with Fito because she had started to see a side of him that she wasn't going to put up with. Unlike so many victims of domestic abuse who stay despite the horror, she got the hell out, bucked up, and carried on with her life, her friends, her classes, and her causes. She was close with Fito's daughter, and still had contact with him through her. Fito, obviously, took the breakup a lot harder than Jana. Getting away from someone with such seeded rage doesn't always mean you're safe. Because she didn't see this coming...because NO ONE saw this coming...she just continued on with her life. Since she still hung out with his daughter, he knew he would see her. We don't know if it was premeditated, or if it just happened in a rage. However, we do know she gave him one hell of a fight as he was bruised and blooded when the police found him.

Wait, why am I telling you all of this? You have the zodiac and, obviously, already knew it all. Duh.

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many truths are spoken in jest..

10:09 AM  
Blogger Mu'Min M. Bey said...

I thank you all for your comments, anonymously as they may be, LOL. For such "strong women" one would think you could affix your names, but whatever. I appreciate your opinions. Oh, and for the person who asked, have I touched as many lives, I think the number was 1100, as the late Ms. Mackey? I honestl don't know...and I'm not in any hurry to leave this world to find out, LOL. My personal mission is not to reach the many, but the One. If I reach any more than that, Al-Humdillah.

Finally, when I first got wind of Ms. Mackey's birthdate, I took it to several trusted colleagues, w/no name attached, and asked them what they thought. Maybe I'll post what they said, again, they didn't know who the birthdate belonged to. And if you still don't believe me, then I invite you to do the same thing. Take Ms. Mackey's birthdate to several astrologers, don't tell them who it belongs to, just that its a female's, and see what they say. Report back the results!


5:29 AM  
Blogger Mu'Min M. Bey said...

Hmm, is that a bit of Hateration I hear in your voice? "Miscengenation"? You sure you aren't living in one of those Confederate States? You guys lost, if you haven't heard.

Listen, I know the deal. Interracial marriages and the like are relatively low in the USA, unlike other areas of the world; it would appear, that the Anglosphere still prefers to sup its ethnicities from different sections of the plate, rather than do the salad bown or beef stew thing, if you know what I mean.

Still, I wonder if you would be saying anything close to what you did say if say, the average White guy, who almost always succumbs to Yellow Fever somewhere along the way, up and killed HIS woman? Hmm? Or, is this JUST a dig at Black and Brown folks, particularly the males? Because if that's your point, I have only two words:


Holla back - and don't knock the Hustle


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