Sunday, May 11, 2008

An Astrological Meeting With The Merovingian

An Astrological Meeting With The Merovingian

11:48 PM 05/10/2008 Sat

The Matrix Reloaded, without a doubt one of the most successful films ever made and a pop cultural fixture, contains two of my favorite cinematic scenes: one is the first meeting between Neo and Seraph (which serves as a most compelling metaphor for astrologers and the need to what I like to call "qualify the client" - but that's another lecture for another day), and the other, is the epic meeting between our heroes Neo, Trinity and Morpheous, and a truly interesting character called The Merovingian.

As I'm sure you will recall, Neo is told by the Oracle that he and his friends must find and liberate the Keymaker from the clutches of the Merovingian, and to place the Keymaker into position at a specific location at a specific time; however, as is born out in the meeting with Merovingian, the three do not know *why* they must have the Keymaker. Without knowing *why*, our heroes don't really have any hope of having any power to effect change.

This classic meeting (and I just LOVED the Merovingian character!) in one of Hollywood's most successful sequels on record, is a deeply profound metaphor and lesson for us astrologers, for in many very real ways, we are not unlike the Merovingian - like him, we too are traffickers in information, and we make it our business to know everything about the heavens that we can. Yet, as I have found in
my travels throughout the astrological landscape, it appears evident that not many astrologers really know *why* their clients come to see them.

And to make matters worse, many people who approach astrologers, seem at best fuzzy on *why* they want to have their horoscope done; when asked, many will respond with vague answers, if any at all, while others will give misleading responses. If the astrologer is not clear on what to look for as to *why* a client approaches him/her, and if the client isn't sure *why* they are sitting in the chair at the astrologer's desk, what are the chances that this "epic" meeting will yield any results which result in real change?

In his immortal work, the Brihat Samhita, the 6th century Indian astrological savant Varamihira gives what he considers are the qualifications of those who would become astrologers; among them is the line "a knower of time and place". The Merovingian, indeed!

Over the years, I have learned that it is of the utmost importance for the astrologer to first, get clear on *why* he or she is doing astrological work; to what end, for what purpose; and then, when taking clients, to not only do their homework in preparation for the consultation, but to ask the client one very simple question:

Why are you here?

This is important, for the answer the client gives can, and often will, determine to what extent the meeting between client and astrologer will yield practical, impactful results in the days, weeks and months ahead. Here the old, tried and true Horary maxim applies: a muddled question will yield a muddled response. Clarity of purpose, intent, of thinking and approach, are key.

But of course, there will be times when the client will not be able to have as clear a head as the astrologer will like, or, indeed, may be covering over concerns that are too sensitive to put out there on the spot in such naked a fashion. It is in these circumstances, that the astrologer must be prepared to clear the clutter so to speak, and to be able to ferret out the *why* that the client is there in front of them.

There are quite a few methods to do this of course - as any astrologer knows by now, get ten astrologers together, get ten astrological approaches! - but here is one that I've found very, very helpful that can get right to the point, in almost every instance.

And that focuses on the shrewd use of a very simple tool - Transits.

As we all know, a transit refers to the ongoing movement in the sky of the planets through the heavens that we call the Zodiac. It is a method that is old as astrology itself yet in many ways, they are applied in what can only be described as sloppy ways. Here is how one astrologer makes use of the transits to great effect on a birthchart, to determine the *why* a person approaches me for my assessment of the events in their life.

The Outer Planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - are so called because they exist beyond the orbit of Saturn, the "end of the line" planet used by astrologers classically. In my Western astrological work, the Outers have proved indispensible in aiding me spot, "with the quickness" the hotspots of the chart, and to determine to what degree of importance the meeting with the client will be. Because these planets move so slowly through the Zodiac, their making contact with significant points in the horoscope represent major life milestones - a once in a lifetime kind of thing - and as such, call the client's attention to whatever planet is making the contact to whatever natal planet or point in the chart.

Here, I focus the Outers in transit in relation to the client's Angles - the Asc, IC, Dsc and MC - as well as to the client's Lights - the Sun and Moon - and if I find any hard aspects being made, I can then tell immediately what's going on and subsequently, *why* the client comes to see me. Almost without any prep at all, I have a very good basis for meaningful conversation with the client - although of course, a Tropical Capricorn Rising individual like myself, would dot all the I's and cross the T's before the client comes for a sitdown!

But the point is made - the Outers in relation to the Lights and/or Angles of the chart, really sets the tone as to how important the client's visit is likely to be. For all of the "pyrotechnics" of today's computer-assisted astrological wizardry, it really is as simple as that. Most of life's profoundities, usually are.

By now, the astrologer should be well acquainted with the meaning symbolically, of the Outers: Uranus, individuation; Neptune, idealization/rationalization; and Pluto, perspective/empowerment. Keeping these simple "pictures" in mind in relation to the Lights or Angles of the chart, intuitively guides the astrologer's hand from there.

The Matrix series of films is a huge hit among the Astrological Set, and rightly so; study the Merovingian scene well, my colleagues and dear readers. It's the gift that keeps on giving!



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