Saturday, July 29, 2006

George W. Bush & The NAACP - Turning Over A New Leaf?

George W. Bush & The NAACP - Turning Over A New Leaf?

9:08 AM 07/23/2006 Sun

After five straight years of ignoring and declining invitations to speak at their national convention - the result of very harsh rhetoric aimed at Bush by NAACP Chairman Julian Bond - President George W. Bush gave a speech at the NAACP convention held in Washington, DC this past week. Bush attempted to reach out to African Americans, stating that he was aware of the fact that Racism still persists, and that the Republican Party missed out in a big way for letting its historical ties with the Black Community go in favor of more shrewd, if not cynical, political ends. Although the audience gave polite applause for the most part, when GWB mentioned the above, the crowd roared; and after the speech had concluded, Black political pundits wondered aloud why Bush didn't speak to issues such as the Iraq War, etc., saying that it's extremely narrow to think that the Black Community only thinks of "Black issues".

Indeed, Bush should have spoken to wider issues, such as the ones that have been and continue to be so very obvious regarding Black America (and those which even vaunted folks such as Tavis Smiley dare not approach): the outrageously high out of wedlock birthrate (at present, around 70%; only one in three Black women ever marry in their lifetime), the fact that Marriage in the Black Community is at or near all-time lows, the fact that "Black on Black" violence continues to occur unabated in the inner cities, the direct result of the gaping maw of fatherless homes; the fact that in places like Detroit, the highschool dropout rate is EIGHTY PERCENT, and a good number of those who do graduate can barely function on a level consistent with the modern Western world; the fact that HIV and AIDS continues to ravage Black American women, the result of the "Downlow" lifestyle among a good number of Black men...and the list of real, persistent, and urgent problems that beset Black America goes on and on.

But saying such things isn't considered cricket in polite company, as famed Comedian and Humanitarian Bill Cosby soon found out, after giving his "Poundcake Speech" two years ago, before a similar arrangement of NAACP membership and top brass, to commerate the 50th anniversary of the famed Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision, declaring that "separate but equal" was against the Law. Here's a few excerpts from that speech:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I really have to ask you to seriously consider what you’ve heard, and now this is the end of the evening so to speak. I heard a prize fight manager say to his fellow who was losing badly, “David, listen to me. It’s not what’s he’s doing to you. It’s what you’re not doing. (laughter)."

"Ladies and gentlemen, these people set, they opened the doors, they gave us the right, and today, ladies and gentlemen, in our cities and public schools we have fifty percent drop out. In our own neighborhood, we have men in prison. No longer is a person embarrassed because they’re pregnant without a husband. (clapping) No longer is a boy considered an embarrassment if he tries to run away from being the father of the unmarried child (clapping)"

"Ladies and gentlemen, the lower economic and lower middle economic people are [not*] holding their end in this deal. In the neighborhood that most of us grew up in, parenting is not going on. (clapping) In the old days, you couldn’t hooky school because every drawn shade was an eye (laughing). And before your mother got off the bus and to the house, she knew exactly where you had gone, who had gone into the house, and where you got on whatever you had one and where you got it from. Parents don’t know that today."

"I’m talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit. Where were you when he was two? (clapping) Where were you when he was twelve? (clapping) Where were you when he was eighteen, and how come you don’t know he had a pistol? (clapping) And where is his father, and why don’t you know where he is? And why doesn’t the father show up to talk to this boy?"

"50 percent drop out rate, I’m telling you, and people in jail, and women having children by five, six different men. Under what excuse, I want somebody to love me, and as soon as you have it, you forget to parent. Grandmother, mother, and great grandmother in the same room, raising children, and the child knows nothing about love or respect of any one of the three of them (clapping). All this child knows is “gimme, gimme, gimme.” These people want to buy the friendship of a child….and the child couldn’t care less. Those of us sitting out here who have gone on to some college or whatever we’ve done, we still fear our parents (clapping and laughter). And these people are not parenting. They’re buying things for the kid. $500 sneakers, for what? They won’t buy or spend $250 on Hooked on Phonics. (clapping) "

People are still talking about Cosby's speech and the additional talks he's given in the months that followed, only highlighting the fact that anyone with eyes can see that the Black Community's current-day problems aren't George W. Bush or the Republican Party, but problems that are homegrown in nature, epidemic in scope and now considered a normative feature of African American culture, both on the inside and out.

So, with all this said, where does the NAACP fit in? Surely, as America's oldest civil rights organization, it should be able to at least begin the hard ground work it takes to set things right in the Black Community. Or do they? Can they?

The NAACP was founded on Feb 12 1909, to coincide, ironically, with the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, the nation's first Republican President. The chart of the NAACP features an Aquarian Sun in conjunction with Mecury at the MC (I've set the chart for noon, in the absence of timed data), the Moon in Scorpio and a Gemini Asc, a fitting astrological base for an organization that has a reputation for being a strong advocate for civil rights.

The chart ruling Mercury is also Rx, suggesting the danger of subjective and/or narrow thinking to the detriment of "the big picture"; Pluto rising in the Asc is opposed Mars in the 7th, and in their early days, the NAACP made its name by fighting the horrendous practice of White mobs lynching Black men.

Pluto=Jupiter/Saturn, a strong symbol of staying the course, being able to bounce back, and making the case for one's cause, turning the tide in one's favor.

The only other hard aspect in the chart is the Uranus-Neptune opposition, which falls into the 8th-2nd House axis, respectively. This signature speaks to the humanitarian goals of the organization, but also strongly reflects the NAACP's rocky financial footing, particularly during the 1990s, when the triple transits of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune passed thru Capricorn and wreaked havoc on the NAACP's astro-financial outlook. In classic Neptunian fashion, the 90s were a period of rife corruption, mismanagement and misappropriation of funds, along with ill-repute behavior on the part of the organization's officials.

Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the NAACP is thee voice of the African American community, and the astrology bears witness to this fact: note the strong ties between its chart and that of the "African American" the moment when the first African slaves were offloaded at Jamestown, VA (Aug 30 1619 10.15AM LMT; Placidus 4 Sco 21, Penfield):

- NAACP Moon rising in the AA Asc and conjunct the AA Mars (in Scorpio)

- NAACP Jupiter conjunct the AA Sun

- The NAACP Moon is opposed the AA Moon-Pluto

- NAACP Venus opposed the AA MC

- NAACP Asc ruler Mercury in the same Sign as the AA Sun

And the list goes on.

But the interplay between the organization and President Bush is the complete opposite and just as evident to see:

- NAACP Uranus-Neptune square GWB's Moon (and opposed and conjunct GWB's Sun!)

- NAACP's Moon squared by GWB's Pluto

- NAACP's Pluto conjunct, and Mars opposed, GWB's Uranus

- NAACP's Saturn square GWB's Sun

Yet, there ARE some hopeful signs astrologically: note that GWB's Venus opposes the NAACP's Sun and MC, Bish's Asc is opposed the NAACP's Venus and both his and the organization's Nodes are very close to each other. Perhaps it is Bush's destiny to help turn the electoral tide on the part of Black folks in the GOP's favor? Hmmm...

A brief astro-historical sketch of the NAACP is illuminating:

Brown v. Board of Education, 1954: SA Pluto=Node Jan, Big SA Semi-Square Feb, SA Node=Pluto Mar, tr Pluto opposed the Sun Mar-Jul, SA Jupiter=Venus/Uranus Apr, tr Uranus opposed Uranus Mar & Apr, tr Jupiter conjunct Pluto Apr, SA Pluto=Jupiter/Saturn, SA Marcury=Uranus/Pluto, SA Node=Jupiter/Saturn

Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955: SA Saturn=Sun Apr, SA Mercury=Saturn May, SA Mars=Node Aug, SA Mars=Pluto Sep, tr Jupiter opposed the Sun & MC Sep-Oct

Banned from operation in the State of Alabama following the boycott, 1956-58: SA Sun=Saturn/Neptune Oct 1956, SA Neptune=Asc/MC Jun 1957, tr Saturn opposed the Asc Nov 1957, tr Neptune square Venus Dec, SA Uranus=Sun/Mars Jan 1958, tr Neptune square Venus Jan & Oct 1958, tr Saturn opposed Pluto Feb, Jun & Nov 1958, SA Neptune=Uranus Jun 1958, tr Uranus square Moon Aug 1958, SA Sun=Saturn/Uranus Dec 1958

Civil Rights Act Passed, 1964: SA Pluto=Sun/Moon Jan, tr Saturn conjunct the Sun Jan, SA Node=Sun/Moon Jan, tr Jupiter square Sun & MC Aug & Nov, tr Pluto square Asc Oct, SA Sun=Uranus Dec, tr Uranus square Asc Dec

Voting Rights Act Passed, 1965: SA Venus=Jupiter/Uranus Jan, tr Uranus square Asc Jan & Sep, SA Saturn=Asc/MC Mar, tr Neptune square Mercury & MC Mar & Apr, tr Saturn square Asc May & Aug, tr Pluto square Asc Mar & Aug, SA Uranus=Asc Sep, SA Jup=Mars/Pluto Oct, SA Mercury=Sun/Jupiter Nov

1st Black NAACP President elected, Benjamin Hooks (ALL previous presidents of the NAACP have been White and/or Jewish), 1975: tr Jupiter square Asc Jan, tr Saturn conjunct Neptune Jan, SA Mercury=Jupiter Mar, tr Jupiter square Pluto Mar, SA Pluto=Neptune May, tr Saturn opposed Uranus Jun, SA MC=Jupiter Jun, SA Asc=Uranus/Pluto Aug

NAACP President Benjamin Chavis Ousted, 1995 (after first being elected in 1993): SA Moon=Pluto Jan, SA Pluto=Sun/Nep Mar, tr Saturn square Asc Mar, tr Saturn square Pluto May, SA Uranus=Moon/Asc Oct, SA Uranus=Neptune Nov

Trouble with then-Governor Bush, 2000: SA Mercury=Mars/Uranus Jan, SA Mercury=MC Feb, SA Pluto=Node Mar, tr Saturn square Moon Mar, Big Solar Arc Square (90 degrees, all planets and points in the chart having come that distance by Solar Arc) Apr, tr Uranus conjunct Mercury & MC Apr & Jul, SA MC=Mercury Jun, tr Saturn square Sun Jun, SA Uranus=Sun/Asc Aug, SA Pluto=Jupiter/Saturn (again!), SA Mercury=Uranus/Pluto, both Oct

President George W. Bush Speaks at NAACP Convention, Jul 20 2006: SA Sun=Venus/Pluto May, tr Neptune conjunct Mercury & MC May & Jun, tr Uranus square Asc Jun & Jul

Earlier in the year, transit Jupiter conjuncted the Moon and will do so again as the Midterm Elections heats up in Sep. Also, it's important to note that the NAACP will have, right before the elections, SA Saturn=Venus/Mars, a cooling of emotions regarding considering alternate points of view (Saturn rules the 9th), BUT, SA Sun=Neptune in Nov. Hmmm...

With so much Fixed Sign emphasis in both the NAACP and African American charts, it's hard to see how Bush could make any real impact on the polls in this regard this election cycle around; Bush polled only about 11% of the Black Vote in the last Presidential elections.

Not only that, but even if the top brass at the NAACP wanted to address the issues that Cosby mentioned, it is fundamentally and astrologically ill-equipped to do so; note the lack of Earth elements and a somewhat muted Saturn in its astrological makeup. Therefore, it isn't good at doing the sort of practical, hands-on changing lives and behavior work that is called for and desperately needed in today's Black Community accross the country. At best, the NAACP can act as a sounding board for those who bring the messages that resemble Cosby's, facilitate public hearings and discussions on these issues and advocate on such messengers' behalf in the halls of Government and Corporate America. But if one thinks for a minute that the NAACP is up to the job of renewing Black Familial Life on their own, they are setting themselves up for a huge disappointment.

No one wants to openly say it, but this might be a job for the Nation of Islam - and in any event, the Black Community is not doing itself any good at all by living in a state of denial and blaming their problems on Bush and the GOP.


The Hezbollah-Israeli Conflict: A Saturn-Pluto War Of Attrition

The Hezbollah-Israeli Conflict: A Saturn-Pluto War Of Attrition

7:09 AM 07/29/2006 Sat

After a week of failed diplomatic efforts on the part of a numer of nations, including the USA, the fighting continues in Lebanon, between the Israeli army and the forces of Hezbollah. The IDF has suffered its worst casualties thus far, 8 killed and over 20 injured just a few days ago, with Hezbollah firing more longer range missles into Israeli territory. Some 1 million people in the Jewish State have taken refuge in underground bomb shelters, a full one fifth of the entire population; meanwhile, on the Lebanese side of the border, refugees continue to flood into neighboring Syria. There appears to be no end in sight in this war - Israel's relentless air raids don't seem to have degraded Hezbollah's military assests much at all. And while the Israeli poiliticians have said "no" to the idea of a massive ground assault - surely, they want to avoid a repeat of 1982 - the Israeli military officials assessment is in my view accurate. They will have to do the rest of this on the ground, with sufficient manpower, in order to root out Hezbollah fully. But in so doing, they will have played right into the hands of The Party Of God; a down-and-dirty fight on "the Arab Street" is just what Hezbollah wants, a straight-up war of attrition. It is something the Jewish State cannot afford.

In the entire lexicon of Western Astrology, the most difficult of planetary combinations has to be that of Saturn and Pluto; here, the inherent difficulty of Saturn is combined with the "uber-Jupiterian" sensibilities of Pluto, and the result can be devastating. In plain layman's terms, such combos rarely speak to good times, but rather, of hard, brutal work to come out from under loss and difficulty; it can represent defeat, loss, even death.

In previous essays on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah I've made mention of the fact that both charts representing the warring parties are underoing Saturn-Pluto periods: in the Israeli chart, transit Saturn is sitting on the national Pluto in the 10th; in the Lebanese chart, transit Pluto in the 10th is opposing Saturn in the 4th. This is a signal that BOTH sides will experience heavy losses. But the question becomes, who will ultimately win?

For Israel, this is a "do or die" scenario; they must recover the abducted soldiers Hezbollah has taken captive, and then push Hezbollah back away from the border region, in the process either disarming them outright or destroying them altogther. It's a tall order that does not at present, seem to be working, made all the more worse in that earlier this week, Israeli war planes bombed a UN office, killing 4 observers.

On the other hand, all Hezbollah needs to do is simply hang on - in fact, the longer this drags out, the better for them. Simply standing after the dust clears is enough to prove their point, that the Arab World can stand up to the "Zionist Entity" that is Israel, and surely will be a rallying cry for other groups in the region, indeed, potentially the world.

If history is any indication - and Astrology IS built upon cycles of time - then all roads lead to Hezbollah's victory, should this come down to a prolonged ground battle. In the early 80's, Hezbollah succeeded in not only driving out the Israelis but also the USA as well; recall the 1983 suicide bombing of the Marine base in Beirut. Going back to the Lebanese chart for that time, transit Saturn was square Pluto, Nov 1983.

Yet, Astrology says that Hezbollah stands the most to loose here, with the prolonged transit of Pluto in opposition to Saturn in the 4th and ruling the 12th; I've said before, that I feel this placement is the astrological representation of Hezbollah in Lebanese society. This transit will last until Oct 2006, and from the looks of things, it's very possible that the fighting could extend that long.

Aug is the crucial month, for both parties; it will prove decisive for one side, I feel. Israel has a number of Solar Arcs involving Mars, which could suggest them taking more assertive measures to end the conflict with the use of more firepower. However, this will also cost them politically in the eyes of world opinion, and this is seen vividly in the aforementioned transit of Saturn going over the national Pluto in the 10th House of Public Reputation. Saturn has now moved away from Pluto, and is approaching the Israeli Saturn; it will conjunct it later in Aug. The actions the Jewish State takes between now and then will be fully manifest before the world at that time.

In the meantime, while there is much shuttling back and forth among the nations of the world, there is little indication that anyone will jump in anytime soon; the USA will continue to use its might diplomatically to keep those who wish to intervene and/or interfere out of it, hoping that its Jewish Ally can get the job done on its own terms. But with the Lebanese death toll now exceeding 600, it remains to be seen how long even the USA can hold off the rest of the world from doing something NOW.

Hang on to your seats, folks - this will get a lot more dirtier, before someone breaks out a broom...


Break On Through: A Vedic Look At The Life Of Jim Morrison

Break On Through: A Vedic Look At The Life Of Jim Morrison

5:24 AM 07/29/2006 Sat

Before the month of July 2006 ends, I thought it would be instructive to take a Vedic look at one of American popular culture's biggest icons, the Doors frontman, Jim Morrison. This month marks the 35th anniversary of his death in Paris, France, under still mysterious circumstances. He was 27 years old at the time. Many books have been written about him since his death, and an excellent film was done about him and the rest of the Doors, by famed director Oliver Stone, released in 1991 (and now out on DVD, a 2-disc set), called, what else? - "The Doors".

If ever there was a textbook case to be made for Vedic Astrology, Jim Morrison's chart is that case:

Jim Morrison Dec 8 1943 11.55AM EWT Melbourne FL; Lahiri 19 Cap 46, Rodden

Morrison's chart is brimming over with many significant yogas, but we'll focus our study only on a few, starting with the obvious, the presence of the Nodes, Rahu and Ketu, in the 1-7 House axis. Ketu rises in the Capricorn Asc and closely conjuncts the Asc point itself: this alone accounts for Morrison's heavy use of drugs and in particular alcohol; there are many instances in various accounts (and the film) where Morrison was barely able to function, he was so drunk and/or high. Also, the presence of the Nodes in the 1-7 axis accounts for Morrison's interest in shamanism, calling himself "the Lizard King", wearing snake and lizard skin outfits, etc. It's all so very Rahu-Ketu.

People born with the Nodes very prominent in their charts almost always tend to have lives of extremes, going from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows, and Morrison's life was indicative of this. The Nodes, especially Rahu, also can bring great fame, but, and this is according to the ancient texts, towards the end of Rahu's Dasa, one can experience a "fall from grace" so to speak. We'll get to Morrison's Dasas later.

Note that Morrison's Rahu is in the 7th House, almost always an indication of more than one marriage, if not out and out infidelity or other sexual activity that most people in Society would consider untoward. The texts refer to such a position one where the native likes to hang with the "low and wicked people", and in this case, a man who likes to keep company with prostitutes and/or loose women, and so on. It is well documented that Morrison, while never married, did have numerous liasons with women while conducting a longterm relationship with Pamela Courson, and was a regular at the "Whiskey-a-Go Go", a strip bar.

Next, note the very prominent Moon-Venus combination/mutual aspect along the 4-10 House axis; this accounts for Morrison's interests in the arts, film and music specifically, as well as his very good looks, immense sexual appeal and enduring fame. Venus in particular deserves special mention because it forms what is known as Malavya Yoga, one of the Panchamahapurusha Yogas - "a combination of a great being". It is formed whenever the planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn sits in an angular or trinal House from the Asc or Moon, while also at the same time sitting in its own or exalted Signs. The yoga becomes very strong when it can be seen from both the Udaya Lagna (the Asc at birth) and the Chandra Lagna (the Moon Asc) and is almost always manifest in the native's life, per the indications of the planet in question. Here, we see that this position gave Morrison all of the things we have come to associate with Venus. Moreover, Venus is Yogakaraka for Capricorn Asc, ruling both the 5th and 10th Houses, bringing even more noteriety and fame to Morrison.

Yet, for all his sexual imagery and popularity, Morrison himself experienced bouts of impotence, and by the end of his life, was totally unable to get an erection at all (keep in mind, he was only 27!). This was due to the overindulgence of alcohol and other drugs over the years. In Vedic Astrology, the 5th House represents one's children, and therefore, one's ability to sire children. A close examination of Morrison's 5th House reveals considerable defects in this regard. First, note that Mars, which for a male represents the penis itself, is retrograde; second, Ketu aspects Mars; and finally, the Sun also aspects Mars. All of these aspects are well within 5 degree orb range, and so makes these apsects much more stronger than if they were just in the classical "Vedic" aspect of merely sitting in Signs.

We can glean additional information in this regard by a close inspection of Morrison's Navamsa chart. Here, Mars is placed in the Gemini Asc with Mercury. Since Mercury is the one calling the shots as it were here, and Mercury is considered a neuter planet, we can say that Morrison's Mars is further weakened. Taking things a step further, when we inspect the Varga Bala, a tally of the natal chart's planetary strengths and weaknesses, Morrison's Mars is strong in 3 out of the 16 varga charts, but is weak in 4 out of the 16! All of these indications are not positive for a strong sexual drive and potency, and as such, Morrison never had kids.

As mentioned earlier, Morrison has Rahu in the 7th House, and as such, had numerous affairs. But all who knew Morrison well agree that there were two women in his life that come to the forefront: Pamela Courson and Patricia Keannelly. Courson was with Morrison from the beginning of his career to the end of his life; Keannelly came into the picture when, as a writer for a rock music magazine she met Morrison for the first time, and the two had an affair. According to Keannelly, a Wiccan witch, she and Morrison were married in the Wiccan tradition. Note again, the Occult overtones here, as well as the fact that this marriage was never recognized by American civil law. Talk about Rahu!

In fact, Keannelly reports that soon after her "wedding" to Morrison, she became pregnant; Morrison didn't want the baby, and Keannelly soon thereafter aborted. At the time, Morrison was going through a prolonged legal fight in Miami FL, charged with exposing himself publicly during a concert. Again, note the damaged 5th House of Morrison, and it all makes sense. It must be noted that over the years, Keannelly's accounts have been disputed, but I think she's telling the truth, on the basis of Morrison's chart.

When assessing a Vedic chart, it is standard practice for jyotishis to consider the Lagnesh, or ruler of the Asc, to see how strong or weak it is; its condition will set the tone for the entire chart, and by extension, entire life of the native. In Morrison's case, we can see that one reason why both his fame and life was so short-lived, was due almost entirely to the fact that his Lagnesh, which is Saturn, is seriously damaged. One, Saturn is placed in the 6th House, and for anyone, anytime their Lagnesh sits in one of the Trik Houses (6, 8 or 12) they HAVE to experience some pain and discomfort associated with said House, EVEN IF their Lagnesh is in its own Sign or Exalted. The pain and discomfort was increased in Morrison's case due to the fact that Saturn was neither dignified or exalted. Two, note that Saturn is hemmed between two first rate malefics, Mars and Rahu - this accounts in a huge way for Morrison's shortened lifespan. And three, note that Saturn is Rx. Contrary to popular opinion and belief in Vedic astrological circles, my own study of nearly ten years into Jyotish has not found supportive evidence of retrograde planets being positive to a person's chart, especially if the planet in question happens to be Lagnesh; it almost always promises a weakened persona somehow, be it physically, psychologically, or both. Morrison's self-destructive habits and ways would prove disaterous for him, eventually leading to his own death. Many jyotishis would look at Morrison's Navamsa, see Saturn sitting in the 5th House and Exalted and think that his Lagnesh would be strengthed, but this is a greatly misleading indication. In order to correctly weigh the strengths and weakenesses of a planet, one must always consult the Varga Bala, and in Morrison's case, we see that Saturn, while strong in 3 out of 16 charts, is actually weak in 6 out of the same 16 charts! The evidence speaks for itself.

It's also interesting that Morrison's Lagnesh sits in the 6th House, and note that the 6th House, in Vedic Astrology, represents the Courts and so on.

Another example of the power of the Varga Bala: Morrison was more than just The Doors frontman, he WAS The Doors. Being such a standout figure infers that Morrison had to have a strong Sun, yet to consider his Rasi and Navamsa charts, the Sun doesn't seem to be all that strong at all, right? Now, consider the Varga Bala, and see how Morrison's Sun is strong 6 times and weak only 2! This also accounts for his short life, because in both the Rasi and Navamsa charts, the Sun is connected to the 8th House, and his much stronger than the Lagnesh. Whenever one sees a great imbalance in strength between the rulers of the 1st and 8th Houses, one can expect the native's life to be shorter than most, again all things being equal. Such was the case for Morrison.

Morrison's meteoric rise to fame and crashing fall back to earth can be summed-up by one word: Rahu. It was during Rahu's Dasa that Morrison met the rest of his bandmates, formed The Doors, got name and fame, and died. Rahu Dasa was in operation from 1953 to 1971; at the time of their first album release, in 1967, Morrison was running Rahu-Venus; at the time of his death, he was running Rahu-Mars. I should also point out here that this was the end of Morrison's "run" with Rahu, and jyotishis know well that Dasas just beginning or about to end are problematic for the native, all things considered, of course. This is because, according to Dasa Theory, such points in a planetary period are too weak for the native to take full advantage of, and things are more apt to go awry than when a person's in the midst of a Dasa in "full bloom". In any event, both Rahu and Mars are "killers" in that they are malefic forces; Rahu sits in one of the "Maraka" Houses; Mars aspects the 8th and 8th lord.

Finally, we can note that at the time of his death, Morrison was undergoing the special transit known to Vedic Astrology as the Sade Sati, the 7.5 year transit of Saturn going over the Moon, and the two Signs that flank it (before and after). While there is virtually nothing writting in the ancient texts about this transit, and very little in more modern texts, it is well known by jyotishis to be a particularly difficult time for the native. Usually, the theme is one of loss in some way, be it of the parents or other close relations, or of property, or indeed of one's own life. At the very least, it represents a time of a diminishing of one's status in some way, and oftentimes it is a painful process.

That Morrison continues to be so popular is due to the aforementioned Raj-Yogas, as well as the angularity in his chart overall; it's also interesting to note that if we consult the Dasas running in Morrison's chart for the year that "The Doors" film came out, 1991, we see that Saturn-Mercury was running. Saturn is of course, Morrison's Lagnesh, and Mercury is the 9th lord; natally, Mercury was in mutual aspect with Saturn.



Saturday, July 22, 2006

Quick Mundane Astrology Current Events Overview

Quick Mundane Astrology Current Events Overview

12:45 PM 07/16/2006 Sun

The past week or so has been unusually active in Mundane events around the world; usually, the Summertime here in the USA and in some other places, has traditionally been a slow news cycle.

All that changed with the recent missile testing by North Korea; the terrorist bombing in India; and what now appears to be a two-front war on Israel in the form of Hamas and Hezbollah, known terror organizations that now have government representation in the Palestinian Territories and Lebanon, respectively.

Let's take a quick look at the charts of the parties involved:

North Korea Sep 10 1948 12PM, JST, P'yongyang; Placidus 25 Sco 45, Campion

The move by North Korea to launch missles is, in my view one that is designed to force the USA to enter into negotiations one on one; it figures that it can do this in light of the seeming impasse that the USA and World Community has reached with regard to the nuclear arms issue in Iran. Of course, the USA has resisted such talks, instead trying to force North Korea into going back to the six-party talks which include South Korea, Japan, China and Russia. The likelihood that this strategem on the part of the GWB administration will work is highly unlikely; neither China nor Russia has shown any urgency in getting with North Korea, and South Korea is eager to continue its "Sunshine Diplomacy" in a bid to reunify the penninsula. That only leaves Japan as a true ally in the region, who has in recent weeks talked of a more agressive defense against North Korean attack. But all of this I think, is more about North Korea maintaining itself in its pro-Communist form than trying to make a bid to be a bigger regional player, etc. As I've pointed out in earlier essays, North Korea is on its last legs due to internal problems and years of isolation, and seeks assurances from the West and in particular the USA, that it will not be toppled.

At present in the North Korean chart, transit Saturn is applying to conjunction with Pluto, the Asc ruler; transit Uranus is square the Moon and applying opposition to the Sun in the 10th; SA MC=Saturn, exact in Oct of this year (the head of government seeking security protection? Perhaps this IS an ambitious move on the part of North Korea).

India Jan 26 1950 10.15AM New Delhi; Placidus 4 Ari 49, Campion

More than most countries in the world, India has had a long history with Islamic terrorism, reaching at least as far back to the Indira Ghandi-era government, if not longer. We must keep in mind, that the current state of India came about at least in part due to the tensions between its Muslim and Hindu halves, which brought about Partition, and led to the state of Pakistan today.

There are more Muslims living in India than anywhere else in world, somewhere over 200 million, which exceeds the population of Indonesia.

I take Terrorism and Terrorist Organizations to be represented by the 12th House, as well as Neptune and Pluto; in the Indian chart, note that Uranus rules the 12th, is placed in the 3rd, and is quindecile Mercury in the 10th. This aspect is one that is steeped in ideology, fighting for turf (the continued skirmishes with regard to Kashmir, etc.) - Mercury rules the 3rd, with Uranus at the Aries Point. Neptune co-rules the 12th and squares the Mercury position in the 10th, only adding more fuel to the fire, so to speak. And Pluto, ruler of the 8th House, opposes Jupiter and Venus along the 5-11 House axis - it could well be that there is radical Muslim support in the Indian Parliament. In any event, the terrorists have considerable influence, per the indications of the Indian horoscope.

At present, transit Neptune is parked in near exact opposition to Pluto; in Apr, SA Moon=Pluto, in May, SA Sun=Pluto. Hmm.

Israel has declared itself to be engaged in a two-front war, between Hamas and Hezbollah, both of which now have official government representation and sanction. It has been said that both Iran and Syria are implicated in all of this, fighting a war against the Jewish State by way of proxy; it has long been known that Iran finances and supports Hezbollah, and the heads of Hamas reside in Syria, where recently, the government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made supportive overtures to the Syrian Bashir Assad government. In other words, at least to a certain extent, they are allies. The United Nations, as well as various European governments, have called on Israel to act with restraint as they attempt to quell the Hamas/Hezbollah threat; President Bush has flatly stated that the Olmert government in Israel has the right to defend itself. The head of Hezbollah has officially declared war on Israel; both groups have taken hostage Israeli soldiers.

Israel May 14 1948 4PM EET, Tel Aviv; Placidus 23 Lib 03; Campion

Lebanon Independence Nov 22 1943 12PM, Beirut; Placidus 25 Aqr 56; Campion

Hamas Dec 14 1987 12PM EET, Jerusalem; Placidus 26 Pis 41; Wikipedia

Palestinian Declaration Of Independence Nov 15 1988 12PM EET Algeirs; Placidus 21 Cap 12; Wikipedia

Palestinian Authority May 4 1994 12PM EET, Cairo; Placidus 19 Leo 45; Wikipedia

Transit Saturn sits exactly on the Israeli Pluto and is only a few degrees away from exact conjunction with its Saturn, both in the 10th; transit Pluto exactly opposes Uranus. Note Mercury's rulership of the Israeli 9th House and disposing of Uranus; note also that Mercury exactly trines Neptune in the 12th! Upcoming for Israel is SA Mars=Sun/Uranus & SA Mars=Asc/MC (both in Aug), SA MC=Uranus/Pluto (Sep) and finally, SA Pluto=Sun (Dec).

For Lebanon, transit Pluto exactly opposes Saturn in the 4th from the 10th, a vivid picture of internal struggles between the political parties for power - keep in mind, that Hezbollah occupies about a quarter of Parliament seats in the Lebanonese government. Note that Saturn rules the Lebanon 12th and sits in the 4th, a terror organization in the government, the party out of power. SA Neptune=Uranus in Apr - note that the two are in trine natally, with Uranus sitting at the Nadir and Neptune in the 7th (getting support from Iran and Syria). SA Sun=Mars exact in the same month. If the noon time mark is anywhere accurate, the upcoming SA MC=SAturn/Pluto picture, exact in Oct, could prove devastating to the Lebanonese government and economy, should this thing drag out that long.

Hamas has transit Pluto in conjunction with its Saturn in the 9th, while transit Saturn squares its Pluto, a double whammy if there ever was one. Its choice to resist moderation and instead embrace a harder line will come at a huge price. SA Mars=Saturn/Pluto exact in Sep. Ouch.

In the Palestinian Authority chart, the noon time mark has an Asc at 19 Leo, meaning that its right in the zone of the upcoming Saturn-Neptune Opposition; in its DOI chart, transit Saturn exactly squares its Pluto in the 10th, with Saturn ruling the Asc. SA Asc=Saturn/Neptune exact this month, if the 12 noon time is right. In Any event, this month SA Neptune=Sun/Uranus as well, too.

Note that in ALL THREE of these charts, the 12th House - Terrorism - is highly active; in Hamas' chart, Uranus rules the 12th and conjuncts the Sun; in the Palestinian DOI chart, Asc ruling Saturn is in the 12th, along with both Neptune and Uranus (the latter being at the Aries Point); and in the PA chart, the Moon rules the 12th and widely conjunct Saturn, ruler of the 6th (this aspect and House rulership suggests that both the Palestinian public and government sanctions, or at the very least tolerates, the use of terrorist organizations to act on its behalf in its struggle against Israel; the 6th also represents the Security Forces, Pisces is a dual Sign, hence the internal clashes between the Fatah and Hamas factions regarding who will run security operations, etc.; in any event, the Palestinian people highly regard suicide bombers and the whole idea of martyring oneself to a cause. The 7th House part of it is representative of the involvement of Iran and possibly Syria).

There is much more to say about these and other developments around the world; in due course, I will attempt to put into astrological context these happenings and offer my own predictions as to the outcome of these events, with these and other offerings to act as a jumping off point in those future deliberations.


On Rachel Corrie: Horoscopic Example Of The (Astrological) Left

On Rachel Corrie: Horoscopic Example Of The (Astrological) Left

5:15 AM 07/16/2006 Sun

As is the case with many astrologers, I'm a subscriber to Astrodatabank, the chart collecting and verifying vehicle founded by the late, great Lois Rodden. In recent days, ADB offered the chart of Rachel Corrie, an American peace activist who was killed by bulldozer in Mar 2003. It seems that her death has sparked a good bit of activity from the Artistic community, both here and abroad; various plays and the like have been running in New York City and in London, and in fact, the British stage play on her life is due to arrive here in the States in the Fall.

ADB points out that there are strong views on Corrie left and right, which is true; but where the good folks at ADB falters is in the following statement:

"As astrologers "involved in mankind" we strive to read charts without interjecting our own feelings, biases, moral values or political opinions. Putting aside what we may think of her actions and political views, let's examine this young woman's chart for clues to her motivation and the promise of her chart:"

The above statement is not a reflection of time honored astrological practice, but of a much more recent point of view that has been largely taken from the Psychological World, the idea that there is no right or wrong, only motivations and so on. It is not only decidedly morally cowardly, but it is also decidedly anti-religious AND anti-American.

If one goes back and studies the works of great astrologers in the past, from William Lilly to BV Raman, one does NOT get the impression that they "strive to read charts without interjecting our own feelings, biases, moral values or political opinions"; instead, quite the contrary was true, that they gave counsel and guidance to their clients from not only a astrological perspective, but just as often, I would argue moreso than the former, a MORAL one.

This is a powerful issue, one of a great many, that we astrologers simply must address, in the coming years, the question of whether the astrologer is indeed a guide in the true sense of the word, or, whether we're glorified astrological report writers, spouting delineations without putting anything into context, and definitely without providing some moral framework. The very notion that the people at ADB speaks of above, is one that would be anathema to both Lilly and Raman alike.

While there is little doubt that Astrology as a body of knowledge is one that is ruled by the 8th House (remember, Astrology is still associated with the Occult, which only means "that which is hidden" - 8th House, secrets, hidden things, etc.), its practice with regard to the masses, to clients seeking astrological counsel, is a 9th House affair. This is because the client seeks a greater or wider perspective on where they are in life, what decisions they should take, what they should do given a particular situation. All of this falls under the 9th House, as well as the astrologer himself, for it is he who is the guide, the guru, the teacher to the client. Merely stating the astrological placements without giving context, or in this case under examination, giving moral clarity, is at best naive, at worst, an outright abdication of responsibility on the part of the Astrologer.

Think about this for a sec - would we be so "objective" if we were approached by say, a Kenneth Lay character, who wanted astrological help in hatching a scheme to defraud his company? What about a bank robbing ring who wanted to know the best times to hit banks without capture?

Now, of course, the replies of many of my colleagues would be, that they wouldn't take such client requests on the basis that such things would be harmful to others, or some other such reason. Fair enough, which only goes to prove my initial point, that when we really break it down, we astrologers do know right from wrong.

Or do we? Clearly, there is a significant portion of the American astrological community, who thinks that Gay Marriage is fine (while at the same time, curiously, thinks that Marriage between men and women is a purely opitional affair; note the near-total absence of the word "marriage" in current Synastry books and so on); who thinks that Abortion on Demand, is OK; who thinks that other uber-libertine values are just as good as those that are based on propriety and restraint, or at the very least, a good dose of commonsense. I myself have been in heated debates with those in the community, who are adamant in their support for such life choices, and who excoriate me, for standing in opposition to said choices, be it on the part of the astrologers themselves, and/or their clients. So much for being objective.

This new-fangled approach to Astrology came from the seeds of the cultural revolution of the 1960s; Dane Rudhyar's writings, which were presented to the public for the first time a generation earlier, found new popularity in the heady times of the 60s. At the time, of course, the Uranus-Pluto conjunction was raging in Virgo, and both planets would then move on into Libra, while Neptune would transition out of Scorpio into Sagittarius, bringing with it mind-altering drugs and an anti-culture that would further undermine the basis of American civil society. During these times, Saturn, the planet of propriety, structure, tradition and the values an entire Society embraces, was in Pisces, and would move on into Aries. These two Signs are not particularly good for Saturn, in fact these Signs would point to a "watering down" of earlier values and moral teaching, and move on into what the late Jim Morrison called "Breaking on Through". In Aries, Saturn would represent at the very least a rebellious streak on the part of the younger generations, at worst outright anarchy-and we saw plenty of both then.

With the Uranus-Neptune conjunction of the 1990s, enhanced computer strength, which included the Internet, added to the "new" Astrology, and brought to the forefront other ideas, like various strains of Paganism and the like into the Astrological Method; Paganism, Psychology, and New Ageism became more important to many astrological practitioners than the values held by such venerated pros such as Lilly or Raman. All of this is indicative of the American (and Western European) Political Left.

To be on the Left, is by definition, to be a Moral Relativist - there is no good or bad, no right or wrong; all wars are bad; all violence is bad; religion in general is bad, in particular, those based in the Abrahamic Tradition (Christianity, Judiaism, Islam); making moral value judgements are bad, and so on. This is, sad to say, the dominant view held by the American Astrological Community today, in large part due to the fact that it has shown little to no evidence in the least that it is able or willing to track its own development, or to even ask if what it embraces is necessarily the right thing to do.

And this is why, such comments as those quoted above regarding the late Ms. Corrie, can be made, because anyone who thinks clearly about the issues surrounding her life would have to come to the conclusion that she was at best extremely idealistic and at worst extremely morally confused.

So, with all that said, let's go to Ms. Corrie's chart:

Rachel Corrie Apr 10 1979 3.15AM PST Olympia WA; Placidus 12 Aqr 07, Rodden.

Several things jump out of the chart at you, upon first glance: Aquarius rises, a Sign that is usually interested in social movements, political causes and the like, with its ruler Uranus in Scorpio in the 9th House, and Peregrine (Tyl); right off the bat we can say that under the right conditions, Ms. Corrie would be interested in such things, perhaps with a decided philosophical/religious/international bent to them. However, with Uranus running wild AND being Rx, it can also suggest that Ms. Corrie could be drawn to movements and ideas that are so "out of the box" - so radical - as to not make any sense in the real waking everyday world.

This inherent trend towards radicalism is heightened by noting the fact that the chart is dominated by the Neptune/Mercury/Moon t-square, with Neptune in the 10th (a potential martyr for the cause), Mercury rising in Pisces (not the best placement for clear thinking) and the Moon in Virgo in the 7th; this is a construct that just screams "idealism" to the top of its lungs!

Note also Venus rising in the Asc, along with Mercury and Mars, and that Venus is in Pisces, disposed by the powerful Neptune in the 10th; and we can also note that Saturn is Rx in the 7th, ruling the 12th; in some way, the father wasn't able to give the structure this woman really needed, to be able to deal with life on its own terms, instead of rushing headlong into situations that could get her into lots of trouble, based on erroneous idealistic beliefs.

In fact, we can note that this chart is deficient in two major ways - it has virtually no Air, and a paucity of Earth elements. Along with a weakened Saturn, it all points to a Water rich chart that is indicative of feeling and sensitivity, but left to its own devices can be devastating to the individual and quite possibly, to everyone around said individual.

It would be very, very hard to counsel Ms. Corrie to channel her energies into more productive outlets, projects that yield practical, tangible results. Her idealism, her radicalism, just wouldn't allow for it.

Mars rises in Aries, and forms a quindecile to Pluto in the 8th; this aspect is one that can suggest a good bit of recklessness, even violence, on the part of the native, or in the form of others visiting violence on the person. In a woman's chart, even in these times, I have seen over and over again, it can lead to being a victim of violence. In most everyday cases, this manifests as date rape/spousal abuse/ and/or sexual molestation, but in Ms. Corrie's case, it was in the form of a bulldozer being run over her in the Palestinian Territories. In any event, charts with signatures of violence and/or recklessness, tend to be their most potent while the native is in their youth, hence the higher potential for such people getting seriously hurt and/or killed at such times. The older one is, the less likely they are to engage in such risky situations, and the more likely they are to live to a ripe old age.

At the time of her death, transit Neptune was exactly on her Asc; transit Pluto was exactly conjunct her 10th House Neptune; transit Saturn had just moved past opposition to her Neptune. SA Pluto=Moon, SA Uranus=Saturn/Neptune (Uranus Asc ruler), SA Moon=Uranus/Neptune, SA Venus=Sun/Moon, SA Jupiter=Sun/Moon; fame from death.

Please note the strong emphasis on Saturn, Neptune and Pluto in these measurements, denoting "giving it up" for a cause. Keep in mind, please, that ALL THREE of these planets are very strongly configured in her chart along these lines to begin with. Hmm.

A final note: it is VERY important to point out that Ms. Corrie was born in a section of the United States that is well known for its far-Left political orientation; in light of this fact, the likelihood that her chart would find full expression was all but assured.

I'll have more to say about the wider Israeli-Palestinian situation and current war with Hezbollah/Lebanon in due course. Stay tuned...


The Mideast War: Rice Goes To The Region

The Mideast War: Rice Goes To The Region

5:52 AM 07/22/2006 Sat

With the war between the Lebanon-based and Iranian/Syrian backed Hezbollah and the Jewish State of Israel going into its third week, USA Secretary of State Dr. Condoleeza Rice has announced that she will be heading to the region to attempt to cool things out between the warring parties. This comes as hundreds, if not thousands, of Lebanese refugees, ex-pats and foriegn citizens flee the country. To date, roughly 30 Israelis and over 300 Lebanese have been killed; the two Israeli soldiers taken prisoner by Hezbollah are still unaccounted for; Arab powers Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt have rebuked Hezbollah for its actions in setting off this war; and Israel has called up some 3000 reserve troops, preparing for a ground assault into South Lebanon. Hezbollah, with an estimated 13,000 rockets and missles, along with some 2000 fighters, don't appear to be effected by the relentless air raids conducted by the Israeli Air Force.

World opinion continues to mount against Israel, culminating in a UN Resolution last week, to get Israel to stop what the UN called "excessive force" and begin a cease-fire; the only dissenter was the United States. Both Israel and the USA want Hezbollah dismantled, and according to radio reports, Israeli military officials say they can do the job within another few weeks. But the international pressure is such that they may only have a few more days before being forced to bow to the pressure, and go the cease-fire route.

In comparing the synastry between Lebanon and Israel, its interesting to note that the Lebanon Saturn, which rules its 12th House and sits in the 4th, is at 24 Gemini - the same exact degree of Israel's Uranus! Saturn-Uranus combos usually suggest a push-pull tug of war between the old and the new, the conservative and the liberal. Clearly, Hezbollah, which is represented by this Saturn position, deeply dislikes Israel's presence in the region, in fact the group was formed for the express purpose of, as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, "wiping Israel off of the map". In the Israeli chart, Uranus sits in the 9th House and opposes Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 3rd - the basis for Israeli existence, lies in this axis.

It is wholly appropriate to consider first and foremost the Lebanese chart with regard to Hezbollah, now since they've become a substantial part of the government, and in effect, is the country's military forces in the wake of the Israeli pullout of Lebanon six years ago. The official Lebanese Army was never much of a force to begin with, and looking at its chart its easy to see why - Mars is in Gemini, Peregrine (Tyl) but also Rx. Moreover, Pluto sits in the Lebanese 6th House of the Military, and sextile Uranus; Pluto is in Mutual Reception with the Lebanese Sun in Scorpio in the 9th. These are farvorable indications, but Hezbollah has proven itself to be stronger, the only political party in the state that has been allowed to keep its standing army, along with providing substantial services to the Shia poor and needy. Note Saturn's dispositor Mercury, sitting in Sagittarius and placed in the 9th House - Hezbollah is known for its broadcasting facilities, which, while having been attacked by Israel, are still in operation to date.

While Rice will talk the diplomatic talk in front of the cameras, she will support the Israeli position of weakening Hezbollah; all indications are, based on the Israeli chart, that the Jewish State will continue its offensive against the Lebanese terror group for the forseeable future. Last week I laid out the upcoming astrological climate for Israel in my "Quick Mundane Astrology Current Events Overview" (12:45 PM 07/16/2006 Sun):

"Transit Saturn sits exactly on the Israeli Pluto and is only a few degrees away from exact conjunction with its Saturn, both in the 10th; transit Pluto exactly opposes Uranus. Note Mercury's rulership of the Israeli 9th House and disposing of Uranus; note also that Mercury exactly trines Neptune in the 12th! Upcoming for Israel is SA Mars=Sun/Uranus & SA Mars=Asc/MC (both in Aug), SA MC=Uranus/Pluto (Sep) and finally, SA Pluto=Sun (Dec)."

For Lebanon's part, I said the following about the measurements obtaining in its national horoscope:

"For Lebanon, transit Pluto exactly opposes Saturn in the 4th from the 10th, a vivid picture of internal struggles between the political parties for power - keep in mind, that Hezbollah occupies about a quarter of Parliament seats in the Lebanonese government. Note that Saturn rules the Lebanon 12th and sits in the 4th, a terror organization in the government, the party out of power. SA Neptune=Uranus in Apr - note that the two are in trine natally, with Uranus sitting at the Nadir and Neptune in the 7th (getting support from Iran and Syria). SA Sun=Mars exact in the same month. If the noon time mark is anywhere accurate, the upcoming SA MC=SAturn/Pluto picture, exact in Oct, could prove devastating to the Lebanonese government and economy, should this thing drag out that long."

Most people agree that the Lebanese economy and fledgling democratic exercise will be seriously damaged as a result of this war, being setback at least 10 years, if not more, depending on how long the war lasts. My feeling is that it is likely to continue till at least the end of the month, and again, I base this on the indications found in the Israeli horoscope.

There has been talk of the Lebanese citizenry taking up with arms and standing in solidarity with Hezbollah against the Israelis; from my analysis of the Lebanese chart, I say that is not likely to happen in a broad-based way. My reasons for saying this lies in the fact that the Lebanese Moon, which is in Virgo, is square to the Saturn position in the same chart. Saturn, as mentioned earlier, represents Hezbollah, and while the public does have some degree of tolerance for Hezbollah, it will not want to go lockstep with Hezbollah's fundamentalist notions; the people will want Lebanon to remain a multi-culture, multi-ethnic, democratic state. From the looks of things, Hezbollah will be isolated, and if the Israeli assault is allowed to continue, Hezbollah will be no more as we know it by Summer's end.

Finally, it is most interesting and instructive to consider the recent Mars-Saturn Conjunction, taking place on Jun 18 2006; for both Israel and Lebanon, this conjunction is partile at 8.04 AM EET. Looking at the chart from the perspectives of Tel Aviv and Beirut, Mars and Saturn appear in the 12th House(!), sitting right on the Asc. Again, the 12th House represents Terrorism (secret enemies), and of course, Mars and Saturn when together represent conflicts and strife.

More reports, analysis and predictions to come as events unfold.
