Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Tragic Life & Death Of Anna Nicole Smith

The Tragic Life & Death Of Anna Nicole Smith

8:37 AM 02/10/2007 Sat

Within the same week that a Newsweek cover story ran with the caption "The Girls Gone Wild Effect", news rocked the nation that blonde bombshell Anna Nicole Smith died, on Thu Feb 8 2007, presumably from a drug overdose. With her passing she will now join the Pantheon of Hollywood Immortals, like Janis Joplin, Jimmie Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Tupac Shakur, and of course, her idol Marilyn Monroe. And, like the others mentioned, her death raises at least as many questions as it answers - chief among them, what's to become of her infant daughter, who is the father of the child, her $88 million dollar estate, and whether her death was purely accidental - or foul play? In an age where Women have more access to opportunities accross the board than ever before, Anna Nicole earned her money the old fashioned way - by using what she had to get what she wanted. And, as this week's Newsweek magazine points out, she's not alone - the so-called "Brit Pack" flies in the face of the Women's/Feminist Movement's ideas of gender equality, anti-objectification and fighting against rigid gender stereotyping - but if any of these "daughters of the revolution" really stood out, it would have to be Anna Nicole. Girlfriend played up the hoochie-momma role to the hilt. We will examine the "Girls Gone Wild Effect" later, but for now, we'll consider the astrology of one of America's well-known sex symbols.

According to Wikipedia, Anna Nicole Smith was born on Nov 28 1967 in Mexia TX; no time is known. It's quite possible that a birth record with the actual birthtime will be found, but in the meantime, I think this is a perfect opportunity to present what I think her birthtime *could* be, based on the events of her life and her characteristics. In this article, I would like to present my findings and methods to you the reader; responsible reply, invited.

But before we do, it's always helpful to get a "general orientation" to the birthdate we're working with, to get a lay of the astrological landscape, so to speak; doing this helps greatly in applying the rectification work later on.

Anna Nicole Smith's birthdate features a Sagittarian Sun in square to Jupiter in Virgo (potential for weight gain, due in the main to "overdoing it", propensity for outspokeness or inappropriate comments, enthusiasm, salesmanship), a Mercury-Neptune conjunction in Scorpio (potential for keeping secrets, not telling the truth - "Anna Nicole Smith" is a stage name; strong potential for addictive behavior, particularly alcohol and/or drugs), a potential Moon-Venus conjunction in Libra (extra-strong emphasis on beauty - could either of these planets be tied into the Asc? Hmm...); a Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo (one of the Magi "Super Success" Aspects); and finally, a Mutual Reception aspect beween Mars in Capricorn and Saturn in Aries, Rx. This is yet another very strong clue for me, because I've found over the years, that ANYTIME a woman has contact between Mars and Saturn in her chart, the potential for her having above average "man trouble" is huge. The aforementioned Mutal Reception aspect here suggests that Smith would be attracted to and would attract men of means, but in someway be less than desired; note that all of her relationships in one way or another "died". Also, the Saturn Rx symbolism here cannot be overstated - like Marilyn Monroe, the woman she wanted so much to emulate, she too has this symbolism running rampant in her life, trying to compensate for the lack of relationship she had with her own father, by getting with other men, especially the "sugar daddy" relationship she had with Oil billionaire J. Howard Marshall. There's one other, yet very important feature of Anna Nicole's birthdate astrology, that merits mention - the Venus-Pluto connection. According to the Magi System, women having Venus-Pluto aspects are far and away more sexually inclined than their lesser sisters; they aren't above using Sex to get what they want out of life; this is the woman who has no problem sleeping her way to the top. At the very least, Sex plays a huge role in such a woman's overall plans for prominence and success. Britney Spears, Madonna, Beyonce' Knowles, Moncia Lewinsky, just to name a few, have such prominent aspects in their charts, and look at the results. In Anna Nicole's case, when we scan her Midpoints (using a standard 90 degree Sort) we see Saturn=Venus/Pluto - a strong signal suggesting using sexuality strategically for gain - especially when we factor in the potential for Saturn's rulership of the 7th House. Hmm...

In astrology, the process by which you determine the birthtime of a person is known as Rectification; by working backwards through the events of a person's life, you "find" the probable birthtime for the person in question. Although birth records are much better kept than ever before in Human History, there are still many instances where such information isn't available; it's then up to the astrologer to attempt to find out what that crucial time is by way of rectification.

There are many methods one can use in the rectification process, and every astrologer has to find their own way. One of the "tricks" I learned, during my study of Horary astrology many years ago, is that whenever I ran accross a person in the street suddenly that I hadn't seen in months or years (or got a call or even an email from, etc.), I would notice that the rising Sign and/or Moon of the moment was in the same Asc or Moon Sign of the person in question. For those who know Horary theory well, this makes perfect sense; one of the ways you can tell if a horary chart is "radical and fit to be judged" is by noting if the chart describes the question or event as told, and that includes, whether it fits the person(s) involved.

I got word that Anna Nicole Smith had died just as I was coming off break at work by way of special radio announcement, Thu Feb 8 2007 at 3.30PM EST here in Philadelphia PA; using Placidus Houses, the rising Asc was 27 Can 21, with the ruling Moon in early Scorpio, in the 4th House - "the end of the matter". This chart I feel, is highly radical, for the late degree on the Asc signifies that "it's a done deal" and the Moon ruling the Asc, in Scorpio signifies death. Both the Moon and Asc are in Watery Signs - and according to early reports on Wikipedia, Smith choked on her own vomit, and it's quite possible that alcohol and/or drinkable forms of drugs could be involved (liquids). The chart also showed some additional very telling clues - Saturn was in Leo Rx in the 2nd House at that moment, opposed an EXACT Sun-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius in the 8th (death by way of drugs). This 2-8 House axis, also suggests very strongly, money concerns, and when we consider the 5th House - Smith's child - we see that Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius (a signal of just how important this child is in the overall scheme of things; could the child have Jupiter prominent in her chart; perhaps, Sagittarius rising? Hmmm...) and receiving a square from an exalted Venus in the 9th House (Courts). Clearly, we can expect much more legal wranglings over the Smith estate, as this child is the only tie left to the $88 million. The possibility of a Cancer Asc for Anna Nicole seemed quite natural - she was known both for her zaftig figure, large (and artificially enhanced) breasts, and considerable weight problems (the 3 Signs that signify most the potential for weight troubles, are Taurus, Sagittarius and Cancer, the latter being the most problematic of the three, due to the "up and down" nature of the Sign's ruler, the Moon; Oprah Winfrey, who has struggled with her weight for many years, has Sagittarius Asc, with the Moon also in Sagittarius and very low in declinational degrees). After thinking about it for awhile at the day gig, I thought to work on it some more later that night.

When I got home, I put up Anna Nicole's birthdate and rotated the chart on my computer screen until Cancer was rising. Immediately what jumped out at me was the fact that Capricorn would be on the 7th - perfect for what we know about Anna Nicole, in particular her marriage to the then 89 year old J. Howard Marshall, a billionaire Oil Man. Saturn would be in Aries, traditionally a Sign of Fall, and in the Cancer Asc option, would be in the 10th House. Hmm...and Mars in Capricorn, depending on the clocktime I set the chart for, could be in the 8th House - there's the Probate Battles Smith has been going through for the better part of a decade!!! Aries could be on the 11th House - the 5th for the 7th, old man Marshall. This would represent his son, E. Pierce Marshall, Smith's nemesis throughout the court battles.

On Anna Nicole's birthdate, Venus is Peregrine (Tyl) and is the Final Dispositor of the horoscope, in Libra. This is the "extreme beauty" signature, as well as the desire for the "good life", the "bling-bling" as we say in the hood. Note also how Venus is Quindecile Saturn, a very important aspect. The Quindecile, 165 degrees, is one that connotes obsession, compulsion, potential upheaval in terms of the planets and Houses involved; such a contact between Venus and Saturn, can suggest extremes regarding relationships, sex, and structure regarding it all. In the chart of a woman, this aspect pair can suggest USING SEXUALITY STRATEGICALLY to advance oneself in life. This relatively minor aspect then, takes on enormous importance in this chart case, due to Saturn's rulership, angularity, and Venus' position as well, ruling and in the 5th House(!). It certainly fits what we know about Anna Nicole.

The Moon on Anna Nicole's birthdate shifts from Libra to Scorpio, at around 7.30 or so in the evening. Although a Scorpio Moon could fit Anna Nicole, I felt that the Moon in Libra would fit better, given both her appearance and as well, her weight troubles; and most importantly, the fact that her Peregriene (Tyl) Venus in Libra would be the dispositor of her Libra Moon, which in turn is the ruler of the Cancer Asc, would just put more emphasis on the "bling-bling", as well as fashion, modelling, and sex appeal.

Anna Nicole, from an early age, wanted to be famous, often saying that she wanted to be "the next Marilyn Monroe". Western Astrology has several methods of determining potential prominence and fame from a chart, and one of them has to do with the Aries Point. "The Ascendant of the World" the Aries Point (aka the "AP") - 0 degrees Aries, and hence, all Cardinal Signs - has the potential to take whatever is configured with it and bring it powerfully forward into public view. For example, Wayne Gretzky, known the world over as "The Great One" for his tremendous hockey playing skills, has Mars at 0 Cancer - at the Aries Point.

Another notable example, particularly for us astrologers, is in examining the horoscope of Noel Tyl, who has 0 Cancer on the Asc, with his Asc ruling Moon in Leo and in the 3rd House; Tyl has written perhaps more books than any other astrologer in the Western world, somewhere upwards of 30! For Anna Nicole, this "fame and prominence" making potential can be seen, in the Cancer Asc also being at the Aries Point, suggesting an early degree on the Asc.

The horoscope begins to take shape now - early Cancer Asc, Saturn ruling the 7th and angular, the Moon in late Libra - now it's just a matter of refining it all, and making the Solar Arc & Transit measurements fit the Angles of the chart, concomitant with major life events in Anna Nicole's life. Noting that she both got married and had her first child at about 18 years old (1985) and the fact that she has a very strong Venus, it would make sense that by Solar Arc, Venus should have come to an Angle (or the other way around) around that age; with the Asc at 2 Cancer, it would come to square the Venus position (20 Libra) at around 18 years of age, while transit Neptune would have been parked on her 7th House cusp and opposed the Asc, and transit Uranus would have been square her MC. Her parents divorced, according to Wikipedia, on Nov 4 1969, almost two years after Anna Nicole was born - SA Saturn would square the Asc, from the 10th House, at around that time (and keep in mind, that Saturn is Rx - unfinished "daddy business" for sure, especially in light of her "man problems" as an adult later in life); transit Uranus would square the Asc and go on to oppose Saturn (dad leaving the family). She separated from her first husband in 1987, as SA MC moved to conjoin her 7th House ruling Saturn in the 10th and while transit Neptune squared her Saturn position in the 10th and while transit Saturn was square her MC; she made the cover of Playboy Magazine and was selected the new Guess? Model, edging out Claudia Schiffer, in 1992, aged 25, as SA Asc opposed Mars (exalted in Capricorn - tremendous Promotion Power, as well as Sex Appeal - Mars in the 8th) and transit Jupiter was opposed the MC; and finally, she made Playmate of The Year, in 1993, as the Sun, by Solar Arc, moved to oppose the Asc (being seen for who one is, indeed!) and transit Saturn squared her Sun/Moon midpoint (which will become very important later; read on). She married J. Howard Marshall on Jun 27 1994, as SA Jupiter applied square to the Asc, and transit Saturn was conjunct her MC. The Probate Battles began shortly after Marshall's death in Aug 1995, as SA Jupiter=Sun/Moon and transit Saturn conjunct the MC. Next, we have Anna Nicole coming back to prominence when she took her probate case to the US Supreme Court in early 2006, as Solar Arc MC=Sun/Moon; the birth of her second child, a daughter, born on Sep 7 2006, with transit Neptune square her Sun/Moon midpoint (keep in mind, that in my "test" chart, Neptune is natally in the 5th - mystery surrounding who fathered her child, giving birth overseas, etc.; also, her first child, her son born on Jan 22 1986, died on Sep 10 2006, due to drug overdose - Neptune again, both natally and on the move in terms of transit) and transit Uranus applying to conjunct the 15 degree Pisces MC proposed for Smith. And then finally, Smith's death, at which we see the following: SA Neptune=Saturn, with transit Saturn and Neptune square Mercury, co-ruler of the 12th, and transit Uraus approaching the MC again. It all seems to fit.

So, the "final" rectification test chart done by me, Nov 28 1967, at 7.04PM CST, in Mexia TX, with an Asc of 2 Can 5 and using Placidus Houses, seems to be a good base for appreciating the life, times and astrology of Anna Nicole Smith, truly a tragic figure.

A final thought is in order here. As I checked in on the various Internet astrology venues and surveyed the comments made by various folks on the life of Anna Nicole Smith, I couldn't help noticing some lady astrologers saluting Anna Nicole for her "up from the streets" gumption and motivation to live a better life, while at the same time, turning a blind eye to the WAY Smith went about it. At the top of this piece, I mentioned Smith along with the "Girls Gone Wild" syndrome that Newsweek talked about, and I see it all as reaching a sort of social critical mass with the public, a reckoning if you will, that the Women's Movement has had coming for a long time now. Smith's death, the trials and tribulations of Spears, Lohan, Ritchie, Hilton, Moss, Steffans, Bryan and a host of other young ladies in the spotlight, ought to do for Women and young girls what the senseless death and wasted lives of Tupac and Biggie did for the Hip Hop scene and the African American Community. In a perfect world, they would.

But we all know that ain't the case. What a damn shame.


Sunday, February 04, 2007

A Question Of "Street Cred": Obama's Difficult Dance With Duality

9:42 AM 02/04/2007 Sun

WASHINGTON DC - Democratic Senator Joe Biden's comments regarding his colleague, the Illinois Senator and 2008 Presidential Candidate Barack Obama in the New York Observer has been literally, the talk of the nation as the race (pardon the pun) heats up for the Democratic Nomination. Biden did something truly astounding, even for him - he both announced his own Candidacy for the White House, then turned around and issued an apology to Obama and the nation, on the same day! We've all heard his remarks, given to a reporter in the midst of an interview, about how "clean" Obama was - meaning, that Obama was a real Black Presidential Candidate that White folks could vote for. Contrary to some in the Conservative community, or for that matter in the Liberal one, Biden's remarks were hardly Racist - but they were Racial, and there's a big difference. His remarks touch upon something that I've yet to see discussed to any great degree in astrological or non-astrological circles, and it should be, because it gives us all something to seriously ponder, as the 2008 Campaign marches on.

As has been duly noted before, Obama has dizzying amounts of "star power", along with good looks, an easy going manner, and a considerable intellect, all of which makes him very attractive as a candidate. But his greatest strength, could also prove to be his greatest weakness - Race.
Up to this point, my writings on Obama have focused on a "test" rectification of his birthtime, which features a late Gemini Asc, with Pisces on the MC, and the Moon in the last decanate of Taurus (Aug 4 1961 4AM AHDT Honolulu HI; Placidus 29 Gemini 49, Wikipedia, Mu'Min Bey "test" rectification), and while I feel that this option fits the events of his life as well as his character, it is entirely possible that his actual birthtime could be quite different. But one has to acknowledge, that the Gemini Asc option I've chosen fits very well, Obama's reality, as having a foot in both worlds, one Black, the other White, highlighting his bi-racial lineage.

Or, does he? For, while it's true that Obama was born of a union between a Kenyan man and a White woman from Kansas, in many respects, he is not "Black" in the way most African Americans would recognize - he is Black in the weirdly American sense of the word, but not quite "Black enough".

This was seen in Obama's earlier days in Chicago, in his bid for a Congressional seat, losing to Bobby Rush, who was better known for his days as a Black Panther. Obama would go on to win the US Senate seat he has now, but as we all know, you need considerable White voter support in order to win Statewide office.

This presents a real problem for Obama, as the Race heats up - can he maintain the level of White voter support he needs, while also reaching out to the African American Vote, without which, his campaign as a Democrat will most assuredly fail? This is a question for the other two Democratic frontrunners, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John Edwards as well. However, there are key differences in their cases - one, they're both White, so the same "Brown paper bag" test doesn't apply; and two, they both have an established connection to the Black Community, in ways Obama doesn't.

For Whites, although many won't or can't openly admit this, Obama is attractive as a candidate because while he is Black, he isn't "too Black" - he doesn't have the connection to, and therefore, the possible feelings of resentment from, Slavery, and all that occured in the decades since. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton represent that "edge" from that past, that makes Whites very nervous about giving their vote to such a person, among other things.

And in the Black community, the age old debate rages on, as to what is "authentically Black" - we've all heard the phrase "Keepin' It Real", and so on. Having "Street Cred" - being known and respected in the hoods accross America, is hugely important and relevant to African Americans. Note the cool reception in the Black Community to Obama at present; compare that to Bill Clinton's appearance on Arsenio Hall's hugely popular latenight show in the early 90s. The difference, says it all. Although Obama is Black, it's also safe to say, that the rapper Eminem is Blacker than Obama is.

Think about it - Condi Rice and Colin Powell are much beloved in White America - not so in Black America. Tiger Woods is lauded in White America - Black folks know who he is, respects his accomplishments on the course, but doesn't really discuss him much; he's not "one of their own" (recall the skit on Chappelle Show, "The Racial Draft").

This continuing bifurcation culturally, cannot be answered I feel, by assessing a singular Mundane map alone; the chart of the United States does give a general overview of the country, but when it comes to issues like these, it is important to consider another chart - that of "Black America":

American Slavery Aug 30 1619 10.15AM LMT Jamestown VA; Placidus 4 Sco 21, Penfield. This is the astrological representation of the moment when the first shipment of African slaves were offloaded at Jamestown, Virginia, and I feel, is the basis upon which we can accurately gauge the African American Community in the United States. The chart itself is based on the research of well known Mundane Astrologer Marc Penfield, seen in the book "Astrology Looks at History", edited by Noel Tyl, 1995, in the chapter called, "Lincoln, The South & Slavery". It is a fascinating read, and I highly recommend Penfield's very insightful treatment of one of America's defining historical periods.

Right away the chart of Black America is striking, with its Scorpio Asc and Mars rising in Scorpio (consider the Black Male Mystique - tremendous success with atheletics, much speculation with regard to sexual prowess, and now, in more recent years, the ever rising homicide rate and gun violence in America's Inner Cities), opposed the Moon and Pluto, both in conjunction, in Taurus (there's the "Keepin' It Real" signature, being down home, folksy, "shuckin' n jivin'", etc.), the axis squared by Venus in Leo at the MC (tremendous focus on the Arts, especially Music, sexuality highlighted, "Bling-Bling", etc.); there's the Mercury in Virgo to Saturn in Gemini square, with Saturn ruling the 3rd, and the Moon ruling the 9th (the educational Achievement Gap), the Sun-Moon Blend of Virgo-Taurus (orginally, representing agricultural and craftsman focus, now having expanded to include a more practical, down to Earth approach to things in its best light) and so on. These key areas of the chart give striking witness to the charts of the two main candidates, Obama and Clinton, and could give us some clues as to whether he can overcome his "Street Cred" problems if he's to have any real shot in 08.

Comparing Obama's chart to that of Black America, we see some very interesting ties - his Sun exactly sits on the Black America Venus and conjunct the MC; his Taurean Moon matches the Black American Moon (although not conjunct), and his Pluto exactly sits on the Black American Sun. These are very welcome signs. BUT, Obama also has his share of problems in the hood, shown by his Neptune sitting right on the Black American Asc (being a nonfactor in the hood, the "blah" reaction of Blacks to Obama to date, etc.), his Mars conjunct the BA Mercury, and finally, his Mars square the BA Saturn.

Compare this to the Synastry of Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has a mutual Venus-Mars connection with the Black Community (Hillary's Venus conjunct the BA Mars, rising in Scorpio; her Mars-Pluto conjunct the Black American Venus and MC). Additionally, her Scorpionic Asc & Sun matches that of the Black America, while her MC sits right on the BA Sun. But she too has her share of problems in the hood, with her Piscean Moon in opposition to the BA Mercury and square the BA Saturn. Keep in mind, that stand alone, Hillary has very strong relations with Black America, winning easily over 80% of the vote in her Senate Races among Black voters in New York, and high in the opinion polls among African Americans accross the country. This is seen in the fact that Hillary's Pluto position trines the Jupiter position of Black America - a synastric tie Obama lacks. And top of this, Hillary has the Ultimate Weapon - Bill Clinton.

As we all know, Clinton, Bill that is, was deemed our first "Black President" by famed and noted writer Toni Morrison back in the 90s. His aforementioned appearance on Arsenio Hall, playing a saxophone, among a great many other things, have made him a much beloved politician among African Americans, perhaps of all time as far as they are concerned. Surely, his Synastric ties to Black America would have to be prominent and strong. And indeed they are: note the matching Taurean Moon positions reminiscent of the ties Obama has with the Black Community, however, note that in Clinton's case his Moon is brought closer to the BA Moon; in Synastry, two people or entities having the same Lunar positions AND conjunct, makes for an extremely comfortable relationship. Note also Clinton's Pluto EXACTLY conjunct the Black American Venus, square its Mars, and square its Moon-Pluto. That's a powerful, strong set of ties that cannot be ignored. Then we can add his Libra cluster of planets plus the Asc, conjunct the BA Neptune position (and Clinton's Neptune matches the Black American Neptune - shared religious focus; Clinton is a Baptist, if I recall alright), with particular focus on the Clinton Venus conjunct the BA Neptune - and "romance" tie. Finally, note that Clinton has tw very, very important ties to the Black Community that gives witness to his continuing success in the hood - his Jupiter square the BA Uranus, while his Pluto, like his wife Hillary's, trines the BA Jupiter.

Without question, Obama's greatest struggle, will be to wrestle the Black Vote away from the Clintons. But can he do it? And if so, how?

Mu's Prediction: The early signs do look encouraging for Obama, with his statement in response to Biden's remarks where he seems to take sides with Jackson and Sharpton. But as the race tightens up, Obama will be pressed to side more with the African American Community, as transit Saturn moves to square his Moon again later this Summer. This will really put him in a delicate spot, kind of being stuck between a rock and hard place, for at around the same time, transit Uranus moves to conjoin the proposed Pisces MC I've selected, and transit Pluto parks outside Obama's 7th House. This will threaten his "electability" in White America, for if he goes too far into Black America, he may take on too much of what Whites don't want in a Presidential Candidate. IF my "test" rectification is anywhere near accurate - and I admit, that's a huge "if" - we'll know the deal by Aug of this year, when the aforementioned transits of Saturn and Uranus bear down on Obama's Moon and MC respectively. By that time the Race for the White House will be headed to the Primaries, and Obama's got to be hitting on all cylinders by then if he's to win. Black Voters won't play much of a role in those Primaries (except South Carolina, of course), but he'll need their support coming right from under them and the Summer of 2007 will give a early, yet still quite telling tale as to whether he's able to both do the Foxtrot in White America, and the Bump in Black America.


Hillary Rodham Clinton: America's "Iron Lady"?

Hillary Rodham Clinton: America's "Iron Lady"?

10:10 AM 01/28/2007 Sun

NEW YORK - With the announcement of her forming an presidential exploratory commitee via her website last Saturday, Senator Hillary Clinton has done what was long expected by the entire nation, and thrown her hat into the 2008 Presidential Election ring. While pundits have suggested that Hillary had planned to sit back and announce later in the Spring - hoping that the other players in the field would deplete their finances in an effort to jockey for position - clearly, Barack Obama's announcement earlier this month forced Clinton's hand. Whether this was a calculated move on Obama's part, or just mere bad timing on Hillary's, there is nothing more dangerous than a Scorpion backed up against a wall - especially a female one. As her horoscope clearly shows, Clinton is the real deal - but will it be enough to get her clear of the Primaries?
Hillary Rodham Clinton Oct 26 1947 8AM CST Chicago Il; Placidus 21 Sco 43, Rodden. It must be noted that there has been considerable confusion regarding Clinton's birthtime, with many options offered; the one selected above is the one I feel most fits the life and times of Clinton, and I respect the views of others who might disagree.

It seems that quite a few prominent female politicos were born under the Sign of the Scorpion: Margaret Thatcher, dubbed "The Iron Lady" by the Soviets, became England's first female Prime Minister; Indira Ghandi, daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, became the world's largest democracy's first female Prime Minister in India; and Condoloeeza Rice, while not being an elected official, has nonetheless achieved prominence by becoming America's first African American female National Security Advisor to President George W. Bush, and then went on to become the nation's second ever woman Secretary of State (and second African American to hold the post, following after General Colin Powell). Like Hillary, all of these women were seen as somewhat cold and calculating, with the ability to damage their political opponents. As we'll see below, Clinton's horoscope also reflects the Scorpionic power to gather up power and resources, to control events to a large degree, and to damage her opponents. But if she's not careful, she may very well end up hurting herself, a self-inflicted sting if you will.

Hillary's chart shows a tremendous degree of ambition, power and focus - note the Scorpio Asc, Sun, Venus and Mercury, with the Sun and Pluto, the Asc ruler, in Mutual Reception, and the Sun itself Peregrine (Tyl). Saturn itself square the Asc, and Pluto, again the Asc ruler, is exactly conjunct Mars in the 9th House (foreign lands), which accounts in large part for her staunch support for the War in Iraq, and the exact square between Mercury in the 12th and Saturn shows Clinton to be a very shrewd and calculating thinker, one who keeps her own counsel and ideas close to the vest, so to speak. Jupiter rises in Sagittarius, and is Peregrine (Tyl) and like her husband Bill, Hillary is quite "up" on the issues, with a keen interest in information and learning, and this among other things is what puts her above the other two major Democratic candidates seeking the nomination in 08. And note again, the role of Mars, the "killer instinct" one needs to vie for High Offices such as President, in conjunction with the chart ruler Pluto; recall my comments regarding Obama, and his decided lack of Martian "ummph". Even Bill Clinton, Hillary's husband and former President, had Mars rising in his chart. The Martian Factor will prove in my view, quite important as the Race wears on.

HOWEVER, Hillary has, as we all know quite well, some serious "downsides" - she's considered by many to be a Leftist-Liberal ideologue, an Angry Feminist, Bra-Burning Throwback to the 60s, and a woman who is just too "uppity" for many American's tastes and sensibilities, rightly or not - note the cold reaction in many quarters to her website announcement, many saying that it looked too scripted, with Hillary sitting on a very puffy couch with soft lighting and so on. And, of course, there's the 500 pound gorilla - Bill Clinton, who for so many in the United States, continues to be an extraordinarily divisive figure in American politics. This, on top of Obama's entrance into the Presidential race, makes Hillary look like "the establishment" candidate, despite the fact that she's the first woman candidate with a real chance to win the White House. All of this is seen in Clinton's horoscope, by first noting the Moon in Pisces in square to Uranus in Gemini (radical ideological perception by the public), the Scorpio emphasis concentrated on the 12th House (inscrutability), the Saturn involvement with regard to the Asc (cold ambitious motives as perceived by the public), and again, the involvement of Mars with regard to the Asc ruling Pluto (more drive and power, again as perceived by the public). We also have to note that Mercury is Rx, and in Scorpio and so close to the Asc, Hillary really has to watch making the kind of statements that will only turn her off to the public, like the one she made back in the Clinton Era, about how perhaps she should be home making cookies instead of helping her husband make policy in the White House.

And, there's one other, very important factor to consider, which could prove a real problem for Hillary - she has no Earth in her horoscope. As we've seen so many times before, a chart with a decided absence of a particular element in a chart can suggest an inability to be effective in that particular area. In Clinton's case, the lack of Earth manifests as not being practical or grounded; this really came to the forefront back during the Clinton years, when she, along with her husband Bill Clinton, attempted to socialize the healthcare system (and which Hillary has announced she will try again should she win the White House in 08). She is a woman of many ideas and talents, but with no real way to actualize them. This has to be a source of great frustration for her, on top of the way she is perceived by a siginficant portion of the American population (which, occuring to opinion polls, some 40% or better have decided against her in 08).
On top of this, Hillary's chart is also rich in the Water element, with the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, and Asc all in Water Signs, indicating not only strong emotional reactions to her environment, but so too, strong idealistic notions. The potential saving grace is the Saturn to Mercury and Asc squares, which could serve as a compensating factor, but usually, an overabundance of one element and a decided lack of another in a horoscope almost always means that the person is themself "unbalanced" in some way, and if left to its own devices is something that's very apparent to others and can serve to sabotage the native's goals and objectives along the lines of the aforementioned factors. As the Presidential Race wears on, there is a very strong chance that Hillary's weaknesses in this way can become manifest unless she takes considerable steps to counteract it.

At this point it is useful to consider the Synastry between Hillary and Bill Clinton. For years, speculation has run rampant both inside the astrological community and without, as to the "true" nature of the association between the Clintons, whether it's a marriage of political convenience and so on. Surely, such speculation has to do with Bill's notorious womanizing, and Hillary's strong ambitions, giving the appearance that they are fundamentally unsuited for each other. But, and this is very important for astrologers to consider, Marriage as we know it today is a very recent phenomenon when compared to the totality of its history. Most people down through the Ages married for reasons other than love, and this was certainly true among the upper classes and Royalty, etc. "Power marriages" occured all the time, and even today, around the world, they still do.

In our astrology, Saturn is the Planet of Marriage, no matter what station of life one falls into, for it is the planet of commitment and limitation, of "getting down to business" and the day to day realities of marital life after the vows are taken and the wedding night is over. Therefore, for any couple to have a shot at a longterm marriage, it is important that Saturnian cross contacts are seen in the Synastry, and this is what we definitely see in the Clintons - note straight away the exact square between Bill's Saturn to Hillary's Sun, while Hillary's Saturn sits on Bill's Sun. In that Saturn plays such an important role in both their charts, and the fact that such mutual contacts are somewhat rare in a study of Marital Synastry, there does seem to be something to be said for the very real possibility that their marriage could have been done with at least *some* political goals in mind.

But that's only part of the story - at least as important in the Synastry of the Clintons is the role that the planets of Love, physical and emotional/spiritual, play. Venus and Neptune are these planets, and usually, strong cross contacts between the charts give clues as to how much the couple are attracted to each other and will love one another through the years. Note how both Bill and Hillary have Venus highlighted in the charts, in both cases in or near the Asc - and note also how Neptune is at the Sun/Moon midpoint IN BOTH CHARTS!!! THIS is the "nebulous" nature of their marriage to onlookers, the "what is it they see in each other?" vibe they put off. But the love is no doubt, there. Hillary's Neptune exactly conjuncts Bill's Venus, while also conjunct his Mars, Neptune and all-important Asc - all in Libra. Doesn't get more "lovey-dovey" than that. We can also note that Bill's Moon opposes Hillary's Asc, and Bill's 7th House ruler Mars, fits with Hillary's Pluto-Mars conjunction (recall comments on this point made earlier) - an ambitious, or otherwise, "Martian" spouse? Yea, it all fits.

Taking a step back and eyeballing their charts individually, one would get the impression that they have little in common, but upon closer inspection that is not the case. Note how while Hillary's chart has a lack of Earth and Air, her hubbie does not (Moon in Taurus, a million planets in Libra, Uranus in Gemini, etc.); Hillary has an Air Planet Mercury rising in her chart; both have Jupiter rising; Bill has Neptune, a Water Planet, rising, and more. All of these factors play considerably into their Synastry, and goes a long way toward explaining why they're still together all these years.

But the serious fly in the ointment is the lies in the sexual dimensions of their union, as we all know. Again, a quick look at the charts of the Clintons explains why - Bill has a tremendous amount of Sexual Aspects in Venus in Libra conjunct Mars in the Asc, and with Venus in exact sextile to Pluto; Uranus, ruler of his 5th House, is trine Jupiter, sextile the Sun and under no stress at all (Uranus considered by the Magis a Male Sexual Planet, along with Pluto, and both are in declinational aspect in Bill's chart). On the other hand, while Hillary has Venus in Scorpio and square the Mars-Pluto conjunction, note also that Venus is in the 12th House and square Saturn - a key consideration for a woman. With the involvement with the 9th House (where Saturn is placed, along with Mars and Pluto; Mars rules the 5th) we can speculate that Hillary either might have had trouble "getting freaky" in the way Bill wanted it due to religious/ethical reasons, was simply unwilling to "go there", or wasn't able to satiate Bill's voracious sexual appetite. With Bill having such strong sexual astrology in his chart, and in both his and Hillary's cases Neptune being so prominent, we see the infidelity on Bill's part, along with other potential "secrets" regarding their marriage. And with Hillary's strong Scorpionic accents in her chart, along with quite a strong Saturn placement and aspects, we can see how the public views her a calculating woman, holding on to Bill despite her being humiliated before the world during the "Monicagate" affair, among other liasons Bill was known to have. All of this is hugely important to consider, because Bill Clinton is both Hillary's largest asset due to his strong ties to the African American community and ability to attract large donors and other forms of support, and her biggest liability, precisely because of his womanizing ways and the rancor his lack of moral character still causes. If he can get a handle on this behavior, it'll go a ways towards putting the focus on Hillary's run for the White House; if not, it can derail it.

Clearly, the issue in 08 will be Iraq, and here Hillary finds herself in a very delicate spot. Her advocacy of the war and the troops early on held her in good stead, but now with the war being deeply unpopular, anyone connected thereto is also likely to have a rough time of it in the next year so running up to the elections. And although Hillary clearly has more money than Obama, she still needs to shore up support from the Black Community, whose votes she will need bigtime in order to mount an effective campaign. What does 2007 hold for Mrs. Clinton?
Just a quick glance at the transits tell the story - not only is Clinton in the midst of her 2nd Saturn Return - a key period in the lives of politicians - but so too, is she under the cloud of a Neptune transit, in square to her Asc and Mercury, and opposed her natal Saturn position all year long. Transit Saturn will also square her Mercury this year, and this, along with Neptune's role, as well as Mercury and the 3rd House, all point to Hillary possibly getting herself into some serious trouble either making gaffes and/or some kind of rumor/secret tumbling out of the closet that she didn't want exposed to the light of day. Neptune is the Planet of Scandal for politicians, and if anyone should know what that's all about, it's the Clintons.

Additionally, we can note four specific time periods that augur real challenges for Clinton this year: Apr with SA MC=Saturn/Pluto; Jul, with SA Sun=Mars/Saturn; Oct, with SA MC=Uranus/Neptune, and Dec with SA Sun=Saturn/Pluto. All of these measurements suggest extreme levels of discomfort, duress, setback, loss. Although Clinton is the unofficial frontrunner for now, it is by no means a lock.

Mu's Prediction: At this early juncture in the campaign, more events will have to transpire before we can go further. But what we know now is this - there seems to be rumors that Bill's up to his old tricks again, despite getting help for his sex addiction. Another affair on his part, brought out into public view could all but destroy any chance Hillary could have for becoming President of the United States. Additionally, Hillary has to walk an extremely fine line with respect to the War in Iraq, something that will become harder and harder to do as the year wears on, as both Obama and Edwards press their claims for being anti-war from the get-go. And then there's the "social issues" like Abortion and Gay Marriage, still very much in play, that threaten to rear their heads and force Hillary into a very real corner - somehow she'll need to hang on to both the Single Woman and Gay/Lesbian Vote, while at the same time, appealing to the Moderate American Vote, who seems to favor limiting Abortion, and putting the stops on Gay Marriage. Her best bet is to use Bill as sparingly as possible on the campaign, reserving him for stumping in the Black Community and her high level donor meetings and the like, but as noted above, the Fall of 2007 looks especially challenging, due to the aforementioned factors, although the better part of the year overall isn't rosy by all means. She will need to be extra, extra careful before the press, but doing this can also present the picture of her again being too scripted and controlling. It's a tough, rough spot for her to be in, and it's hard to see how it'll get easier over the course of the year. Nonetheless, Hillary Rodham Clinton is a force to be reckoned with, has proven herself to be a careful planner, and has put herself closer to the White House than any woman before her. She could indeed become America's Iron Lady - God help us.

Stay tuned...
