Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Reverand Jeremiah Wright Speaks

The Reverand Jeremiah Wright Speaks

8:39 PM 04/27/2008 Sun

In a truly electrifying speech just delivered at the annual NAACP Dinner at Detroit MI, the Reverand Jeremiah A. Wright, Senator Barack Obama's pastor and spiritual advisor, outlined his views on the differences between Black and White in terms of grammer, learning styles, musical tastes and expression and more, all the while delineating the tradition of the Black Church and how that tradition enriches the overall American Tradition. The speech was carried live and in its entirety, unedited and uncut, on CNN and was attended by no less than a sellout crowd of an estimated 10,000 people.

In what can only be described as a display of amazing astrological precision, Rev. Wright took the podium after an amazing introduction by Rev. Anthony at 7.49PM, Sun Apr 27 2008 at Detriot, yielding an Asc of 1 Sco 28. This Sign should be familiar with frequent readers of my missives, for it is the very same Asc Sign of the chart that I have contended for some time now, that most represents the Aftrican American community, to which I refer as the "Black America" chart, based on the astro-historical work of noted astrologer Marc Penfield, given as Aug 30 1619 10.15AM LMT at Jamestown VA. The Asc in this map is 4 Sco 21, only a mere few degrees away from the Asc Sign of the speech tonight.

The speech chart also contains a newly ingressed Moon, having just moved into Aquarius at 1 Aqr 13, squaring the Asc. The chart of the United States has its natal Moon in the same Sign position. This in my view is another astrological reflection of Wright's attempt to bridge the racial divide and to give more context to his much repeated soundbite statements, including the infamous "Goddamn America!" remark.

What is also remarkable to note, is the position of Mercury in this map - the closest aspect in the entire chart is a sextile between Mercury and Uranus - and Mercury forms three other APPLYING aspects: Mercury sextile Mars in Cancer in the 9th; Mercury trine Jupiter in Capricorn in the 3rd; and Mercury square Neptune in the 4th.

Pluto has moved by retrograde motion back to 00 Cap 59, precisely upon the Aries Point; this mundane transit of the strongest of the standard astrological planets we astrologers use holds special meaning for Americans, for Pluto was discovered in America, and Pluto in Capricorn, returns to its "birth" placement in the chart of the United States of America. It is the opinion of this astrologer, that Pluto is exalted in Capricorn, since it is the "higher octave" of Mars, and accounts in part for the USA's tremendous wealth (Pluto in Cap in the 2nd house), prestige and power. But it also accounts for its continuing struggle to reconcile its racial past, the Black and the White - for the USA was born of its founding document, the Declaration of Independence - where it defined both the equality of Man, and the second-class citizenship of its African slaves, officially recognizing them as three-fifths of a man.

Astrologers recognize the principle of planets returning to their birth place; things have come "full circle" as it were; the circle is now complete. It is only fitting, as the nation seriously contemplates possibly electing its first African American President, that Pluto would return to the very place it was born at the birth of our nation. And it was no accident that that same man - Barack Obama - would give what many agree was the speech of his political career, in the days following the Wright scandal, in the nation's birthplace, Philadelphia - a SCORPIO city.

Pluto without a doubt rules the the Wright speech chart's Asc; could it be possible, that it also could BE Wright's personal Asc ruler? Afterall, Wright was a Marine, and the USMC was born with its Sun in SCORPIO.

This has been a whirlwind weekend for the Reverand, who appeared on the Bill Moyers program for an extended interview for the first time since his comments were first aired last month and created such a furor. Then, Rev. Wright made a number of high level appearances which will culminate tomorrow with an address at the National Press Club at Washington DC. CSPAN has reported that they will be carrying the proceedings live beginning at 9AM EDT.

The Reverand Jeremiah A. Wright was born on Sep 22 1941 at Philadelphia, again, a Scorpionic city. Wrights birthdate astrology is defined in the main by a Sun-Neptune conjunction in Virgo; a Moon-Mercury conjunction in Libra, both opposed Mars in Aries; Venus in Scorpio square Pluto in Leo; and, as astrologer Robert Blaschke astutely notes in quoting the work and research of the late great British astrological giant Charles Carter, Wright has one of the "Sacred Six" aspects of high intelligence - his Sun, no matter what Sign it may be in, is closely trine Uranus in Gemini. Wright is the holder of multiple degrees and honorary degrees, and is said to be fluent in at least five languages.

So, we return to the question: could Wright have a Scorpio Asc? If so, it would place his birth between say, 8 and 10AM or so. His Sun at 6AM is in the final minutes of Virgo, an energy that speaks to refinement and discrimination - perfect for a scholar. On the other hand, if the Sun shifts to the Sign of Libra, it would join the Moon there, and would signal a focus on eloquence, concensus building and coalition seeking, which would seem to be a bit out of joint with what we know of Wright via the media coverage of him in recent weeks.

If we consider a 9.45AM birthtime for Wright, we would get a 15 Sco 19 Asc and a 24 Leo 54 MC - which puts it right in line with the current Neptune transit at 24 Aquarius. Neptune movements to the Angles and Lights to one's chart in the political arena often speaks to scandals of one kind or another bustin' loose. If we consider the Solar Arcs for this time-adjusted test chart, we can see SA Asc=Mars, which will be exact in July 2008, and which suggests a robust, fighting spirit. Clearly, by all accounts, Wright has been really chomping at the bit to get his side of the story out and boy, he's been doing just that this entire weekend. Note SA Mercury=Sun exact this month!

This Scorpio Asc option would place Pluto in Leo in the 9th House of Religion & Higher Education, perfect for what we know about Wright. And in this option, the Sun remains in the final degree of Virgo, still in conjunction with Neptune (which explains his time in the Navy, transferring from the Marines, as well as his potential scandal in recent weeks).

And, we have to note that Pluto movements, by transit or arc, to the Angles or Lights, often brings the potential for prominence before the public in some way; keep in mind that part of my reasoning for suggesting the early morning timestamp for Barack Obama was based on the fact that, at the time of his "coming out" before the American public at the 2004 Democratice Convention at Boston, transit Pluto was square his proposed MC. For both Obama and Wright, transit Pluto would be in full force in terms of their respective horoscopes, thrusting them both into the limelight of public noteriety and scrutiny. For Obama, transit Pluto hovers back and forth in opposition to his proposed late Gemini Asc and early, all-important Venus in Cancer; for Wright, transit Pluto will square his late degree Virgo Sun all this year.

This test chart also forms some really strong ties to the Black America chart, putting Wright's test Asc almost exactly on the BA Mars and tightly opposed the BA Moon-Pluto conjunction, squaring the BA Venus; his proposed Asc ruler, Pluto, would be conjunct the BA MC; his Venus would be conjunct the BA Asc; his Sun-Neptune conjunction would be conjunct the BA Mercury (giving voice to the thoughts and feelings of many African Americans); and, most interestingly, if this time option is anywhere near correct, say, within an hour or two, that Black America's Neptune, at 8 Libra, sits right on Wright's Sun/Moon midpoint! Hmm.

Of course, the question now has to be, what, if any, political fallout from Wright's speech tonight, and his media appearances these past few days, will mean for Obama's campaign? The North Carolina GOP plans to air what they call the "Extreme" ad, which features Wright's "Goddamn America!" YouTube snippet, starting on Apr 29.

As mentioned earlier elsewhere on this blog, Obama is still grinding it out under SA Venus=Saturn/Pluto, while Pluto by transit moves back ever closer in opposition to his Asc degree point. If we compare the charts of these two men, we note that Obama's Neptune exactly conjoins Wright's Venus, and Wright's proposed Asc opposes Obama's Taurus Moon, and more, much, much more.

I could be very wrong, but I don't think this appearance, and the weekend overall, won't be as injurious as some pundits might suggest. In May, Wright will have SA Mars=Sun/Neptune, and SA Venus=Uranus, pictures that suggest considerable charisma and popularity. Now that the nation has had the chance to view Wright in a more fuller way, I don't think he will be as hurtful to Obama's chances in the final weeks of the primary campaign.

Finally, a quick consideration of the chart of the NAACP, which was found 99 years ago on Feb 12 1909 - Abraham Lincoln's birthday - at New York City. At noon, the Asc is at 15 Gem 25, with an Aquarian Sun and a Scorpio Moon, at 13 degrees. By now the ties accross all these charts should become quite obvious to even the most casual astrological observer. And even more interestingly, transit Neptune sits right on the NAACP Sun, and transit Uranus applies to square the Mars-Pluto axis in the NAACP chart.


Chi-Town: 21st Century War Zone

Chi-Town: 21st Century War Zone

10:20 PM 04/26/2008 Sat

The nation's Windy City has been wracked with unbelievable levels of gun and gang related violence recently; so much so, that Chicago's Police Department has been issued M4 carbine assault rifles - the same weapons used by SWAT teams and the US Marines. In just the past week alone, some FOURTY shootings have occured, leaving a dozen dead. In the past year, upwards of 60 students have been killed.

According to Wikipedia, the City of Chicago was incorporated on Mar 4 1837. Using a noontime mark, we get an Asc of 4 Can 38, the Sun at 14 Pis 00 and the Moon at 14 Aquarius 44. The Asc Sign gives us a strong clue as to what ails the Windy City.

For this Sign, Cancer, is the place where Mars has been spending an inordinate amount of time, entering its Fall in Oct of last year, turning retrograde in motion toward the end of that year (2007), and re-entering Cancer again last month, immediately opposing Pluto in Capricorn. At present Mars continues its sojourn of Cancer at 23 degrees, and will finally conclude its transit next month. Mars, representing both guns and young men, has been "living" in Chicago's 1st house for more than six months. And as we astrologers know well, anything in a chart's 1st house is always an "upfront" concern.

It's also interesting to note, that in the Chicago horoscope, Mars is conjunct Jupiter, both in Leo and both Rx. Getting away with murder, bigtime.

Checking the Windy City's Solar Arcs for this year, we find SA Sun=Pluto exact in June, and SA Mars=Sun/Uranus, exact in August. Transit Mars will be moving through Chicago's natal Mars location, Leo. It is an augury of a long, hot Summer indeed.

While a beefed-up police department grapples with an out of control homicide rate, theories abound as to the source of the city's problems; where is all this crime coming from?

Social science academics, community organizers, activists and clergy all seem to agree, that the mammoth highrise housing projects, like the imfamous Cabrini Green, which both housed the vicious gangs and isolated them and thousands of the city's African American population, has now been unleashed on the South and West sides of the city in the months since their demolition. Columbia sociologist Sudhir Ventakash writes eloquently about the complex and often deadly gang networks in Chicago's highrise project culture, in his book Gangleader For A Day. Voices on all sides note that these events, coupled with chronically high unemployment, poor performing schools and Third World living conditions all add up to an attitude of despair and a kind of case-hardened bitterness - all of the ingredients one needs to make a gang of very angry young men. Even killers.

According to the Wikipedia entry, Chicago's had to contend with high crime rates several times in its history, and gives us astrologers material with which to track cycles astrologically.

For example, in 1974, with a city population of more than three million people, Chicago's homicide rate was 970, or 29 per 100,000 people. Checking our ephemeris for that year, we note that Mars and Saturn were forming a conjunction in early Cancer in May, while both square Pluto; the former conjunction was sitting precisely on the noontime Asc for the Windy City, while Pluto square the same. SA Saturn=Moon Jan 74, SA Sun=Mars/Pluto Jan 74, SA MC=Neptune Feb 74, SA Moon=Mars/Saturn Aug 74.

Another major crime wave hit Chi-Town in 1992, with 943 murdered, or 34 per 100,000 Chicagoans. This period of time is like a dog whistle to astrologers, for it was this time that the epic Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn was forming in the heavens, at the same time that Mars was once again in Cancer - and just like now, it was spending a good bit of time there, due to its being Rx. In Chicago's chart, Pluto is at 14 Aries and thus was squared by transit Uranus at the same time transit Mars squared it as well, in the Fall of that year in particular. Transit Saturn was going over the Chicago Moon and building up its square to the city's natal Saturn position at 17 Scorpio - the city authorities and administration. Please note that this position is also Rx (this, along with the Sign position of Saturn, suggests a high degree of corruption, "pay to play", etc.). Checking the Solar Arcs for that year, we find SA Neptune=Mars/Pluto in Jan, and SA Pluto=Moon in Feb.

So, we find a recurring pattern of violence and death for the Windy City - Mars, Saturn and Pluto are clearly involved, along with Neptune, underworld activity. The Noontime Asc of 4 Cancer seems to be responsive to transits, and, most importantly, Mars' transit of Cancer seems to play an important role in this city's ebb and flow with regard to its crime levels.

Knowing all of this, we can then project ahead into the near future for Chicago along homicidal lines...

Prediction: Chicago's Crime Wave Escalates Over Next Two Years
With an established astro-pattern of crime and violence for Chicago, the short term future for the city does not look bright. Beginning in the Fall of 2009 we can expect the crime rate to rise, yet again in the Windy City, as transit Mars enters Cancer yet again, conjuncting the Chicago noontime Asc, at the same time that transit Pluto has been moving in and out of orb range in opposition to that same all-important Asc Sign and degree. SA Mars=MC Dec 2009, while transit Mars in Leo, slowing down to prepare to go Rx, squares Chicago's Saturn.

Then, beginning in Jan of 2010 and continuing throughout the first half of the year, we note that transit Saturn will square, and transit Pluto will oppose, the Chicago Asc, while transit Mars, now Rx in Leo, moves to square the city's Saturn and oppose the city's Moon, in Jan and again in May of that year. The key period may very well be Apr-Jun 2010, when SA Pluto=Saturn comes into focus. The city administration will be stretched to its limits in its efforts to stem the tide of murder and mayhem on the Windy City's streets.

We'll see.


The Astrology Of Planned Parenthood

The Astrology Of Planned Parenthood

11:52 PM 04/26/2008 Sat

Fox News Channel has been airing a series of reports that Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest provider of family planning services to women, is patently racist in its practices, with the bulk of its offices placed in inner city environments. A team of college students had called a series of Planned Parenthood offices posing as donors. In one taped conversation in particular, a student, again posing as a donor, specifically requests that his donation be earmarked for use with African American women, because, he states in the phone call, he doesn't want his kids to have to compete with Black kids who will most likely make use of Affirmative Action laws. "The fewer Black kids the better", he says, and on the receiving end of the call, a higher up in the Planned Parenthood organization, chuckles and says "Understandable", and assures him that such a donation can be made, with promises of it being used in that way.

After these and other taped phone conversations were aired on Fox News, Planned Parenthood sent out written press statements saying that personnell involved in the phonecalls were reprimanded, but refused to be interviewed by Fox News reporters.

If it's one thing in American Politics that's more explosive than Race, its Abortion, and here the two intertwine in a way that is troubling. The astrological ties are just as striking.

Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, seen by many as one of the most important figures in the Women's Movement. A tireless supporter of birth control and seeing that women have the power to decide when, if ever, they have babies, Sanger was arrested numerous times for her advocacy in this regard. According to the Astrodatabank, Sanger was born on Sep 14 1879 2.30AM LMT at Corning NY; Placidus 13 Leo 43. Her chart does indeed reflect her interests as an activist and advocate - the Leo Moon rises in the Asc, and squares a Mars-Pluto conjunction in Taurus in the 10th; the Virgo Sun also trines this same conjunction.

But its also been noted that Sanger was a virulent racist, who supported eugenics-based ideas to limit or prevent the breeding of "undesirables" in American society, namely those of African descent. Her meeting with the Women's Auxillary of the Ku Klux Klan is the stuff of legend, and gives much fuel to the fires of many African American and other pro-life supporters that Sanger, and by extension Planned Parenthood, has but one major goal, the decimation, if not outright genocide, of African Americans.

It should be noted that, per capita, it has been reported that African American women have a higher abortion rate than White women of same age, and again, that there are more Planned Parenthood offices located in areas where large numbers of African Americans live.

The 9th house governs all matters related to Race, one's attitude and outlook on these fronts. A difficult 9th house is often seen in the charts of those who hold bigoted or racist views. When we inspect Sanger's chart in this regard, we find that she had Saturn in its fall in Aries and Rx, Peregrine (Tyl), unaspected in the horoscope! This means that since it is not connected into the rest of the chart, it "acts out" much like a bucking bronco; it is the tail that wags the dog.


Saturn's dispositor is Mars, itself classically detrimented by being in Taurus, and conjunct Pluto; as noted earlier, they both square the all-important Moon position in Leo. Often, the charts of racists and bigots have either planets in the 9th and/or their rulers under stress in the form of hard aspects, etc. Clearly, the astrological evidence in regard to Sanger's views racially are quite substantial.

Sanger founded the first ever family planning and birth control clinic on Oct 16 1916, in Brooklyn NY; from there, she would form another wider organization, and finally, Planned Parenthood. It is this date in my view, that the astrologer can use to gain a greater insight into Planned Parenthood as we know it today.

Setting the chart for Noon at Brooklyn, with an Asc of 19 Sag 26, we find several key astro-signatures befitting the organization's purpose: the waning Moon in late Gemini is both declinationally out of bounds, and at the Mars=Saturn midpoint!!! In my survey of the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision, which granted women in the United States the right to Abortions, I noted a similar configuration:

"The Roe v. Wade decision came down on Jan 22, 1973 in Washington DC, according to a Google internet search. No time is known, so the time I used is set for Noon (Plac 16 Tau 24). In that map, Venus rules the Asc and is placed in the 9th Peregrine (unaspected, dominating the horoscope in terms of its symbolism - clearly, this represents women) with Jupiter in the 9th (Supreme Court) square Uranus in Libra in the 6th (Jupiter-Uranus anything connotes technology, in this case, reproductive techology; this period also saw, among other things, "The Pill", etc.; The Uranus-in-Libra period saw massive upheavals in the American social, marital and particularly familial fabric that we are only now beginning to comprehend), and, the event is defined in the main by the t-square of Moon-Mars-Saturn, the Moon in the 5th, square the Mars-Saturn axis. This aspect, then - Moon=Mars/Saturn - is the abortion signature in astrological terms. The Moon is in the universal Sign of Health matters, Virgo, and classically, the Moon in Virgo was not considered a particularly fertile Sign. The Mars-Saturn emphasis suggests "matters of death", and abortion is indeed the willful termination of a pregnancy."

The Astrology of Roe v. Wade: Three Decades Later Jan 23 2005 entry,

Clearly, the Moon represents fecundity and birthing, infants and babies; its condition in the chart of a woman will give strong clues as to her ability to and approach toward, being a mother. Classically, the Sign Gemini is not favorable in this regard, and this is the Sign position of the Planned Parenthood Moon in late Gemini.

Also of note in the Planned Parenthood astrology, is the Venus position in Virgo, its fall, and ruling the 5th house - children. Virgo is considered one of the worst Signs insofar as fertility is concerned, and we have to note an ominous pattern repeating itself here - Venus is Peregrine (Tyl) and placed in the 9th house!!!-mirroring Sanger's runaway Saturn, also fallen, in her 9th. And, please note the ruler of the 9th, Mercury, in Mututal Reception with Venus, and also square Pluto, the planet of reproduction, big business, big politics, and Race. Its also interesting to note that the PP Uranus position is opposed Sanger's Asc; Jupiter, ruler of PP's Sag Asc sits atop her MC; and PP's Mars opposes Sanger's Mars and Pluto, squaring her Leo Moon. Also of note for Planned Parenthood: AP=Moon/Pluto and Mars=Venus/Uranus - and the fact that, as of fiscal year ending 2006, Planned Parenthood received some $300MIL in government money.

As mentioned earlier, African American women have a higher rate of abortions than their White counterparts; when we consider the astrology of Black America, predicated on the horoscopic beginning when the first African slaves were offloaded at Jamestown on Aug 30 1619 at 10.15AM LMT, astrology comes through yet again in confirming what is widely believed and reported. Please note the strong Moon-Pluto conjunction in Taurus in the Black America chart, with both opposed Mars in Scorpio, rising in the Scorpio Asc! Neptune is ruler of the Black America 5th house, its birthrate and parenting approach, and here we can see it on the cusp of the 12th house, while also sextile the 12th's ruler, Venus, at the apex of the chart and square the Moon/Pluto-Mars axis. Please note the following midpoint picture in the Black America that is highly pertinent for this discussion: Moon+Mars=Saturn/Neptune!

Turning now to the synastric ties between Planned Parenthood and Black America, we find many, many strong connections, only a few of which I will mention here. PP's Asc opposes BA's Saturn; PP's MC conjuncts BA's Neptune; PP's Jupiter, and keep in mind please, is its Asc ruler, is opposed BA's Asc (and in the same Sign as Black America's Asc ruler, Taurus - MONEY; again, it receives more than 300 million in gov't aid); PP's Venus sits on BA's Sun; PP's Uranus opposes BA's Venus and squares the BA Moon/Pluto-Mars axis, and much, much more. It seems that the charges levelled against Planned Parenthood mentioned above, has astrological legs.

With the 2008 Presidential campaign now coming down to the wire, with both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both being strong supporters of "a woman's right to choose" this issue looks to explode all over the place, as it deepens the polarities between two of America's two principal special interest groups - (White) Women, and African Americans. How is this likely to play itself out?

Going back to Planned Parenthood's chart, we note that the story about the phonecalls and the like broke on Fox News this month; in the ephemeris we can see that transit Uranus has just passed square to the PP Asc, and as transit Neptune sits on Planned Parenthood's Sun/Moon midpoint(!) - a vivid witness of the scandal that envelopes the nation's premiere abortion provider. And, later this year, just in time for an October Surprise, transit Saturn moves to square the Planned Parenthood Asc at the same time transit Uranus makes its second pass in square to that same Asc.

Prediction: Look for more headlines regarding Planned Parenthood, especially from Labor Day on through the rest of the Fall, highlighting the Presidential General Elections. Whoever emerges as the nominee on the Democratic side will be pressed to answer to charges of deepseated racism on the part of Planned Parenthood, and how they can justify its high government financial support. Expect more protests along these lines, by a coalition of Black activists, pro-life religious groups, and Conservative politicians, which are likely to be quite boisterous. As Saturn rules the 2nd house in the Planned Parenthood chart and holding its Uranus, we can expect the support its getting to be the primary target.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ain't Mis-Behavin': An Open Letter To Maurice Fernandez

Ain't Mis-Behavin': An Open Letter To Maurice Fernandez,

2:48 AM 04/22/2008 Tue

As the torch is passed from the Baby Boomer generation of astrologers to the GenXers, as we are called and beyond (the much ballyhooed "Millennials"), an interesting contrast emerges; one side of the new bunch seems enamoured with an astrology from a more ancient and some would say, elegant, age, the Hellenists; and on the other side, we have the "Evolutionaries", as I like to call them.

Of course, what I am referring to is is the form or style of astrology popularly called Evolutionary Astrology, a term originally coined, ironically enough, by Financial astrology specialist Raymond Merriman, but has been adopted by astrological legends Jeff Green and Steven Forrest. These two men have formulated their own principles and concepts, cobbled together from a patchwork of Eastern philosophies and spiritual disciplines, and is now quite popular in the astrology community today.

For some time I was curious to get to actually interact with this bunch, since both Forrest and Green seem to be elusive men, and besides, what interested me more was whether the "new generation" of "EAs" as they are known, would have anything to offer on the topic, as well as to engage in some hard question and answer with regard to their technique. As you might guess, I soon found out.

Maurice Fernandez is perhaps the better known of the GenXer lot of EAs; he lectures quite a bit, has a burgeoning website and has a book out, though I cannot say for certain how popular that is. It seems that Dave Roell over at the Astrology Center for America, perhaps the country's largest seller of astrological books, didn't think very highly about the tome in his review, and to which I've heard Fernandez didn't take to kindly to. But then I can't really blame the guy, even if what Roell said was true; we all are a bit touch feely about such things.


A colleague and peer of mine, Raymond Andrews, had mentioned my name on Fernandez's site; I had ran accross it last month while doing a Google search for my name, which I do every so often to see what comes up (and if you haven't done this yet, you really, really should). Since I was being talked about, and since Fernandez was an EA, I decided to spend a bit of time there.

And boy oh boy, what a time it was.

Because you see, I've always had my deep suspicions about "Evolutionary Astrology", and to save the reader the time of wading through my reservations I'll just kindly refer them to Dr. Glenn Perry's excellent critique of this approach which appears in several internet venues, as well as his website. I should like to also note, that to my knowledge, Perry has yet to receive a rebuttal in writing, to his paper.

That makes someone like myself very, very wary. By the way, in case you missed it, you can check out my rebuttal to Perry's critique of Vedic astrology on my blogsite,

OK, so going back to the point of this open letter, the cheif premise of "Evolutionary astrology" - to be open to the wonderous possibilities of human manifestation, to be open and tolerant of all points of view, to be open to this, and to be open to that - is all a crock. As Perry points out, rightly in my view, EA is a way for people to convince themselves of how "spiritual" they are, sans the rigamorole of conventional religion. Which isn't a crime per say, but it is deeply problematic. Why do I say that? Because astrology is one of the first sciences known to man, governed by many of the same principles that science adheres to, such as comparison, observation, method, and above all, REASON. And Reason, which involves questioning, critique, inquiry, are strenuously stamped out in EA. Perhaps this, more than anything, explains why there has been written response to Perry from any EA of any repute - and that includes Fernandez - to date, nor is there any likelihood that such will happen.

If one goes to the "Forum" section of his website and scroll though the past month or two of the postings, one will find my name there, making contributions and posing questions challenging Fernandez's thinking and method. Read for yourself his responses. Compare and contrast.

And while I'm on the point, please note that at no time did I say that EA should be run outta town on the rail; that Fernandez was a criminal; that he didn't have a right to exist or earn a living, or that those who wished to consult him didn't have a right to do so; that I didn't crack on his Momma; none of that. I simply but forcefully (as I'm a vociferous man, what can I say?:) ) presented a counterpoint to his positions, backed them up astrologically, and then questioned the validity of the "Evolutionary" method beyond his simply saying "because I said so". Again, go there and see for yourself - - provided of course, he hasn't deleted all evidence of my existence yet.

On April 7 2008, Fernandez issued his "Forum Rules", his way I suppose, of bullying me into silence; my responses to his "rules" will appear in paranthesis:

MF: In the light of multiple misunderstandings currently occurring on the forum, I believe it is time for more clarifications. (Clarity is more preferable to agreement; its the words I live by)

MF: Before we get to part II, please read Part I: (I haven't done this, but if anyone out there wishes to do so, have at it!)

MF: I'm stressing out once again that this forum is designed for the study of evolutionary astrology, as I teach it. This is not a multi-discipline medium where other techniques are learned and discussed, though it is acceptable to mention them if they add to the given context. (Which is what I did, give context and texture to the topics discussed, and in any event, please note that at no point in the direct exchanges between MF and myself, was he "teaching" any discernable EA principles. If anyone out there sees something I dont in this regard, please inform me! Thanks!)

MF: The forum is not a place for political, social or any other form of debates. If you have ideas, articles, or views you would like to share or propose (not impose) - use the GENERAL FORUM. The ideas discussed will have to be considered appropriate according to my standards, and if these debates derail to personal accusations or negative charge, they will be systematically deleted. (Note the totalitarian tone here - you cannot question anything, you must accept EA dogma without question, or you will shown the front door; also, please note that MF brings up political issues all the time - it's just that it's OK FOR HIM TO DO IT, no one else, and especially not for someone like me)

MF: Adding to the above - Debates about the validity of Evolutionary Astrology will not be tolerated. If you are here, it means that you respect this discipline and find value in it. If you have doubts, educate yourself first and ask learning (not judgemental) questions. If the answers do not satisfy you, you are not meant to resonate with Evolutionary Astrology and your place is not here anymore. (Again, please note the above; you must accept, without question, the EA method, full stop. Aren't these the same characters who give us Vedheads a workout about "Free Will"? Wassup wit dat? Also, note the patently anti-intellectual modality here, which is also easily explained in MF's astrology, which I'll be getting to in a moment)

MF: Consider that since this is my forum, its content and quality will naturally be colored by my personality, insights and value system. While different ideas can surely be discussed, the main orientation will naturally go with those who resonate more with my approach. As you know, noone forces you to stay if this is at odd with your personal value system... You are encouraged to find a more suitable forum/website for you or create your own; doing so, you will naturally attract participants who will resonate with your orientation. (In other words: Segregation. I happen to know quite a bit about such things, don't you know. People have died to end it, and rightly so. I want everyone to be in the same room - then we'll see who's on point, and who isnt. But even if you don't agree with my take on it, notice the Scorpionic power play in evidence here. Scorpions sting when they're pressed into a corner. Hard questioning of a Scorpionic "Evolutionary" astrologer will do that)

MF: LENGTH OF POSTS: consider the flow of the forum depends on being concise and to the point. Harness your Mercury (3rd House issues) and avoid getting carried away in unecessary details or unrelated discussions. People (myself included) don't have the time to read overly extended posts or stray into the different corridors of your brain. I will not define what long or short consist of... I trust you will know what is reasonable and within context. If you are out of line, I will let you know! (As w/everything else of an "Evolutionary" sort, nothing can be defined in any actual terms that can be measured and thus HELD TO ACCOUNT. Nice, huh? Gotta love Spirituality! And oh, please note that MF is free to opine, at will, ad infinitum. Where I come from there's a word for such a practice)

MF: Those who know me and my work, know that I'm usually flexible and do not "enforce" these rules, unless things really get out of proportion. These days, they have and for this reason I will be much more rigorous in applying these rules. (Again, checkout the site and my direct exchanges with the man, and come to your own conclusions)

MF: I don't mean to offend anyone, but the flow of the forum has been upset and it has generated frustration among participants (and myself). I don't have the luxury of time to deal with these dramas and address the emails I received charged with concerns. (Meaning, please don't confuse me with any facts or data which intrude on my idyllic notions of how Life works, thank you very much)

MF: Thank you for understanding! We all mean well, but we have to understand each other and the space we are in.

I sincerely hope that participants will continue to contribute meangfully to the study in adapting to those requirements.

Blessings (Ahh, there's the "Blessed Be" I said, what a joke.)

Perry has said that the main problem with EA is that it is a "self-sealing doctrine", meaning, that since it refuses to play be any established rules of astrological investigation, there is no corresponding way to critique it - and that is the point. It is clearly evident here. And woe be to the person who does question such a practitioner like Fernandez - they're likely to ban you, in a most loving, kind and nonjudgmental way, of course.

And, true to his 12th house Asc ruling Moon in Gemini, that's exactly what Fernandez did, around April 18 or so. Guess he couldn't take the heat - but with an exact square between Mercury in Scorpio and Mars in Aquarius, both at the very last degrees of their Signs, he certainly can dish it out! LOL!

Looking at his synastry with mine, its interesting to note that my Pluto tightly square his Moon, while his Saturn opposes my Sun. My chart is Earth dominant; he has none. In fairness, I have very little Water element, he has quite a bit. We both share Neptune=Sun/Moon - Ideological differences writ large. And, his Sun is opposed my Moon.

Well, you might say, Mu, the man has a right to run his forum anyway he wants! And who are you to question him?! And of course, you'd be right. Absolutely.

But you see, my point is that I care very deeply about astrology, not just where it is now in this time, but for its future - and from where I sit, from what I see, that future does not look very bright at all. So much of what goes on in the astrological world simply is not relevant to the lives of people being lived on the ground. There persists a "Boy in the Bubble" mentality, a gross and patent denial of so many things, like Race and Class, to name only a scant few, to say nothing of the strident anti-intellectual and kneejerk reactionary stances taken on by so many in our midst. That this is at least AS evident among the much vaunted "next generation" as it is among their Baby Boomer predecessors, is prima facie evidence that the fruit don't fall far from the tree. As I've said before, and I maintain the position, the ONLY thing that has changed between the Astrological Generations, is there are now fewer wrinkles and male pattern baldness. And of course, they remain virtually all White. Almost forgot to mention that part.

I thank Mr. Fernandez for continuing my ongoing studies in my education on the state of the astrological community, Spring 2008.

Comment and reply, invited!
