Saturday, November 17, 2007

Financial Astrology Notes, Aug 2007

I've been studying Financial Astrology now for the past year in particular, though I've also been collecting little tidbits here and there along the way. The following are excerpts taken from a running thread I started last Summer on the subject. I'll post up "digests" of my thoughts from time to time.

FA 1Aug 26 2007:
The past few weeks have been really tough on the World Markets, sparked off byshocks in the American banking system in connection w/what has become known as"sub-prime" loans-the lending of monies to people w/shaky or no credit in orderto purchase homes.

Many of these loans are what is called "rate-adjustable",meaning that if you buy a mortage at say, 10% interest, as time goes on theinterest rates can skyrocket. This is causing many Americans difficulty inpaying for their mortages; foreclosures are up in nearly every part of thecountry; this gives a bad signal to the markets tied into these loans; and hencethe run on the markets we've seen in the past few weeks in particular.Its my view that Financial Astrology, which is really an offshoot of Mundaneastrology, is the next and perhaps "final" frontier of the so-called "nextgeneration" of astrologers; contrary to the notion that the individual is prime,in truth the world is growing smaller, or as Tom Friedman said, "getting flat",as a result of mass interconnection of multi media, communication and financialties.

Surely in light of the events wrt the markets we've all seen in the past two weeks, one would be hardpressed to deny that the aforementioned areas ofastrology are somehow irrelevant or old hat.So, w/that said, I would like to present just a few thoughts on the situation asI see it.

Finanical astrology is an extremely tough nut to crack in terms oflearning the ins and outs for one very simple reason: its top practitioners arein the business of making money, and unlike their more "woo woo" humanisticpeers, have no qualms saying so. In this sense, they are the true mercenaries ofthe Zodiac, and their forthrigtness is something of a much need breath of freshair at a time when can easily get bogged down in astro-psychobabble speak.I've been conducting my own reasearches into the subject, aided by the works ofJack Gillen, considered to be one of the most important astrologers in thefield. I find his work to be clearcut and precise, which is what you need whentrying to divine the workings of Wall St. I also used elematary astrologicalcommonsense as well as a heck of a lot of observation. I welcome any feedbackthe Forum may have.

First, I noted the Saturn-Neptune opposition in Leo-Aquarius respectively,occuring in Aug-Sep 2006 and again in Jul 2007. If I'm not mistaken, the marketsresponded w/lows noted in the areas of the market connected to Housing. Forexample, Home Depot changed CEOs during this time, and Lowes, the former'sbiggest competitor, posted record lows in sales during this period.

It was alsoduring this time that the Dow Jones lost more than 300 points on a single day,followed up by the events of the past two weeks, where the Dow lost all of thegains it had made all year, falling from 14K points to just barely above 13K.According to Gillen, Saturn represents panic, paranoia, and market crashes.Per my researches, Saturn represents Real Estate of any kind. In Leo, Saturn isweakened, and in opposition to Neptune, weakened further still.

In FA terms,Neptune tends to over value whatever Sign its in and/or planets its connected toby aspect. So here we can see the overvaluation of real estate, the "real estatebubble" and so forth, including the highly questionable sub-prime loanbusiness-Neptune also represents nefarious business dealings.I saw all this in the Fall of 2005, as I was preparing my notes for the comingyear; immediately, I made plans NOT to make any major moves on the homefront.Then, two weeks ago, transit Saturn was in exact square to the NYSE's Sun, at 27Taurus (New York Stock Exchange May 17 1792 8.52AM LMT New York City NY;Placidus 26 Can 07 Gillen)-the market lost THREE HUNDRED POINTS IN A SINGLE DAYas the world markets tried to cope w/the sub-prime loan crash here at home. TheFederal Reserve Bank, trying to bring investor confidence back to the markets,lowered interest rates by one half a point and infused billions of dollars intothe market. Other world markets followed suit.

Interestingly enough, using the Sibly USA chart, we note that its Moon is at 27ºAquarius-meaning that transit Saturn would be opposed the Moon while at the verysame time square the NYSE Sun!!! It was a painful period indeed.Gillen also seems to lay emphasis on certain zones of the NYSE and USA charts.Although he uses a different clocktime for the USA (he prefers Libra Asc), histheory I have found to be sound. He suggests watching closely the Signs
associated w/the Asc/Dsc axis, the Sun and MC/IC axis of both charts; Saturn'smovement through said Signs portend difficult times for the markets in terms ofthe Sign Saturn is transiting at the time.Hmm.Saturn is about to move into Virgo.

Among other things, Gillen notes that Virgorepresents the healthcare/medical fields, civil servants, trade unions, andagriculture and poultry fields. Saturn's movement into Virgo can suggestdifficulty in these areas, all the moreso as Saturn tightens its opposition toUranus in 2008, for the first time in Nov 08, and a final time in the early Fallof 2009. Clearly the aforementioned areas will be hotly debated in the USAPresidential elections.

For me, Virgo also represents the Military. 'Nuff said there.On the basis of the "changing of the guard" ingress of Saturn into Virgo, alongw/Jupiter's movement into Capricorn in Dec and Pluto's ingress into the sameSign Feb 08, my guess is that the Real Estate/Sub-Prime Loan issue will havesettled down a bit as we move into the Fall.BUT-Gillen says that the movements of Mars can wreak havoc on the Markets,especially when it either makes hard aspects to Saturn, and/or goes Rx.

Gillen is also very wary of times when all three planets-Mars, Jupiter and Saturn moveinto either Mutuable or Cardinal Signs at the same time.Its very interesting to note that transit Uranus was sitting right on the NYSEMars as the markets tumbled two weeks back, and that Uranus will be square tothe USA Mars in the Spring/Fall of 2008. Hmm.Mars will go Rx at about 11 Cancer on Nov 15 2007, to last until about Jan 08 orso. Mars goes back into Cancer in Mar 08, joining Jupiter and Pluto inCapricorn. Cardinal Signs.I'll hold here. Would love to get any feedback anyone may have. I don't knowabout all y'all, but God I love this stuff!


Aug 26 2007:

Although Gillen doesn't realy go into progressions in his work, I think theywould have to play a role. Its still in the early going for me in all this, butI just wanted to toss out something for your consideration:USA: SA Neptune=Saturn/Uranus Aug 2007-Tyl says for this combination "breakdownunder emotional pressure".

Hmm...NYSE: SA Mars=Moon Aug 2007, very interesting in light of Gillens comments aboutMars and its effects on the markets in generalPutting this all together w/the aforementioned in this thread, it all makes alot of sense in how to see the market correction in hindsight.We'll see if what I and Gillen notes will go down in the months ahead.Comments?


Aug 30 2007: The Dow Jones took another hit today, losing over 200 points. Additionally, theS&P released its report wrt the housing and consumer markets-not good.I've mentioned earlier in this thread that per Gillen's researches, Mars has todo w/sharp dropoffs in the markets. Specifically, he was talking about Mars inmundane transit, in hard aspect to Saturn, and when it goes Rx.I've been quietly observing this for about a year or so, and so far it seems tohold. But there's something else that *might* be interesting......transit Uranus is sitting on the NYSE Mars and will continue to do so forawhile yet. I'll be able to be more specific when I'm back at the lab. But justoff the top of my head, the Markets seem to be headed for some morerollercoaster ups and downs."

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Preleminary Astrological Thoughts & Analysis Of Pakistan

Preleminary Astrological Thoughts & Analysis Of Pakistan

I recently offered some thoughts on the events taking place in Pakistan on the
UOA Forum. I do have plans to write a larger piece on the matter, so do stay
tuned for that one.

"Hi Sam,
Very good question, and I just got finished reading the thread over at the
Kiddie Table. Gary sounds like Cain in Kung Fu. You're right, I've been wanting
to do up a piece on Pakistan for a good long minute, but haven't been able to
sit still long enough to make that a number of other projects happen. But stay
tuned, maybe I'll use the following as part of that piece.

Now then, for some straight talk...

Pakistan Aug 15 1947 12AM IST Karachi; Placidus 17 Tau 32, Campion

General Pervez Musharraf Aug 11 1942 3.19PM IST Delhi India; Placidus 20 Sag 59
SPECIAL NOTE WRT MUSHARRAF: My source is my contact in Karachi, Muhammad Imran,
a very good Vedic astrologer based there. According to him this info comes
directly from the General's mother, and relayed to a friend of his, an
ambassador, who also happens to be a friend of Imran.

Benazir Bhutto Jun 21 1953 7.59PM PST (Pakistan Standard Time; +5), Karachi
Pakistan; Placidus 9 Cap 3,

NOW - please note that Pakistan itself is rife with Fixed Sign activity, which
means that it will be effected by the transit of Neptune for some time to come.
Also keep in mind that the Neptune transit in square to its Asc accounts for the
massive earthquake a few years back that killed tens of thousands.

The extreme 4 house emphasis shows the powerful forces at work in opposition to
Musharraf; the Neptune Factor here, clearly speaks to both the Taliban/Terrorist
threat, as well as to the rife corruption, intrigue and the like in Musharraf's

Uranus rules the 10/MC, in late Gemini. I've mentioned before, that the entire
Islamic World astrology can be summed up in massive activity in the Mutable
degrees. Checkout the charts of all the major players, from Israel to Saudi
Arabia, Iraq to Lebanon, all of them have this.

This Uranus position in the Pakistani chart has survived the Pluto transit
opposition, which brought even more assassination attempts on the general's life
(he just recently survived yet ANOTHER such attempt the other day!).

Mars in Cancer, Peregrine (Tyl), at the Aries Point, is as emblematic of the
role of the Military in Pakistani life and politics as it can get. Its hands is
in virtually everything there. Yet, it isn't very effective - in just about
skirmish they've had w/India, they've lost - badly. Plus, please note the
position of Mars in the 2 house - finances - and its rulership - the 12 house.
This is a grand signal of corruption and complicity on the part of many within
the hierarchy of the army in collusion with Taliban/Al Qaeda elements to
undermine the Musharraf gov't.

We can see in Musharraf's chart, that his Asc and Sun/Moon positions put him
right in the zone of the planetary activity that has taken place in recent
years. In fact, the Asc ruler and Sun being so strong by Sign has helped to keep
this man alive when he should have been dead long ago.

However the transit of Uranus in 08-09 in square to his Asc threaten to topple
him from power at the hand of the extremists. Note the tight synastry between
his chart and that of his country.

In the case of Bhutto, if the data supplied by Michael Wolfstar is accurate,
explains alot of what has been said about her. Keep in mind that she was never
much loved at home, due in the main to repeated allegations of rampant
corruption and incompetence during her tenures as Prime Minister. Neptune is in
conjunction with the Moon and Saturn all of which sit right on top of the chart
conjunct the Libra MC.

Bhutto's Sun at the very end of Gemini has to be looked out for in the coming
year; she's not out of the clear yet. The transit of Pluto ain't quite through
with her, there'll be more attempts on her life.

Bhutto's Solar Arcs look like this for 2007:

SA Pluto=Mars/Saturn Apr 2007
SA Sun=Pluto Apr 2007
SA Mars=Sun/Moon Jul 2007
SA Pluto=Mars/Neptune Aug 2007
SA Neptune=Mars/Pluto Dec 2007

All of these arcs speak to the use of force, violence, perhaps with a hint of
"assassination" to it. Note the last two hits, bracketing the time period when
she arrived from self-imposed exhile, last month. Mars, Neptune and Pluto, in
tandem, is a dead ringer signature for terrorists and/or assassins.

For Pakistan itself, lastr month, we note that SA Uranus=Neptune. Uranus rules
the 10. Neptune rules the 11, placed in the 6. Bhutto has maintained that someone
within the gov't wants to take her out.

You do the math.

Again, the synastry between her chart and that of her country is striking to the
eye. When we take a look between hers and Musharraf's, again the ties are very

All of this means that Pakistan, no matter who's in charge, has a serious
Taliban Problem. The man for Pakistan is Musharraf. He's the only one who has
anything close to the wherewithall to deal with all this. How long can he hold
on though?

I'll have more to say about all this, very soon. Stay tuned...


Sunday, November 04, 2007

Hatin' On Mu: An Open Letter To Astrologer Claudia Dikinis

Hatin' On Mu: An Open Letter To Astrologer Claudia Dikinis

3:50 AM 11/04/2007 Sun

When you've dedicated your life to being an Astrological Public Intellectual, one who colors outside the politically correct, hard-Left partylines that are facistically imposed upon you by the groupthink of our current day Astrological Community like me, it ain't long before you run into a bit of trouble. People have problems with what you write and say, especially because they don't jibe with the prescribed notions such folks have - what?-me, an African American, a Conservative? Pro Life? A Muslim? AND an astrologer? Perish the thought for having the gall to speak my own mind!

As you can imagine, the hatemail is plentiful in my emailbox; I must get oh, about 5-10 such emails a week. One of these days I'll have to put them all together and post them up in the usual places for all to see. But for now I would like to take one such series of "letters", written recently by one Claudia Dikinis, an astrologer of some standing from Southern California.

I got wind of this by way of one of my many contacts throughout the Internet, and for those who think they know who it is, trust me, you don't. Most of these people have seen what Facism really looks like, and would never speak out publicly against the out and out bigotry, anti-intellectualism, and downright hatred many of these supposed "light and love" folks - folks like Dikinis - espouse, lest they too be tarred, feathered, and subject to a hi-tech lynching. People like Dikinis oppose all that they claim to stand for - freedom of speech, freedom of association, and most of all, the marketplace of ideas. So these folks, the un-named friends of mine, they never say anything publicly; they just send me emails and postings and the like from time to time, especially when they think I might be interested in the content.

Recently I got an email of some public comments Dikinis made about me, a supposed legal threat to take action against me if I attempted to contact her. Now, those of you who know me well know that I dont take too kindly to threats, even from those who are old enough to be my grandma. So I've decided not only to post this Open Letter on the usual haunts, but to send it to Ms. Dikinis - three times.

OK, so let me set this up and give a bit of background - back in the Spring of 2006 I ran accross a website called Astroworld.Us. Obstensibly it's supposed to be a Political Astrology website where bloggers get together and post their thoughts and analyses on the political happenings of the day. In truth however, it is little more than a shill for the Dems in astrological drag. The core of Astroworld are in the main a bunch of White, middle-aged hippychicks who never got over the Woodstock Experience and still think it's 1967 - and if you read the stuff that's on this site, they sound like it. The astrological analysis leaves a good bit to be desired, and most of the posts are little more than sycophantic cut-and-pastes from Leftwing blogs and sites. I was on there to do battle with the Astro-Radical Left for a few weeks before they acted like the true facists they are and banned me. Please notice that those on the hard Left hate to actually have to debate folks, a tacit admission that they have the weakest of rhetorical arguments.

Anyway, after being told by Astroworld's founder, Sally Cheyne McDonald, that they will not publish my articles because I was a Conservative (like I said, the REAL Bigots are on the Left), I decided to rifle through the astrologer's links section of the site, and came accross "Starcats", which is Dikinis' site. Clicking on it, I could see right away why she is one of Sally's ace boon coon. The site is a shrine to Anti-Bush Hate, and a Lesson in How To Swing from Al Gore's Left Testicle, 101.

Now, I saw on Dikinis' Starcats site an article written about the then-move by the state of South Dakota to challenge Roe v Wade. Dikinis's piece while well written, had some features about it I wanted to challenge, and decided to write her about it, as well as letting her know upfront who I was, what I was about, and the piece I had written about Roe v Wade a year earlier, which can be found at, in the Jan 2005 entries. In fact, I invite everyone reading this to do a comparitive analysis of both my and Dikinis' pieces on the subject, paying particular attention to the timing factors mentioned by the both of us - and look at the results, several years later. The results should speak for themselves.

Maybe Dikinis might want to consider retiring. She's old enough for AARP membership, I believe.

SPECIAL NOTE: Since then I've written another piece astrologically tracking the ongoing Roe Debate; last month a piece called "Astrological Considerations Of Roe v Wade - For Men" appeared on my blogsite, and in other venues on the Internet. One has to ask, in light of the current row between myself and Dikinis - would she be as gung-ho for "Roe For Men" as she is for "choice" for women? Things that make you go, hmmm...

So, with that said, this is what Claudia Dikinis said about me, on the Astroworld site, Oct 14, 15 and 16, 2007, in the thread called "Albert Gore Jr.":

Dikinis Assault Number One:"I'd never heard of Mumin Bey or his crew until he showed up, uninvited, in my email a year or so ago. To make a long story short, he, like Michael and other Muminites who show up on this blog and others, are self-appointed astro-Jihadists who believe they have a mission to preach a backward, bigoted "truth" to we who are "unenlightened."
I was even set up by a Muminite who tried to pass herself off as a woman who'd had an abortion and desperately wanted an astrology reading from me. I declined (this all took place by email) and advised that she connect with a physician and therapist in her local area. This occurred right after I'd done an article on about Roe v. Wade.

It is obvious that I support a woman's right to choose, but this should not be confused with the Right Wing bait and switch game of "that means you're pro-abortion." Jesus Christ, having the right to choose also means having the right NOT to choose to have an abortion. The idea of choice voids the stupidity of the childish argument.

These types act as though a woman who has to choose to terminate a pregnancy is some kind of harpie that best be punished by rituals straight from the Malleus Malificarum (Morgana, ya' dig?) I mean, is the corn being blighted again by us bitches who believe in Age of Enlightnment reasoning?

The woman did not give up. She began pestering me for a reading and I'd pretty much identified her as a Muminite. What gave me chills:

She wanted my phone number and ADDRESS so she could "mail me a check" for a reading. This is after I'd already declined to read for her.

That scared me because it crossed another line. Why did she persist in getting my personal information when I'd already made it clear I would not read for her? Was this so that "someone" would have access to my house in order to harass or even harm me? That's when I contacted my attorney.

This is what I advise everyone on AW to do when you see Michael, or a Muminite or any other self-styled troll appear on this or any other blog.

DO NOT FOR ANY REASON RESPOND TO THEM. IGNORE HIM AND ALL LIKE HIM. [not screaming]. When he or others like him cease to attention in the community, they -- like THE BORG -- will move on to suck out some other universe.

It would be good to report any such harassers to AFAN's legal arm. Astrodatabank's complaints against Mumin Bey and others of his ilk are on file with AFAN and other such astrological organizations. We really don't need to suffer these asses.

It better not start up in my email again either or there will be hell to pay. I actually do have legal remedies available to me, per advice given me by my attorney (and a friend at AFAN) the last time the Pox People invaded my email account.


Posted by Claudia at October 14, 2007 12:37 AM"

Dikinis Assault Number Two:"Micheal, Bullshit. You got nothin'. I haven't libeled MuMu and I haven't said anything that has had any negative impact on his capacity to earn his living. I mean, where's your proof for damages? Did he suddenly have to file bankruptcy in the last 72 hours because of posts on Sally's astrology blog!? Bwaahahahaaa!

If you're really a lawyer, how do you get "libel" from a truthful account I gave of his abusive emails to me? And of the phony reading scam one of his adherents tried to rope me into? That's not libel. That's simply truth -- I can prove it. And because I can prove it, you don't even have a simple MuMu defamation claim.

My attorney is in possession of the original emails complete with headers, so don't threaten me, little man. Not a good idea. Either you (or your Moomy) bring on a lawsuit against me RIGHT NOW or STFU.

You don't have jack and you know it.

He and that girl did exactly what I said they did. If harm were to come to me as a result of that harassment, I'm the one who would have a case. Give it up, Michael. I'm the injured party here. Not your dear little Moomy.

Why do you think I kept those emails? If that nutty girl turned up on my door step, or one her or MuMu's agents, representatives, assigns, employees, etc., showed up and caused me harm, or came simply to annoy, harass or vex me, I would definitely have a lawsuit. I can't stop emails from flowing to me, but I can hit back lawfully against someone who aggresses against my person. That was the point I was making. You know that. But you've been quick to misjudge me.You sought to intimidate by playing your bogus "libel" card. Baaaaaaaad idea.

Like I say, BRING IT, or STFU. You don't scare me. I spent 17 years working as a legal assistant and/or paralegal with some of the finest attorneys in the country. I have wide, wide access and plenty of favors I can call in."

(Back To Mu)OK. Let me stop laughing and address the completely assinine comments Ms. Dikinis has made here.

First, let's take it from the top - remember what I said about how I first got wind of Dkinis in the first place, and how I wrote her? Here's her response to that email, which was respectfully written by me, and then my follow-up, to which she never responded - nice.
Afterward, I'll answer her other charges.

Dialouges(?) With Claudia Dikinis, Mar 2006

"Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 18:15:09 -0800 (PST) From: "Claudia Dikinis" <> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more Subject: Re: Roe v. Wade Astrology Articles To: "Mu'Min Bey" <> Dear Mu'Min,
Thank you for your interest in my work. I appreciate your contacting me.

Here's my opinion, for what it's worth: I think that there is a vast difference between the practice of political astrology and esoteric (soul) astrology. To try and do both things at one time is a mixing of apples and oranges.

Political or Mundane astrology is about what's taking place in Saturn's realm. It's the dark earth realm, and it doesn't accommodate us one way or another. We have a right to express our opinions, but so far as Saturn and dense, material manifestation are concerned, politics and mundane issues are jolting and crass.

Esoteric astrology, on the other hand, seeks to explore the numinous, the divine, and to extrapolate from deep inner experiences and metaphysical studies, the meaning of life, the origins of life, etc., etc., etc. That is the proper place to opine on whether or not life begins at conception or in a petri dish in a lab. It can't be proven or disproven just as the existence of God can't be proven or disproven. Therefore, these become articles of faith. They are not evidence.

I advocate a separation of church and state even in astrology. Keep mundane with mundane and keep esoteric with esoteric. Christ said it best: "Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's. Render unto me what is mine." I think he advocated pretty well for the separation of church and state.

You are free to do as you wish and advocate for what you want. Go right ahead and mix apples with oranges or water for chocolate. It is your right. I, of course, am going to continue doing exactly as I see fit, too. I think our divide is really so deep that there really is no reason to pretend a dialogue. The last time I said "yes" to someone who wanted to "dialogue, I was ruthlessly attacked by the very person who pretended to care. I found out the hard way that this was his intention all along.

I have learned to respond kindly and then let it go.....

Best of luck to you,
Claudia D. Dikinis"

Mu Follow-Up Email, Mar 2006

"Hi Again Claudia,

Been thinking much about our comments regarding the subject matter of Roe v. Wade; your comments in particular were quite provocative, and prompted yet another reply from me.
In your piece on your website regarding the recent South Dakota anti-abortion law's passing, you mention the role of Uranus in the SD chart; "big, bold new ideas" are in the offing for the state, you say, with the people there having "to make hard choices" regarding marriage and so on. Clearly, the reality shows us, that the people have indeed made those choices, within the context of the legislative process, which is how laws should be made, not by judicial fiat. Uranus, represents, as you well know, the people's right to govern themselves - and indeed, in our times these days, it is a radical notion to speak openly on one's preference for traditional marriage and all that it entails.

Your mention of the Neptune-Pluto conjunction in the SD chart, is also interesting and, when taken within the context of your following comments regarding Hitler's chart, also misleading, if not an example of hyperbole that often comes with what I call Astrological Left thinking. Indeed Claudia, if one were to study the charts of the those involved in World War 2 in a high profile way, one is bound to see many people being born Neptune and Pluto in conjunction. Charles DeGaulle, is but one example, and again, as you know, France as we know it today would not exist were it not for him; he was perhaps Hitler's greatest Western European enemy outside of Churchill himself.

Finally, in both your website article and in your recent email to me, you mention the role that Venus in Capricorn and Saturn play in mundane astrological affairs respectively; I say it's no accident that Roe v. Wade would be upheld by the US Supreme Court on a day when Venus would be in Capricorn - because this placement, which is one of the most maligned placements in all of Astrology, actually asks us to get our heads out of the airy clouds of intellectualism or rivers of emotionalism, and deal with some hard, often harsh truths here on the ground. While you suggest that my stance regarding abortion is more akin to articles of faith (not being able to make a hard case for it because I cannot prove when Life begins), I would suggest that my real beef with Abortion-on-Demand - and let's be clear here, Claudia, this IS what the debate is all about - reflects the reality of Venus in Capricorn. While it might have been a necessary evil to put up with Roe v. Wade in the early 70s - when birth control for both men and women were still very much in its nascent stages - in our times where availability of birth control is both so widespread and effective, there is simply no excuse for a woman to get pregnant if she doesn't want to. None. Not only is birth control highly effective as mentioned, but it's also in many cases low cost - and I happen to know for fact that where I live, here in Philly - women can get birth control (like "the pill" etc.) FOR FREE. Similarly, men can also get condoms for free, and this I know for a fact, because one of my best friends works in an anti-HIV group and once gave me a box of condoms so large it could have lasted me 5 years. Seriously.

This is what Venus in Capricorn, and Saturn by extension, asks of us - to be responsible and to be held accountable for our decisions. Simply put, ideas, actions, choices, all have profound, often life changing consequences for good or ill. Sex is in many ways the ultimate act of a free adult - and with those Uranian freedoms come responsibilities. You may have the "right" to your sexuality (something which I deeply question; I think it's fair to say that it's more of a privilege than a "right"), but you also have the responsibility/duty to deal with the consequences that flow from you exercising your "rights" in that arena. As one who was born with both Venus in Capricorn and Uranus in Libra, I have given much, deep thought to these issues for a very, very long time, and can truly understand the core of the current abortion debate.

Finally - you say the following regarding Saturn: "Political or Mundane astrology is about what's taking place in Saturn's realm. It's the dark earth realm, and it doesn't accommodate us one way or another. We have a right to express our opinions, but so far as Saturn and dense, material manifestation are concerned, politics and mundane issues are jolting and crass."

Yet, without Saturn nothing would exist in material form. For better or for worse, we need that which Saturn represents in our lives; and contrary to your stance regarding Saturn, from all that I have studied, Saturn represents and has a love of order, structure and everyone playing by the rules. I agree with you that it's impossible to "prove" matters of Faith - but, my Islamic tradition tells me that it IS possible to make an objective judgement about one's actions, which no doubt issues from some sort of mindset, belief or outlook on the world. Saturn represents the same principle; he is not interested with the philosophical underpinnings of a given action, only the action itself and what has resulted from it.

Furthermore, unlike Uranus, who is almost always concerned with the individual, Saturn asks what is best for "the common good". Therefore, one's "personal" actions have an effect on Society at Large, and indeed, in the years since Roe v. Wade came down, there have been a wave of social changes that have not been good for our country. As an African American, I can tell you of many of those changes and how they've greatly weakened and harmed the Black Family in ways that the Klan and Jim Crow never could (when Black father in the home rates exceeded 60%; today, it's below 40%); I need not make any of this up, nor is it hyperbole, and nearly everyone talks about such things when behind closed doors and assured of their company.

I could go on, but by now I'm certain you get my point, and again, there's no need at all on my point to antagonize you, etc. Just a desire to discuss these issues, which are important to us all in a calm yet candid manner.

Thanks again for the dialogue.


As you might guess, Ms. Dikinis, you're not the only one who keeps their email exchanges.
Again, I invite all reading this to checkout her site and mine for the relevant articles, put them together with the above exchange, and come to your own conclusions.

Now, to Dikinis' charges levelled against me...

One: I have not emailed Dikinis since our exchange, which I have posted above, since Mar 2006. I have mentioned her, Sally and Astroworld in my writings, emails and postings, and there is no illegality in that regard as they are public figures who've made their writings and thoughts public, and to which I have the right to publicly, disagree. Therefore, her assertion that I have contacted her again since then, and until now, is baseless, without merit, unprovable at all, and is indicative of a hysterical old woman.

Two: "Muminites"??? LOL!!! Wow. Well, first off, anyone who knows me knows that I certainly don't need anyone to do my job for me, least of all a woman. I have no idea who that lady who was giving Dikinis a (much needed, from what I tell of the photo on her site) workout, and I certainly didn't (nor wouldn't) send her. And I'm willing to take a polygraph to that effect to prove it. But the trick here is, Dikinis would have to prove that I was behind such a wildeyed conspiracy theory to begin with - that's the way the law works, last time I heard. Good luck, you're going to need all those favors, from what I read on your site I don't think you could afford the lawyer's fees.

Three: The email exchange I sent is truthful and factual, and at no time did I say anything that anyone, anywhere, at anytime, could interpret as "abusive". Only delusional middle-aged women, who most likely don't have a man (hence all the cats) would even dream up such a thing. Then they have the gall to go and take potshots at me when they know I don't have a chance to defend myself. Oh yea, Dikinis, very brave - and sporting - of you. I'm quaking in my boots.

Four: I invite everyone reading this to compare now, Dikinis' site and mine, and then we'll make a determination as to who the court is likely to believe is the more rational and sane one here, especially when comparing the predictive outcomes of our pieces. Just for a few quick examples, Dikinis posts an email exchange about the probable birthdate of the wretched terrorist killer, Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi; I took it a step further, by not only rectifying his chart, but also giving a prediction of his likely end, to within a few months of its actual occurance. She posts several articles on the probable future of Al Gore, the most recent of which is an exercise and exposition again, in swinging off one's testicles. If you go to, you'll find an extensive Vedic piece written by me on the future of Al Gore, written more than three years ago, talking about the strong likelihood that he wouldn't seek elective office again, and his probable future as some kind of humanitarian ambassador. In fact, just comparing the weight and heft of each site says it all - in just under two years I've published upwards of 100 articles and papers on my blogsite, and that's not including pieces like the one on Gore, ranging from local, national and international events and issues, utilizing at least two systems of astrology, Western and Vedic. My predictions are made public, and when they haven't panned out I say so. I have a demonstrated track record of teaching astrology for five years at one of the best known universities in the country, Temple, and I've founded two internet forums where ALL VOICES have a seat at the table, not just those who tow the partyline.

Here's the bottomline, Ms. Dikinis - if you think you have a case, then prosecute. By the time you've seen this, it'll be all over the Internet, plus you'll have it in your emailbox three times over. You'll have all the reason in the world to make a case, but the trick is to make it stick. I have your comments - character assaults and assassination attempts in truth - posted above and on file. I've been in contact with my legal team and have given them instructions to defend and to countersue with extreme prejudice. You have no idea on Earth who you're messin' with - I will wax that flat azz of yours like Mr. Miyagi. I see your challenge, and I pump up the volume to Cerwin Vega levels. You wanna make a fight, you know exactly where to find me.
Now - YOU bring it on, Grannie - or YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP.

And Have a Nice Day!:)

Mu'Min M. Bey
November, 2007, Philadelphia PA
Founder & Inaugural Chairman, University Of Astrology
Blogmaster, Mu'Min Bey Astroblog

Hillary's Rumble In The Jungle: The Philly Debate

Hillary's Rumble In The Jungle: The Philly Debate

6:20 AM 11/04/2007 Sun

The past week's Democratic Presidential Candidate's Debate here in my hometown of Philly finally brought home The Sum of All Fears to frontrunner Hillary Rodham Clinton. In a word, she got piled on by most of the Democrat field - Obama and Edwards, who sandwiched her on the stage, took repeated shots at her from everything from the Iraq War to her stance on Social Security. Fellow candidates Chris Dodd and Joe Biden brought up the rear and got in a couple of digs for good measure. But what really did Hillary in, was her Kerryesque "I voted for it before I voted against it" answer regarding New York Governor Elliot Spitzer's move to grant driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. It was almost as if Tim Russert's persistent questioning for clarity from the Junior New York Senator acted to hold Hillary in place while the the rest of the fellas took a rhetorical two-by-four to her head, cracking her over the top for every "nuanced" answer she tried to give.

What a night. What a fight!

Of course, this had to happen to Hillary, sooner or later - she's leading the pack by as much as 30-plus points, and her campaign has been working hard to give her candidacy the "aura of inevitability". This means that all of the rest of the pack - particularly Obama and Edwards - would have to take the kid gloves off and land some solid punches, now more than ever, since we're in the homestretch to next year's extra early Primaries.

All of the pundits seem to agree that Hillary dropped the ball bigtime the other night, and flows in lockstep with my published predictions for the former First Lady, written in Jan of this year:
"Just a quick glance at the transits tell the story - not only is Clinton in the midst of her 2nd Saturn Return - a key period in the lives of politicians - but so too, is she under the cloud of a Neptune transit, in square to her Asc and Mercury, and opposed her natal Saturn position all year long. Transit Saturn will also square her Mercury this year, and this, along with Neptune's role, as well as Mercury and the 3rd House, all point to Hillary possibly getting herself into some serious trouble either making gaffes and/or some kind of rumor/secret tumbling out of the closet that she didn't want exposed to the light of day. Neptune is the Planet of Scandal for politicians, and if anyone should know what that's all about, it's the Clintons."

- Hillary Rodham Clinton: America's Iron Lady? Jan 2007

It's too interesting to note that in Clinton's natus, we see that she has Mercury Rx in Scorpio - and during the debates, Mercury was still Rx. Mercury also represents documents like driver's licenses. Hmm.

This just might prove to be the Autumn of Hillary's Discontent, as she is in the midst of some very, very difficult astrological measurements; the hard times may just be getting started for her. On the basis of my researches into her life, I opted for the 8AM birthtime for Mrs. Clinton, and laidout my Fall 2007 Predictive Picture for the Senator, as follows, and taken from the same article above:

"Additionally, we can note four specific time periods that augur real challenges for Clinton this year: Apr with SA MC=Saturn/Pluto; Jul, with SA Sun=Mars/Saturn; Oct, with SA MC=Uranus/Neptune, and Dec with SA Sun=Saturn/Pluto. All of these measurements suggest extreme levels of discomfort, duress, setback, loss. Although Clinton is the unofficial frontrunner for now, it is by no means a lock."

If you will note the Oct-Dec "bookends", she is right in the middle of that period right now, and this is important since the earlier hit focuses on the MC point per the 8AM birthtime. Also, please note the 12 house position of Mercury in this early morning chart, suggesting a gaffe that she didn't want going out to the public; Russert made mention of the apparent fact that Hillary said to someone out in Iowa that she thought it was a good idea for Spitzer to give licenses to illegals. This was overheard by an AP reporter, and the rest, as we say, is history.

So - will last week's drubbing Hillary took stick? Will it act to drag down her poll numbers, and give an opening to her competitors?

From my researches, it would seem so. She's under some very heavy, difficult measurements that at the very least she her having to really grind it out just to keep her head above water. At the worst, another series of gaffes and/or secrets tumbling out into the open could really put Hillary up a creek. Recall the Norman Hsu Scandal - which might not go away as quietly as the "Hill Raisers" would like.

Last week's debate is supposedly one of six, and there'll be more before the Primaries. Here's the outlook, again from my Jan 2007 article on Hillary:

"Mu's Prediction: At this early juncture in the campaign, more events will have to transpire before we can go further. But what we know now is this - there seems to be rumors that Bill's up to his old tricks again, despite getting help for his sex addiction. Another affair on his part, brought out into public view could all but destroy any chance Hillary could have for becoming President of the United States. Additionally, Hillary has to walk an extremely fine line with respect to the War in Iraq, something that will become harder and harder to do as the year wears on, as both Obama and Edwards press their claims for being anti-war from the get-go. And then there's the "social issues" like Abortion and Gay Marriage, still very much in play, that threaten to rear their heads and force Hillary into a very real corner - somehow she'll need to hang on to both the Single Woman and Gay/Lesbian Vote, while at the same time, appealing to the Moderate American Vote, who seems to favor limiting Abortion, and putting the stops on Gay Marriage. Her best bet is to use Bill as sparingly as possible on the campaign, reserving him for stumping in the Black Community and her high level donor meetings and the like, but as noted above, the Fall of 2007 looks especially challenging, due to the aforementioned factors, although the better part of the year overall isn't rosy by all means. She will need to be extra, extra careful before the press, but doing this can also present the picture of her again being too scripted and controlling. It's a tough, rough spot for her to be in, and it's hard to see how it'll get easier over the course of the year. Nonetheless, Hillary Rodham Clinton is a force to be reckoned with, has proven herself to be a careful planner, and has put herself closer to the White House than any woman before her. She could indeed become America's Iron Lady - God help us.
Stay tuned..."


SPECIAL NOTE: My colleague Gary Caton recently wrote an article on Mrs. Clinton, where he gives his reasoning for why she was born at night, rather than in the morning, and uses as the basis of his views the ancient Hellenistic methods. This article appeared in Fall 2007 NCGR Newsletter, and, according to Mr. Caton, will form the basis of his talk at the upcoming UAC Conference in May 2007 at Denver. Since I'm a big fan of Peer Review and Critique, I thought to present an alternate view to his piece, which will be appearing soon. Watch for it.


Oprah's School Daze

Oprah's School Daze

6:49 AM 11/04/2007 Sun

Well, well, well, lookee here - seems that O's Academy's hit a snag. Word on the wires is that her school's come under some fire for a number of things, ranging from parents being concerned about the rules and procedures of the school, to allegations of sexual molestation and abuse on the part of at least one of the staff. That staff member has been removed from duty and turned over to the authorities I understand.

All of this goes down as transit Neptune sits on O's Mercury EXACT TO THE DEGREE, with Mercury ruling the 9 house of international affairs and places of higher learning.

Interested readers of my humble missives know well my discontent with Oprah, for reasons laidout in my pieces on her which can be found at In fact, here's what I said with regard to the timing factors taking place earlier this year, Jan 2007 to be more precise:

"Going to the astrology, as mentioned before, Oprah's having the milestone SA Pluto=MC, with transit Saturn sitting right on her 8th House Pluto, and transit Neptune sitting right on her 2nd House Mercury. The latter two measurements are those that can suggest a difficult time, particularly where communication, thinking, and one's point of view and perspectives are concerned. In Oprah's case, it certainly seems to tally with the measure of criticism she's received over the rapper controversey last year, the all-girls school and boy abduction this month, and so on. And, from what I can see here, the hits just keep comin' - this Spring she'll have SA Venus=Mars/Saturn with SA Saturn=Venus/Pluto (Apr), followed by SA Venus=Saturn/Pluto in Jul. These are NOT happy measurements, folks!-and in light of the fact that Venus rules O's MC, along with the aforementioned transits in play, it all adds up to O's reputation taking some more hits before the Summer's out. Look for yet more headlines with Oprah's name "above the fold" between early Spring and mid Summer."

- Oprah Udate, More Pluto On The MC, Jan 2007,

One has to ask, in light of O pumping that book called "The Secret", what could the current fiasco at her school mean for her? What lesson is it teaching? Could it have anything to do with my piece "Welcome To Oprah University!" Hmm?

And while we're at it, what is in the cards for O over the next year?

Well, transit Pluto is nearing the end of its run in Sagittarius, and about to shift into Capricorn early next year. But before it does, it'll have to get by Oprah's late 29 degree Sag Asc, which occurs between Feb 2007 and Nov 2008. That buy itself is enough to signal a seachange in one's life, and this I have long held will be the time that O will finally give up the TV gig and move into a more promotional business venture of some kind, most likely the "Self Help" biz, where she already has a nice sideline of inspirational lectures and workshops - all for women, no less. Gotta love reverse discrimination.

But going further, we note that while transit Saturn has just past square to her Moon just a few days ago, it will go on to oppose Oprah's Asc ruling Jupiter, already placed in the 6th House, in a Mutable Sign (Gemini) and is Rx, all highlighting O's health concerns, mainly around weight problems, and is likely to come back roaring into the picture, since it will be joining Uranus, who's been opposing this same position since Apr of this year. There have been reports that O's been very stressed out over the past year, no doubt bedeviled by the school troubles, and perhaps the persistent rumors of relationship upset with her longtime paramour, Stedman Graham.

Please note that Mercury in O's chart rules the 7; transit Neptune coming to the 7 or its ruler is a classic indication of creepin', either on the part of the native, his/her sweetie, or both.
All of this goes down at a time (2008) when O has the following Solar Arc hits:

SA Saturn=Saturn Jun 08
SA Sun=Saturn Jul 08
SA Venus=Saturn Sep 08
SA Saturn=Venus Dec 08

When put together with the aforementioned transits of Pluto to the Asc, transit Uranus AND Saturn opposed the Asc ruler in the 6-12 house axis, and the heavy Saturn arcs - keep in mind, that Saturn exactly squares the Sun in O's chart - it all adds up to the serious risk of health threat for her. Indeed, her expected retirement from the air may have at its root, these concerns, if she doesn't breakdown from the strain already before then.

Mu's Prediction: Oprah Calls It Quits On TV, Possible Health Threat
Expect to see headlines concerning all of this in the late Summer-early Fall period of 2008, as the aforementioned astrological measurements coalesce and focus on O's health centers - the Asc, Asc ruler, and the Sun. O's popularity may continue to take a hit behind the girl's school if she can't get a handle on things by then (Venus in the mix of the arcs, girls/females, ruling the MC and the 5 house, teaching, children). Watch for reports of potential lawsuits/settlements being made between now and Jan-Feb of next year behind the girl's school business. With O's Neptune in the 10 and sextile the Asc, she'll make a good show to try and downplay all of this, but the strain will be very apparent for all to see, and if she doesn't hint at stepping down herself, others in her circle and pundits on the outside may begin to openly speculate as to just how long she can keep up the pace while weathering the withering assaults in the midst of the school scandal. Meanwhile, the rumors of continued relationship upset between Stedman and Oprah, if they haven't been cooled out by early 2008, will be just another one of the thousand cuts O will endure in the Fall of 2008. Experience has shown that being under so many Outer planet arcs and transits to key areas of the chart are telltale signals of a grand time of Transition - the only factor is whether the native goes with the flow, or goes kicking and screaming. It'll be a time for Oprah to take some of the sage advice she's offered up to so many, for so long.

Keep an eye on this one...

Oprah Winfrey Jan 29 1954 4.30AM CST Kosciusko MS; Placidus 29 Sag 41, Rodden

Suggested Further Reading:

Oprah: A Case Study Of Neptune In The 10th Oct 2006

Welcome To Oprah University! (Boys Need Not Apply) Jan 2007

Oprah Update: More Pluto On The MC Jan 2007

All found at:
