Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Courtship Of Tiger's Father

The Courtship Of Tiger's Father

11:36 AM 06/18/2006 Sun

This goes out to Earl Woods...

Today is the one day out of the year that we, as an American Society, honors Dads, those men who take an active part in the rearing of their children and leading their families. Father's Day has been around almost as long as Mother's Day - but its meaning has at the very least, greatly changed over the years, if not diminished.

Astrologically, we see this in the symbolism of Saturn Retrograde, the apparent backwards movement of Saturn from our vantage point here on Earth. Saturn represents the father principle everywhere, and its retrogression at the time of an infant's birth presages a whole litany of potential difficulties the lack of involved fatherhood can and sad to say, often does bring into said infant's life.

Millions of people are born with Saturn Rx, and the vast majority will indeed encounter fathership lack and abandonment; but there are grand exceptions to the rule. Perhaps one of the biggest exceptions, has to be Tiger Woods.

Tiger hardly needs an introduction here - known as the youngest man ever to win the presitigious Masters golfing tournament, Tiger has singlehandedly changed the game of golf from an indiser game only well-heeled older White men know or cared about, into a pop-cultural global craze. Tiger got his start in golfing at an early age, under the careful and ever-present watchful eye of his dad, Earl Woods, himself an athelete and career military man, a former Green Beret, who met Tiger's mother while on tour during the Vietnam War.

Woods had several children from a previous marriage, a failed one that brought a good deal of pain to said children, and vowed not to repeat the same mistakes should he have another crack at the apple. On a late Dec evening in 1975, he did indeed have a second chance:

Tiger Woods Dec 30 1975, 10.50PM PST, Long Beach CA; Placidus 24 Vir 26, Rodden

As mentioned earlier, Tiger has the mark of Saturn Rx; in this case, its at 1 Leo and opposes, accross the signline, Tiger's all-important Mercury (due to its dual rulership of the Asc and MC respectively; MC=Dad). The Mind becomes very, very important here, and with Saturn's involvement, we can say that it will either go in the direction of keen focus and concentration, or, it can lead into despondency, depression and so on. As we all know, it went in the former, and not the latter, direction.

There are accounts of Earl Woods taking his son through all manner of mental training excercises; him having Tiger play golf as a youngster while loud music was blaring, or with Earl trying to distract Tiger by running about and waving his hands, etc. All of it ended up training Tiger to be focused on the objective, to let nothing interfere with what he was doing right then in the moment, and that, along with his intensive practice with golf, finally payed off.

When Tiger won the Masters in 1995 (at the time, transit Saturn was square the Moon and MC; SA Jupiter=Venus/Pluto, SA MC=Sun), the first thing he did was run to hug his dad, his longtime mentor. It's interesting to note that not only is Tiger's Sun in the Sign of Capricorn, the Sign of the Father - and Masters - but so too is his all-important Mercury. It is undeniable that Tiger's father made all the difference in his life.

As is so often the case in the charts of children, the passing of a parent is usually seen in a strong way, and Tiger's chart is no exception in this regard. At the time of the passing of his father, May 3 2006, transit Saturn was square his Uranus, and more important, transit Pluto was sitting at the Nadir, applying to square to the Asc; SA MC=Sun/Saturn. Finally, we can point to Tiger undergoing his first Saturn Return, almost always a milestone time of life for most people walking around in some way. Tiger's father died of prostate cancer, a disease that is particularly virulent among African American men, and this too we can see in Tiger's chart, with the conspicuous nature of the Jupiter-Pluto opposition, and, if we take the MC and treat it as the Asc for Earl Woods, Pluto now ruling the 6th House. Also, we can note Mars Rx at 17 Gem in the 12th House (9th House radically) in opposition to both Neptune and the Moon in the 6th (3rd radically). The transit of Pluto going over the Moon and Neptune, and opposed Mars in 2001-2002 would be the most likely times that the cancer progressed.

With Tiger's natal Jupiter-Pluto opposition very, very strong in his chart, it is easy to see the massive, mega-success he's garnered through golf. Of course, most people, regardless of horoscope or circumstance, will go on to become world famous and kingly rich as Tiger. But we can be sure that there were other babies born near Tiger's birthplace on the same day, who didn't meet such as nice an outcome. In those cases, sad to say, Saturn Rx won out.

But Tiger's chart - and life - stands as a sterling example of the difference a commited father makes in the life of a child, no matter what the chart looks like; in fact, and I've pointed this out before, Saturn Rx can be a powerful signal to the father that he must work extra hard to be a good dad.

So, here's to Earl Woods, to a job well done; the world couls use more good dads like you.


Suggested further reading: "Who's Your Daddy? The Primacy Of Saturn Retrograde", found at

Astrological Eye For The Regular Guy

Astrological Eye For The Regular Guy

8:59 AM 06/18/2006 Sun

Since today is Father's Day, I thought to devote today's series of essays to guy themes.

Everyone has either heard of and/or seen the popular TV show, "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy". The premise is that a bunch of over the top gay men, help their lesser coiffed hetero brothers transformed from their previously knuckledragging unkempt state, into a new era of cleanliness, ettiquette, style and flair. It's but one of dozens of "reality TV" shows out there on the media landscape, and one that was always curious to me. I mean, what if there was a show where the "reformers" where White folks from the burbs and "the great unwashed" were from the hood, would that go over as well? What about blue-blood WASPS trying to de-ethnicize Jews, or folks of Slavic descent (a real question nowadays, as fierce debate regarding the Mexican immigration explosion and the Spanish language they bring with them rages on)? And of course, God help anyone if the premise of "Queer Eye" was reversed, and the flaming gay guys are on the receiving end of the reforming stick.

While some see the de-emphasizing of men, and by extension, dads (the hidden part of the whole Marriage Debate), as an essentianly necessary evil in the grand experiment to realize true equality between the sexes, others see it is a real problem in society that doesn't seem to be reversing in any demonstrable way. Among those who see it this way are scholars James Q Wilson of Havard (I think) and Lionel Tiger of Rutgers; even Andrew Hacker, of Queens College, sees significant problems on the horizon between the sexes in these and other spheres. In particular, Tiger suggested, about the "Queer Eye" show, that it should really be called "Cheap Shots on the Regular Guy" because the premise is one that is patently offensive to men, and one that would not be tolerated in today's world on the handicapped, or women or gays/lesbians, and so on.

When you think about it, he has a point.

Lest you think that Astrology, and by extension, us astrologers, are above the fray, as it were, think again - we too, have been infected with the "Queer Eye" syndrome, in the sense that we either ignore the role Astrology plays for men outright (often on the premise that it's always been for men, etc.), and/or, we think that Astrology's main role is to "reform" the knuckledraggers and bring them along, kicking and screaming, into the sort of enlightenment Oprah would be proud of.

For many years, I've read astrological books and listened to astrologers talk and seen astrological confabs and the like, and more and more, the "Queer Eye" thing is more and more apparent. No one ever even thinks to ask the question, if Astrology can indeed speak to the interests and needs of the male population, particularly at this point in time of our history. I emphatically say "yes!" it can - if, as always, one knows what to look for.

So, how can Astrology be used for the Regular Guy? Well, for starters, it's important to understand the Male Mind - and to do that, we need only to look at one of Male's biggest pastimes - Sports. Why does sports hold such fascination for men and boys, the World over, alike? If you think it's all about machismo or testosterone, think again - those are important factors, but not the only ones. The main reason why Sports has huge appeal is because it occurs in real time - and the rules are clear (the Rule of Law). You either make a touchdown, or you don't. You either make a basket, or you don't. There's no seminar necessary to discuss the intracacies of freethrows, or how one's feelings should be taken into consideration on the gridiron. Folks aren't chosen because they're nice guys and help little old ladies accross the street - you make the squad because you can do the job, and do it better than anyone else available. Period.

Competition is fiercely important for the male species, as is hierarchy; there are two major reasons for this. One, is because competition forces good ideas and strategies to the surface, and shows those that suck the front door. In Sports, winning teams are confirmed time and again by testing themselves against other teams. As for hierarchy, well, most men know, even if they can't articulate it as such, that there is an order to things, all things, and that in that pecking order are the most important to the least important. That's just the way it is. The more a man can do, the stronger and better his skillset, if you will, the more important he becomes among other men. This is the system upon which sports teams, the military, the corporate world, are built upon. This is why Donovan McNabb, for example, is more important to the Eagles than Corey Simon; McNabb can do more and is therefore, more valuable to the Eagles organization, than is Simon - which is explains why Simon is no longer a part of the team and why McNabb is the 100-plus Million Dollar Man.

If you haven't seen it by now, clear lines of demarcation between better and worst, winning and losing, are very important to the Male Mind. So the idea that is so prevalent in our Astrology today, that it doesn't really matter about being specific and so on, are huge turnoffs to most men outside of the new-age movement.

So, for Astrology to work for the Regular Guy, it has to be based on things and methods that actually get results that can be confirmed in the real world. That means, areas of Astrology that have really fallen out of favor among the rank and file, like Horary, Electional, Mundane, Financial and most importantly, Predictive Astrology. The more accurate - and practical (in other words, getting right to the point in terse, plain language) the astrologer can be with the average guy, the better job he/she will do, the better a representative of/for Astrology they will be, and it gives a much better chance that regular guys will see the efficacy of Astrology, beyond being "chick" stuff.

Take for example, the World Cup, which as many of us know, is definitely a Guy Thing. Now, what if we could astrologically handicap the matches for a rabid "football" fan? Recently, Oscar "Golden Boy" De La Hoya made a successful comeback by beating Mayorga - by way of knockout! De La Hoya wasn't chosen to be the favorite in that fight. Could Astrology have predicted the upset, beforehand?

Although a lot of guys on the dating scene won't openly admit it, they would love any chance to improve their chances of scoring with the ladies. Could Astrology weed out the gals who would prove to be a good time, from those who would be a wet blanket? One of the ways I get regular guys interested in Astrology is by getting them to give me the birthdates of the gals they plan to go out with; on that basis, I can tell them which ones to go ahead with, and which ones to show the front door.

Years ago, my best friend and fellow astrologer Zam asked me to look into the Vedic chart of a young lady he had met online; they were due to hookup downtown on a date and see where things go from there. As soon as her chart came up on the screen, I could see she had what is known as "Matibrahamana Yoga" - a combination where the Mental Planets, the Moon and Mercury, are BOTH impacted by Malefics. On the basis of this, I told Zam, "girlfriend's a headcase, drop her". Well, it was too late - they already had the date planned.

A few days later, Zam let me know that they met downtown alright - and about 15 minutes into the date, girlfriend just snapped out on Zam, going ballistic. Now, such a thing might not make that much difference to me, with all my Fire and a kickass Mars, but for a guy like Zam, who has a million planets in Virgo and Libra, it's a HUGE turnoff.

Picking up on that point above, pointing out to a guy why he likes what he likes, in astrological terms, can be a huge help. Take my chart for example - I have Venus in Capricorn and the Moon in Taurus; Venus rises in the Asc, and the Moon rules the 7th. Bingo!-I'm a guy that goes for gals with some meat on their bones, who are more traditional, and can really let it loose behind closed doors. It would be an utter waste of time for me to hang around ladies with all kinds of Aquarian or Aries planetary energy jumping off the walls. Now, if I knew that back in my late teens and 20s, I could have saved myself a lot of time, money and emotions spinning my wheels with gals who were fundamentally unsuited for me. The Moon and Venus, for any man, reveals some strong clues as to what kind of women turns him on, and what he expects from a woman over the longhaul.

One of my favorite ways to prove Astrology's efficacy to guys is by simply using the Moon's Phases; I tell them that if they want a damn-near surefire roll in the hay with a date, to make their move on the Full Moon - most women will be with it. All the better if there are Sexual Aspects forming in the sky around the same time. I just give them the dates and tell them that if they don't work, they've lost nothing (I don't charge them); but if they improve their chances, then we can talk about being a more permanent "client" (I don't have a pro-practice as it were). Hey, let's face it, dates these days don't come cheap - and contrary to all of the equality rap we all hear, most women (which include feminists) still expect the man to pay for a night out. A regular night out at the movies (and dinner, etc.) can cost as much as $100 or more, a small fortune for a working class guy - and there are few if any guys who are really cool with just a handshake at the end of the night, especially if girlfriend wasn't really the bomb. You want some assurances that you're just not throwing your moola down the crapper, you know what I mean? You want a reasonable chance of a good return on your investment.

What about Politics? Like sports, politics is an area where Predictive Astrology can once again, prove itself useful and relevant, in a straightforward, no nonsense manner. Most guys are into politics, and would like to know which candidates, or for that matter, parties, are likely to win elections. Take the New Orleans' Mayor's Race, which I wrote about (and you can see on my blog, May 2006 entry) - after what Katrina did to the Big Easy, no one could have predicted that Nagin would win a 2nd term, especially against someone from the Landrieu Clan. Yet, Nagin easily won against Mitch Landrieu, and it was easy to see why when one looks at their respective birthdates. And we can do the same thing with the Markets. Right now, for example, the Jupiter-Neptune square has been strong, (at present, it's not in orb, but has been earlier this year, and will again later this year), and Jupiter-Neptune combinations usually correlate with a rise in the Markets. Also, Jupiter and Pluto are in Mutual Reception, another Market-related factor that points to good times. Now, with the upcoming Saturn-Neptune Opposition, we could let a guy know, who has maybe money in the markets, to perhaps avoid going heavy on those stocks and the like that are represented by Saturn or Neptune, like construction or medicine, for the duration of said opposition. Do you think a guy, who has money tied up in the Markets, might be interested in such information?


Do you see what I mean here, how Astrology CAN indeed speaks to the regular guy's interests and needs, without recourse to all of the psychobabble that's so popular in both our Time and Astrology? Astrologers need to be more in tune with the rest of how the world thinks and acts, not just those who are in the choir, so to speak. Yes, Astrology can work for the Regular Guy - if astrologers are willing to honor guys, as just that - guys.


Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Way Of The Gun: Why We Really Fight

The Way Of The Gun: Why We Really Fight

7:26 AM 06/17/2006 Sat

Since the Mars-Saturn Conjunction of 2006 is upon us, I thought to post up something here in response to a recent series of comments back in March of this year. It's about the gun, a weapon that's been with us for several centuries, and all that comes with it.

It must be said, over and over again, that the American Astrology Community is not only ignorant of its own development, but it's also kind of latched onto this notion of blind pacifism; it's quite fashionable to be "new-age" chic, if you will.

My comments, in reply to a lady astrologer colleague's ruminations over the founder of the modern day machine gun, needs to be seen in the light of recent developments in Iraq, where the vicious murderer Zarqawi was killed - KILLED - by US Military Forces. For all of the highbrow notions and pie in the sky, Arkashic Record-rhetoric, none of it would have made a hill of beans' difference to men like Zarqawi, who would just as soon as to lop off your head as to look at you. The world and certainly Iraq is a much better place without the likes of him walking the Earth.

And that's as a DIRECT result of the Gun-or in this case, a 500lb bomb. Two of 'em.

Much to the chagrin of my peacnik astro-colleagues, the reality of this world is that we still need people who's chosen profession is to break things and kill people, because there are other people around who will not abide by civilized norms of human interaction, and indeed prove themselves to be a danger to the world at large.

Biggup shoutouts to Comrade Kalnishnakov...

Comments, please...

The Way Of The Gun: How Mars & Men Always Get A Bad Rap

5:53 PM 05/06/2006 Sat

Hi Julie, All,

I saw Julie's post on Hiram Maxim, the inventor of the machine gun, dated Mar 24 of this year, and though it's a bit late in the game, I wanted to respond just a bit to her thoughts.

It's quite the norm these days to encounter what I call a "light and love" element in Astrology circles - you know what I mean, the neo-hippie "no-war" vibe. It also follows that so much of this kind of influence comes from the increasing female presence in astrological circles, particularly in print and online. This makes sense once one factors in the grand profit to be made from marketing astrological content to women, which has actually been the case here in American now for decades, much moreso since the advent of the Internet. I'll have more to say about this and other trends in the development of Astrology in America in due course. But for now, back to the gun...

I know Julie and perhaps a good many of you here may not have seen them but actually in the past year I have devoted much time and intellectual capital towards putting men and the symbol that most represents them in general, Mars into the astrological context of our times; two essays of note come to mind, that adds much flavor to the pot: "Mars Retrograde & The Incredible Disappearing Man" & "Mars & Murderdelphia". Both these essays, particularly the latter, speaks in stark terms to the topic being discussed here.

Very often, people like Julie will decry the very invention of firearms; if only the world didn't have so many, ideally none at all, the world would be such a more lovely place. Right? Wrong - the single biggest weapon of mass destruction isn't the Uzi, Anthrax or Nukes, but the good ole Machete' - you know, like the ones used in the Rwanda Massacre? If we were to follow the thinking of those who call for the wholesale removal of any and all weapons, much of the world would be deprived of a valuable tool in clearing forestry and conducting farmwork.

Weapons are tools like anything else, and tools in general - since most of the time, they are made of metal - are represented by Mars. And, for the most part, tools are invented by men, again ruled by Mars. Both work and violence fall within Mars' domain. Going on the offensive is decidedly Martian, but so too is defense.

I have long said, and this is a strong declaritive statement on my part, that the vast majority of women simply do not understand men. Period. This is strongly evident when one takes the time to sit down and read the many postings and the like in astrology circles online, etc. In fact, I've long argued that the reverse is true, that most women have a great deal to learn about men, instead of the conventional wisdom that says that men need to understand women more.

While the no-war crowd and the like are busy putting down the gun and the men that both make and use them, they might want to give a bit of thought to the following things:

1. That most of the things we take for granted today, like the Volkswagen Bug, airline travel, the Internet, radio, etc. came as a DIRECT RESULT of military investigation and investment; if you're really against guns and by extension the advance of progress, you are fully free to go back to washing your clothes on/with a rock, turning in your Jeep Cherokee and going back to using smoke signals on your roof instead of making use of the broadband internet connection on your computer (and you can forego the PC too, since it also was initially invented and heavily used by the military before the civilian market grabbed hold of it)

2. The harsh truth is, as Sep 11 has clearly shown us, that there is a such thing as evil in the world, and at some point, the only way to deal with it is through the use of violence - lots of it. It's always interesting to me to hear the many folks who are antiwar go silent when the mention of th Civil War or WW2 comes up - they know that "just talking" wouldn've stopped Hitler or Lee. There will always be a need for a national defense known as a military, just like there will always be a need for your body to have a way of fighting off disease, otherwise you end up like so many with AIDS. Both are ruled again, by Mars.

3. The making of firearms in the modern era is one of the major reasons why the Western World is so far ahead of the rest of the world in terms of technological sophistication. The gun only represents the extent to which we in the West have come in terms of inventive genius. Uranus may represent inventions, but it takes Mars to make it happen in a concrete way. For every Glock, there is also a Bausch & Lomb, a BMW & a Bose stereo; just taking a look around the world's gun makers ives one a very instructive lesson in where a certain country is in its technological development (one important exception is Japan, where there have certain restrictions on things like firearms and the like, in large part due to the conditions placed upon it at the end of WW2).

4. In our astrology, which reflects our society in more ways than we astrologers are willing to admit, Mars is constantly given a bad rap, and so are men in today's world. Both are regarded with suspicion, if not out and out prejudice. Yes, both can be very violent, but both can be immensely productive as well.

5. Contrary to popular opinion, most gun manufacturers don't make out well in the marketplace; if one takes the time to study the rise and fall of gun makers, they'll see that relatively few ever make it to the big time, so to speak. Many folks in the anti-war crowd, for example, put down GE or Rockwell or Boeing for being large military contractors, but the real deal is, you can make a heck of a lot more moola if you're making lightbulbs for the residential market than you can making anti-personnell weaponry for the US gov't. The reason why? Very simple Econ 101 - because there's a much larger market and demand for light bulbs than huge machine guns that can be mounted on the side of Blackhawks. Mars represents risk, and as Harvey Mansfield points out in his recent work "Manliness" the very thing that most defines a man is in taking risk, which, as we all know, most women are averse to doing, understandably so. This is why Mars is related to the idea of promoting a cause, be it in the military or in the civilian market where it finds expression in such areas like sales, and why Mars plays such a huge role in the charts of entreprenuers.

Just some thoughts for the group and Julie to chew on.



Rove: NOT Indicted!

Rove: NOT Indicted!

6:45 AM 06/17/2006 Sat

The Hardcore Left, astrological or otherwise, took another hard blow on the chin when Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald announced earlier this week that chief political advisor Karl Rove will NOT be indicted in the Valerie Plame leak case. Rove, who had appeared before a federal grand jury some 5 times, had been forced to retreat into the background of the Bush Administration while the legal kinks were worked out. But now, with Rove clearly out from under a cloud, he's back in the public eye doing what he does best - making the case for the conservative cause, and winning elections.

Recently, I came accross colleague Claudia Dikinis' article and analysis of Rove's chart on her website, Dikinis and I have communicated before, on the issue of Roe v. Wade. Not surprisingly, we differed greatly, as is the case here. Last week, I wrote to her in response to her piece on Rove, offering a series of astrologically based counter-arguments; my reply follows below. You can see her article on Rove on her website.

I want everyone to see this because it's important both to be grounded in the fundamentals of Astrology AND to be grounded in the way American politics and life works, something that I find is sorely lacking among the bulk and mass of my colleagues. So often, their virulent anti-Bush/GOP bias is so strong that it removes all vestiges of objectivity, even obliterates one's knowledge of even the most elementary astrological principles. Keeping such things in mind can make it plain to see why Rove is not only so successful at what he does, but also why he wasn't indicted.

Responsible replies, invited!

Astrology Of Karl Rove, To Claudia Dikinis

1:54 AM 06/12/2006 Mon

Hi Claudia,

By now, I trust you've seen my pieces on Zarqawi, and I hope you recall our conversation earlier this year; at the time, the Roe v. Wade debate was on the table. I saw your piece on Rove while watching "Inside Man"; I have a few comments to share with you in light of your remarks.

First off, the timed data: Karl Rove Dec 25 1950 9.35PM MST Denver CO; Placidus 9 Aqr 29, Pat White.

As you can see, Mars in Aquarius sits right on the Asc, and is Peregrine (Tyl), making no standard aspect in the entire chart. This alone shows quite a driven man, interested in the promotion of ideas, in this case, Republican/Conservative views (and we can note here, the Moon-Neptune-Mercury/Venus t-square - ideology, selling the vision, potential deception, etc.). Sun=Mars/MC, Mars+Asc=Neptune/MC, adds to the mix, the latter picture denoting considerable charisma and powers of persuasion, essential for being in the political, "people" business.

Aquarius rises, one of the Political Signs of the Zodiac, its ruler Uranus in Cancer in the 6th House, along with the Moon, the final dispositor of the chart; again, the latter is a clear echo of the afore mentioned above, being a people person, understanding the ebb and flow of the public. As much as it bothers you and others on the Left, the fact remains that what Rove recently said was basically right, pardon the pun - America is essentially a center-right country, which accounts for why, when the people have the chance to assert their Will thru the legislative process (and not have that Will subverted by Judicial Activism), they tend to be against Gay Marriage, Abortion on Demand, and the wholesale removal of any mention of God in the Public Square. Say what you will of Rove, but the fact is, that Rove had to be doing something right - like Dick Morris, who certainly is and wasn't an angel himself, Rove has won two presidential elections in a row, and looks very likely to be a major player in seeing to it that a GOP majority in American politics is here to stay, especially as Pluto's transit of Capricorn is right around the corner.

Pluto, the planet of Politics & Big Business, is well placed in Rove's chart; it rules both the 9th and 10th Houses, and while I'm here, let me address your remarks on his lack of formal education. I think it's fair to say that Rove's issues with his 9th House has been the source of a great deal of his motivation and ambition, yet his chart as we have it doesn't show any of the tensions on the 9th that we've come to expect of one who lacks being formally educated. We can also say that many of the most successful people on the Forbes' list didn't have stellar 9th House credentials either, and we all know that folks like the late Peter Jennings or Bill Gates didn't have lambskins on their wall, and yet that didn't deter them from achieving greatness. Please note that Rove has Jupiter rising in the 1st classically dignified in Pisces and quindecile Pluto in the 7th, disposed by the Sun. This is the obsessive, compulsive drive you were talking about, especially with regard to Rove's 9th House lacks. It's both a powerful well of motivation, as well as a uber-strong symbolism of success on a massive scale. It's safe to say that Rove is thee most successful political operative in modern US political history.

Taking a step back and taking a Magi point of view here, note that Rove has no less than 4 planets in declinational aspect - the Sun, Venus, Uranus and Pluto, a powerful complex of Super Success aspects that anyone would be blessed to be born with. Note also that ALL of these planets play key roles in the chart to begin with! Whenever planets are tied into the chart by way of both longitudinal AND declinational aspect, their importance becomes that much more heightened. This is another reason that explains Rove's massive success.

Having the Sun in Capricorn, opposed a chart ruling Uranus and both square Saturn exalted, while Pluto is so powerfully placed, are all the tell-tale signs of one who would find success in the political arena in some way; in the case of Rove, who also has the Moon both in its own Sign and ExDek, we can see the great potential for success with the public. The Dems need a Rove, if they're serious about winning elections.

It's interesting that you would mention Niccolo Machiavelli, and it doesn't surprise me in the least that Rove would read him religiously; any politico worth his salt would do the same, along with other important political and military works such as The Art of War, etc. According to the considerable rectification work of Basil Fearrington in "Astrology Looks at History" Machiavelli has a Capricorn Asc, with the Sun in Taurus in the 4th and the Moon in Aquarius. Matching his chart up to Rove's makes for an interesting study, wouldn't you agree? By the way, I too am a huge fan of Machiavelli and Sun Tzu; and I'm certain that if either were alive today, they would NOT be part of the MoveOn.Org crowd, and fall in line a lot closer to Rove and the bulk of American polity, center-right.

The ties between Rove's chart and that of GWB and the USA are formidable, and is to be expected of anyone who makes such a huge impact on another. Again, it is undeniable that Rove's imprint on American electoral politics will be felt for a very long time to come, something that has been given a clear mandate by the American people, who again, are more center-right than folks like yourself would like to admit.

As you know, Rove's name has been mentioned in more recent times in the whole Valerie Plame issue; Scooter Libby has been indicted, but Rove has not, despite appearing before a federal grand jury numerous times. Again, checkout my comments above, consider the astrological evidence, and you'll understand why he has not been, nor is he likely to be indicted. Yes, the big Saturn-Neptune Opposition is on its way to connect with Rove's 9th House ruling Pluto, and it could have implications for his career, as Pluto again rules his 10th House. Additionally, we see that Rove has SA Mars=Asc/MC and SA Mars=Pluto in Aug, followed by SA Uranus=Neptune in Oct. It *is* possible that Rove could be headed for trouble behind the Plame piece. But my sense of things is that if the Left had the goods on Rove, certainly they would have gotten him by now; why wait till later in the year to get him, unless one thinks that in so doing, it will help the Democrats in the midterm elections (which, in my studied analysis, they will NOT win back a majority of seats in either House of Congress)? So I think these measurements could manifest themselves in other ways, if at all; perhaps a health crisis, since Rove is both overweight and over the age of 50? Hmm...

At any rate, Claudia, while I respect your right to express your views, I must also express a bit of disdain for your partisanship to the point of losing all objectivity; as an African American conservative, I see none of the "facism" you impute to Bush & Co., and with all due respect, you degrade the term when you use it so loosely. Since I have family members who were in Hitler's Labor Camps, for example, and have a rich history of Slavery to draw upon, I don't take terms like facism lightly.

Neither should you.

There is absolutely no comparison to be made between the GWB administration and that of Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Tito or Chairman Mao - and to even hint at such a thing only pushes leftists such as yourself further and further to the fringes of the Democratic Party, which in turn, explains why they cannot, nor will not, win any major elections of significance in the USA (as the recent primaries have shown, among them, the "Meathead Initiative" of Rob Reiner, Buzbee losing, etc.) anytime soon. I'll have more to say about this as the midterm elections draws nigh, and will be sure to send you a copy of the prediction analysis.

I would love to post my and your comments regarding Rove onto my blog; please let me know if you're cool with that? Thanks!


Post-Marriage Amendment Thoughts: Analysis & Predictions

Post-Marriage Amendment Thoughts: Analysis & Predictions

6:54 AM 06/11/2006 Sun

Well, it appears that the vote to allow formal debate onto the Senate floor, on the question of a Constitutional Amendment to protect Marriage, failed, with a vote of 48-49, if my information is correct. From what I understand, the vote fell largely along Party lines, with all the Democrats voting against the measure, and about 7 Republicans voting against it as well, among them Lincoln Chaffee and Olympia Snowe. There will not be anymore discussion on the matter in this Senate Session, although staunch Senate supporters vow to bring it up yet again in the future. The House of Representatives have also entered into debate on the issue, the results of that vote to be announced in due course.

Speculation abounds about the motivations of President Bush and the GOP about why they would put so much support behind such an issue at a time when high gas prices, the War in Iraq and so on are going on; I personally feel that such arguments are at best red herrings, if not out and out intellectually dishonest. First off, no political party, left right or center, will do anything without considering what it can do for said party, and this falls in line with basic Human Nature - "what's in it for me?". Second, the Congress knows full well that the only surefire way to lower gas prices would be to lower extremely high tax rates on gasoline, preferrably at all levels, at least at the federal level. The GOP would be for such a measure; it's hard to see how the Dems would go for it.

Third, the idea that Bush and the GOP are attempting open discrimination against the Gay & Lesbain Community is also in my view a ridiculous notion; what Bush & Co. are attempting to do is protect the Will of the People, against what has come to be known as Judicial Activism. The vast majority of States have already put into place, as a result of the state level legislative process, either amendments to their constitutions and/or statutes codifying exactly what Marriage is and what it isn't (and this includes my homestate of Pennsylvania). However, judges at the appellate levels, etc., have overturned some of these laws, which in my and other's view, subverts the democratic process and oversteps the reach of the judiciary. In other words, the least democratic branch of the US gov't has determined what will be law for the rest of us. Thus, the move last week for the US Senate to step in.

No matter what side of the issue one falls on, I think it's fair to say that it all has forced out into the public square a vigorous debate about what exactly is Marriage all about; does Society, i.e., gov't, have a say in determining what Marriage is? Who is to determine it if is NOT the State? Is Marriage even necessary anymore at this point in US history?

Last week, I mentioned a series of astrological measurements that, I thought, could signal a seachange in the US Senate and Congress overall, possibly bringing about a constitutional amendment. It appears, at this juncture at least, that I was wrong. But, it seems that the debate on Marriage is far from over, and with the upcoming Saturn transit of Libra in 2008 or so, it occurs to me that such a Congressional amendment, or something along those lines, could still happen afterall.

We have to also keep in mind that Pluto will enter Capricorn in the same year, 2008, and will sqaure Saturn; for the USA, this will prove to be a very, very profound time in its national life and history, as these planets will return to their natal places in its chart. My previous comments regarding the possibility of nationwide legalization of Gay Marriage in the USA was emphatically that it will NOT happen, and this based on a careful consideration of America's astrology.

Libra is the Sign of the Judiciary; the last time Saturn transited Libra, back in the 80s, President Ronald Reagan installed the first woman on the Supreme Court, Sandra Day O'Connor, as well as seeing to it that the Courts at the federal level were conservative in outlook; Saturn was conjunct Pluto in Libra during Reagan's Presidency.

It's also interesting to note that, coming up for the USA, around the time of the midterm elections, we see that SA Uranus=Pluto in Oct, usually a picture suggesting overturning the status-quo; this could lead one to think that the Democrats could regain at least one of the Houses of Congress. However, a look at the Democratic Party chart reveals transit Saturn in opposition to Pluto AND square the Sun, in late Oct! For the GOP, we see SA Sun=Jupiter/Pluto in Oct, flanked on either side by transit Jupiter opposed Uranus in Sep, and transit Jupiter probably conjunct the Moon in Nov. From these measurements, one would have to conclude that the GOP will hold on to its clear majority in both Houses of Congress, the Dems unable to find traction on any issue, still suffering from leadership-lack and lack of focus, dealing with "culture of corruption" problems of their own.

Some have suggested that the recent move to enact a constitutional Marriage Amendment was a last-ditch effort on the part of the GOP & Bush to appeal to "the base", and that this could come back to haunt them in Nov; from what we see above, and keeping in mind the overall strength of the economy, the death of Zarqawi and other postive developments in Iraq, and the fact that a clear majority of the American people support the basic, traditional premise of what Marriage is, it seems that it is the Democratic Party that will ultimately, come up short.


A Very Good Week For GWB

A Very Good Week For GWB,

4:59 AM 06/17/2006 Sat

It was a VERY good week for President George W. Bush.

Despite the almost immediate naysaying of the Hardcore Left, GWB was hitting on all cylinders over the past few days, starting with the putting down of the vicious Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, followed by an announcement by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki that the Iraqi Government had been formed. In a brilliant series of political moves and saavy, Al-Maliki was able to appoint to key Cabinet posts representatives from all three of Iraq'a main ethnic/sectarian groups. Bush meets with Al-Maliki in a surprise visit to Iraq, and while there, gets thunderous applause from the US Military. A major sweep of insurgents and terrorists take place shortly thereafter; at last count, over 400 raids had been conducted, primarily by Iraqi security forces, with some 120 terrorists/insurgents captured or killed. Papers and other documents and communications are recovered from Zarqawi's safehouse, saying that the higherups at Al-Qaeda are concerned about their ability to win the war against the Americans; "time is on their side" the documents say. A turning point has been reached in the Iraq War indeed; the end of Al-Qaeda in Iraq is near, and those at the top of said group knows it.

Back at the ranch, Bush's closest and most important political advisor, Karl Rove, will NOT be indicted in the Valerie Plame case; the US Senate and House easily endorses non-binding bills supporting the war (and in the case of the Senate, easily defeats John Kerry's motion to "immediately pullout" of Iraq); Bush designates a 1400 mile area off the coast of Hawaii a marine preseve, larger than all of the country's national parks COMBINED, getting even the most diehard environmentalists' respect (now, THAT'S an "inconvenient truth" for the Left, if there ever was one, LOL!); and even the Dow Jones rallied some 300 points to regain its 11K-plus point rating, after a week of hard hits it took on Wall St. These facts of life are in striking contrast to Bush's life earlier this year, and are painfully obvious to my colleagues on the Astrological Left, who have been licking their lips and rubbing their hands with glee over GWB's downfall since Day One.

Without a doubt, GWB has taken a beating in the polls in the first half of the year, and it didn't look good at all going into the fall and the all-important 2006 Midterm Elections - the leaking of the NSA "wiretapping" affair by the New York Times; the backfiring of Dubai ports deal; the continued fingerpointing over Katrina; the failure to force open floor debate on Marriage in the US Senate; and most recently, the Haditha scandal. All of this took place under the umbrella of the Saturn transit to GWB's Pluto, rising in his Leo Asc. As pointed out in earlier essays on Bush and more recently on my pieces on Zarqawi, Saturn-Pluto ANYTHING almost always, without exception, registers as losses, setbacks, reversals; destruction, death, defeat is the order of the day. At the very least, it takes very, very hard work to overcome the obstacles that are thrown into one's path whenever these two planets get together. For Bush, transit Saturn will exactly conjunct his Pluto early next month, but he's certainly been feeling its applying effects for sometime now.

And yet, over the past 10 days or so, things have totally reversed themselves. Astrologically, how can this be seen? And perhaps the even bigger question - how is that Bush always seems to land on his feet?

George W. Bush Jul 6 1946 7.26AM EDT New Haven CT; Placidus 7 Leo 7, Rodden

To answer the first question, we turn to GWB's "hitlist" for the year 2006; many Western astrologers arrange their measurements into what is called a hitlist, a chronological series of transits and/or progressions for a given period of time; this easily allows the astrologer to see what's coming ahead for the subject, and this is what I've done here.

At present, Bush has several very positive measurements taking place: transit Jupiter square Pluto, almost always a signal of success and advance; SA Venus=Sun/MC, popularity, more success; and SA Jupiter=Asc/MC, again, more success. These are the astrological representations of Bush's bounce in the polls (according to Gallup, rising to 38% as of yesterday) and overall success this month.

Natally, GWB has a VERY powerful chart, and has shown itself to be so time and again, against political opponents and extraordinary challenges that former Presidents like Clinton or Carter just have not seen. Bush's Western chart, upon first glance, is very decieving, due to its relative lack of hard aspects, the focus on Cancer and Libra placements, and the 12th House emphasis. But upon closer inspection, the astrological keen eye sees something much, much more substantive.

First off, Bush has a very strong Saturn, despite remarks by the Astro-Left to the contrary; while its true that Saturn is both in the 12th House and in Cancer, traditionally its Sign of Detriment, Saturn is also Peregrine (Tyl) and square the MC! This accounts for Bush's conservative leanings, as well as points to his steely resolve to complete the mission in Iraq, to stay the course in all things. Additionally, we see that Bush has the Sun, representing the person most directly, and Saturn, the classical planet of politics and conservative values, in declinational aspect. In the midpoints, we see GWB has, among other things, Saturn=Sun/Pluto, a combination denoting fierce toughness, a "hardcore" vibe. All of this makes for a very tough man to beat, because he never gives up, or gives in; he doesn't take "no" for answer.

Next, we have to note the very obvious Pluto placement in the Asc, in conjunction with Mercury, ruler of the 3rd House. This combination says it all, with Bush's ability to put his message accross to middle Americans, indeed, to other people's around the world. Although not as saavy as Bill Clinton, Bush's plain speaking style has found many appreciative listeners. Pluto is the planet of Big Politics - and Money - and thus it's no surprise that GWB has raised more money than any other US politician EVER in US history. Note how Uranus is in declinational aspect to Pluto - and - how Sun=Uranus/Pluto in the midpoints. Add the rising Venus in Leo in the Asc, and it all makes for a very popular person with the public, one that has an astrological leg-up in his chosen profession, and a decisive edge over his competitors. There's much more to GWB's chart than what I've mentioned here, but the above is more than enough to account for Bush's continued success in spite of tremendous challenges and naysayers.

Looking ahead for Bush, we see that, in addition to the exact conjunction of transit Saturn to his Pluto in Jul, that there's another pass of that transit Jupiter square to Bush's Pluto in Aug, at the same time as SA Moon=Jupiter/Pluto; this could be yet another signal of things going in an upwards direction for the Bush Administration, along foreign policy lines, perhaps more positive developments coming out of Iraq, perhaps even something positive in the neverending Israeli/Palestinian dispute; here at home, we can expect the economy to remain solid, possibly make some modest gains. Additionally, with the strong involvement of the Moon here, we can also look to something positive on the homefront with the public, perhaps even among women and/or children, perhaps involving education, as the Moon in Bush's chart is in the 3rd House and conjunct Jupiter, one of the planets of education.

Going into the fall and down the homestretch to the midterm elections, GWB has SA Sun=Saturn (Sep 06), usually a signal of one pushing hard for their goals and objectives. We can expect to see Bush working hard to get out the vote for the GOP to retain the House and Senate, appealing hard to "the base" of the Republican Party. In Oct, Bush has several "mixed bag" measurements: transit Saturn conjunct Venus, SA Mars=Asc and transit Jupiter square Venus. These will be the last measurements to crop up before the elections, and could very well play a role in how things will turn out at the polls. The "double whammy" on Bush's Venus could be fuzzy for the voters, but if he's able to take advantage of the Mars to Asc arc, he should be able to sell the Republican message, made all the more easier in light of the past week's developments on all fronts, and help his Party retain a GOP majority on the Hill.

Finally, in Dec, GWB has SA MC=Venus/Jupiter, a clearcut image of happy times, enjoyment and success. If things continue on the positive track they've been on over the past few days, this image could be a reflection of the positive outcome of the elections.

All in all here, despite the Saturn-Pluto transits and the almost exact Mars-Saturn Conjunction which will fall on Bush's Asc, things look good for the 43rd President. The challenges remain, as the ever-present hysterical Left, astrological or otherwise, who, instead of trying to find real solutions to real problems (as opposed to "inconvenient truths" and hoped-for scandals), clearly prove - but as the past week or so shows, when one stays the course, sticks to their guns and in the words of the great Winston Churchill "never gives up" - they make progress.

Good job, Mr. President; keep up the good work; and let the hatahs hate!


Saturday, June 10, 2006

"Ding-Dong, Zarqawi Is DEAD..."

"Ding-Dong, Zarqawi Is DEAD..."

6:08 AM 06/10/2006 Sat

Just a few days ago, news agencies around the world reported that Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi was no more, the result of an intense bombing raid on the safehouse he was residing in on Wed night, Baghdad time. This is great news for the Coalition Forces, and in particular President George W. Bush, who's public approval ratings have plummented in recent months due to the Iraq War. Zarqawi's death is a powerful blow to Al-Qaeda, and a boost to the people of Iraq who seek to determine their own fate, free of mass murderers. It was both very telling and very good to hear the cheers of Iraqi journalists at the public announcement of Zarqawi's death by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki, and to read about the celebrations taking place throughout Iraq.

Just a month ago, I wrote an instructional piece on the astrological method called Rectification, the process astrologers use to determine the birthtime of a person when none is known or is in doubt. I chose Zarqawi as a subject to write about, both because there is so much confusion about the facts of his life, including his birthdate, and because he was such a notorious figure. In that piece, I suggested that based on the events of Zarqawi's life, he could have been born around 10.25AM EET, in Zarqa, Jordan, on Oct 20 1966. I also said the following about the potential future regarding Zarqawi:

"Will Zarqawi be captured or killed anytime soon? If my rectification of Zarqawi's chart is anywhere near accurate, Sep 2006 will be a key month to look for, when transit Pluto not only crosses his Asc, but also moves to square his Saturn from the 12th House. Saturn-Pluto anything normally registers as very, very difficult, and keep in mind the deep trouble he was in during his firefight in Afghanistan. I am hopeful that they do either capture or kill him, because he has brought so much misery, pain and death to so many others and must be stopped. We'll see how it goes."

Clearly, I was aiming for the exact time when transit Pluto would be in conjunction with the suggested Asc form Zarqawi, tying in the transit Pluto-natal Saturn square that would have been very tight around that time. I was only three months out from the date of Zarqawi's death. Not bad.

Transit Pluto was sitting right on Zarqawi's Asc at the time of death, not exact, but within one degree; transit Mars had just past exact conjunction with his Asc ruling Jupiter in the 8th; last month he had SA Pluto=Mars/Saturn. All of the Mars, Saturn and Pluto symbolism clearly speaks to suffering, pain and death, and earlier in Zarqawi's life, right after the Sep 11 attacks, he was seriously wounded in fierce combat with US Allied Forces in Afghanistan. Here's what I said about that:

"There is little doubt that he would have been in trouble during this time - beginning in Oct 2001, he had transit Uranus square his Neptune, followed in Mar 2002 by SA Asc=Mars/Pluto, SA Mars=MC in May 2002, and SA Mars=Sun/Saturn in Jun 2002. Perhaps the big kicker in all this was TR Saturn square Pluto in the same month, Jun 2002! All of these measurements point to pain, strife, even death, which many have said Zarqawi was near, and the treatment he received in Iraq helped him to recover from the injuries. But could he have lost a leg in the battle? Saturn is one of the planets that most correlates to the legs, so it certainly is possible, probably likely."

Seeing that Zarqawi had yet again a string of measurements involving Mars, Saturn and Pluto, it was easy to make the deduction that he would at the least face serious problems with the Coalition Forces in Iraq, if not be captured and/or killed.

Now that Zarqawi is out of the picture, speculation abounds as to his successor, and whether his death will prompt an uptick in the violence that has gripped the Middle East's newest Democracy. Checking Zarqawi's chart again, we see several very interesting measurements - SA Moon=Jupiter/Pluto & SA Venus=Moon in Jul; SA Venus=Sun in Aug; and SA Pluto=Sun/Jupiter in Sep. All of these pictures speaks to popularity & success in some way - fame after death? In light of Zarqawi's death at the hands of the US, clearly his group and sympathizers will consider him a great martyr for the cause, and herein lies the potential risk of taking such men out, that they will garner more influence in death than they ever had in life. Recent news reports state that Coalition Forces have conducted somewhere over 40 raids throughout Iraq on Al-Qaeda suspects and safehouses, in an effort to take advantage of the vaccum left by Zarqawi's death. While this is but one battle victory in what some have called the Long War, and this week's events have been a strong boost to Iraq's development along a democratic trajectory, it remains to be seen whether Al-Qaeda will rebound, or whether they have been indeed damaged beyond repair.

In the meantime though, let's all celebrate the removal of one of the most horrific killers ever known to mankind - and here's to the continued destruction of Terrorism...


Brangelina, Tomkat, Astrology & The Case For Marriage

Brangelina, Tomkat, Astrology & The Case For Marriage

3:54 AM 06/04/2006 Sun

With the recent births of two of Hollywood's most popular couples children coming along at the sametime that President George W. Bush weighs in on the Great Marriage Debate in the US Senate, it is interesting as astrologers to observe the confluence of events in this sphere. A recent Gallup poll of Americans on the issue of Marriage reporting some interesting, if not disturbing results: a majority of Americans polled think that a couple should get married if they plan to stay together for the rest of their lives, but NOT if they have a child together! Similarly, a majority of Americans feel that it is not morally objectionable to have sex outside of marriage, or to have a child outside of marriage. These findings by the world's oldest polling organization adds to the muddle that has grown since the Sexual Revolution of the 60s and 70s.

Unless you've been studying Astrology in a locked room somewhere, cutoff from the rest of the world, surely you've seen the excited discussion of Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes; their charts have been discussed in classic "synastry" fashion, as well as the speculated charts of their newborns on most online astrology forums and so on. Much of these discussions occur in "coochie-coo" fashion, seeming to pass over the obvious hard questions that these couples will face in the years ahead - and their money and/or fame, will not ease things.

Without question, these newborn little girls will want for nothing in a material sense, or for noteriety for that matter - and there is no question that money is very important in the raising of a child. But, and the tabloids confirm this all the time, having large amounts of money or fame doesn't insulate one from the problems of this world, nor does it guarantee success, security and significance. Take Paris Hilton for example - can anyone make a case for such a person being a grounded, caring, responsible human being? With a straight face? And yet, it is people of Hilton's ilk who have enormous culture-influencing capital, far more than I think is warranted.

Recently I've written on Marriage, its role for Society & its involvement with Astrology. I made the case that it is Saturn that rules Marriage, for Saturn represents security, maturity, responsibility and obligations. Its exaltation, or "putting its best foot forward" Sign is Libra, the universal Zodiacal Sign of Marriage. Saturn also represents tradition, and the laws that govern, regulate and structure any civilized Society. In Libra, Saturn gives a powerful message that Marriage is a valued institution (another Saturnian phrase) in that civilized Society; that it values those who get married because it recognizes that raising children within a structured environment, where both the mother and father play a role within the child's life is very important.

And yet, Marriage as we've known it, has taken it on the chin over the past few decades, and too much cannot be said enough about it; and since all eyes will be on Brangelina and Tomkat in the months to come, the question has to be: who will likely get married first? Or will neither couple marry at all? Such questions have, for better or worse, profound implications, if only because Hollywood has big influence on the American public.

So, to the horoscopes: Angelina Jolie Jun 4 1975 9.09AM PDT Los Angeles CA, Placidus 28 Can 47; Brad Pitt Dec 18 1963 6.33AM CST Shawnee OK, Placidus 11 Sag 51; Tom Cruise Jul 3 1962 3.06PM EDT Syracuse NY, Placidus 2 Sco 11; Katie Holmes Dec 18 1978 9.32PM EST Toledo OH, Placidus 22 Leo 18.

OK, here we go - and I'll say right here that from my study of all the charts involved that Jolie-Pitt have a greater chance of getting married & going the distance than Cruise-Holmes. Here's why I say that:

In the case of Joile and Pitt, note that they have the classic synastric ties of Pitt's Moon setting in Jolie's chart, while Jolie's Sun sets in Pitt's chart. As we all know, the Asc plays a huge role in determining the longterm potential of a couple; if the Sun, Moon, Venus or Asc ruler of one chart rises or sets in the chart of another, it gets the couple off to a good start. That in this case, these aspects takes place within a 5 degree orb makes it all the better.

Jolie's Venus in Cancer also opposes Pitt's Venus in Capricorn, which in turn conjuncts his Moon. The two also share the very nice occurance of both their chart rulers - the Moon for Jolie, Jupiter for Pitt - in the same Sign AND conjunct, in Aries! They both share a good bit of Fire element, giving them somthing to build on, but it's the role of Saturn here that really makes the difference. First, Saturn rules Jolie's 7th House, and opposes Pitt's Capricorn Moon and Venus. Pitt's the marrying type, likely to be traditional in outlook (or as can be for a Hollywood star) and will want to put down roots as soon as possible. This fits just fine for Jolie, whose Cancer Asc and Venus finds much security with Pitt. We can also note that Pitt's Saturn trines Jolie's Sun, giving Saturn's influence mutual impact on the couple; notice in Pitt's chart, how Saturn rules the 2nd House of Values, and disposes not only of his Moon-Venus conjunction, but also Mercury, his 7th House ruler.

Their union will not be without its fair share of difficulty as time wears on; Jolie's Moon is in fiesty Aries, and will likely clash with Pitt's conservative Moon in Capricorn. There could be squabbles over things on the homefront, perhaps Pitt wants Jolie to be more of a stay at home mommy, that sort of thing. This is an echo of the exact Venus-Uranus square Jolie was born with, not exactly the most stable of Venus situations, and can be a source of great irritation to Pitt's more stable Venus in Capricorn-conjunct the Moon placement. Additionally, Pitt's Uranus-Pluto conjunction squares Jolie's Sun, a very powerful force for good if Pitt is on his square. If not, it can serve to tear their union apart at the seams. Finally, the couple's Mars placements are square each other exactly, with Pitt's Mars also square Jolie's Moon and Jolie's Mars square Pitt's Mercury. Whew! LOTS of potential for bickering, arguments, fights, you name it. Pitt will have to take the lead to make cetain that the Martian energies are used more outside the home in productive ways than inside (keep in mind, Pitt's Mars is exalted in Capricorn - plus he's older).

Parting shot here - notice that Neptune, the planet most associated of enduring love and romance, is very strong in the synastry. Jolie's Neptune sits right on Pitt's Asc, while Pitt's Neptune closely trines Jolie's 7th House ruling Saturn. Nice.

Nevertheless, overall, the match looks good, and marriage between the two, I say, is likely.

Now, in the case of Cruise and Holmes, the picture gets murkier...

First off, Holmes has her Venus-Uranus conjunction rising in Cruise's Scorpio Asc; this, along with Cruise's natal Mars-Uranus square, with Mars in the 7th, accounts for the rather sudden nature of their relationship (remember, he was just with Penelope Cruz before Holmes). In fact, when looking over Cruise's 7th House, we can note that he has the tendency of not looking before he leaps in relationships and marriage; haste makes waste; speed kills. If indeed he ties the knot with Holmes, it'll be the third time for him. In any case, Holmes' Leo Asc aligns with Cruise's Moon; her own Leo Moon conjuncts Cruise's Venus (along with her Asc). But also note that Cruise's Uranus is also conjunct Holmes' Asc. As a rule, relationships with a strong Uranian tinge to them don't augur well for longevity and stability, unless in some way things are done in a Uranian way, an "other than the norm" sort of vibe, like a union between gay people, or differing cultural backgrounds, etc. In light of Cruise's comments regarding his involvement with Scientology and so on (which really makes me view him in a totally different light - I actually liked Cruise as an actor, but nowadays it's kinda tough to watch a Cruise flick without thinking of him "jumping the couch" on Oprah, etc.), this could be the Uranian tinge manifesting itself.

The problem in all this lies in the fact that both Cruise and Holmes share a Leo Moon, a combination that rarely goes along smoothly; somebody has to lead the dance! Additionally, Cruise likes to have control of things with his Scorp Asc; that's all well and good for now, but with Holmes soon to have her Saturn Return, all that could change before it's all said and done. There could be clashes over how the couple approaches things and the overall direction of the union (Their Ascendants are square by Sign - Cruise Scorp Asc, Pluto in Virgo; Holmes Leo Asc, Sun in Sag).

Speaking of Saturn, it is not well placed here in the interplay between the charts in my view; note that Holmes' Saturn in Virgo, is conjunct Cruise's chart ruling Pluto. Saturn-Pluto combinations are rarely comfortable, at best they represent hard, tough work. Over the longrun I would say that Cruise may feel like maintaining a union with Holmes may be more trouble than it's worth. Natally, Cruise has Saturn Rx and squared by Neptune; both Neptune and certainly Uranus, speak more loudly in Cruise's life and astrology than does Saturn (compare the lives of Cruise and Pitt, for example - see the difference Saturn makes). Note also that Cruise's Saturn widely opposes Holmes' Moon - a Leo Moon isn't very comfortable with someone else's Saturn pressing on it. Cruise's Neptune and Saturn aspect Holme's Venus as well, but, in fairness, Holmes' Neptune trines Cruise's Venus, so there's some chance of the love going the distance.

Note also that Cruise's Pluto square Holmes' Mercury, while her Neptune oppose his Mercury; they have to be very careful in their communication with each other, otherwise there could be lots of misunderstanding, etc.

In Vedic Astrology, there is a concept called "Sama Dosha", which means "same affliction". The idea is to hookup with someone who has the same horoscope challenges that you have; this way, the other person can more easily relate to the crosses you bear and vice-versa, and as such you tend to cancel out each other's stuff. For those of you out there who are familiar with the term "Kuja Dosha" you know what I'm talking about. I bring that up because while such a concept isn't as explicitly stated in Western Astrology, the idea holds up on this side as well. Cruise and Holmes share strong Uranian aspects in their individual charts, and this hopefully, can be the saving grace that keeps them together. But Uranus has never been known for sticking it out, if anything, Uranus has always been known to astrologers as the Planet of Divorce! And because Uranus plays a much stronger role both natally and between the charts of these two, I say that it's highly unlikely that Cruise and Holmes will get married; if they do, it won't last, sad to say.

We'll likely hear some developments on this front between Cruise by or before the end of the year, when transit Saturn has crossed Holmes' Asc and Moon, and when it squares Cruise's 7th House Mars; my guess is that it might be signal that things aren't going as well as they are now. Keep in mind that at the same time Holme's is having this heavy Saturn transit to her Asc and Moon, she'll also be having transit Pluto going over her Sun; again, Saturn-Pluto periods are rarely pleasant.

As for Pitt, I think we'll finally see him move into full adult stage, with transit Pluto having done its life-changing job on Brad; he'll get a much more deeper perspective on his life and will want to make a contribution to the larger society (Pluto rules the 12th), both through his celebrity and with his own family. I fully expect there to be announcements of marital plans for him and Jolie by or before the end of the year.

Let's hope that both couples do the right thing, both by their children and themselves, in so doing providing everyone else in society an example of what good people do when they love each and have babies - get married.


Saturn - The TRUE Planet Of Marriage

Saturn - The TRUE Planet Of Marriage

11:34 AM 05/29/2006 Mon

One of my close colleagues, Astrologer Sam Reynolds of New York City, recently asked me by way of email, why I spend so much time talking about such issues as Feminism, Gender, and so on. Although the answer to that question is both simple and obvious - it's because I have a deep and vested interest in preserving the values that have held both American and by extension, Western societies together for centuries, from falling apart as a result of ideologies that, when one takes a dispassionate, objective view of them, are in reality diametrically opposed to said values and norms.

But, as I often do, I like to turn the question around - why is that we, as an astrological community, spend so much time discussing Love/Sex/Relationships? Surely, you don't need me to point out the many, many, astrology books, at all levels of interest, from the rank novice to the diehard pro, on Synastry, the Composite Chart, the Astrology of Sex, Timing Marriage and/or Divorce, even Fertility by way of Astrology. The answer, again, is both simple and obvious - because it is part of the Human Condition to seek out each other, through Love and Companionship; it is an undeniable urge to want to procreate; it is perhaps the strongest psychological need known in the lexicon, to want to have love and security in our lives.

Readers of my humble missives know well, of my previous writings on these and related matters, but it occurs to me that I must continue to make the case for the astrological arguments upholding traditional norms of Marriage - what it is, how it works, why it works, and why it is so vital to Society overall.

Understanding The True Purpose Of Marriage
To properly understand what Marriage is really all about, one must be clear on what the original intent of Marriage was, and it's role in Society. Recently, while looking for something totally unrelated on the internet, I stumbled upon a truly profound series of comments bearing on the purpose of Marriage by one Bob Allen, a blogger who writes, interestingly enough, on cultural issues, of which marriage and and so on are key. I won't re-post his entire commentary here, but I do want to share some central points he made (the full text can be found at

"Marriage has been, for thousands of years, and in virtually every society and culture, the sexual union of a man and woman that creates children and thereby forms a family. The oldest known written laws, the Code of Hamarabi, predates Christianity by a couple of thousand years. It contains a great deal of codified law about marriage and the rights and obligations of the parties involved. In pre-Christian Europe the Celts recognized several kinds of marriage, each one distinct from the others by whom would pay to support the children. In the first kind of marriage both man and woman were rich and equally supported the family. In the second kind only the man was rich and he would support the family. In the 8th or 9th and last kind, the female is a whore and the man has no responsibility for her child at all. Notice that a child of a whore is a "marriage" between her and whatever man happened to father her child. Marriage is the sexual union that produces children and creates family. Even before Celtic or Babylonian cultures marriage existed in prehistoric tribal societies, and still exists in virtually every remaining tribal society today."

"When Europe became Christian and the old pagan laws were replaced by Christian laws, marriage laws were adopted into Christian law. The same is true for virtually all religions. While they each have variations on the theme, they all sanctify and protect the sexual union of male and female and encourage the creation of children families. There have been a few notable exceptions, religions that discouraged marriage and sexual union to create families. The Shakers was one in America, but without children the last Shaker died some years ago. Some religions sanction polygamy and some do not, but in all marriages there is a sexual union between a man and a woman that creates children."

"To understand marriage we need to understand what marriage is and what marriage is not. Marriage is the sexual union of male and female that creates our children and our families. Marriage is NOT a religious rite although all successful religions sanctify and honor marriages with religious ceremonies. Marriage is NOT a collection of legal or tax benefits, although most successful societies encourage the production of the next generation of the society by promoting marriage. Every society that wants to have a future must encourage and promote marriage sufficient to ensure the creation of enough children to continue the society."

"In the middle of the 18th century, feminist lesbians gathering at Seneca Falls, NY, declared that "Marriage oppresses women!" To the feminists lesbians, they need men only to provide sperm, and then, they believe, they can raise the children by themselves. By themselves, of course, means that men must be forced to provide money, food, shelter, and all the necessary things of life, but only as male slaves divorced from families. Single momism, lesbians with laboratory Frankenstein kids, are their vision of a future. For a century and a half feminists have worked hard to obscure the language, lobbied for easy divorce, so-called "child support" laws that enslave men to pay women, and "DV" laws that allow women to turn husbands into criminals whenever her emotions are having a hysterical fit."

"Feminists today are joined by the Gay/Lesbian agenda that jealously wants to be valued even above the "breeders" who have decent families they can never create. The gay agenda has invented the false term "gay marriage" as if somehow marriage is merely a collection of legal "rights." The whole idea of "gay marriage" is a contradiction because marriage is the sexual union that creates children and families, a sexual union which gays openly reject. In order to pretend that gay perversion is as valuable as families, gays have sought to destroy the very meaning of marriage, and at a time when most people are already confused about the meaning of marriage by more than a century of organized feminist anti-marriage attacks."

"So what is Bob's view of "marital rape?" There can be no such thing. The crime of "rape" requires a lack of consent. A wife has sworn her consent before her priest or a judge, before her family and witnesses, signed legal documents attesting to her consent, and filed those legal documents with the state. When she says "I do" to enter into marriage and be a wife, she is accepting her obligation to participate in sexual congress with the husband and to bear the children which result therefrom. From then on it's her legal duty and obligation, freely consented to and accepted. If she no longer consents she must get a legal divorce, which ends her legal consent. So-called "marriage rape" laws deny the very meaning of marriage, and absolve the wife of the meaning of her marriage vows. To even discuss "marital rape" is to accept feminist anti-marriage dogma as background, an acceptance that you won't catch Bob ever doing. Bob does not condone forced marriage, but once she swears her "I do" as wife and sexual partner of her husband, and accepts the benefits of his support and protection, then she has a duty to abide by her sworn "I do." She can not be raped by her husband, because she has consented to sex with him for the duration of their marriage. The state, by acknowledging and accepting the marriage documents, affirms her status as sexual breeding partner of the husband. For the state, or anyone, to come along later and accuse the husband of "rape" or "sexual crime" for his congress with his wife is the worst kind of misandrist abomination."

"To understand why "marital rape" or "gay marriage" are patently false contradictions one only needs to understand the age old meaning and purpose of marriage. Marriage is the sexual union of male and female that creates children and makes families. It is a blessed state that is the future of our society, and we all have a strong vested interested in securing and perpetuating strong healthy families for our next generation."

- Bob Allen,

Now, I am fully aware that there are some who will take strong exception to my selected quotations above, particularly as it relates to the issue of Gay Marriage, as well as that of what some has called Marital Rape. And I'm willing to entertain the dissent. But both are in a sense, besides the point, and that is what Bob Allen is saying. Marriage was formulated not as a collection of tax and civic privileges, not as a means of constant companionship, but as a means of creating and securing the next generation in an orderly, structured fashion.

Why Astrologers Are Wrong About Venus Being The Planet Of Marriage
As noted above in Allen's statements, very little is Venus-inspired; the astrological awareness alive in any astrologer has to inform us that his comments are clearly Saturnian in nature. This brings us to why I say astrologers are fundamentally wrong about notions of Venus or for that matter, it's "higher octave" Neptune, being the planet(s) of Marriage. I will certainly grant that both planets do indeed represent Love, Passion, Romance, Sex, and so on. I would go so far as to say that without the presence of these planets in the interplay between a man and woman's charts, it will be difficult to continue a longterm association like Marriage. But neither represents Marriage, which, as Allen points out, has more to do with obligations and responsibilities, and less to do with feelings, emotions and romanticism.

In her book, "Marriage - A History", Stephanie Coontz takes the reader thru the Ages in terms of Marriage; like many writers of her time and era, she makes the usual arguments against Marriage in traditional terms - that it was done for purely economic considerations, to cement business deals between clans and/or Royal Families, and so on. Of course, women were the sole losers in such an arrangement, and things had to change for the better, in order to give them more options, choices as it were, on the whole ball of wax. She argues, as many feminists do, that "evolution" for its own sake is a good thing, that those old, stodgy standards and rules were for a different time and era. She points to the French's proclamation that a "bastard child" has just as much rights as a child coming from a married family; she mentions the gradual change away from Marriage as Bob Allen has laid out to a more romantic affair, and so on. And she sees all of this, and other massive social changes regarding Marriage, as a good thing. There is no doubt that the transits of Neptune, then Uranus and finally Pluto, thru the Sign Libra, in the modern era, made those shifts in Marriage possible. But the question becomes, are thoe changes good - or even necessary?

For example, while it was true that Royals from differing families did indeed marry for purely political and/financial considerations, and aristocratic families did same, the fact remains that the vast majority of people, anywhere, at any time, will NOT be Royals or aristocrats! So, the notion that Marriage was solely about the economic benefit of men is at best an incomplete, if not an out and out erroneous analysis. Clearly, most people married - we have historical data such as church records and so on to verify this - so Marriage must have played a stronger role than for the political/financial considerations of landed gentry. Moreover, going back to the French example Ms. Coontz cited, simple logic would dictate that if a bastard child was the same in every way to one who came from a couple who was married, then what would be the point of marrying in the first place?

There are reasons why virtually every civilized or otherwise organized society places Marriage in high regard, and it had little if anything to do with the very small number of Royals or aristocrats marital considerations. Nor did it have anything to do with whether people were sufficiently in love or not. It had everything to do with the ensuring of the procreation and rearing of the next generation in an orderly and structured way.


It is for this reason, when we astrologers gaze upon the Planet/Sign combination of Saturn in Libra, that it represents Marriage in true astrological terms. Marriage is a contractural agreement that places obligations on both parties, the man and woman, and as a result of said parties meeting these obligations, society rewards them with a valued place. Saturn is the planet of duty, sacrifice, honor and character, maturity, wisdom, and the rules by which any society must have in order to be successful and effiecient.

It should be also noted that Venus, and definitely Uranus, are planets that have little if any consideration for those other than oneself - in other words, these are more self-centered planets that represent functions and characteristics that have more to do with the self than with others around the self. Saturn, on the other hand, has always been recognized as a planet that has profound implications for all involved (note the classic and still much in use Jupiter-Saturn and Mars-Saturn conjunctions of Mundane Astrology), and in any event, asks us to consider others as well as ourselves.

Today, in Western society, people marry for purely subjective, even selfish reasons, giving little if any thought to the larger implications of their union's impact on the rest of us. But at least they're marrying - far too many don't think Marriage is necessary at all, siring children all along with way, with little regard as to how those children will turn out. It doesn't take a social scientist to see, for a great example, the ravages of the African American community in this regard - we all know that the vast majority of Black American babies are born out of wedlock, with marriage among Blacks at quite possibly all time lows. We know that one of the major reasons why there is a baby dearth in places like Western Europe and Russia, Australia and so on, is because Marriage isn't as highly valued there as it used to be. These and other occurances will have massive social, political and economic implications for those societies in times to come.

Other Reasons Why Saturn Is The True Planet Of Marriage
In recent times, I've come under a good bit of fire from my colleagues, for suggesting that the Planets reflect the sexes here on Earth; more to the point, the bone of contention against me is my assertion that Saturn and its Signs, Capricorn and Aquarius, are all MALE in orientation and scope, and that while on its surface, women would seem to take it on the chin in Marriage (this is the argument that feminists advance - Libra), the reality, surely a Saturnian word, is that Marriage is a huge obligation on men and by extension, a huge benefit for Society overall.

Who can argue the fact that, as a rule, married men are more productive, than single men? It's almost always a given that married men are more employed than single men, and it's universally recognized that married men tend to get jobs over single men, for a variety of reasons. One of them lies in the fact that it is usually a good investment to hire a man with a wife and kids than a man who has neither, or worse, a number of unattached women and kids. As a rule, criminals tend to be men who are not married - and I'm talking about drug dealers, murderers, rapists, terrorists, and so on. Saturn represents both time and focus, and men being married, after having had their first Saturn Return, tends to be more focused than men who don't. Of course, there are exceptions, there always have been, there always wll be. But for the most part, what I said is true, and anyone reading this who has actually lived in the real world, know what I'm saying is so.

Marriage, like other social and cultural norms and laws, socialize males into being productive, law-abiding people, and as a result, makes a Society an organized, efficient, successful place in which to live and thrive. Take a look at any place where most of the men are not married, and I can promise you it's a place that is in disorder, chaos and confusion.

On Sex, Marriage & Saturn
As mentioned earlier, Marriage is about producing children and raising them in the proper environments for the benefit of Society. Of course, that which hangs in the backdrop of all of this, is sex - and women, who tend to be more involved in astrology these days moreso than men, need to clearly understand that men are far and away more interested in sex than are women. This simple yet profound fact of life is easily confirmed in the fact that men are much more interested in pornography than are women, that even among the lesbian and gay communities, gay men focus on sex moreso than do lesbian women. Earlier, Bob Allen mentions that the Marriage ceremony implicitly states that the wife will meet her husband's sexual needs. This point is one that is a huge sticking point for feminist-inspired women these days, who think that such a feature of the union should be abolished. They argue that for a married man to expect sex from his wife on a regular basis is not only in bad taste, it is criminal, because he cannot in anyway coerce of cojole her into this. They say that it is men who should be more attuned to their wives feelings and emotions, that sex shouldn't be something that's on schedule, but rather, something that should happen naturally in the course of events. Of course, no man has the right to use abusive language towards his wife, or worse, violence. And of course, it should go without saying that a married man should as much as possible, be kind and loving towards his wife. But I must say, with all due respect to the ladies who advance such views, they neither know Astrology or men, very much, at all.

Astrological study has shown clearly, that the Sexual Planets are Venus, Mars and Pluto, in the main; Uranus is also a Sexual Planet for men, not so for women. Additionally, Sexual Aspects have more of an effect on men than do women, and that while roughly 2/3 of all men have at least one Sexual Aspect in their charts, only about 1/3 of all women have same. This fact goes a long way towards understanding some basic things about the Human Condition - for example, why there are relatively few whores among the female population over the centuries. Or why so many women just simply do not understand what motivates and drives men.

Of the Sexual Planets mentioned, the only one that also has an association with empathy, emotions and so on, is Venus. It is also worth noting that Venus is a Female Planet. ALL the remaining Sexual Planets are Male. Again, it all makes perfect sense, once you think about it.

All men know well their sexual nature, and how much of it they have to reign in on a daily basis. This fact simply never occurs to most women, for the simple reason that most of them don't have Sexual Aspects in their charts. Mars, Pluto and Uranus represent Sex in its most raw forms. Venus, on the other hand, both represents sex, and love. This is why men who have say, a strong Mars-Pluto aspect in their charts, should ideally be paired with a woman who has at least a Venus-Mars aspect in her chart, because such a man has such a driving sexual impulse and capacity that no woman without a sexual aspect will be able to satisfy him. And of course, it will lead to considerable problems later on down the road in that couple's marriage.

Saturn represents the necessary controls in Life we all must contend with in order to be at our best. In Marriage, the man's sexual nature is controlled in such a way that it is not destructive to Society in general overall, and chanelled into a structured, orderly relationship where it has the best results for all. For example, a married man who is faithful to his wife will greatly reduce the chances of more illegitimate children being born; it lowers the incidence of STDs spreading from person to person; it preserves and love, respect and trust that is central to both parties to keep the marriage going (and these things are especially true for most women) and it frees that man up to do other things both for his family's benefit and for the benefit of Society. Again, as mentioned earlier, a society of sexually unrestrained, unmarried men on the loose is not a good thing. This is one of the reasons why the Military, throughout the ages, have saw to it that the soldiers had some outlet for their sexual urges (of course, the many instances of rape and so on, are unacceptable then or now) in the form of whorehouses and the like in close proximity to the base or camp, and so on.

Therefore, it is necessary for the majority of women without Sexual Aspects present in their astrology to understand that their man desiring them in a sexual manner is actually a good thing, and she should, within reason of course, accomodate him. And the man must approach his wife with reverance, love and respect in getting his sexual needs met. Of course, this may be at times when the woman may not feel like it, etc., but unless physical/medical reasons are evident this should not prevent sexual needs being met. As long as love and respect are kept in mind on both parties' ends, a married man does indeed have a reasonable expectation to sex on a regular basis, and it would be wise for women to learn of her man's sexual inclinations, likes and dislikes in this regard.

A final note on Sex, Marriage and Saturn while I'm here - as said before, Saturn represents maturity, and perhaps the most important area of Life where maturity is called for, is in the area of Human Sexuality. Far too many men are sexually involved but are sexually immature, not being open and honest with the women in their lives. Such a thing can only lead to disasterous results, and often does. A man that is unwilling or unable to openly and honestly, in a respectful, loving way, communicate his sexual needs and urges to the woman in his life, is not a man at all, but in fact an animal - selfish, brutish, and truly meanspirited.

A Note On Saturn, Synastry & Astrologers
Very often, when one is reading an astrology book devoted to love and romance, even sex, and/or participate in the many astrology forums online, one will see much devoted to synastric analyses concerning Venus and Mars, or the Sun and Moon, accross the charts, and so on. Very little, if anything, is mentioned about the importance of Saturn in synastric applications, and I suspect part of this is because so many astrologers in the modern era, despite assertions to the contrary, are still conditioned to think of Saturn in the most negative terms when it comes to synastry; and another reason is because many astrologers simply follow along with the conventional wisdom that Marriage is old hat. Yet, one when studys the charts of long-term married couples, they will invariably find that they either have important cross aspects involving Saturn, and/or, both the husband and wife have strong Saturnian aspects in their individual charts. It is very hard to find examples of longtime married people who don't have Saturn's stamp.

Furthermore: I've always told lady clients over the years, that if they are looking for a husband, they should only consider men who've at least had their 1st Saturn Return, the time when Saturn by transit returns to its natal place in the chart. This is because a man truly becomes a man at this time, having made the transition from boyhood, and is more clear about himself and where he wants to be and have in his life. Responsibility is seen as a good thing, not a burden fraught with troubles and unpleasantries. For Marriage is a huge responsibility, especially for men, despite declarations from feminist cultural elites to the contrary.

Final Notes On Saturn & Marriage
Going back to the very beginning of this essay, my friend and colleague Astrologer Sam Reynolds asked me why I was so focused on feminism, the culture, gender and so on. It's because I have seen, in my own lifetime - and keep in mind, I'm only 37 years old - the drastic changes that have happened and continue to happen to the American social and cultural landscape. For every "victory" that is touted in the breaking down of barriers that obstensibily harmed in the main, women, I can point to a huge price that had to be paid for said "victory" - and often, in my view, the price was too high. What so many of my astro-feminist colleagues need to understand, is that with every action, idea or philosophy, comes consequnces - often ones that were completely unintended. Of all the Outer Planets, Uranus most represents this principle. Uranus also represents the ideas of independence, which works against the notions of Marriage and Saturn, of a "do my own thing" vibe no matter what the cost. Although the shifts in Marriage might have been inititated and/or intensified by Women's groups, today it's not only women who might be putting off marriage - in fact, my own direct experience with female clients suggests that they want to marry very much - it is more and more the MEN who are resisting Marriage! And this is the feedback-result of the aforementioned movements, who put accross the subtle yet powerful message that there is no benefit for men in Marriage. We astrologers must keep in mind that while Venus and Neptune represents how Life shoud be (Idealism) and Uranus represents ideas and concepts of Life could be, Saturn represents Life as it actually is (Reality). People by and large don't do things without at least some consideration of what they stand to gain from it, and the constant erosion of Marriage over the past few decades in particular is no exception. In the past, Saturn asked men to give up a great deal of things, but they also gained much as well. Today, it is harder to make that case. Women have gained, so have children (or so we think) but men definitely have lost. Saturn represents sacrifice, and Marriage represents the giving up of things for both men and women for a higer purpose. If Marriage is ever to regain the respect it once held, it will have to show that it has important benefits for men in general, as well.

Our Society, depends on it.
